The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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121 lines
Bruce Guthrie #28 @2900
Fri Apr 27 20:37:42 1990
* User Name in Sub Title Scan *
BRUCE01.MOD Version 2
by Bruce Guthrie #28
Maxie's Toy BBS - @2900 - Modesto, CA
You know how the "email waiting" list normally just shows the names
that the email is from? Well, a mod came across the net recently, by Jeff
Garzik, that added the title of the email to that display:
You have mail from:
1. Billy Richards #81 "Sure thing, so you are going to be th"
2. Sharon Frey #162 "Ha!"
3. Philip Latenser #210 "Docs..."
4. User 1 @4550 "net"
I then changed that mod a bit, mostly so it would work with the color
title mod, and then moved it to the sub title scan. Previously, when scanning
the messages in a sub, it would only show the titles. Now it also shows the
name of the person who wrote the message:
(122) User 9 @3300 "I have watched this conversation on p"
(123) Raij #129 "They do.."
(124) User 46 @2901 "So"
* (125) User 99 @3300 "Hazel"
* (126) User 66 @3300 "Here's an interesting thought......"
* (127) Hazel #93 "As I've said"
Pretty simple mod. All in MSGBASE1.C, in "void scan".
Step One: (Add two variables)
= void scan(int msgnum, int optype, int *nextsub)
= {
= char s[81],s1[81],s2[81],*b,*ss1;
= int i,i1,i2,done,quit,abort,next,val,realexpress;
= slrec ss;
+ userrec u; /* Add this */
+ unsigned short usr; /* Add this */
= long l,len;
= postrec p,p1;
Step Two: (Replace the entire case)
+ case 1: /* List Titles */
+ i=0;
+ abort=0;
+ if (msgnum>=nummsgs)
+ abort=1;
+ ansic(0);
+ ss=syscfg.sl[thisuser.sl];
+ while ((!abort) && (!hangup) && (++i<=10)) {
+ ++msgnum;
+ if (msgs[msgnum].qscan>thisuser.qscnptr[curlsub])
+ strcpy(s,"* ");
+ else
+ strcpy(s," ");
+ if (msgnum<100)
+ strcat(s," ");
+ if (msgnum<10)
+ strcat(s," ");
+ itoa(msgnum,s2,10);
+ usr=msgs[msgnum].owneruser;
+ if ((msgs[msgnum].ownersys==0) && (usr==usernum))
+ sprintf(s1,"%s[%s] ",s,s2);
+ else
+ sprintf(s1,"%s(%s) ",s,s2);
+ outstr(s1);
+ if ((msgs[msgnum].anony & anony_sender) && ((ss.ability & ability_read_post_anony)==0))
+ sprintf(s,">UNKNOWN<");
+ else
+ if (msgs[msgnum].ownersys==0) {
+ read_user(usr,&u);
+ sprintf(s,"%s",nam(&u,usr));
+ } else
+ sprintf(s,"User %u @%u",usr,msgs[msgnum].ownersys);
+ outstr(s);
+ i1=41-strlen(s)-strlen(s1);
+ for (i2=1; i2<i1; i2++)
+ outstr(" ");
* sprintf(s,"\3%c\"%s\3%c\"",'0',msgs[msgnum].title,'0');
* if (strlen(s)>42) {
* if (s[39]==3)
* s[39]=32;
* s[40]=3;
* s[41]=48;
* s[42]=34;
* s[43]=0;
* }
+ pla(s,&abort);
+ if (msgnum>=nummsgs)
+ abort=1;
+ }
+ optype=0;
+ break;
Note: The lines marked with "*" only apply if you're using the Color Title
mod. If you aren't, use the following lines instead:
* sprintf(s,"\"%s\"",msgs[msgnum].title);
* if (strlen(s)>39) {
* s[39]=34;
* s[40]=0;
* }
2=3*2=3 Maxie's Toy 2=3*2=3 Modesto, CA 2=3*2=0