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File List | 1993-04-26 | 11.0 KB | 203 lines |
- VBFAST.ZIP Loads vbrun100.dll in windows.
- VDT.ZIP Program manager add-on for win 3.1.
- VISMOD30.ZIP Create modem initialization strings
- VLISTSAM.ZIP "virtual list box" code from microsoft
- VNSWIN.ZIP Some vines 4.10 and above user utils for window
- VOCAB105.ZIP Vocabulary builder v1.05: ms-windows text
- | utility that will extract a vocabulary list
- | from a document file and save the list.
- VP15.ZIP Viewpoint 1.5 for windows from marquette
- | computer consultants. quickly & easily view
- | & manage bmp U shareware
- VPD386.ZIP Manage lpt port contention in windows
- VPLAYW.ZIP Voice blaster jr. program
- VPLAYW20.ZIP Voice blaster jr0 a windows 3.1
- | application. queue up any combination of
- | audio wave .wav and music midi .mid files.
- | queue files from multiple drives and
- | directories. supports all win 3.1 audio
- | cards! complete with on line help.
- VW003.ZIP Multimedia text (needs mmview) on windows & net
- WAC13.ZIP Aciran for windows v1.3 full
- | featured linear ac circuit analysis program.
- WALLSTW.ZIP Wall street the bottom line the windows
- | version.
- WANSI17U.ZIP Ansi editor for windows.
- WASC301A.ZIP Winascii v3.01a. shows all readable text in
- | any file
- | supports drag & drop. windows 3.1+ only.
- WATCHMAN.ZIP Watchman! is a powerful windows file
- | protection program.
- WAVAWAV.ZIP Wave after wave plays .wav files in sequence
- WAVCONV.ZIP Converts most sound formats to .wav (dosapp)
- WAVER10.ZIP Play .wav files in win 3.1
- WB21.ZIP Randomizes startup .bmp's *and* .wav files
- WB31B.ZIP Winback v3.1: small/efficient
- | backup program that uses dos'
- | backup/restore from within an
- | ms-windows menu driven interface
- WBASE101.ZIP Simple database program
- WCAPSLOK.ZIP Makes caps lock key work as on a typewriter
- WCD120.ZIP Cd audio player for windows 3.1
- WCD130.ZIP Play audio cd's with win 3.1
- WC_30P.ZIP Wincheck - your personal finance manager for
- | windows. manages checking
- | credit card accounts.
- WD0490.ZIP Replacement graphics filters
- | word for windows application notes
- WD103.ZIP Windupe v1.03 for windows windows based
- | diskette duplicator featuring single pass ope
- WDIAR11A.ZIP Windiary v1.1a: calendar for ms-win 3.1
- | w/ ability to record notes.
- WDRAW04E.ZIP Windows metafile object oriented draw program
- WECJ.ZIP Fast! jpeg viewer for windows 3.1
- | supports very fast 256-color output.
- WED13B.ZIP Winedit text editor for windows
- WEM31.ZIP Windows easy menu
- WFW.ZIP Relational database program for windows
- WFW11.ZIP Wyndfields
- WGALRY03.ZIP A wallpaper utility for windows that changes
- | the background automatically. also reads bmp
- WGREP12.ZIP Text-search utility like unix grep
- WGV15.ZIP Windows graphic viewer v1.5. displays and
- | converts between .gif and .bmp graphics forma
- WHOOP.ZIP Whoop it up! - assign sounds to system events
- WIN31ACC.ZIP Drivers for ati ultra/vantage accelerator cards
- WIN31SFX.ZIP Drivers for ati stereo f/x board
- WIN31XTL.ZIP Ati graphics/8514 ultra "crystal" driver
- WINBASIC.ZIP The basic langage under win 3.x
- WINBIFF.ZIP Mail notification utility
- WINBTCH4.ZIP Winbatch - 4.0c write windows batch files
- | dialogs
- | powerful data manipulation features lets you
- | control windows. a must for the power user.
- | over 200 functions let you do *anything* in
- | windows! dde
- WINBY101.ZIP Quick exit from windows
- WINDEBT.ZIP Win 3.1 file show national debt increase
- WINDIAL1.ZIP Shareware windows dialer...nicely done...
- WINDIM12.ZIP Slow-fade screen saver
- WINDIR47.ZIP Windir v4.7 [1/1] excellent set of all
- | purpose utilities for windows!
- WINDOS.ZIP Command line emulation for windows
- WINDRY.ZIP Dhrystone benchmark hardware test
- WINEKG.ZIP Windows cpu and resource meter
- | vbrun100.dll
- WINEXT11.ZIP Lastest version of winexit w/lots of new featur
- WINEZ31.ZIP Windows utility that provides a fast and easy
- | way to start new applications from with the c
- WINFIN20.ZIP Winfin
- WINFND.ZIP Windowsx find/search program v1.0
- WINFST20.ZIP Win fast (winfast.exe) graphical program
- | launcher for win 3.1. drop down menu
- | displays groups in alphabet order.
- | button bar displays icons in item-name
- | sequence so programs are easy to find.
- WINGLF.ZIP Use to track golf scores and compute your
- | handicap. requires vbrun100.dll.
