The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Parker Prospect #1 @9964
Fri Mar 09 13:04:50 1990
For those who do not sit by their computers all the time, and do not make
much use of the auto-validation keys (Alt F1-F10), this mod is for you.
Whenever I validate a user, I hit Ctrl-A (WWIV macro), and that types in
the new SL, DSL, and zeroes all the restrictions. Well, one day I needed
that macro for some redundant work, so I decided so go ahead and write
this mod, and make my Ctrl-A macro a scrap macro (work macro). Here is the
mod made to uedit. Make sure you update your menus to reflect the changes.
- PP Feb 8, 1990
MODIFICATION NOTE: If you wish to set certain ARs and DARs, Lord Elric has
a neat little pseudo-mod that will work wonders for you (I believe it is
Elric #4). I have commented out the place where you would set the AR and
DAR, but you may un-comment it and use it as needed.
************** Legend **************
* %% Delete Line *
* -- Search for Line, DON'T CHANGE *
* ++ Add Line *
* -+ Modify Line *
First Step... Change the following code in void uedit in SYSOPF.C.
-- print_short(un,&u);
-- nl();
-- prt(2,"Uedit : ");
-- if ((realsl==255) || (wfc))
-+ ch=onek("Q[]{}/,.?UDRNLCPOGMSTEYZAI~:@$%*!"); /* add ! at end */
-- else
-- ch=onek("Q[]{}/,.?UDRNLCPOGMSTEYZAI@$%");
-- switch(ch) {
-- case 'Q':
-- done=1;
Second Step... Add the following code in void uedit in SYSOPF.C.
-- case '?':
-- printmenu(6);
-- getkey();
-- break;
++ case '!':
++ u.sl = 60; /* change this to your normal user SL */
++ u.dsl = 60; /* change this to your normal user DSL */
++ u.restrict = 0; /* this zaps all restrictions */
/********************* SEE "MODIFICATION NOTE" FOR DETAILS ************
++ u.ar = (AR_C | AR_P);
++ u.dar = (AR_A | AR_B);
++ write_user(un,&u);
++ break;
-- case 'D':
-- if (((u.inact & inact_deleted)==0) && (thisuser.sl>u.sl)) {
-- prt(5,"Delete? ");
-- if (yn()) {
-- deluser(un);
-- read_user(un,&u);
-- }
-- }
-- break;
Final Step
Compile the BBS... and look for more mods by Parker Prospect!
I, Jeff Garzik, claim no liability for this mod, or for any damage that
may have resulted from the use of this mod. I also attach no
warranty, expressed OR implied, to this product.