Clip Art Extravaganza: Business & Home 2
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Assembly Source File
602 lines
PAGE 60, 132
TITLE Testing the TSR graphics interupt
ORG 100H
START: MOV AH, 7 ; fn to get a key
INT 21h ; DOS int call
CMP AL, 27 ; check to see if they hit the <Esc> key
JNE OKsofar ; if so, get out
OKsofar: CMP AL, 30h ; check to see if the key hit was 0
JA Maybe ; if so, get out
JB START ; if less than even that, try again
Maybe: CMP AL, 37h ; check it against the 7 key
JA START ; if higher than that, try again
; +----------------------------------------------+
; | the only way to get to this point is if the |
; | key hit was a number key between 1 and 7. |
; +----------------------------------------------+
CMP AL, 32h ; check to see if a 2 was hit
JB Turn_on_gr ; if less than that, it was the # 1
JE Turn_on_text ; if equal . . .
CMP AL, 34h ; compare the input to 4
JB Draw_pts ; if less than that, it was 3 (1&2 above)
JE Draw_lines ; if equal . . .
CMP AL, 36h ; compare it to 6
JB Set_active_pg_int ; if below, 5
JE Clear_the_pg_int ; if equal, 6
JA Fill_the_pg_int ; if above, 7
JMP Set_active_pg
JMP Clear_the_pg
JMP Fill_the_pg
MOV AH, 7 ; get a number for the page
INT 21h
CMP AL, 31h ; is it too high or too low
JA Turn_on_gr
CMP AL, 30h
JB Turn_on_gr
AND AL, 1 ; mask off low bit
OR AL, 10h ; make AL the INT 70h fn to turn on gr
LEA BX, misc ; get address for misc data area
MOV [BX], AL ; move gr on fn to there
XOR AL, AL ; clear byte
MOV [BX + 1], AL ; tell interupt when to stop
MOV AX, DS ; get segment for interupt call
INT 70h ; call interupt
JMP START ; you're done
MOV AH, 7 ; get a number for the page
INT 21h
CMP AL, 31h ; is it too high or too low
JA Turn_on_text
CMP AL, 30h
JB Turn_on_text
AND AL, 1 ; mask off low bit
OR AL, 20h ; make AL the INT 70h fn to turn on text
LEA BX, misc ; get address for misc data area
MOV [BX], AL ; move text on fn to there
XOR AL, AL ; clear byte
MOV [BX + 1], AL ; tell interupt when to stop
MOV AX, DS ; get segment for interupt call
INT 70h ; call interupt
JMP START ; you're done
LEA BX, Points
INT 70h
MOV AX, DS ; setup for INT 70h: get the segment and
LEA BX, Lines ; offset of the data
INT 70H ; call graphics interupt
MOV AH, 7 ; get a number for the page
INT 21h
CMP AL, 31h ; is it too high or too low
JA Set_active_pg
CMP AL, 30h
JB Set_active_pg
AND AL, 1 ; mask off low bit
OR AL, 50h ; make AL the INT 70h fn to set active pg
LEA BX, misc ; get address for misc data area
MOV [BX], AL ; move set active pg fn to there
XOR AL, AL ; clear byte
MOV [BX + 1], AL ; tell interupt when to stop
MOV AX, DS ; get segment for interupt call
INT 70h ; call interupt
JMP START ; you're done
MOV AH, 7 ; get a number for the page
INT 21h
CMP AL, 31h ; is it too high or too low
JA Clear_the_pg
CMP AL, 30h
JB Clear_the_pg
AND AL, 1 ; mask off low bit
OR AL, 60h ; make AL the INT 70h fn to Clear the pg
LEA BX, misc ; get address for misc data area
MOV [BX], AL ; move clear the pg fn to there
XOR AL, AL ; clear byte
MOV [BX + 1], AL ; tell interupt when to stop
MOV AX, DS ; get segment for interupt call
INT 70h ; call interupt
JMP START ; you're done
MOV AH, 7 ; get a number for the page
INT 21h
CMP AL, 31h ; is it too high or too low
JA Fill_the_pg
CMP AL, 30h
JB Fill_the_pg
AND AL, 1 ; mask off low bit
OR AL, 70h ; make AL the INT 70h fn to Fill the pg
LEA BX, misc ; get address for misc data area
MOV [BX], AL ; move fill the pg fn to there
MOV AH, 7 ; get a number to fill the page with
INT 21h
MOV AH, AL ; since 2 bytes are used, copy given byte
MOV [BX+1], AX ; store the value in memory
XOR AL, AL ; clear byte
MOV [BX + 3], AL ; tell interupt when to stop
MOV AX, DS ; get segment for interupt call
INT 70h ; call interupt
JMP START ; you're done
DONE: MOV AX, CS ; setupt for INT 70h
LEA BX, Reset
INT 70H ; call graphics interupt
INT 20H ; stop this program
misc DB 00
DW 0000
DW 0000
Gr_on DB 11h ; turn on graphics
DB 61h ; clear page 1
DB 51h ; set active page to 1
DB 00
Points DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 9, 140
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 10, 140
DB 32h
DW 11, 140
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 9, 141
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 10, 141
DB 32h
DW 11, 141
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 39, 170
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 40, 170
DB 32h
DW 41, 170
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 39, 171
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 40, 171
DB 32h
DW 41, 171
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 9, 200
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 10, 200
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 11, 200
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 9, 201
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 10, 201
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 11, 201
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 689, 140
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 690, 140
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 691, 140
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 689, 141
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 690, 141
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 691, 141
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 659, 170
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 660, 170
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 661, 170
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 659, 171
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 660, 171
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 661, 171
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 689, 200
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 690, 200
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 691, 200
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 689, 201
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 690, 201
DB 32h ; plot a point
DW 691, 201
DB 00
Lines DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 0, 0, 700, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 10, 0, 690, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 20, 0, 680, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 30, 0, 670, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 40, 0, 660, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 50, 0, 650, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 60, 0, 640, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 70, 0, 630, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 80, 0, 620, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 90, 0, 610, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 100, 0, 600, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 110, 0, 590, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 120, 0, 580, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 130, 0, 570, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 140, 0, 560, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 150, 0, 550, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 160, 0, 540, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 170, 0, 530, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 180, 0, 520, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 190, 0, 510, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 200, 0, 500, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 210, 0, 490, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 220, 0, 480, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 230, 0, 470, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 240, 0, 460, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 250, 0, 450, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 260, 0, 440, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 270, 0, 430, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 280, 0, 420, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 290, 0, 410, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 300, 0, 400, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 310, 0, 390, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 320, 0, 380, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 330, 0, 370, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 340, 0, 360, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 350, 0, 350, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 360, 0, 340, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 370, 0, 330, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 380, 0, 320, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 390, 0, 310, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 400, 0, 300, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 410, 0, 290, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 420, 0, 280, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 430, 0, 270, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 440, 0, 260, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 450, 0, 250, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 460, 0, 240, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 470, 0, 230, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 480, 0, 220, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 490, 0, 210, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 500, 0, 200, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 510, 0, 190, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 520, 0, 180, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 530, 0, 170, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 540, 0, 160, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 550, 0, 150, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 560, 0, 140, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 570, 0, 130, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 580, 0, 120, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 590, 0, 110, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 600, 0, 100, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 610, 0, 90, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 620, 0, 80, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 630, 0, 70, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 640, 0, 60, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 650, 0, 50, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 660, 0, 40, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 670, 0, 30, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 680, 0, 20, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 690, 0, 10, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 700, 0, 0, 340
;---------------------- SECOND SET OF LINES ----------------------
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 5, 0, 695, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 15, 0, 685, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 25, 0, 675, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 35, 0, 665, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 45, 0, 655, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 55, 0, 645, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 65, 0, 635, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 75, 0, 625, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 85, 0, 615, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 95, 0, 605, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 105, 0, 595, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 115, 0, 585, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 125, 0, 575, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 135, 0, 565, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 145, 0, 555, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 155, 0, 545, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 165, 0, 535, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 175, 0, 525, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 185, 0, 515, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 195, 0, 505, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 205, 0, 495, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 215, 0, 485, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 225, 0, 475, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 235, 0, 465, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 245, 0, 455, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 255, 0, 445, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 265, 0, 435, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 275, 0, 425, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 285, 0, 415, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 295, 0, 405, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 305, 0, 395, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 315, 0, 385, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 325, 0, 375, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 335, 0, 365, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 345, 0, 355, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 355, 0, 345, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 365, 0, 335, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 375, 0, 325, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 385, 0, 315, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 395, 0, 305, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 405, 0, 295, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 415, 0, 285, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 425, 0, 275, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 435, 0, 265, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 445, 0, 255, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 455, 0, 245, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 465, 0, 235, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 475, 0, 225, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 485, 0, 215, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 495, 0, 205, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 505, 0, 195, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 515, 0, 185, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 525, 0, 175, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 535, 0, 165, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 545, 0, 155, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 555, 0, 145, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 565, 0, 135, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 575, 0, 125, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 585, 0, 115, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 595, 0, 105, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 605, 0, 95, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 615, 0, 85, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 625, 0, 75, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 635, 0, 65, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 645, 0, 55, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 655, 0, 45, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 665, 0, 35, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 675, 0, 25, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 685, 0, 15, 340
DB 42h ; draw a line (XOR)
DW 695, 0, 5, 340
DB 00 ; end interupt code
Reset DB 20h ; text on (page 0)
DB 70h ; fill the given buffer with...
DB 32, 7 ; spaces with normal attributes
DB 00 ; end interupt code