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QRDB Vers 1.3 3 June 1992
(c) Copyright 1992 by John Jamieson
All Rights Reserved
QRDB/QRDBMgr is a Data Base system for QuickBBS version 2.75 and
Remote Access Version 1.10/1.11 BBS's. QRDB is a multi-node compatable
BBS Data Base door and QRDBMGR is the Data Base Manager. Although QRDB
was designed to be used as a BBS door it can be used by users without
a BBS if needed. A BBS is not required in order to run the program, it
will run in local mode.
QRDB/QRDBMgr offers three types of Data Base.
Type 1 will import any text file in which the data is layed out in
columns. The imported Data Base can then be made available to BBS
users for searches or sorted list displays. Up to five keys can be
designated making five sorted lists available to the user. This Type
1 Data Base is not editable and a Data Record is limited to 80
characters. An example of a file suitable for import is the Darwin BBS
Type 2 is build from scratch Data Base. The user can add and delete
records in the Type 2 Data Base. Read, Write and Delete levels are
established by the Sysop. A log is maintained of all additions and
deletes made by users. This type 2 Data Base can contain up to 25
fields per Record with a maximum of 5 Key fields. 5 display lines with
5 fields per line max. Fields can be designated as input optional or
input required.
Type 3 will display data in dBase .DBF files. The dBase Data can then
be made available to BBS users for searches or sorted list displays.
Up to five keys can be designated making five sorted lists can be made
available to the user. This Type 3 Data Base is not editable.
Example QRDB main Menu and Status Bar:
║ ░░▒▒▓▓██ Q R D B M A I N M E N U ██▓▓▒▒░░ ║
║ ║
║ ░▒ Mountain Retreat DataBase Selection ▒░ ║
║ A Fido Net BBS's in North America ║
║ B Fido Net BBS's Outside N. America ║
║ C Darwin National BBS List ║
║ D System User's ║
║ E WildCat BBS's in the North America ║
║ F User Generated List of Area Code 408 BBS's ║
║ G Hardware/Software Industry Support BBS's ║
║ H User Generated List of Out of Area Boards ║
║ I Computer Hwd/SW Suppliers support (Not BBS's) ║
║ ║
║ ? Help ║
║ X Exit QRDB ║
║ QRDB Door - by John Jamieson - Mountain Retreat BBS (408)335-4595 ║
│John Jamieson Level=100 Baud=2400 Graphics=On │
│Felton, Ca Min's Left=67 Alt-H= Hangup │
Quick Start:
A few sample Data Bases are included in the package. Just place the
QRDB package of files in their own directory and run QRDB or QRDB /M
for Local in monochrome, and follow the Prompts. The Darwin Data Base
related files included with the package contains a setup only, no
data, it's use will be discussed later. Feel free to use any of the
examples on your BBS or delete them using the QRDBMgr or DOS. It is
suggested that you review the Example setups prior to deleting them.
Run the QRDBMgr and press F2 to call up the control file editor. The
editor can be used to review the setups.
To Run QRDB as a door add the environment variable SET QRDB=C:\QRDB,
set it to whatever directory QRDB is located in. Then create a type
7 menu type and in the Optional data field just place the command
C:\QRDB\QRDB.EXE *M that's all their is to it. QRDB, when running as
a door, needs access to Exitinfo.BBS, Limits.Ctl and your BBS Config
file. QRDB must be run from the directory containing those BBS files.
QRDB defaults to Local mode, without a status line, if it can't find
QuickCfg.DAT or Config.RA and ExitInfo.BBS. It will also run in local
Local mode, but with a status line if the baud rate it finds in Exit
Info is 0.
The Main menu can be bypassed. A couple of reasons for bypassing are;
if only one data base is to be included or the sysop would rather use
the BBS menus to access the data bases. Bypassing is accomplished by
executing QRDB with the name of the CL file as a command line
parameter. Example C:\QRDB\QRDB.EXE CHAPLIN.3CL *M or if running
stand-alone local mode QRDB.EXE CHAPLIN.3CL. To run in stand-alone
local mode, but monochrome use QRDB.EXE /M CHAPLIN.3CL.
