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File Transfer Door
Version 7.2 Dated 10 July 1992
Copyright (C) 1990 John Jamieson
This door provides a BiModem/DSZ interface to QuickBBS version 2.75 and
Remote Access Version 1.10/1.11
Xferdoor can be used as a Door for Bimodem only or the DSZ protocols
Zmodem, YModem-g and Xmodem can be included.
What XferDoor will do for you
1. Give BiModem User Time & Byte limits per BBS ExitInfo.
2. Limit DSZ downloads per Time & Bytes limits in BBS ExitInfo.
3. Request File descriptions after Dsz Uploads
4. Request File descriptions after BiModem Uploads if they wern't
provided with the Bimodem upload.
5. Update User Stats.
6. UpDate Files.BBS, UpLoads.Log, DnLoads.Log and lists all transfers
in the System Log.
7. Change a users level in response to an upload. This is an optional
procedure, if desired it must be specified in the configuration.
8. Set and/or UnSet a flag bit in response to an upload, this is also
an optional procedure.
9. Allows specified Free files to be downloaded with out the Bytes being
10. If used in conjuction with the QRFM (QuickBBS/RA File Manager)
Xferdoor will reject duplicate uploads even if those uploads are
11. Provide access to special directories based on a match of a
flag identified for a directory in FLSearch.ctl and the users
flag settings.
Registration will cost you 10 bucks, send the name of your BBS as
it appears in the QuickBBS or RA Configuration as generated by
QConfig or RAConfig , and your $10 registration fee to
John Jamieson
555 Buckeye St.
Felton Ca 95018
You will receive a Registration number by return mail, the registration
number is required if you would like to replace the advertisement for my
BBS with your own message.
For the purpose of these instructions the QuickBBS files are in
directory C:\QuickBBS and the protocol files are in directory
C:\QuickBBS\Protocol. When installing XferDoor on your system
substitute the correct directory names for your BBS system.
a. Install Bimodem
Place the Bimodem files in the protocol dir and follow the
BiModem installation instructions and use BInstall.Bat to
Install Bimodem. Now run BiConfig and Select Filenames
and Paths which will bring up the following screen.
╔════════════[BiConfig - (C) Copyright Erik Labs 1989,90]════════════╗
║ ║
║ Directory that files will be received into ║
║ Directory that aborted files will be renamed into ║
║ Delete aborted destination files (Y/N) N ║
║ List of directories that determine rejections ║
║ Directory or list of directories files are sent from ║
║ Path to Password file ║
║ ║
║ Path to UpLoad/Download list (Transfer List) file ║
║ Path to default files list for BiList ║
║ ║
║ Path to log file ║
║ Are connects/disconnects to be logged (Y/N) N ║
║ Are file transfer statistics to be logged (Y/N) N ║
║ ║
║ Are connects/disconnects to be logged (Y/N) N ║
║ Are file transfer statistics to be logged (Y/N) N ║
║ ║
Now add the file names BIDIRLST.CTL and AUTHSRCH.CTL as shown
in the screen above. BiDirLst.Ctl is created by XDConfig and
AuthSrch.Ctl is created by Xferdoor, see file descriptions
below. You should review the rest of the Filenames and paths
at this time.
* The Bimodem.Cfg and BiModem.Com files must be in the Directory
* that Xferdoor is run from. If running multinode you will need
* to place copies in each of the node directories and then run
* BiConfig in each node's directory, you must spell out the
* fullpath to AuthSrch.Ctl, it must point to the node's
* directory in each case. That's where XferDoor places
Node 1 Biconfig
Directory or list of directories files are sent from
Node 2 Biconfig
Directory or list of directories files are sent from
If running a single node and you run Xferdoor from the
Protocol dir you can leave Bimodem.Cfg in the protocol
After Binstall is complete you can remove all the bimodem
files except Bimodem.Com, BiConfig.Com and Bimodem.Cfg.
b. Install DSZ
Xferdoor had problems with DSZ1001 use DSZ1214 or a later version,
Versions prior to DSZ1001 are also OK.
Place DSZ.COM in the C:\QuickBBS\Protocol directory. Use the
DOS SET command to assign a DSZ.Log path to a environment
variable DSZLOG. DSZ uses the DSZLOG environment variable to
tell it where to place it's log file DSZ.Log. The Log must be
placed in the directory that XferDoor is run from. multinode
setup each node needs it's own DSZ.Log, the Node Subdirectory
for each node must be specified in the SET command. Examples
or in a multinode setup
In a multinode setup the SET DSZLOG command cannot be placed
in the Autoexec.Bat file it must be placed in the Batch file
that extablishes the configuration for the node, because each
node will need it's own log file.
