The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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The following accessory products are available from WWIV Software
Services. You may order them by using the ORDER.FRM.
ESM (External String Manager)
Allows editing of external string (.STR)
files. Also comes with ESMPOP, a TSR loader,
that allows swapping out currently executing
program and loading in ESM.
UEDIT (User Editor)
Allows global color redefinition, searching,
editing, tons of stuff. Also includes UDB,
which translates USER.LST data to comma-
delimited ASCII format, for importing into
mainstream database programs (Paradox, etc).
PackScan (NetWork2 Preprocessor)
Registration enables only the files-via-
network capability. PUS-reception and
packet-logging are free. Probably the most
sophisticated network2 preprocessor on the
market, and written so that adding new
features may be incorporated.
PUS (PackScan Update System)
(Must be registered for each network)
Does most of what NETUP does, but requires
PackScan on all systems. For small-scale
networks (local-only networks, generally).
Networks with >100 nodes should obtain
StrPop (String Pop)
TSR string-editor/viewer, activated with
AltV. Put the cursor on a get_string or
get_stringx call and it pops up a window
showing what that string is, and allows
on-the-spot editing (usually from within
Borland IDE or the person's source code
SPU (Sound Playback Utility)
Plays back .CMF, .VOC, and .WAV files,
for AdLib or Soundblaster equipped systems.
GDU (Graphics Display Utility)
Displays .PCX and .GIF files. Supports
commandline or interactive selection.
Supports 23 different VGA/SVGA chipsets.
Mainly written so that it could be invoked
from within TAM to view GIFs that a BBS
might have online.
TAM (Transfer Area Manager)
Permits easy management of transfer area
data including editing descriptions, sorting,
ProbeLite (Network Utility)
Allows profanity-zapping and network logging.
UTIL_PAK (Utility Package)
Includes serveral small utiliites as described
LFILE -- Generates file listings based on
the access of a supplied usernum.
NSORT -- Sorts N*.NET files
NewFile -- Marks specified files as showing as
always new on the BBS.
TVault -- Time Bank type chain. Very similar
to the Time Vault built into WWIV.
ZLOG -- Shows ZLOG data in scrollable
fullscreen form.
RR (Russian Roulette)
ANSI game, pull-trigger-blow-brains-out chain.
Hangs up if you lose.
Topper (Top Ten User Utility)
Chain/util to create list of top ten users
in various categories.
WSSFDI (WWIV Software Services FrontDoor Installer)
This utility provides all files necessary to
install FrontDoor (tm) for use with WWIV. These
programs are used in FidoNet installations and
allows your board to send/receive FidoNet files.
The program is ONLY available on 3.5 inch 1.44
meg diskettes. The program takes most of the
work out of installing the front end mailer.
WWMON (WWIV Instance Monitor)
Shows some basic info about all instances
(who online, etc). ALso allows some of the
inter-instance message types to be sent
(string msg, shutdown msg). Intended to help
multi-instance systems keep track of what's
going on from one "watchdog" program.
WUFFC (WWIV Uploader for FIDOnet Files)
Basically imports the FIDOnet file backbone
directly into WWIV. A maintenance-type
program estimated to save the sysop who is
receiving all of the FILEBONE approximately
15 weeks of maintenance time per year.
Unlimited directories.
WUFFB Same as WUFFC but limited to 50 directories
WUFFA Same as WUFFC but limited to 25 directories
WUFFCD CD uploader (much faster than //uploadfile)
This program requires that you be a registered
WUFF user already.
WWIVedit WWIV compatible external Full-Screen Editor
This program was originally developed by Adam Caldwell.
WWIV Software Services has enhanced the code, included
some professional libraries, and generally made
improvements. The program will be made available to
previous registrants at a minor charge for shipping
and handling ($2.00). Source code is NOT available
for new releases of this product.