The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Text File
580 lines
For information on how to contact the author, request help on General.
For a description on the layout of this file, Look after the EOF
Help on Help
Default Keys
Tag Lines
Block Commands
Extended Commands
Slash Commands
Technical Stuff
Spell Checker
Local Keys
Local Macros
Inserting Files
BBS Tag Lines
Chat Mode
Sysop Information
Special Setups
Welcome to the Help system of 2WWIV5Edit0! This is a interactive help system
based on the idea "Help should be easy to use and informative at the same
time." All you need to do is use your Arrow keys to move around the shown
topics, and press 1Enter0 over the topic you want to learn about. To exit help,
you simply press 1ESC0 or 1Q0, and it will exit.
If your arrow keys do not work properly (not at all that is), then you can use
the following keys instead of the arrow keys (unless your sysop has modified
1Control-2U 3: 0Up Arrow
1Control-2J 3: 0Down Arrow
1Control-2G3 :0 Left Arrow
1Control-2Z3 : 0Right Arrow
The settings file 1DEFAULT0 Maps the following keys:
2^A0 : Control-A Macro 2^N0 : Non-Destructive backspace
^B : Page Down 2^O0 : Help!
^C : Center Line 2^P0 : WWIV Color
2^D0 : Control-D Macro ^Q : Extended Command 2
^E : Word Right (moves cursor) ^R : Redisplay Everything
2^F0 : Control-F Macro ^S : Word Left (moves cursor)
^G : Move cursor left ^T : Page Up
2^H0 : Backspace ^U : Move cursor up on line
2^I0 : Tab ^V : Toggle Insert Mode
^J : Move cursor down 2^W0 : Delete word to left of cursor
^K : Extended Command 1 2^X0 : Delete from cursor to start of line
^L : Insert a blank line ^Y : Delete line cursor is on
2^M0 : Enter Key ^Z : Move Cursor Right
^] : Toggle between different Top Screens
Note: 1^R0 means press and hold the 1Control0 key, and then press 1R0.
Highlighted keys work, work in either the same, or almost the same way that
they do in the WWIV Line editor.
2WWIV5Edit 0will also properly translate the arrow keys if they are mapped as
ESC[D=Left ESC[C=Right
ESC[K=End ESC[B=Down
ESC[r=Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode ESC[s=Del Char
The 1DEFAULT0 mapping also supports Doorway mode on most keys (such as the arrows
and insert/delete).
To insert a WWIV color into text, simply press 1^P0 followed by a character
signifying the color.
The following table shows the legal colors:
The Entry 11(49 )0 is interpreted in the following way:
1 is the color character.
49 is the ASCII value of that character (for characters that don't have
printable characters).
Macros are once again External to 2WWIV5Edit0. To define a macro, you must go
into the defaults section of the BBS and select "Update Macros". From there
you will choose 1M0ake, and then select either the Control-A, Control-D, or
Control-F macro.
You may enter special characters into your macros, such as those that change
colors. For example, to change colors in your macro, you will hit Control-P,
followed by a number between 0 and 7. On the screen, it will appear as ^P#.
2WWIV5Edit0 provides many ways of exiting. The easiest and most familiar way to
WWIV users is /ES (or /S) on a blank line. This exits the editor and saves
what you have typed. The WWIV command of /ABT also works if you want to abort
what you have typed.
If you sysop has installed a modification to the WWIV source code, you can also
use /ESN and /ESY to save (Non/) Annonymously.
[ /S, /SN, and /SY are also properly interpreted ]
An alternative to this is to press 2ESC0, wait for the status line to pop up,
and then press either 2S0 to 1Save0, or 2A0 to 1Abort0.
2WWIV5Edit 0provides a few different formatting commands. The first is the
familiar 1/C:0 which will allow you to center whatever follows it. The 1/C: 0must
be the first thing on the line in order for it to work properly. An
alternative to this is to use 1^C0. To use it, you first type the line that you
want centered, and then, on that line, you press 1^C0, and it will center the
line (by inserting /C: at the beginning of the line).
