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244 lines
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Contributed to the public domain on May 29, 1992 by
Alan Graff, P. O. Box 131, Wheelersburg, OH 45694
RALSTON is a utility program to scan the system log created by
Remote Access BBS and extract the name of the last caller. This
name (up to 30 characters) is patched into the LASTCALL.FD record
kept by Front Door. By doing this, the system operator can tell
at a glance who the last call to his system was from.
This version of RALSTON will operate with either standard RA
format system logs or "compressed" Front Door style logs.
RALSTON may be executed anywhere on your system so long as the
proper paths and file names are passed to the program as indicated.
Simply type RALSTON, then the full path AND NAME of your system log
and the full path to LASTCALL.FD and press return to execute the program
from DOS.
To include RALSTON in a batch file, place it in your batch file
just behind the command to return to Front Door after exiting the
This version includes a filter switch. Use -F as a third parameter
and RALSTON will check the user name before it moves it into the
LASTCALL.FD record. If the name contains any characters above an
ASCII value of 127 it will exit without doing the move. The switch
must be entered as a CAPITAL (-f will not be recognized). This
parameter is an option and may be omitted.
Command syntax is:
└─┬─────────────────────┘ └─────┬──────┘ └┬─┘
│ │ └─ Filter switch
│ └── Full path to LASTCALL.FD
└── Full path and name of system log
RALSTON was written specifically for Remote Access BBS and FRONT
DOOR. It definately will not work with SuperBBS and may not work with
QuickBBS or other lookalikes due to minor differences in how the log
file is worded. Specifically, the words " on-line at " must appear in
the log-in entry and be in LOWER CASE letters.
I have had several requests from users to add an option to move
time, date and other information from the log into LASTCALL.FD.
The next version of RALSTON may support these features as optional
command line switches.
A version of this program for SuperBBS is available from Cross Connect
under the file name LAST2FD.LZH.
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║ │██░ │██░ ██░│██░█ ██░│██░█ ██░│████ │██░ ██░ ║
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║ Other programs from Cross Connect as of May 1992 ║
║ ║
│ BUCK210.LZH Buccaneer. This is a BBS pirate door game for SuperBBS, │
│ QuickBBS and Remote Access. Will run on about any BBS │
│ software that creates either DORINFO1.DEF or DOOR.SYS. │
│ Certain patches are required to make this version run on │
│ Remote Access 1.10 or higher. │
│ Players roam about a 13 X 13 grid, sinking treasure ships │
│ and othe players, collecting as much treasure as possible │
│ to be the top captain. Each game lasts 1 month. Top │
│ score for previous month is posted on high-score list. │
│ │
│ BUCKBUGS.LZH This file describes various problems that have been noted │
│ in the current version of Buccaneer and includes instructions │
│ on how to make corrections. │
│ │
│ BUCKNEW.210 What's new file for Buccaneer Version 2.10. This file is │
│ included in the BUCK210.LZH file. │
│ │
│ BUCKOUT.LZH Manual user killer for old versions of Buccaneer. Not │
│ required for version 2.02 or higher. │
│ │
│ BUCKKILL.LZH Automatic user killer for old versions of Buccaneer. Not │
│ required for version 2.02 or higher. │
│ │
│ CO101A.LZH Crossover Door. This door permits you to "roll your own" door │
│ by using any ASCII text editor to create script files that it │
│ interprets. Very easy to use, will work with SuperBBS, Quick │
│ or Remote Access 1.04 or earlier. │
│ Script files for CrossOver │
│ JOURNAL.LZH Sysop's journal. Keep a diary of your BBS operation. │
│ MATCH.LZH Match Game. Be the last to take a match. │
│ PETE.LZH Pete's lost maze game. │
│ TOM.LZH Tom The Cat. Let your users write a soap opera. │
