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File List  |  1992-08-17  |  10KB  |  168 lines

  3. X1CV-DBF.ZIP   325635  06-06-92  Computer Mfr's Phone information
  4.                                | bbs-fax-tech in Dbase form
  5. 98BUSLTR.ZIP    55239  02-06-91  98 bUSINESS LETTERS WITH INDEX
  6. AB10.ZIP       176439  07-05-92  Above and beyond
  7. ACSIN.ZIP      325166  04-09-92  Complete client tracking system for
  8.                                | business
  9. ADR10C.ZIP     176237  02-03-92  Windwos address manager V1.0
  10. AJOBIII.EXE    313816  04-24-92  Invoice-business software for home based
  11.                                | businesses
  12. AMORT11D.ZIP   220084  12-17-91  Complete Ammortization Program
  13. ASC.ZIP        251261  04-09-91  Datalog ease the information glut with
  14.                                | this
  15. BARCHART.ZIP   131712  01-19-91  Adkins Grpahics System maintains graphic
  16.                                | charts line bar
  17. BBMAIL39.ZIP   321932  01-12-92  Complete mailing system-name-add data base
  18.                                | - labels
  19. BBSALE35.ZIP   374539  06-21-92  Sales leads database mamagement system
  20. BILLIT28.ZIP   130454  07-11-92  Invioce-Statement-Billing program for
  21.                                | small business's
  22. BIZ-PLAN.ZIP   153590  04-20-92  Business plan master Version 1.2
  23. BIZBASE.EXE    355213  06-23-92  Very nice business info management
  24.                                | system....
  25. BIZPLANM.ZIP   154216  05-11-92  Business Plan Master v1.2 creates a bus.
  26.                                | plan. Templates
  27. BOOKKE23.ZIP   156078  09-15-91  Profesional quality Esy to use bookkeeping
  28.                                | system
  29. CASE40A.ZIP    336530  12-19-91  Case manager Rolodex Appointments tons
  30.                                | of features  1of 4
  31. CASE40B.ZIP    247113  12-19-91  disk 2 of 4
  32. CASE40C.ZIP    275097  12-19-91  disk 3 of 4
  33. CASE40D.ZIP    315744  12-19-91  Disk 4 of 4
  34. CASHFLO.ZIP    113272  01-19-92  This does Net value & return on
  35.                                | investments
  36. CHARTING.ZIP    52600  06-04-92  Business sales charting program
  37. CIMLAN24.ZIP   326798  07-10-92  Network based contact-customer manager and
  38.                                | PIM
  39. CPLUS23.ZIP    264853  03-04-92  shareware contact manager. TSR
  40. CPTUT23.ZIP    103195  07-07-92  Tutoral program for Contact Plus
  41. DENTAL1.ZIP    152574  01-08-91  Dental Practice Office Mangager 1 of 2.
  42.                                | Shareware
  43. DENTAL2.ZIP    156491  01-08-91  Dental Practice Office Mangaer 2 of 2.
  44. DV101.ZIP      180132  09-15-91  personnal computer based time management
  45.                                | system
  46. EF.ZIP         194662  06-18-91  Easy Finance checking bank account
  47.                                | management
  48. EP40.ZIP       234088  03-23-92  Easy project V4.05 Project management
  49.                                | system
  50. ESTMATE1.ZIP   138731  05-15-92  Estimator for Contractors Engineers &
  51.                                | Architects Disk 1of2
  52. ESTMATE2.ZIP    23173  05-15-92  Disk 2 of 2
  53. EVAL700B.ZIP   148736  04-19-92  Navy eval writer Version 700B
  54. FEDX101A.ZIP   167038  01-10-91  Federal Express Label Printer v1.01A
  55.                                | Member of ASP.
  56. FINVOICE.ZIP   112319  05-16-92  Fast invoice writer Version 2.0.1
  57. FJOL.ZIP       235293  04-28-92  Job opportunites in Atlanta region
  58. FREIGHT.ZIP    247196  03-20-91  FREIGHT+ V1.38 UPS computerized parcel
  59.                                | system shipping
  60. GISTPLUS.ZIP   184901  08-05-92  GIST PLUS General invoice sales tracker
  61. GUIDE75.ZIP    314065  12-20-91  Home and business legal guide and forms
  62.                                | generator
  63. H-LEGAL.ZIP    676825  10-22-91  Another home and business legal guide
  64.                                | forms generator
  65. HBMS.ZIP       115256  03-16-92  Home budget management system
  66. HEM12.ZIP       92281  03-17-91  Hours-Expenses-Miles v1.2 tracks these
  67.                                | items well.
  68. HOTNET.ZIP     284332  05-26-91  HOTNET v1.01 Hotline phone calling
  69.                                | tracking system.
  70. ICP70.ZIP      214166  03-10-92  ICP v7general purpose inventory control
  71.                                | prog
  72. INV13.ZIP      147531  08-05-92  Invoice system targeted to any retail
  73.                                | store enviroment
  74. INVEST.ZIP      94804  06-11-91  INVESTICAL provides eight useful
  75.                                | investment calculations
  76. INVIEW15.ZIP   343230  10-23-91  This program increases productivity with
  77.                                | to TO DO & CALANDER
  78. ISIBA10.ZIP    342708  02-06-92  Interstaller Systems Business acounting
  79.                                | system Rev 1.0
  80. JOBCOST2.ZIP    22114  03-06-92  Management tools when profits are made
  81.                                | staying in estimate
  82. JOBSRCH.ZIP    164041  03-28-92  An interactive guide to marketing yourself
  83. LEDGER2.ZIP    166507  07-07-92  Business ledger program
  84. LOGIN.ZIP       34234  03-18-91  Login track time and who logs in. With
  85.                                | source code.