Paragraph reformatting is done almost completely automatically in 2WWIV5Edit0.
2WWIV5Edit 0keeps track of where you have hit Enter, and uses that information to
reformat paragraphs. The only real time that you will ever need to worry
about paragraph reformatting is if you want to join two lines (and this is
even done automatically sometimes.) In this case, the easiest way to do it is
to move to the beginning of the second line, and hit the backspace key, and
the line will be joined with the previous line, and the paragraph will be
2WWIV5Edit0 also now supports Non-Destructive Backspaces that are popular in many
users macros. It can be inserted into text using the ^N key, and will appear
as an inverse H on the screen (indicating that it is a control character). It
will appear correctly in the message that you are sending, even if it does
look a little bit unusual on the screen.
2WWIV5Edit0 provides a number of Local-Only keys. They are:
Center Line = Alt-C
WWIV Color = Alt-P
Insert File = Alt-I
Top of Doc = Ctrl-Home or Ctrl-PgUp
Bottom of Doc = Ctrl-End or Ctrl-PgDn
Word Left = Ctrl-Left Arrow
Word Right = Ctrl-Right Arrow
Toggle Insert = Insert key
Delete Char = Delete Key or Control-Backspace
Help = F1
Enter Chat Mode = F10
Abort Post = Alt-A (can be used while a user is on-line)
Save and Exit = Alt-S
Save and Continue = Alt-W
Left Shift-Right Shift = Enter Chat Mode
2WWIV5Edit0 supports virtually unlimited local macros!
To use local macros, you 1must0 have the following files in your 2WWIV5Edit0
1WWIVEDIT.KEY 3-0 Used to translate extended key codes to 3 letter
1MACROS.LCL 3-0 This file contains the actual macros.
WWIVEDIT.KEY is NOT a text file and shouldn't need to be modified.
MACROS.LCL is a (WWIV) text file that you should edit with 2WWIV5Edit0. There are
certain conventions used with this file.
1. A macros is defined using N: and :N delimiters. The exact "N" varies
depending on which macro you want to define. The following table shows the
names for the macro keys:
"A" thru "Z" relate to Alt-A thru Alt-Z
"1" thru "0" relate to Alt-1 thru Alt-0
"F1" thru "F0" relate to F1 thru F10
"$F1" thru "$F0" relate to Shift-F1 thru Shift-F10
"^F1" thru "^F0" relate to Control-F1 thru Control-F10
"!F1" thru "!F0" relate to Alt-F1 thru Alt-F10
^IN and $IN are Control Insert and Shift Insert
^DL and $DL are Control Delete and Shift Delete
$TB is Shift Tab
HOM is the Home Key
END is the End Key
UP, RT, LF, and DN are the Arrow keys Up, Right, Left, and Down
PU and PD are Page Up and Page Down
INS and DEL are the insert and delete keys
^LF and ^RT are Control Left Arrow and Control Right Arrow
^PU and ^PD are Control Page Up and Control Page Down
^HO and ^EN are Control Home and Control End
- and = are Alt - and Alt =
2. A 1~0 at the beginning of a line is ignored (so that you can use /ES in your
macro by putting ~/ES on a line by itself.)
3. A 1~0 at the end of a line means that the next line is part of this line, so:
This is a test ~
of this feature.
Would actually be equivilent to typing:
This is a test of this feature.2 [Enter]0
This is useful if you have a long macro, or, you don't want enter pressed at
the end of the macro for some reason.
Total Number of Macros:
A - Z : 26
1 - 0 : 10
F1 - F0 : 10
$F1 - $F0 : 10
^F1 - ^F0 : 10
!F1 - !F0 : 10
^IN, $IN, ^DL, $DL, $TB, HOM, END, UP, RT, LF, DN, PU, PD, INS, DEL : 15
^LF, ^RT, ^PU, ^PD, ^HO, ^EN, -, = : 8
99 Macros Possible. Of course most of the last 23 have bindings already in the
LOCAL.DEF, but they are here for completeness.
