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X1CV-DBF.ZIP Computer Mfr's Phone information bbs/fax/tech in Dbase form
AB10.ZIP Above and beyond
ACSIN.ZIP Complete client tracking system for business
ADR10C.ZIP Windwos address manager V1.0
AJOBIII.EXE Invoice/business software for home based businesses
AMORT11D.ZIP Complete Ammortization Program
ASC.ZIP Datalog ease the information glut with this
BARCHART.ZIP Adkins Grpahics System maintains graphic charts, line bar
BBMAIL39.ZIP Complete mailing system/name/add data base - labels
BBSALE35.ZIP Sales leads database mamagement system
BILLIT28.ZIP Invioce/Statement/Billing program for small business's
BIZ-PLAN.ZIP Business plan master Version 1.2
BIZBASE.EXE Very nice business info management system....
BIZPLANM.ZIP Business Plan Master, v1.2 creates a bus. plan. Templates
BOOKKE23.ZIP Profesional quality Esy to use bookkeeping system
CASE40A.ZIP Case manager, Rolodex, Appointments tons of features 1of 4
CASE40B.ZIP disk 2 of 4
CASE40C.ZIP disk 3 of 4
CASE40D.ZIP Disk 4 of 4
CASHFLO.ZIP This does Net value, & return on investments
CHARTING.ZIP Business sales charting program
CIMLAN24.ZIP Network based contact/customer manager and PIM
CPLUS23.ZIP shareware contact manager. TSR
CPTUT23.ZIP Tutoral program for Contact Plus
DENTAL1.ZIP Dental Practice Office Mangager 1 of 2. Shareware
DENTAL2.ZIP Dental Practice Office Mangaer 2 of 2.
DV101.ZIP personnal computer based time management system
EF.ZIP Easy Finance checking bank account management
EP40.ZIP Easy project V4.05 Project management system
ESTMATE1.ZIP Estimator for Contractors, Engineers, & Architects Disk 1of2
ESTMATE2.ZIP Disk 2 of 2
EVAL700B.ZIP Navy eval writer Version 700B
FEDX101A.ZIP Federal Express Label Printer v1.01A Member of ASP.
FINVOICE.ZIP Fast invoice writer Version 2.0.1
FJOL.ZIP Job opportunites in Atlanta region
FREIGHT.ZIP FREIGHT+ V1.38 UPS computerized parcel system shipping
GISTPLUS.ZIP GIST PLUS General invoice sales tracker
GUIDE75.ZIP Home and business legal guide and forms generator
H-LEGAL.ZIP Another home and business legal guide forms generator
HBMS.ZIP Home budget management system
HEM12.ZIP Hours/Expenses/Miles v1.2 tracks these items well.
HOTNET.ZIP HOTNET v1.01 Hotline phone calling tracking system.
ICP70.ZIP ICP v7,general purpose inventory control prog
INV13.ZIP Invoice system targeted to any retail store enviroment
INVEST.ZIP INVESTICAL provides eight useful investment calculations
INVIEW15.ZIP This program increases productivity with to TO DO & CALANDER
ISIBA10.ZIP Interstaller Systems Business acounting system Rev 1.0
JOBCOST2.ZIP Management tools when profits are made staying in estimate
JOBSRCH.ZIP An interactive guide to marketing yourself
LEDGER2.ZIP Business ledger program
LOGIN.ZIP Login track time and who logs in. With source code.
LOGTIM11.ZIP Log Time v1.1 tracks time logged into computer
MAILEM.ZIP Send form letters with the appearence of form letters
MD120.ZIP Mortgage Designer. Good for What IF situations
MORTGAGE.ZIP How to best pay off your mortgage. Hopefully saving some $$
MOT2Q92.ZIP Motorola Electronics Catalog '92 version
NTWRTH-1.ZIP Determine net worth and print detailed statement Disk 1 of 2
NTWRTH-2.ZIP Networth disk 2 of 2
ONT_PAY.ZIP Ontario payroll small business (35<) payroll system
PC-PAY91.ZIP PC-PAYROLL 1991 by Peninsula Software Completepayroll sys.
PCBUDGET.ZIP Designed to help assist, simplify, organize your home fin
PCM410.ZIP PostCardMaster 4.1. Mail handling system
PONY20.ZIP Stupen Dos version 2.0, pretty good utility
PONYEX15.ZIP Pony Express v1.5 a utility to auto- mate postal rate
POS12-1.ZIP Professional point of sale program Disk 1 of 5
POS12-2.ZIP POS disk 2 of 5
POS12-3.ZIP Disk 3 of 5
POS12-4.ZIP Disk 4 of 5
POS12-5.ZIP Disk 5 of 5
PRK.ZIP PERSONAL RECORD KEEPER v1.10 Record important personal/bus
PROP_MAN.ZIP set of files for R-BASE. Property management system
PROROLD.ZIP Keep track of names, addresses, & tel. numbers with label Pr
QTAX91-1.ZIP Federal tax preperation guide for indeviduals Disk 1 of 2
QTAX91-2.ZIP disk 2 of 2
QUOTE300.ZIP Prepare quotes. menu driven easy to use program...
REALTY.ZIP Realters helper, manages listings, calcs finance
REGIT42A.ZIP Regit point of sale disk 1 of 2
REGIT42B.ZIP disk 2 of 2
RESSHP.ZIP One page resume program
RESUMES.ZIP The resume shop. Resume writing program
SIMPLE-1.ZIP Simple Mailer for SMALL business user [part 1 of 2]
SIMPLE-2.ZIP Simple Mailer for small business [part 2 of 2]
SKEDUL.ZIP Daily agenda maintenace system
SST28.EXE Software Sales Tracker v2.8 aid in sales and followups.
TA100.ZIP TAXACCTS small business journals to help small business
TI.ZIP Total Investor v2.0 Lotus Symphony template
TIMEXLOG.ZIP TimeXlog Project time tracking. GOOD! Shareware ($15).
TMASTER.ZIP Task master all purpose project tracking program
TRIPPLAN.ZIP VACATION PLANNER V4.4 Helps you plan vacation business
TSOFT610.ZIP Traavel agency accounting package
TTRAK11A.ZIP TimeTrak V1.1 time tracking program
UPS50S.ZIP UPS v5.0 Package delivery calculator updated for FEB 91
VICAREXE.EXE A/R Accounts receivable. Self extracting
XLN4_XFX.EXE business planer
XPNS109.ZIP Expense Reporting system V1.09
ZCT20-1.ZIP High speed user maintainable zipcode database Disk 1 of 3
ZCT20-2.ZIP With search and report capabillities Disk 2 of 3
ZCT20-3.ZIP Disk 3 of 3
ZILCH111.ZIP Debt liquidation program to assist in getting out of debt
ZMAIL352.ZIP A mailing list management system
_1PCON.ZIP Personnal contact. Contact management system..