The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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92 lines
The Painter #1 @2358
Tuesday, February 5,1991 4:10 PM <PST>
-*-Originating from The Spokane Hints. Our Number is: 509-244-2872-*-
A few days ago, one of my friends (yes I have a couple of them) asked
me to figure out a way to that would allow the users name to be
displayed on the screen when they are chatting with the sysop. I have
done that. This mod is very simple and is only a two line addition to
your conio.c file. I dedicate this mod to Debbie Leighter, who inspired
it. Thanks Deb!
First thing, load up conio.c and hit control QF. Search for strcpy
(s,"Two Way Chat ");. When you find this (make sure it is the correct
one cuz there are two of them in this file, look directly below it and
see if the next line is cnt=((thisuser.screenchars-strenlen(s))/2);. If it
is, then you can continue. The mod looks like this when it is done. I
will use the following codes for changing the mod:
+ new line
- delete line
= existing line
= outstr("\x1b[12;1H");
= ansic(3);
= for(cnt=0;cnt<thisuser.screenchars;cnt++)
= outchr(205);
- strcpy(s," Two Way Chat "); (remember DELETE THIS LINE!)
+ strcpy(s,syscfg.sysopname);
+ strcat(s," chatting with ");
+ strcat(s,thisuser.name);
= cnt=((thisuser.screenchars-strlen(s))/2);
= sprintf(s1,"\x1b[12;%dH",cnt);
Well, here goes with my first published mod. As with most first mods, mine
is built on another's work; I thank Scott Lockwood (1@5906) for publishing
his CHATNAME.MOD. I call mine the CHATKNOW.MOD.
Scott's mod put up the message "so & so chatting with so & so" on the line
across the middle of the screen in a two-way chat. But it disappeared after
the first screen scroll. This mod keeps the infomation up on the line
during two-way chats and tells who's chatting with who and gives the
amount of time the user has left on the board. The time is updated every
time the screen scrolls. It is compatible with The PC Guru's Sysop Chat
Selection mod.
Search for: strcpy(temp1,"Two Way Chat ");
Followed by: cnt=((thisuser.screenchars-strenlen(temp1))/2);
If it is, then you can continue. The mod looks like this when it is done.
Use the standard codes: + new line - delete line = existing line
= outstr("\x1b[12;1H");
= ansic(3);
= for(cnt=0;cnt<=thisuser.screenchars;cnt++)
= s2[cnt]=205;
- strcpy(temp1," Two Way Chat "); (remember DELETE THIS LINE!)
+ strcpy(temp1," ");
+ strcat(temp1,syscfg.sysopname);
+ strcat(temp1," chatting with ");
+ strcat(temp1,thisuser.name);
+ strcat(temp1," ");
+ strcat(temp1,ctim(nsl()));
+ strcat(temp1," ");
= cnt=((thisuser.screenchars-strlen(temp1))/2);
Now search for: strcpy(s,"Two Way Chat ");
Followed by: cnt=((thisuser.screenchars-strenlen(s))/2);
= outstr("\x1b[12;1H");
= ansic(3);
= for(cnt=0;cnt<=thisuser.screenchars;cnt++)
= outchr=205;
- strcpy(temp1," Two Way Chat "); *** remember DELETE THIS LINE! ***
+ ansic(1) *** use to change color ***
+ strcpy(s," ");
+ strcat(s,syscfg.sysopname);
+ strcat(s," chatting with ");
+ strcat(s,thisuser.name);
+ strcat(s," ");
+ strcat(s,ctim(nsl()));
+ strcat(s," ");
+ ansic(3) *** use to change color ***
= cnt=((thisuser.screenchars-strlen(s))/2);
That's it. And, if I can do it, anyone can!! If you find this mod of any
value, let me and Scott know.
Thanks for the file to build on Scott!!