2WWIV5Edit 0Version %VERSION%
2WWIV5Edit0 is the result of 1many 2many 5many0 long hours of work by one person:
Adam Caldwell
aka 2The Emporer0
1 @16470 [Link]
1 @6470 [Net]
Should you require to communicate with me, you should first attempt to send me
mail at The First Galactic Empire (1@16470 Link, 1@6470 Net).
If you have access to an Internet account, I can be reached as:
If that doesn't work, try
1Note: 0I can not respond to UUCP mail, and its possible I won't even get it.
If none of those options work for you, you can send mail to:
Adam Caldwell
114 Grosvenor St
Athens, Ohio 45701 (until June 1993)
Adam Caldwell
16952 Nash Rd
Middlefield, Ohio 44062
or you can call my BBS at 614-593-7836.
If you are very desperate, I can be reached by voice at 614-594-3051.
Before resorting to a voice call though, PLEASE read the manual. Most problems
can be solved by just reading the manual.
Plea for money:
Users, if you are reading this, encourage your sysop to send me money!
Sysops: Send me money!
See the REGISTER.DOC file that was in the distribution file.
This program is BegWare. No registration fee is required, and there are
no locked features (although there are some undocumented features)
What you see is what you get. If you like this program, please send me a
note saying so (at any of the above locations) and some money :)
Thank You notes:
I would like to thank:
The Duelist - For getting me involved in WWIV, and Beta testing my editor
on his system
Parapuke - For Everything
Niloc - For Beta testing this editor on my system
Filo - For just being part of the who WWIV thing.
Wayne Bell - For providing one helluva BBS system
Miscellaneous thanx go to:
The Warden, Raistlin, Gene Wells, Joe Hallahan, Lance Halle, Aahz,
Phantom, Ken, Jim Wire, 8 Ball, and everyone else who sent me comments,
suggestions, bug reports, and the like...
Tag Lines are an optional feature of 2WWIV5Edit0 that may have been disabled
by your sysop.
To define a Tag Line, simply press ESC. If 1T2aglines0 appears on the status
line, then you can enter a Tag line by pressing 1T0. If it does not appear,
then your Sysop has disabled this feature.
You should then see on the screen a listing of your currently defined
taglines, as well as your choosen method of addition. To define a Tag line,
you first press 1M2ake0, and then enter the tag line. Press Control-Z when you
are finished entering the Tag line. 2WWIV5Edit 0will then prompt you for the
number to save it under. You should press the number of the desired slot, or
press 1Q2uit0.
Once you have defined all of the Tag Lines that you want, you will next
press 1C2hoose0 to choose which method you want to use for appending you Tag Line
to your message. They are fairly self explainitory. Just remember to do it.
The following are interpreted in a Tag line:
^N : Non-Destructive backspace
^P : WWIV-Color
^C : WWIV-Color
^M : Enter
/C: : Center Line
^B : Center Line following ^B
2WWIV5Edit0 provides a few "crude" block management commands. These Block
commands allow you to Copy/Move/Delete lines in your message. The Block
Commands are accessed by first hitting Control-K, and then pressing another
The following block commands are available for marking off a block:
B : Mark Beginning of Block (hit this on the line of the start of the block)
E : Mark End of Block (hit on the line of the End of the block)
K : Same as E (for those who use Turbo Pascal)
The following commands allow you to manipulate blocks:
Y : Delete Block
C : Copy Block to current cursor line (which must be outside the block
M : Move Block to current cursor line
V : Same as M
Please note:
2These block commands only work on 1whole2 lines. They will not work on partial0
They may have also been changed to something else by your sysop.
2WWIV5Edit0 has a built in two way chat mode that looks very similiar to the
two way chat mode of the BBS (except the colors are different). You enter
chat mode by pressing both shift keys the local keyboard, and exit by pressing
ESC (or F10) on the local keyboard.
The Chat Mode has one undesireable side effect. The problem occurs if the
user hangs up during the Two-Way chat mode and you are not running WWIV 4.22 or
higher. If this happens, and you are not running WWIV 4.22 or higher, you will
be forced to reset your computer (using the reset button).