If you are NOT a registered DSZ user then remove the line in
XFERDOOR.PRO that describes YMODEM-g. It is only available to
registered DSZ users and if it is removed from XFERDOOR.PRO it
won't be offered to your users. YMODEM-g requires that the
modem does the error correcting, a hit will cause an abort. A
MNP or v.42 modem is required, it can not be used with non-
error correcting modems.
c. Install XferDoor
Place XferDoor.EXE and XDConfig.Exe in your protocol directory.
If you run XferDoor from a directory other than the Protocol
directory where XferDoor.Exe is located, you will need to set
the environmental variable XFERDOOR to the directory you will
be running XferDoor from. Examples
or in a multinode setup
If you will be using XferDoor with DSZ then the file
XferDoor.Pro must also be placed in the protocol directory. In
addition if free files are to be allowed then a file named
FreeFile.Ctl must be in the protocol directory, see the
example file. Now run XDConfig, XDConfig creates a .CFG file.
XDConfig will bring up the following Menu. The entries are an
example only.
XferDoor Configuration Menu
Answers are mandatory on the first 3 questions
A _____ Protocall Directory :C:\QuickBBS\Protocol\
B ___________ BBS Directory :C:\QuickBBS\
C _______ UpLoads Directory :C:\UpLoads\
The BBS Directory field wants the directory that Config.RA or
QuickCfg.DAT is located in.
The next two items apply only if your copy is Registered
E Replace "Transfer Door - by John Jamieson - Mountain Retreat BBS (408)335-4595"
With :"Give a little take what you like" or whatever
F _____ Input your Registration Number :2119
When you register you can replace the field in option (E) with any string
you would like.
Answer the following to suit your needs or enter (N) if not applicable
G _____ Turn User Flag on at Upload Completion :B2
H ____ Turn User Flag off at Upload Completion :B1
I Adjust User Level on Upload Completion if user is Lvl :5
J ___ On Upload Completion adjust Level 5 User to Level :10
K ____Allow how many DownLoad Bytes for one Upload Byte :10
L _Bytes allowed a new user before user Uploads (100k`s):2
X to Exit or Line :
XdConfig info
Lines A,B,C give XferDoor the info it needs on your BBS paths. Lines
E & F are to be filled out only if you register. They allow you to
replace the advertisement for my BBS. The last 6 lines implement
level changing and flag setting. Acceptable flag entries are A0 thru
D7. In addition to building XferDoor.CFG, XDConfig creates a file
called BiDirLst.Ctl in the Protocall directory. BiDirLst.Ctl is a
list of all the directories in in FlSearch.Ctl, BiModem needs this
list to determine rejections. You can edit BiDirLst.Ctl file with a
text editor if this one created by Xferdoor dosen't suit your needs.
BiDirLst.Ctl should be specified in BiConfig as mentioned above. The
.CFG file can be changed any time by running XDConfig again.
With line L you can set the maximum total bytes a user may download
if prior to uploading. This number reflects hundreds of KBytes.
d. Install on BBS
Type 7 or type 15 menus can be used, some examples are given below.
Xferdoor requires command line parameters U,D,S and/or B to specify
whether a Bimodem transfer or combined BiModem/DSZ Upload or
Download menus are desired. Parameter B specifies a Bimodem only, D
presents a menu of download protocols including Bimodem and DSZ, U
presents a menu of upload protocols. The only difference between
the S and D parameters is that the S parameter allows the
auto-logoff of a user on completion of a download.
Xferdoor/Bimodem is not able to handle downloads of over 10Meg
versions of Xferdoor prior to 7.0H would do strange things if
Limits.CTL allowed a user more than 10Meg. In vers 7.0H a call
to Xferdoor is limited to a 10Meg transfer. If a user is auth-
orized more he/she will have to re-enter the door.
Example QuickBBS .BAT file entries for use in a type 15 menu
installation follows.
C:\QuickBBS\Protocol\XferDoor B
GoTo Begin
C:\QuickBBS\Protocol\XferDoor U
GoTo Begin
C:\QuickBBS\Protocol\XferDoor D
GoTo Begin
:DownLoad Rem Hangup on completion allowed use Xferdoor S
C:\QuickBBS\Protocol\XferDoor S
GoTo Begin
In a type 7 menu item I am using the *M argument, Xferdoor
wouldn't run without it on my system.
C:\QuickBBS\Protocol\XferDoor.EXE B *M
Following is a Typical Directory Structure, and files used by
XferDoor. The files shown under the subdir Node1 can be placed in the
QuickBBS directory.
