The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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529 lines
WWIVEdit 2.2
By Adam Caldwell
The Emporer #1@16401 (Link), @6470 (Net)
WWIVEdit is a full screen editor designed for WWIV 4.xx BBS
systems. WWIVEdit has many of the bells and whistles of a regular
word processor, plus it supports some WWIV specific things, such as
Colors, a Two-Way chat mode, and Macros. WWIVEdit is fairly
"intelligent"; it can usually figure out where a message is going, and
will print an appropriate header when it can.
WWIVEdit is quite easy to install. First, Unzip/move all of the
files into a directory. It is recommended that you create a directory
off of you BBS directory called WWIVEDIT. The following files are
required for proper operation:
The following files are "optional" They activate certain features of
the editor. Each of these files is described in detail later on. They
The following files are created after the first run of WWIVEdit:
Next, run the INIT program that comes with WWIV 4.xx and select
option "8. External editors (full screen)". Then select "I:nsert".
You now have to figure out what you need for the command lines.
There are a number of options available. Almost all of these are
support for various modifications that people have installed in their
WWIV source code.
The following options are available:
/T - Disable user Tag lines
/A - Disable BBS Tag lines
/L - Local mode (should always be put on local command line)
/MONO - If you are using a monochrome CARD. Not necessarily a
monochrome monitor.
/C - Turn off color range checking - Not recommended
/C:Range-Specify specific color range (see example below)
/MCI - Makes sure that MCI commands are not interpreted as
/D:### - Set minimum SL for adding a word to the dictionary
(defaults to 30)
/K - Needed for XT's and some older AT's. If you can't get
the BBS macros to work using ^A, ^D, or ^F, add this
/ANSI - forces ANSI output instead of WWIV Output
/NOCOLOR - force No Color to be displayed.
These parameters can be placed in any order, so long as the first
four parameters are the standard "%1 %2 %3 %4"
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Example REMOTE command lines:
Recommended (assuming STOCK WWIV and directory called WWIVEdit):
WWIVEDIT\WWIVEDIT %1 %2 %3 %4 /D:80
If you don't want/like User Taglines:
WWIVEDIT\WWIVEDIT %1 %2 %3 %4 /D:80 /T
If you (sysop) have a monochrome card & Monitor:
Example LOCAL command lines:
Recommended (if you unziped into a directory called WWIVEdit):
If you have Monochrome card & Monitor:
If you have installed the 8MORECLR mod:
WWIVEDIT\WWIVEDIT %1 %2 %3 %4 /L /C:0-9,A-F,a-f
That's all you need for the standard configuration (although, see
Logon Event below).
If you have made any of the following changes to you BBS, you must
install the EDITINFO.MOD otherwise garbage will appear on your screen.
1) Modified your read/main menu prompt.
2) Modified any of the following "phrases", or changed the spacing of
them in the BBS:
"Title", "E-mail", "Post", "Multi-Mail", "Filename?"
3) You have added an option that allows a new user to select a full
screen editor before the "validation feedback"
4) You do not have and do not want to create a Logon Event
Even if none of these applies to you and you have the WWIV Source code,
you are still encouraged to install EDITINFO.MOD.
For tag lines to properly function, you must always have an up-to-
date CHAIN.TXT file (or install EDITINFO.MOD). This file is updated
when a user logs on only if you have a logon event, so you need to
create one if you do not yet have one.
If you don't have one, or you are not sure, do the following:
1. Run INIT.EXE which came with WWIV.
2. Select Option #6 (External Programs)
3. Move down to Logon Event
4. If there is nothing there, enter LOGON.BAT %1. If there is
something already there, then you are all done. Otherwise see #5
5. Press ESC a few times to exit INIT.EXE, and then create a file
called LOGON.BAT. It need not contain anything, just create it.
A simple way to do this is to type
@Echo Welcome to <Insert BBS name here> [Enter]
press Control-Z and then [Enter]
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EDITINFO.MOD is a modification that I wrote so that WWIVEdit can
more effectively communicate with the BBS. EDITINFO.MOD communicates
with the BBS through two different files. The first file is called
EDITOR.INF. The BBS creates this file before invoking the editor.