2WWIV5Edit0 can add a BBS Tag line to every message posted with it, if you
create a file called BBSxxxxx.TAG. To do this, either type from within the
//EDIT 2[Enter]0
WWIVEDIT\BBSxxxxx.TAG 2[Enter]0
or, from DOS level enter 1WWIVEDIT BBS0xxxxx1.TAG0 (from the WWIVEdit directory)
and then enter what you would like as you BBS Tag line.
1xxxxx0 can be replaced by anything you want. This means that you can
create as many BBS*.TAG files as you want, and the 2WWIV5Edit0 will randomly
select on of them and attach it to the message.
To insert a file into your message, you must have a key bound to the
INSERT FILE function in the current Key Binding file. By default, it is bound
A number of Extended commands are now available with 2WWIV5Edit0. The
Extended commands are accessed through Control-K and Control-Q. The Block
commands are discussed in a different portion of this Help.
Here are the extended commands available on ^K:
J : Jump to specified line number
S : Show block status
F : Find specified Text
U : Cursor up
D : Cursor Down
L : Cursor Left
R : Cursor Right
W : Show Cursor Status [Shows Cursor's Row, Column Coordinates] (Toggle)
B : Mark First Line of Block (Block Begin)
E or K : Mark Last line of Block (Block End)
M or V : Move marked block to current line
C : Copy marked block to current line
Y : Delete marked block
Here are the extended commands available on ^Q:
F : Find Text
L : Repeat last find
Y : Delete to end of Line
As with the block commands, some or all of these may have been changed by your
2WWIV5Edit0 now supports all of the WWIV line editor's "Slash" commands
(except /SU)
The Available commands are:
/ES, /S : Exit & Save
/ESY, /SY : Exit & Save, Anonymously if possible. *
/ESN, /SN : Exit & Save, Non-Anonymously *
/TI : Change Title *
/CLR : Clear message and start over
/ABT : Abort message
/HELP : Same as hitting Control-O
/RL : Replace last line
/LI : List message
/C: : Center everything following it (has to be at the beginning of
a line)
/CHECK, /SPELL : Invoke spell checker **
* Denotes commands that require a modification to the WWIV Source code (or WWIV
4.21a or above)
** Denote feature unique to 2WWIV5Edit0
Thank you for using 2WWIV5Edit0! If you and your users use this Editor,
and you would like a larger dictionary file, send $10 to the Author. (Fill out
the REGISTER.DOC file included).
The following are the Valid command line switches for 2WWIV5Edit3:0
-set: Specifies a setup file to load. If this parameter doesn't appear,
2WWIV5Edit 0will assume 1DEFAULT0
-key: Specifies a keyboard file to load if the users hasn't specified one
in the defaults section. If none is specified, 1DEFAULT0 is assumed.
Files: There are a number of files that are needed for proper operation
of WWIVEdit, and a number of files that are optional.
Needed files:
WWIVEDIT.EXE - For obvious reasons.
WWIVEDIT.HLP - The help file for 2WWIV5Edit0.
USER .TAG - These three files contain all of the information needed by
5 2WWIV5Edit0 to save/reload user taglines.
These files are created after the first run of 2WWIV5Edit0.
CONFIG\*.DEF - Definition files.
CONFIG\*.KEY - Key bindings files.
CONFIG\*.SET - Compiled *.DEF files.
CONFIG\*.KBD - Compiled *.KEY files.
DICT\HASH - A Hash file used to index the dictionary.
- The Dictionary file for 2WWIV5Edit0.
Optional Files:
MACROS .LCL - The local macros file. This is a text file that you can
edit with 2WWIV5Edit0 to create "Extended Key" macros. See
Local Macros, and the file that came with 2WWIV5Edit0 for more
WWIVEDIT.KEY - Required if you want to use local macros. This file is
used to translate scan codes into 1-3 character
abbreviations that are then looked up in MACROS.LCL.