├─FlSearch.Ctl (1)
├─Limits.Ctl (2)
├─Uploads.Log (3)
├─Dnloads.Log (4)
│ (in many setups the node 1 files listed below will)
│ (reside in the QuickBBS directory)
│ ├─QuickCfg.Dat or Config.Ra (5)
│ ├─Exitinfo.BBS (6)
│ ├─DSZ.Log (7)
│ ├─BimXfer.$$$ (8)
│ ├─AuthSrch.Ctl (9)
│ ├─System.Log (10)
│ ├─BiModem.Cfg
│ └─Bimodem.Com
│ ├─QuickCfg.Dat or Config.Ra (5)
│ ├─Exitinfo.BBS (6)
│ ├─DSZ.Log (7)
│ ├─BimXfer.$$$ (8)
│ ├─AuthSrch.Ctl (9)
│ ├─System.Log (10)
│ ├─BiModem.Cfg
│ └─Bimodem.Com
├─BiDirLst.Ctl (11)
├─FreeFile.Ctl (12)
├─XFerDoor.Pro (13)
├─XferDoor.Log (14)
(1) FLSearch.Ctl
FlSearch is just a text file listing the download directories
that you want Xferdoor to have access to. The format is
Directory Name, Security Level required for Access, Directory
description, and a Flag if the directory is to be limited to
users with a particular flag set. Spacing isn't important.
╔═════════ Sample FLSearch.CTL ══════════════╕
║ │
║ H:\Apps 5 Applications │
║ G:\Util 5 Utilities │
║ F:\Comm 5 Communications │
║ H:\Games 5 Games │
║ F:\graph 15 Graphics │
║ D:\Private 15 Private_Stuff C7 │
In the example above the user record would have to have the C7
flag set in order to access Private Stuff.
Example: (C flags : -------X) (note the C7 flag is actually the
8th location in the set when setting the user flag)
Remember to use UnderScore's in the description as the forth
word in a line is interperted as a Flag. Leaving off the
underscore in line 6 of the example would cause the C7 flag
to not be picked up.
(2) Limits.Ctl
This is just the BBS limits file. Data from Limits.Ctl along
with user level are used by Xferdoor to obtain Download limits.
(3) Uploads.Log
This is the BBS uploads log XferDoor updates this log after
each upload.
(4) Dnloads.Log
This is the BBS dnloads log XferDoor updates this log after
each dnload.
(5) QuickCfg.Dat or Config.Ra
These are the BBS configuration files for RA and QuickBBS.
XferDoor gets BBS type by checking for one of these files.
(6) ExitInfo.BBS
File created by BBS prior to calling XferDoor. XferDoor exchanges
data with the BBS using this file.
(7) DSZ.Log
This file is created by DSZ on completion of DSZ file transfer
activity. XferDoor gets DSZ file transfer stats from this file
then erases it. It must be avail in the directory XferDoor is
run from. DSZ looks in the environment for DSZLOG to determine
where to place DSZ.Log.
(8) BimXfer.$$$
This file is created by Bimodem on completion of Bimodem file
transfer activity. XferDoor gets Bimodem file transfer stats
from this file, then erases it. It must be avail in the
directory XferDoor is run from.
(9) AuthSrch.Ctl
Each time XFerDoor is run, it will create a file called
AuthSrch.Ctl. AuthSrch.Ctl is created for the user that opens
the door, it is based on the users level and the levels
specified in FlSearch.Ctl. AuthSrch.Ctl should also be
specified in BiConfig as mentioned above.
(10) System.Log
This is the BBS System.Log XferDoor makes entries to this log
listing all file transfers.
(11) BiDirLst.Ctl
Created by XDConfig when configuring Xferdoor. It is a list of
all directories in FLSearch.Ctl. This file is used by BiModem
in searches to determine if a file is already on the BBS.
(12) FreeFile.Ctl
This file tells XferDoor of any files exempt from download
ratio limits. Only applies if ratios are being used.
FreeFile.Ctl is a text file listing the names of files that are
to be free. Download bytes are not recorded a file is listed in
FreeFile.Ctl. In addition if the file is downloaded using
Zmodem or Xmodem the download will be allowed even if the
download will would exceed the users daily Byte limit. User
time limits still apply. BiModem won't allow the transfer if
user byte or time limits are exceeded. All file names must be
in Caps and one name to a line. FreeFile.Ctl must be in the
Protocol Directory .
(13) XFerDoor.Pro
The file XferDoor.Pro allows you to add a remark that will be
displayed in the XferDoor UpLoad and DownLoad Menus. XferDoor
only offers protocols listed in this file. Leave a protocol off
this list and it won't be offered to your users. The file is
required for all but the "B" command line option. The only
protocols that are supported at this time are X,Z,Y and B
(Bimodem). XFerDoor.Pro must be in the Protocol directory.