A set of files will be created for each Data Base
.1CL,.2CL or .3CL Control file; a Type 1,2 or 3
.Dat Data file; for type 1 & 2 only, type 3 uses your.DBF file
.IDX Index file; 1 to 5 as specified during setup
A QRDB general help file will be displayed from the main menu, if you
name it QRDB.HLP. You can create a .HLP file for each Data Base by
using the same name as your Data Base. If a help file is found it will
be offered to the user in the QRDB menus. .HLP files are just text
When assigning file names you will be allowed 7 characters instead of
the usual 8. QRDB needs that 8th character.
A Data Base consisting of a set of the above files is a stand alone
package. It can be copied/moved to another BBS that uses QRDB or it
can be deleted from your QRDB directory. QRDBMgr has a delete function,
it's there only for convenience DOS is all that is needed.
The files provided with the package are the following :
QRDBMGR.EXE The QRDB Manager used to set up data bases for QRDB
QRDB.TTL A file that stores the title you give to the QRDB Main Menu
QRDB.DOC This File
QRDB.KEY Key to QRDB operation
QRDB.HLP A Sample general help file
** The following files are example files and can
be deleted when you are finished with them.
SUPPORT.1CL Type 1 Sample Control File
SUPPORT.DAT Type 1 Sample Data File
SUPPORT.HLP Support Data Base Help File (Text)
SUPPORT1.IDX Type 1 Sample Index file #1
SUPPORT2.IDX Type 1 Sample Index file #2
SUPPORT.TXT Text file used in the creation of the Type 1 Sample
BBSLIST.2CL Type 2 Sample Control File
BBSLIST.DAT Type 2 Sample Data File
BBSLIST.HLP BBSList Data Base Help File (Text)
BBSLIST1.IDX Type 2 Sample Index file #1
BBSLIST2.IDX Type 2 Sample Index file #2
BBSLIST3.IDX Type 2 Sample Index file #3
BBS.LST A sample comma delimited file for import into
the BBSLIST data base
WGUIDE.2CL Type 2 Sample Control File
WGUIDE.DAT Type 2 Sample Data File
WGUIDE.HLP WGuide Data Base Help File (Text)
WGUIDE1.IDX Type 2 Sample Index file
CHAPLIN.3CL Type 3 Sample Control File
CHAPLIN.DBF dBase .DBF file used by QRDB {the complete chaplin
CHAPLIN.HLP Chaplin Data Base Help File (Text)
CHAPLIN1.IDX Type 3 Sample Index file
USBBS.1CL Type 1 Sample Control File
USBBS.DAT Empty Type1 Sample Data File
USBBS.HLP USBBS Data Base Help File (Text)
USBBS1.IDX Type 1 Sample Index file #1
USBBS2.IDX Type 1 Sample Index file #2
USBBS3.IDX Type 1 Sample Index file #3
The complete chaplin dBase package can be download from Mountain Retreat
only the .DBF file is included here. The Complet package includes 2
additional chaplin files, Chaplin.DBT and Chaplin.FMT. Since QRDB only
reads .DBF files I didn't include the conplete package.
Trouble shooting the QRDB door installation:
The Status bar can be an aid in trouble shooting the door installation.
a. No status bar indicates that the BBS config file was not found and
QRDB is running in local mode.
b. A status bar with a Baud rate other than 0 indicates the Exitinfo.BBS
file has been read, QRDB has Config and user info and is running as
a door.
c. If the status bar shows a baud rate of 0 and user name in the status
bar is Sysop then the BBS config file has been read, no Exitinfo.BBS
has been found and QRDB is running in local mode.
d. If the status bar shows a baud rate of 0 and user name in the status
bar is NOT Sysop then the BBS config file has been read, Exitinfo.BBS
has Read and QRDB is running in local mode.
QRDBMgr.EXE is used to setup a data base, create/edit control files,
import data and generate index files.
