The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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WWIVLink Subs List File #2 - Last Update: 01-22-1996
────────────────────[ Current Affairs Discussion & Debate ]────────────────────
SubType Host Flags Sub Name
FARMNET 2752 GNR FARMNet - Discussion of ag, dairy, and life on the farm!
CONSERV 3459 GNR The Conservative Forum (Conservative discussion)
19353 9353 GR A Million Ways to Kill Rush Limbaugh
MOCKCON 12903 GNRT "MockCon" - Debate Constitutional Law & Amendments
96 12950 GR 1996 Presidential Election Discussion
FEMSRV 13307 GNT I am Woman Hear Me Roar (only for women survivors)
GAYSRV 13307 GNT Surviving the Closet (for queer survivors and friends)
LIBFORU 13307 GR The Liberal Forum - debate/discussion
THRDWAV 13307 GR The Third Wave: Feminism Now!
39361 13453 NR Propaganda: Drugs (the War on Drugs)
9361 13453 NR Radical Left Politics (discussion)
SLENVIR 13465 GNR St. Louis Environmental Concerns
ARENA 13491 GR The Political Arena
13499 13499 GR America Held Hostage? (Clinton talk)
ABCPRO 13499 GR Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
PE-UNIX 14150 GR Unix Users Unite! (*nix Discussion!)
DRACE 14154 GNRT Stereotypes & Racism (uncensored)
DWEEK 14154 GNRT Weekly Topic - Current events
25288 15299 GNR The Republic - Texas' Largest Political/Cultural/Arts Sub
5100 15402 R Education - Where do we go from here
15427 15427 R Roundtable Chat
SV&HC 15433 GNR Sex! Violence! and Home Cooking.
2235 15808 GRT Missing Person (FIDO Gate)
2236 15808 GRT Missing Children (FIDO Gate)
PLTCDSC 16966 GNR Political Discussion
FAVCON 17660 My Favorite Conspiracy (discussion)
VOTE96 17660 The Campaign Trail - Vote '96
NEWS 17664 GRT Headline News (Current Events)
AFRICA 17850 GNR Pan-African Reports & Forum
NYPOL 17850 GNR NYS & NJ Govts.,social & cultural activities....
58261 18261 R In the Crossfire
8408 18407 TR Women's Issues Net: contemporary issue-oriented discussion
MEDIA 19702 GR The Information Age - Media manipulation
7491 19911 GNR Dundee's Place (gated) - Intense Debate
HISTDEB 19928 GNR Historical Debates
EOTW03 27452 GN Queer Activist Network