This file contains information about the messages's destination, title,
and information about its author.
The second file is created by WWIVEdit. This file contain the
"Anonymous" state of the message just saved, and its title.
Enhancements enabled by this modification:
/TI : Title Change
/ESN : Non-Anonymous save without that annoying Anonymous? prompt
/ESY : Anonymous save without prompt
"Title:" and "Dest:" will always be correct
Fixes problems that appear under special situations (//CHUSER)
Slows down loading very slightly (for all full screen editors)
Requires that you have the BBS source code
MS-DOS 5.0
If you are running MS-DOS 5.0 and Wayne Bell's DOS 5.0 fix for WWIV
4.12, you need to do some additional work. Go into COM.C and search
for ni_stack[100]. Change it to ni_stack[200]. Next, search for
&ni_stack[98] and change it to &ni_stack[198]. Repeat these in
EXTRN.C, and that should fix everything (including problems with other
(Much of the information that follows is duplicated in the help file,
and is shown here, only for completeness/printing)
User Macros are once again External to WWIVEdit. To define a macro,
you must go into the defaults section of the BBS and select "Update
Macros". From there you will choose Make, and then select either the
Control-A, Control-D, or Control-F macro. If user macros are not
working correctly, add the /K parameter to the command lines.
Some sysops commented to me that they would like ALT-1 thru ALT-0
macros. I took this to the extreme and allowed not only those, but
also Alt-F1 thru Alt-F10, Ctrl-F1 thru Ctrl-F10, Shift-F1 thru Shift-
F10, and the "unused" keys in the ranges Alt-A thru Alt-Z and F1 thru
F10. So... If anyone needs more than 10 macros, they can have them.
Each macro is limited to approximately 1000 characters. If anyone
requires more than this for a single macro, just say so, and I will
increase it for you. If you edit the macro file with WWIVEdit, you are
limited to somewhere around 3000 lines of macros, depended on your
setup. If you are editing the file from within the BBS, this limit
drops to 1000 or so lines.
Local macros are stored in a file called MACROS.LCL which is a
text file that can be edited with WWIVEdit. An example file is
provided with the editor.
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To specify a macro in it, you have to first figure out what the
"name" of it is. The following naming conventions are used:
"A" thru "Z" relate to Alt-A thru Alt-Z
"1" thru "0" relate to Alt-1 thru Alt-0
"F1" thru "F0" relate to F1 thru F10
"$F1" thru "$F0" relate to Shift-F1 thru Shift-F10
"^F1" thru "^F0" relate to Control-F1 thru Control-F10
"!F1" thru "!F0" relate to Alt-F1 thru Alt-F10
To specify a macro, you need to use the following layout:
Macro Text Line 1
Macro Text Line 2
Macro Text Line N
The Tilde (~) has special meaning when it appears at the beginning
or end of a line. When it appears at the beginning of a line, it
serves as a place holder and is ignored when the macro is executed.
This is very helpful if you want your macro to end with a "slash"
command. For example, say you wanted to make an F2 macro that saved
your message. If you simply Typed
"F2: [ENTER] /ES [ENTER]", it would save the Macros file (assuming you
are using WWIVEdit to edit the macros file). On the other hand, this
macro would do what you want:
When a tilde appears at the end of a line, it means that no carriage
return should be sent during macro execution. This is useful if you
don't want a new line to be started after the macro is done executing.
Extending the above macro's second line to ~/ES~ would make it so that
you would have to hit ENTER after pressing F2 to save the file, in case
you accidently hit F2.
Or, perhaps you hate to type out the name of a particular board because
it is so long (for example, The First Galactic Empire (16401 Link, 6470
Net)), if you want this to be a macro that is executed when the ALT-B
key is pressed, you would put in the macro file:
The First Galactic Empire (16401 Link, 6470 Net)~
Also, there is no reason why you can't have colors or even use the ^N
keys (assuming that you are editing MACROS.LCL with WWIVEdit). You can
even insert control characters, such as ESC by first hitting ^Q, and
then hitting ESC....