QRDBMgr can be used with or without a mouse. If running without a
mouse use the arrows keys to select menu items and the Tab key to
Select Entry fields or Buttons. Main menu items are selected by
pressing the Alt key plus the HighLighted letter in the menu item
The diagram below shows the menu selections that are available in
Remember the Data_Base_Setup functions only put together a control
file. If you are creating a type 1 data base you will still need to
import the data using the Import_Type_1_DB_Data function. In the case
of a type 3 data base the Build_Type_3_DB_Index function will create
the necessary indexes to the .DBF file.
Qnce a Data Base contains Data/Indexes, changes to certain fields will
no longer be allowed. You will receive a message telling you which
fields can't be edited when you attempt to edit a Data Base containing
data. If you need to edit one of those fields the only way is to Erase
the data using the Manager's Erase function, make the necessary
changes and then Import, Build or Re-enter the data.
│ Exit Data_Base_Setup Operations Shell_to_QRDB │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
┌────────────┴─────────────┐ │ │
│ Edit a DB Setup F2 │ │ │
│ Make a New Type 1 DB F4 │ │ │
│ Make a New Type 2 DB F5 │ │ │
│ Make a New Type 3 DB F6 │ │ │
└──────────────────────────┘ │ │
│ │
┌──────────┴───────────────┐ │
│ Main Menu Title Edit │ │
│ Import Type 1 DB Data │ │
│ Read in Type 2 DB Data │ │
│ Build Type 3 DB Index │ │
│ Copy a Type 1 or 2 Setup │ │
│ Delete a DataBase │ │
│ Erase Data in DataBase │ │
└──────────────────────────┘ │
│ Color F8 │
│ Monochrome │
Creating a Type 1 Data Base
To create a Type 1 Data Base you will need a text file to import. The
USBBS list by Darwin Systems is a good file to start with. Any list
you chose to create a Type 1 Data Base from must be one in which the
data is arranged in columns. QRDB will extract it's keys from those
columns during conversion. Remove any material that isn't a part of
the structured data, such as column descriptions or List name. Column
descriptions are entered during setup, using QRDBMgr. Other info
removed from the list can be placed in the USBBS.HLP help file if
desired. A Data Base has already been setup for the USBBS list, select
the menu item Edit_a_DB_Setup or press F2 to review the setup. If you
are not going to use the Darwin USBBS list in your Data Base you can
delete it with the Delete a Data Base Function. If you are going to
use the USBBS you will need to obtain and edit a copy. Remove all text
at the begining and end of the list that isn't in structured in
columns. When you are ready to import your USBBS list select menu item
Import_Type_1_DB_Data from the Operations menu. A Dialog box will be
presented listing available control files, select USBBS.1CL, next
enter the name of the USBBS list that you want to import. After you
have imported the list you can select menu item Shell_to_QRDB and
review the new data base.
To create a Data Base other than the USBBS that was provided. Start by
determining what fields that you want to be key fields, you can have up
to 5. Now Press F4 to bring up the Make Type 1 DB Dialog Box. You will
enter Database Name, Data Base Title, Display Header and Read Level.
The Data Base title is the title that will be displayed in the QRDB
main menu. The header will be displayed with each page of data. Read
level is the minimum user level required for access to the data. Use
the Tab or Mouse to select fields.
Database Name SUPPORT
Data Base Title Computer Hardware/Software Support
Display Header Company Name Phone Number Remarks
Read Level 1
Press OK when done or press enter. Next a Dialog Box will be presented
for the defining of keys.
Key Key Position
Search Prompt Length in Line
Phone Number 12 31
Company Name 5 25
At least one Key must be defined. Key Search Prompt is the Prompt QRDB
will use to describe the key to the user. Key Length is the length of
the key and Key Position in Line is the starting column that QRDBMgr
will use when extracting keys during import.
After the setup has been completed the function Import_Type_1_Db_Data
will import your textfile into the data base, the function builds
indexes and a .DAT file. QRDB limits the width of text imported into
this type 1 data base to 79 characters. More than one text file of
identical structure can be imported if necessary.