- WININFO2.ZIP Info on joining/using the win*net network
- WINJP140.ZIP View .jpg
- WINJP160.ZIP Winjpeg v.1.6 is an image viewer with image
- | processing and conversion capabilities for
- | microsoft windows 3.x. features:
- WINLOA.ZIP This small utility allows you to load windows
- | every time your computer boots (thru
- | autoexec.bat file) but also gives you the
- | option of preventing windows from loading
- | automatically by hitting a key at the menu
- | screen generated by the program.
- WINLOCK.ZIP This is a great lock program with screen
- | saver options for windows. when the system is
- | locked crtl alt del is disabled.
- WINMAZE.ZIP Simple program which draws mazes
- WINOK31A.ZIP Windows 3.1 drivers for oak svga video boards
- WINPAD.ZIP Windows launchpad v1.0 ** program that allows
- | you to start all the programs from microsoft
- | windows v3.1 from a simple button bar menu
- | located on the left side of the screen.
- WINPOV.ZIP Windows front end for pov ray tracer
- WINQ200A.ZIP Winqwk
- WINQ20A.ZIP Indows based message editor
- WINSH21.ZIP Winshell
- WINSHL13.ZIP Windows command shell v1.3
- WINSOCK.ZIP Information on using the
- | windows socket interface.
- WINSPD10.ZIP Winspeed tests system performance
- WINTACH.ZIP Windows 3.1 speed rating program. see how
- | fast your p.c. runs graphics
- WINTODO.ZIP Simple best in color
- | have different colord (eg red for overdue
- | green for done calander
- WINTRICK.ZIP Top ten tricks for windows 3.1.
- WINTUNES.ZIP Play your own tunes on your pc
- WINTV202.ZIP Update to wintv v2.0 device driver
- WINT_T.ZIP Windows tips and tricks.
- WINWAL11.ZIP Winwall v1.1: ms-windows wallpaper
- | changer that supports a user-selected image
- WINWEALT.ZIP Winwealth
- WINWIL.ZIP Windows will maker.
- WINWIZ.ZIP Windows wizard talking fortuneteller
- WINZIP.ZIP Archive file manager supports .zip
- WINZIP31.ZIP Archive shell for windows
- WINZOO21.ZIP Zoo format archive manager for win 3.x
- WIN_PT10.ZIP Superb periodic table of
- | elements for win 3.x.
- WIZ310.ZIP Flashpoint's .zip tools for windows
- WIZUNZIP.ZIP Windows based zip file extractor/viewer. look
- | at the zip files and extract all or only
- | those you want.
- WJMR20.ZIP Midi sequencer program
- WLIT21.ZIP Windows 3.1 lite run any windows program with i
- WMENU14C.ZIP Winmenu v1.4c - menu utility for use on novell
- WMODNT10.ZIP Mod player for window nt
- WMSWIN31.ZIP Investing for growth and independence. win31.
- WNBLN301.ZIP Screen blanker v3.01 for windows
- WNDER101.ZIP Run windows or dos at boot time
- WNRG11.ZIP Register
- WNSCSI.ZIP Graphic display of scsi devices in system
- WNSK13.ZIP Windsock
- WNSK30.ZIP 3.0 version of window utility
- WNVEL41.ZIP Windows envelope printer v.4.1
- WORDS.ZIP Words & terms "hypertext" reference database
- WPRINT.ZIP Single-click printing for windows 3.1
- WPRTSCRN.ZIP Print screen utility uses windows drivers
- WPST32.ZIP Winpost note-taker utility
- WRCH22.ZIP Roaches roam the desktop!
- WRU.ZIP Filefinder for windows
- WSCAN91.ZIP Mcafee's scan virus checker for windows
- WSCAN95.ZIP Mcafee virus scanner
- WSHEL201.ZIP Windows 3.x shell utility v2.01
- WSHOP100.ZIP Window shopper v1.00 is the windows version
- | of the popular shopper's assistant.
- WSYSEX.ZIP Windows v3.1 midi system
- | exclusive utility.
- WTDM10.ZIP Windows demo for script and demo program
- WTIME20.ZIP Worldtime
- WTOUCH.ZIP Windows touch
- WUNA211.ZIP Self-contained unarchiver/viewer for zip
- WUNZIP10.ZIP Compact windows unzipping utility
- WX16.ZIP Windows express bbs for windows
- WZIP13.ZIP Archive utility for .zip
- X10MSW20.ZIP A great x10 program for windows 3.1 -
- | programs the x10 cp290 controller.
- XANTIP.ZIP A shareware windows hypertext authoring
- | system files.
- XLABEL20.ZIP Xlabel v2.01 for windows 3.1. a neat lable make
- XMARK.ZIP City mapper & address finder
- XSTIT20.ZIP Crosstitch pattern designer for win3.1.
- XTIMELOG.ZIP Xtimelog 1.0 is an ms-windows 3.x application
- | for personal time usage recording which
- | maintains a database of work projects. the
- | xtimelog user can "punch in" and "punch out"
- | on projects.
- YASS10.ZIP Try another screen svaer for windows
- YEAR11.ZIP Year-at-a-glance calendar
- ZGRAFWIN.ZIP Create & display a variety of graph types
- ZGRWIN36.ZIP Zgrafwin v3.6: ms-windows pgm that
- | allows you to create polar
- ZIPIT10A.ZIP Zipit v1.0a: ms-windows shell for pkzip.
- ZIPW13.ZIP Flashpoint zip/zipx - windows apps to manipulat
- ZOOMCTRL.ZIP Makes windows zoom - like on the mac