│ BBSLIST.LZH Let users enter or view information about other bulletin │
│ boards. │
│ This is an online text reader for Morning Star Magazine. │
│ Morning Star is an electronic magazine for Christians which is │
│ issued monthly on several communications networks including │
│ America On-Line, Genie, Compuserve, Delphi and numerous BBS │
│ systems around the world. Each issue contains multiple │
│ articles on a variety of subjects. │
│ This door permits you to display the magazine in an online │
│ environment, letting users browse several issues and read any │
│ articles they select. Supports table of contents and article │
│ listings that permit readers to go directly to the areas that │
│ interest them instead of having to read the entire file from │
│ beginning to end. Users may scroll forward and reverse in any │
│ article and download text of an individual article from inside │
│ the door. │
│ MSDOOR supports exit files created by all versions of Remote │
│ Access and SuperBBS plus recent versions of QuickBBS, Spitfire,│
│ WWIV, Wildcat and others. │
│ Morning Star Files │
│ The following files are not Cross Connect products, but are included for │
│ information and are available from Cross Connect. No charge for for these │
│ files if you will send 1 floppy disk for each file for them to be returned │
│ to you on, NO High-Density disks, please. │
│ MSTAR.LZH Morning Star file reader for IBM. *REQUIRED* to read data │
│ files in an offline environment. │
│ A version for Windows is also available. │
│ OCT1991.ZIP Oct. 1991 - First issue │
│ NOV1991.ZIP Nov. 1991 - Healing │
│ DEC1991.ZIP Dec. 1991 - Testimony from former homosexuals │
│ JAN1992.ZIP Jan. 1992 - Christian education │
│ FEB1992.ZIP Feb. 1992 - Ministers │
│ MAR1992.ZIP Mar. 1992 - Relationships │
│ APR1992.ZIP Apr. 1992 - Prison Ministries │
│ MAY1992.ZIP May. 1992 - Israel │
│ Miscellaneous Utilities for BBS operations │
│ FAKEBAUD.LZH Change "0" baud local calls to another value in SuperBBS's │
│ SCALLERS.BBS record. │
│ │
│ DELBRACK.LZH Remove download counters from FILES.BBS listings. │
│ │
│ JAM.LZH Just A Minute. 1 minute batch file delay utility. Permits │
│ manual override. │
│ │
│ LOGPK1_0.LZH Renames SYSTEM.LOG to a dated file and puts it in an archive. │
│ │
│ NUMKEYS.LZH Turn NUM LOCK on or off in your batch file. │
│ │
│ PURGE.LZH Remove unwanted information from SuperBBS SYSTEM.LOG files. │
│ Two separate programs in this archive, one will remove any │
│ line containing data specified by a parameter passed from the │
│ DOS prompt. The second program will remove an entire online │
│ session based on any data located in the first line of the │
│ session such as user name or baud rate. Combined, they make │
│ a powerful team that can remove a lot of nag-ware prompts, │
│ sysop log-ins, etc. that tend to fill up a log with worthless │
│ information. │
│ │
│ RNDERR.LZH Generate random error level in a batch file. │
│ │
│ STOPLOOP.LZH Prevent an endless loop from occuring in a batch file. │
│ │
│ STRIPIT.LZH Strip control characters from a file. │
│ │
│ APHOS.LZH Christian aphorisim file for SuperBBS 1.15+ │
│ │
│ NOBOOT.LZH 5 second delay to permit manual override of a batch file │
│ │
│ DOORLOCK.LZH Lock a door after x times │
│ │
│ KILLOFF.LZH Remove "OFF-LINE" commented files from a file list │
│ │
│ Other stuff │
│ SKYLAB04.LZH Print diskette labels on standard mailing labels. │
│ Shows files on disk, disk title line & 4 comment lines. │
│ Epson compatible printer req. │
│ │
│ On the way │
│ An upgrade to MSDOOR to support the Windows version of the data base. │
│ │
│ Look for a total re-write of Buccaneer some time in the fall or early │
│ winter of 1992. This version will be written to run on RA without patches. │
Cross Connect BBS
24 hours, 1200-9600 V.32
Telephone (614) 776-7136
All files shown above may be file requested from any of the following nodes:
FidoNet 1:2260/50
EchoNet 50:6606/50
ICDMNet 77:100/50
DoorNet 75:7614/102
For a full listing, request "FILES"