The import feature can be used to add a chunk to an existing data
base, it is suggested you backup any existing work before importing
additional data. QRDBMgr does not check the data you are importing and
improperly structured input could corrupt the data base.
Creating a Type 2 Data Base
A couple of sample Type 2 Data Base files have been provided. To
review their control files, run QRDBMgr press F2 and select
either of the .2CL files.
Prior to creating a Type 2 Data Base you should first decide on the
layout of the data that will be presented to the user. The number of
lines it will take to display a record and the layout of each line. A
maximum of 5 lines and a maximum of 5 fields per line are allowed.
Decide witch fields will be (K)ey fields, input (R)equired Fields or
Input (O)ptional fields. All Key fields are also input required
fields. The space used to display fields on a line can't add up to
more than 80 characters. Space required to display a field is the
length of the data field + the length of the Data Label + a colon and
a space between label and data.
With the above decided press F5 or select Add_a_type_2_DB from the menu
to bring up the Make Type 2 Dialog Box. Fill in the Database Name,
Read Write and Delete Security Levels and the Data Base Title. Use
the Tab or Mouse to select fields.
Database Name: AREA408
Security Levels Read Write Delete
5 5 100
Data Base Title: User Generated List of Area Code 408 BBS's
Press OK when done or press enter. Next a Dialog Box will be presented
for the defining the first line of the Data Base. You can have up to 5
lines. The inputs required to define a line are as follows.
┌───── Input ────────────────────────┐ ┌────────── Display ──────────┐
│(K)ey │ │ Label │
│(R)eq Field │ │ Start │
│(O)pt Prompt Length│ │Label Column│
K Phone Number [XXX-XXXX 8 Phone 1
K City 25 City 21
O Max Baud 5 Max Baud 56
0 0
Up to 5 fields per line can be defined, but only a total of 5 keys in
the 5 lines are all that is allowed. Remember that the total of fields
and field labels can't add up to more than 80. Oh also allow for
spaces between fields and Colons after labels.
Maximum key length is 15 characters if a field longer than 15
characters is designated as a key only the 1st 15 characters in the
field will be used in the index.
When you have defined the first line press Alt N or use the mouse to
select the next line button or you can press enter. When you have
defined the last line that you want to use Select the Done button.
Input Info .......
(K)ey-(R)eq-(O)pt decide if the field will be a (K)ey field, an input
(R)equired Field or an Input (O)ptional field. All
Key fields are also input required fields.
Prompt This is the Prompt QRDB will use when asking for Input
or describing the sorted lists that are possible.
Field Length This is the Maximum length of an entry in this field.
If it is a Key field it is also the length of the Key
unless the field is longer than 15 characters in
which case the Key length is set to 15 characters.
Display Info .....
Label This is the label placed ahead of the data when the
line is displayed, when displayed a colon will be added
to the label.
Label Start Column This is column that the first character in the label
will be placed in. When a field is displayed the
label is followed by a colon and a space and then
the data. Labels are not displayed if the field
is empty.
The data base can be left empty for user input or a comma delimited
file of data can be imported into the data base. Data for import must
be set up as follows. Each record to be created must contain the same
number of lines that you have established for display by QRDB. Use a
comma to identify the end of a field's input. A comma is required for
every field in the record, including blank fields. Remember not to use
comma's in your data as they would throw things off. See the following
A record from the Example Data Base "User List of Favorite BBS's"
│Phone: 408-335-4595 St: Ca City: Felton
│BBS Name: Mountain Retreat
│MaxBaud: 14400 Size: 660Meg
│Comment: Specializing in Pascal Programming
A comma delimited text file for import would look as follows
Brown Bag Software,
Brown Bag software support board,
The Passaic/NJPCUG BBS,
Fido Net Node 1:107/559,
714-824-4328,Ca,Loma Linda,
LLUMC Online Medical Library,
In summary:
No blank lines, one line for each line in the record, Comma at the end
of each field including blank fields. No testing of your input is done
by QRDBMgr so make sure your input is correct and if you are adding to
an existing data base you should probably back up the data base before
If you are going to import a comma delimited list; select menu item
Read_In_Type_2_DB_Data from the Operations menu. A Dialog box will be
presented listing available control files, select the .2CL control
file for the data base you want to add to, next enter the name of the
list that you want to import. After you have imported the list you can
select menu item Shell_to_QRDB and review the new data base.