When using Xferdoor for a Z or Y modem download the default
number of files that can be requested is 15. If that dosen't
suit your needs adding a limit to the Z and/or Y entries in
XferDoor.Pro, example:
---- Zmodem with the default limit of 15
Z If you haven't got BiModem, this is next best
---- Zmodem with the limited to 10
Z10 If you haven't got BiModem, this is next best
A Max of 50 files can be handled by XferDoor;
(14) XferDoor.Log
A log of Xferdoor transfers with bps and cps stats
d. A Related Program
QRFM a QuickBBS/Remote Access File Manager. XferDoor when used
in conjunction with QRFM provides added features in both QRFM
and XferDoor. Qrfm will be given the name of a File UpLoader
and in addition DnLoad counts passed to QRFM. XferDoor will
use the QRFM database to determine if a file is already on the
BBS. Existing files, including offline files are then rejected
by XferDoor. QRFM is designed especially for the QuickBBS or
Remote Access BBS with Limited Hard Disk space and without a
Backup Tape Drive. I think a lot of us fit this description.
QRFM uses a data base to manage online files in the Upload and
DownLoad directories and offline files residing on floppies.
This system makes it possible to run a BBS with a large
complement of offline files. Offline files are easely placed
back on line, QRFM will tell you what floppy disk it needs in
order to perform the task. If using QRFM it's necessary to add
the environment variable SET QRFM=C:\QRFM, or what ever
directory QRFM is in, to your autoexec.bat file.
Qrfm Features;
a) Move files from the Upload area to a DownLoad area, between
DownLoad areas and between Download areas and BackUp flopies.
b) Edit File Description, Name or Date. The description editor
allows the use of 240 character descriptions.
c) Create Cross Reference file lists
d) Check/View/Alter the contents of an Archive,
(Decompresses and Shells to your file manager)
e) Recompress File to different Compression type (Shells to your
compression tools)
f) Check for Virus, (shells to your virus checker)
g) Delete unwanted files
h) Backup Files to Floppy and Catalog those backups
Files are backed up and the backups cataloged, makeing it
possible to take files offline and put them back on line
easily. Backup file copies are kept in groups in accordance
with assigments made when configuring file areas. Each download
area can be assigned a backup group or a group of download
areas can use the same backup group.
i) Produces an AllFile listing for a specified user level
j) Search for files by File Name or Key Word
QRFM35 is released. It Supports both QuickBBS Vers 2.75 and RA Vers
1.01/1.11. QRFM34.ARJ be downloaded from Mountain Retreat at
Revision History
1.1 Added check for local mode, to allow local viewing of screens.
2 Added capability to add your own remarks to the Upload/Download
2.1 Fixed problem with 00:00 event
3.0 Added Command line option S. It allows a user to select Auto-Logoff
on completion of a download.
Fixed a problem with ansi graphics on color BBS moniters
3.1 Give warning if waiting for input over 1 min, leave door after
waiting 3 mins.
3.2 Fix to allow use by QuickBBS sysops who switch to Super BBS
(an Enhanced Quickbbs Clone). Added the file XDInit.EXE. See
paragraph c above for info on XDInit.
3.3 Gave more time to users during input before Beeping.
3.4 Allowed user to abort auto logoff
3.5 A problem was discovered in the level adjusting mechanism and
4.0 Got rid of Ansi.Sys requirement
Added status bar
5.0 Droped SuperBBS support added Remote Access Support
5.1 Bug fix Time Limit problem introduced when RA added
5.2 Added Free file capability and fixed another Bug
Introduced with RA Support. The bug was associated with
level adjusting. Established a maximum allowable Kbytes
a user may download if the user dosen't upload. The
Max Byte number must be entered in XdConfig, if it is
going to be used.
5.3 Bug fix, filesize recording error.
5.4 Fixed bug in Xferdoor.Log, Garbage in log of Failed
Bimodem upload corrected. Placed entry in System log
identifying a user entering XferDoor. I don't have a
High speed modem yet but made changes I felt were
needed to allow use of one with Xferdoor.
6.0 Updated to support QuickBBS 2.75
6.1 Updated to interface with QRFM
6.2 Bug Fix
6.3 Updated to support RA 1.10
6.4 Had some time and fixed some problems in the new user
upgrade routines.
6.5 Updated to make compatable with QRFM vers 2.0a
7.0 Adds support for MultiNode
Added directory access control via Flags
Added YModem-G, Added 10Meg Bimodem limit workaround.
Hangup toggle bug fixed.
BiModem Autosensing added.
User interface changed slightly.
The number of files in a request can now be specified
see XferDoor.Pro above.
7.1 BugFix and documentation clearification.
7.2 Freefile fix and changed XferDoor.Pro to agree with docs
and program
You can Download the latest version of Xferdoor
from the Mountain Retreat BBS
Mountain Retreat BBS
FidoNet Node 1:216/506
InterNet johnj@clovis.ca.us