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WWIVEdit supports a two-way color chat that looks very similar to
the Two-Way chat mode in WWIV 4.xx. You can enter chat mode by
pressing both shift keys at the same time, or pressing F10 (on the
local keyboard only of course). The chat mode is so similar to the BBS
chat mode that most of my users didn't notice the difference until I
pointed it out to them.
There is only one known problem with the Two-Way chat mode in
WWIVEdit. If the user should happen to hang up/get disconnected while
in chat mode, the BBS will lock-up the next time a key is pressed on
the keyboard. This shouldn't be a problem because the only way to get
into chat mode is for the sysop to be there, and if the user hangs up
in chat mode, the sysop will be there to reset the BBS (and computer).
There will be no ill effects if the user should hang up during normal
message entering because all keyboard I/O is done through normal BBS
WWIVEdit supports two kinds of tag lines. Personal Tag Lines, and
BBS Tag Lines. Both are optional. Personal Tag Lines are defined by
the user, and are appended to every message that the user posts unless
he saves it with /SY or /ESY. These are fairly self explanatory to the
user. The only thing that the sysop needs to know is that, at his
option, NO USER can have tag lines. To invoke this power, add /T to
the REMOTE command line.
BBS Tag lines are definable by the Sysop. To create BBS Tag
Line(s), create a file called BBS*.TAG. The * can be anything you
want, and you can create as many of these files as you want. If more
than one of them exists, WWIVEdit will select one at Random and append
it to the message. If at some time you wish to disable these tag lines
without deleting the files, you can add /A to the command line, and
they will be ignored until you remove the /A switch.
A new feature in WWIVEdit 2.2 is the ability to disable Tag Lines
on selected message bases. Edit the file in your WWIVEDIT directory
called NOTAG. The default file that comes with WWIVEdit contains only
the symbol #. What this does is disable Tag Lines on Non-Networked
personal E-Mail. Here is how NOTAG works.
WWIVEdit will check each line in the NOTAG file to see if it is a
"substring" of the DEST: line. Whenever personal E-Mail is sent on a
system the Dest: line will appear as "User Name #10" or whatever. In
this case, the "#" in the NOTAG file matches the "#" in the "#10".
You are not limited to symbols though. You can just as easily
type in a full message base name (these are CASE SENSITIVE). For
Example, if you have a word association base and you don't want
Tag lines in it, your NOTAG file would look like this:
Word Association
If you have not installed the EDITINFO.MOD, then at times, the
DEST: line will be non-descript. When WWIVEdit can't tell where a
message is going, it will simply say "Message Base". You can add this
line to your NOTAG file if you are subscribed to a Sub that doesn't
allow Tag Lines because if you don't, when someone uses "W" or "P" to
post a message, its going to get a tag line attached to it.
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The following is a list of files created/used by WWIVEdit 2.2:
Filename Description
------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
WWIVEDIT.EXE The Main Executable. The location of this file defines
the "Home" directory of WWIVEdit
WWIVEDIT.OVR The Overlays for WWIVEdit.
WWIVEDIT.KEY Used to translate scan codes to macro names.
MACROS .LCL The Local Macros File.
TAGLINES.CMN The Taglines File. This file may also contain other
information in this and future versions.
BBS* .TAG There can be as many of these files as you want
(including 0). One of these is appended to the end of
each message posted with WWIVEdit (at random if there is
more than one)
WWIVEDIT.DIV If this file exists, it is put between body of the
message and the user's tag line (if any). This file may
be at most one line long. If this file does not exist,
WWIVEdit will use its default of "-----".
NOTAG If this file exists, then it is used to discriminate when
tag lines are allowed, and when they aren't. (See
Tag lines above)
WWIVEdit is a name that I arbitrarily choose in the process of writing
this program. If there is any other editor out there that uses this
name, it is unknown to me. WWIVEdit is the product of the work of Adam
Caldwell. All routines used in this program were either written by
Adam Caldwell, or directly modified to suit the purposes of this
The Author of this program is not responsible for any damages,
frustrations, or other things that may result from the use of this
program, nor does he guarantee that it will work on any system but his
own. This program is provided As-Is. The Author will make
modifications specifically requested by people who donate money, and
may even do it for people who have not donated money, however, the
Author does not guarantee this.