The import feature can be used to add a chunk to an existing data
base, it is suggested you backup any existing work before importing
additional data. QRDBMgr does not check the data you are importing and
improperly structured input could corrupt the data base.
Creating a Type 3 Data Base
A sample Type 3 Data Base has been provided. To review it's
control files, run QRDBMgr and press F2 and select the .3CL file.
As with the type 2 data base you should have a plan as to how you want
the data to be displayed. Then press F6 or select Add_a_type_3_DB from
the menu to bring up the Make Type 3 Dialog Box. Fill in the Full Path
Name of the .DBF file you are going to use. Input Read Security Level
and the Data Base Title. Use the Tab or Mouse to select fields.
.DBF file Full Path Name: C:\DBASE\CHAPLIN.DBF
Read Security Level: 1
Data Base Title: A data base of Chaplin movies
Press OK when done or press enter. Next a Dialog Box will be presented
for the defining the layout of the dBase data on the screen.
┌─ dBase Field ───┐ ┌────────── QRDB Handling Instructions ──────────┐
│ │ │(N)/A │
│ │ │(D)sp │
│ Name Len │ │(K)ey Display Label Line Col │
TITLE 30 D Title 1 1
COMPANY 15 D Company 2 1
RELEASE_DA 10 K Release Date 1 40
DIRECTOR 30 D Director 2 30
WRITER 30 D Writer 3 1
FEETLENGTH 5 D Ft. Long 5 1
REELS 4 N 0 0
MINUTELENG 3 D Min. Long 5 17
START_DATE 10 D Start Date 5 32
END_DATE 10 D End Date 5 54
ACTOR 30 D Actor 4 40
ACTRESS 30 D Actress 4 1
SUPPORT 10 N 0 0
MUSIC 10 N 0 0
CREDITS 10 N 0 0
dBase Field Info .......
The dBase field Name and Length are displayed as an
aid in working out the Handling info required by QRDB.
QRDB Handling Info .......
(N)/A-(D)sp-(K)ey Decide if the field will be a (K)ey field, a (D)isplay
Field or a Not Required Field. Memo fields are not
supported and must be coded [N]. In the example the
fields SUPPORT, MUSIC and CREDITS are memo fields.
Display Label This is the Label QRDB will use when displaying the
associated field data.
Line This is the line that the Label and the Field data
data will be placed on when QRDB is displaying the
Col This is column that the first character in the label
will be placed in. When a field is displayed the
label is followed by a colon and a space and then
the data. Labels are not displayed if the field
is empty.
Disclaimer agreement
Users of QRDB and QRDBMGR must except the following disclaimer
QRDB and it's utilities are provided AS IS. The Author makes no
Warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In addition THE AUTHOR
FROM THE USE OF QRDB, QRDBMGR or associated utilities.
Version 1.00 Initial Release
Version 1.01 Added a Main Menu help function
Version 1.02 Added a type 2 data import function and fixed
a bug in the type 3 data dase setup functions
Version 1.03 Changed screens and added local mode default.
QRDB is ShareWare, a $15 registration fee is required. For an
additional $10 I'll send you a copy of the latest version with with
a 65 character message of your choice replacing the following line
in the QRDB menu.
║ QRDB Door - by John Jamieson - Mountain Retreat BBS (408)335-4595 ║
If you decide to continue useing QRDB after a 90 day trial period
you are expected to register. Please send your registration fee to:
John Jamieson
Mountain Retreat BBS
555 Buckeye St.
Felton Ca, 95018
Include the Name of your BBS as it appears in your BBS Config if you
are adding your message to the Menu.
For support contact:
Fidonet 1:143/506
BBS phone (408)335-4595