  86. LOGTIM11.ZIP     8439  02-08-91  Log Time v1.1 tracks time logged into
  87.                                | computer
  88. MAILEM.ZIP     118137  06-05-92  Send form letters with the appearence of
  89.                                | form letters
  90. MD120.ZIP      103499  02-01-92  Mortgage Designer. Good for What IF
  91.                                | situations
  92. MORTGAGE.ZIP    92936  01-05-92  How to best pay off your mortgage.
  93.                                | Hopefully saving some $$
  95.                                | OF NEAT..
  96. MOT2Q92.ZIP    354153  05-22-92  Motorola Electronics Catalog '92 version
  97. NTWRTH-1.ZIP   294946  06-29-92  Determine net worth and print detailed
  98.                                | statement Disk 1 of 2
  99. NTWRTH-2.ZIP   299779  06-29-92  Networth disk 2 of 2
  100. ONT_PAY.ZIP     60040  07-07-92  Ontario payroll small business (35<)
  101.                                | payroll system
  102. PC-PAY91.ZIP   277396  06-11-91  PC-PAYROLL 1991 by Peninsula Software
  103.                                | Completepayroll sys.
  104. PCBUDGET.ZIP   195333  04-23-91  Designed to help assist simplify
  105.                                | organize your home fin
  106. PCM410.ZIP     268816  07-26-92  PostCardMaster 4.1. Mail handling system
  107. PONY20.ZIP     233519  04-23-92  Stupen Dos version 2.0 pretty good
  108.                                | utility
  109. PONYEX15.ZIP   172582  01-23-91  Pony Express v1.5 a utility to auto- mate
  110.                                | postal rate
  111. POS12-1.ZIP    140992  03-24-92  Professional point of sale program Disk 1
  112.                                | of 5
  113. POS12-2.ZIP    351978  03-26-92  POS disk 2 of 5
  114. POS12-3.ZIP    319324  03-24-92  Disk 3 of 5
  115. POS12-4.ZIP    387255  03-24-92  Disk 4 of 5
  116. POS12-5.ZIP    404410  03-24-92  Disk 5 of 5
  117. PRK.ZIP        283273  03-20-91  PERSONAL RECORD KEEPER v1.10 Record
  118.                                | important personal-bus
  119. PROP_MAN.ZIP    54536  07-07-92  set of files for R-BASE. Property
  120.                                | management system
  121. PROROLD.ZIP    265462  06-26-92  Keep track of names addresses & tel.
  122.                                | numbers with label Pr
  123. QTAX91-1.ZIP   238477  02-06-92  Federal tax preperation guide for
  124.                                | indeviduals Disk 1 of 2
  125. QTAX91-2.ZIP   302170  02-06-92  disk 2 of 2
  126. QUOTE300.ZIP   398173  04-20-92  Prepare quotes. menu driven easy to use
  127.                                | program...
  128. REALTY.ZIP     144252  02-24-92  Realters helper manages listings calcs
  129.                                | finance
  130. REGIT42A.ZIP   325198  01-11-92  Regit point of sale disk 1 of 2
  131. REGIT42B.ZIP    67513  01-11-92  disk 2 of 2
  132. RESSHP.ZIP      69136  03-15-92  One page resume program
  133. RESUMES.ZIP     96649  03-28-92  The resume shop. Resume writing program
  134. SIMPLE-1.ZIP   211132  06-18-91  Simple Mailer for SMALL business user
  135.                                | [part 1 of 2]
  136. SIMPLE-2.ZIP    88907  06-18-91  Simple Mailer for small business [part 2
  137.                                | of 2]
  138. SKEDUL.ZIP     197211  12-28-91  Daily agenda maintenace system
  139. SST28.EXE      192384  03-27-91  Software Sales Tracker v2.8 aid in sales
  140.                                | and followups.
  141. TA100.ZIP      165014  07-05-92  TAXACCTS small business journals to help
  142.                                | small business
  143. TI.ZIP         171440  04-09-91  Total Investor v2.0 Lotus Symphony
  144.                                | template
  145. TIMEXLOG.ZIP   172032  01-25-91  TimeXlog Project time tracking. GOOD!
  146.                                | Shareware ($15).
  147. TMASTER.ZIP    264229  03-07-92  Task master all purpose project tracking
  148.                                | program
  149. TRIPPLAN.ZIP   119262  03-20-91  VACATION PLANNER V4.4 Helps you plan
  150.                                | vacation business
  151. TSOFT610.ZIP   260495  06-24-92  Traavel agency accounting package
  152. TTRAK11A.ZIP   259540  08-14-91  TimeTrak V1.1 time tracking program
  153. UPS50S.ZIP     119775  02-01-91  UPS v5.0 Package delivery calculator
  154.                                | updated for FEB 91
  155. VICAREXE.EXE   138249  04-16-92  A-R Accounts receivable. Self extracting
  156. XLN4_XFX.EXE   322176  10-29-91  business planer
  157. XPNS109.ZIP    140937  05-20-92  Expense Reporting system V1.09
  158. ZCT20-1.ZIP    362728  04-08-92  High speed user maintainable zipcode
  159.                                | database Disk 1 of 3
  160. ZCT20-2.ZIP    362759  04-08-92  With search and report capabillities Disk
  161.                                | 2 of 3
  162. ZCT20-3.ZIP    332981  04-08-92  Disk 3 of 3
  163. ZILCH111.ZIP   117776  04-17-92  Debt liquidation program to assist in
  164.                                | getting out of debt
  165. ZMAIL352.ZIP   491352  07-07-92  A mailing list management system
  166. _1PCON.ZIP     136357  07-07-92  Personnal contact. Contact management
  167.                                | system..