WWIVEdit is distributed on a BegWare basis (I beg you to send me
money!). If you find this program useful, PLEASE send me some money.
If you send me $10 or more and create an account for me on your BBS (or
your BBS is Snarfable), the newest version (or next version) will be
uploaded to your BBS for free, provided you follow the directions given
1) Create an account with the name "THE EMPORER" (must be spelled
EXACTLY like that), with a password of your choice, and a phone
number ending in "2041" (or state that the BBS is Snarfable).
2) Send me the BBS's phone number... Otherwise, I don't know who
to call!
This program may be freely distributed, so long as no fee is
charged for it. All future version of this program will be distributed
in a BegWare fashion. My BBS phone number is (614) 593-7836. I don't
gaurantee that it will always be in service, but barring unforeseen
hardships, it will be in service until June 1993.
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The Author can be contacted at:
Adam Caldwell (Preferred till June 1993)
114 Grosvenor St
Athens, Ohio 45701
Adam Caldwell
16952 Nash Rd
Middlefield, Oh 44062
If you have internet/bitnet access, you can E-Mail me at any of the
And finally, via WWIV Net/Link
1 @16401 Link The First Galactic Empire (Link)
1 @6470 Net The First Galactic Empire (Net)
718 @5252 Net The Dragon's Den (Net)
Thank you for trying WWIVEdit!
The Emporer
Sysop of "The First Galactic Empire"
Tel: (614) 593-7836 (BBS)
(614) 594-3051 (Voice)
The Duelist - For Beta Testing my editor, getting me involved in WWIV,
and helping me set up my board so long ago...
Jim Wire - For all the trouble I had to go through... Its worth it if
it saves that much effort for someone else...
Niloc - For his suggestions and beta testing of the editor on my
Thanks also go to:
Parapuke, Filo, 8 Ball, Trojan, Ken, Trader Jack, Aahz, Lance Halle,
Raistlin, Blondie & The Warden, Phantom, Joe Hallahan, Gene Wells, The
Emperor (Robert Rookhuyzen) and anyone everone who sent me suggestions
and bug reports.
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Version 2.2
- Added a spell checker (/CHECK)
- Major re-arangement of source code
- Changed colors on some things
- Added source code modification EDITINFO.MOD which created a file
called EDITOR.INF that enables /ESN, /ESY, /TI, and makes it so that
the title and destination line always appear correct.
- More bug fixes (like the down arrow if the column number was greater
than the max-available lines)
- Return to BBS's macros, this time in a safe manner.
- Again made major improvements in the help section. Much of the
documentation for WWIVEdit is now in the Help file.
- MAJOR change in the internal algorithms
- WWIV soft carriage returns... Messages posted with WWIVEdit now can
be reformatted correctly by the BBS for 40 column losers.
- Support for some unusual/non standard setups
- Visual display of Insert state
- Fixed problem that only occured with Desqview and possibly MS-DOS 5.0
Version 2.1
- removed WEPATCH.EXE
- made macros internal to the editor (they are now store in a file
called MACROS.CMN)
- Added virtually unlimited local macros
- Added Time-Out. The editor will now abort after 3 minutes of
- Added WWIV "slash" commands (/ES, /ABT, /C:, /HELP, /CLR, /RL)
- Added a visual reference of the current color (later removed because
of BBS restrictions)
- Fixed a bug that caused problems if there was too much memory
available (only occurred when it was run from DOS without BBS active)
- Big improvement on help section (entirely new format)
- Fixed a bunch of small bugs
- Implemented /ESN and /ESY for people who have the WWIV source code
- Added Tag Lines for both users and the BBS
Version 2.0
- removed WECONFIG.EXE and added WEPATCH.EXE
- made macros be supported by bbs instead of reading them from the
USER.LST file by adding WEPATCH.EXE
- added ALT-I (insert file)
- added ALT-A (abort post)
- added Net E-Mail recognition
- changed a timing constant to better facilitate LD connections where
the turn around time is larger
- made the tab stops be 5 instead of 8
- added a toggle for insert mode
<Previous revisions Deleted>
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