BBSxxxxx.TAG - The BBS Tag File(s). 2WWIV5Edit 0will randomly select one of
these and append it to the end of the current post.
DICT\U###.DIC- User dictionary files
Sysop Only Display:
At the bottom of the screen (on the same line as the Max Lines), there is
the Handle and Real Name of the current user. This information does not appear
to the user. That information is for the Sysop's reference. If that
information does not appear, then 2WWIV5Edit0 is not properly detecting your video
2WWIV5Edit0 now supports a number of special modifications. The following
modifications are currently supported:
MCI Commands
The xxx Color Modification
MS-DOS 5.0 With WWIV 4.12 and Wayne Bells DOS 5 fix
If you would like to see others supported, please contact the Author (at
any of the addresses listed under General Help).
1MCI Commands3:0
2WWIV5Edit0 supports MCI commands through the setup file parameter MCI: []
Currently WWIVEdit only supports MCI commands as defined by Merlin's MCI mod.
The format of this parameter is explained in CONFIG.DOC.
For now, they will be inserted as an inverted C and the letter of the MCI
command. At a later date, they may be implemented as Virtual Text.
1The xxx Color Mod3:0
There are a lot of color mods out there, so I decided to try and support
some of them. This required a major re-write of some of the code, but it was
worth it, as the code is now a lot more flexible/efficient.
To use a color modification, you need to edit your *.DEF files to specify
the legal range of colors. See the CONFIG.DOC for further instructions.
2WWIV5Edit0 only supports color mods which use the WWIV format of ^C(char).
This means that it is incompatible with some other color mods... I do not
intend to support those color modifications.
1DOS 5.0 and Wayne Bell's DOS 5.0 Fix3:0
If you are running MS-DOS 5.0, and WWIV 4.12 with Wayne Bell's DOS 5.0
fix, then you need to do the following:
Go into COM.C and search for 2ni_stack[100]0, and replace it with
1ni_stack[500]0. Next, search for 2&ni_stack[98]0, and replace it with
1&ni_stack[498]0. Then, go into RETURN.C and repeat the same steps. That will
fix 2WWIV5Edit0 and any other full screen editors you may be having problems
2WWIV5Edit0 is written in Turbo Pascal 6.0 (and will not compile on anything
less.) The source code is distributed freely by the Author. In this version,
and most likely all future versions, the source code will be distributed in a
seperate file called WEDITSxx.ZIP, xx being the version number of the source
(This is version %VERSION%).
2 WWIV5Edit0 uses some advanced techniques to tweak some of the little things
out of the WWIV. 2WWIV5Edit0 uses special techniques to determine where a message
is going. Because there are so many different WWIV setups, it is difficult to
tell for ceartain where something is going. Because of this, the Dest Line may
sometimes be Incomplete/Non-Descriptive. This is not important as it is
displayed only for cosmetic purposes.... It is unimportant to the actual
operation of the Editor (well, with the exception of the NOTAG feature).
To invoke the spell checker in 2WWIV5Edit0, you simply type /CHECK (or
/SPELL) on a blank line. The Spell Checker is fairly self explainatory. Your
Sysop may or may not have words which you add to the dictionary going to a
common dictionary. Ask him if you are unsure.
Layout of this file:
Formatting: .P ^B ^C .COLORTABLE
Anything that lies between two key words is ignored, with the following
Between START and END is the list of topics that a remote user will see.
Between LOCAL and END is an additional list of topics that a local user will
Between SOT and EOT is a text of the topic preceeding the SOT.
A topic is specified using the form: "TOPIC (IN CAPS ONLY):"
It is possible to make more than one topic refer to the same thing, although
in the new menu based system, that's not needed.
Final comments: SOT stands for Start of Text, and EOT stands for End of Text.
EOF marks the End of File (or more like end of meaningful text)
.P causes the screen to [PAUSE] whenever it occurs in the message text
.COLORTABLE causes the Internal Colortable to be displayed
^B (/C: in WWIVEdit) causes a line to be centered
^C (^P - WWIV Color) causes a color change (duh?)