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1700ICO2.ZIP 1700 Icons for OS/2
2XMSE.ZIP A MOUSE.SYS which claims to accelerate the mouse motion;
4DOS4D.ZIP 4DOS DOS version which works with OS/2 version 2.0.
4DOS4P.ZIP Documentation for 4DOS.
ACTIVEL.ZIP Desktop utilities for OS/2, (calender, notepad Etc.)
ADDICO10.ZIP Program to attach Icons to a large number of files at once
ALPM15.ZIP OS/2 Application: Active Life Project Manager v1.5
ALRM15.ZIP Nice alarm clock for OS/2
ALRM20.ZIP Version 2.0 of Alarm Clock - now a 32-bit app.
ANN1022.ZIP Application development notes on OS/2
AT2-13B.ZIP AT2 V 1.3b send AT commands to your modem
ATI256C1.ZIP ATi Wonder 256-color PM drivers 800x600x256 a
AV.ZIP Archive Viewer version 1.01. PM program for manipulating
BACKINI.ZIP Make numbered backups of any files. Go back any number
BLACKOS2.ZIP Blackjack program written for OS/2
BLKICO.ZIP Official fix for the black icon problem in OS/2 2.0.
BOOT2MB.ZIP Instructions for creating a 2MB OS/2 2.0 bootable partition.
BOOTABLE.ZIP Utility to easily create DOS bootable floppies while running
BOOTHPFS.ZIP Another text file on creating an OS/2 2.0 boo
BTP256.ZIP BinkleyTerm for OS/2, version 2.56 Wide Beta.
BTP_255.ZIP Binkley 2.55 wide beta with maxcomm.dll inclu
BUBBA03.ZIP Beta 3 of Bubba - a PM mail gatherer and reader. Cannot
CHECKLIM.ZIP Returns how much memory OS/2 sees; C source i
CLEARCLP.ZIP MiniApps for OS/2-Clear Clipboard Installs a program
CLIP10.ZIP Clip all or portions of PM to the clipboard
COM2207.ZIP OS/2 communication drivers
COMM100.ZIP COMM drivers dated 4/23 and 4/24 which claim better DOS comm
COMMGA.ZIP Fixes for COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS dated mid-June '92. Fix
CPK2_101.ZIP Commpak/2 DLL Version 1.01 for use with TE/2 1.20 (and
CPUTACH.ZIP CPU tach for OS/2. Gauge to show CPU % usage.
CRAPS32.ZIP Game of craps for OS/2
CVFONTA.ZIP Load replacement fonts for VGA systems
DBLMOUSE.ZIP New MOUSE.SYS with double the speed of normal driver
DELPTH11.ZIP Delete an entire subdirectory path in OS/2; dangerous but
DEVSHELL.ZIP DEVSHELL Developers shell V1.1.7
DMBMODE2.ZIP Re-Compiled version of DUMBMODE, accepts a port parameter
DOSGAMES.ZIP OS/2 settings for many DOS games.
DSX.ZIP Directory sort for FAT volumes under OS/2
DVIDRV1.ZIP Output DVI files to a printer or the screen.
DXP200.ZIP Disk eXPress Version 2.00 for creating highly compressed
EABK20.ZIP Backup extended attributes associated with OS/2 files
ELITEIMS.EXE An "Information Message System" with "server" (OS/2-based)
ET4_OS2.ZIP Prodesigner II drivers for OS/2 direct from IBM
EXIT_VDM.ZIP Code to exit a VDM or VBM.
EZDOS.ZIP file manager for OS/2 & DOS includes NEt transfer
EZDOS203.ZIP EZDOS, both real and protected mode executables. Manage
FAN_110.ZIP File Announcement Utility, Version 1.10 beta.
FATBITS3.ZIP Pixel Magnifier program. for Presentation manager
FC.ZIP File Commando - like Norton Commander, but for OS/2.
FF14.ZIP 32 bit file finder for OS/2
FIX20A.ZIP List of ufficial 2.0 fix dated 7/15/92
FLCO.ZIP Norton style file commando program for OS/2
FLST105P.ZIP Fastlist version 7 nodelist compiler version
FSHL125.ZIP Enhanced OS/2 command enterpreter
FSPERF.ZIP File System Performance program. Reads and writes various
GG243731.ZIP Several samples (including source) of program
GNUNARJ.ZIP OS/2 UNARJ program using the GNU "C" compiler
GNUNZIP.ZIP OS/2 UNZIP program using the GNU "C" compiler
GREP152A.ZIP Grep v1.52A: OS/2 2.0 GA level grep utility designed to
GRPH11.ZIP 256 Custom control program for Visual Basic
GT16MB.ZIP A patch from IBM to permit some clone machines to run with
GTAK100.ZIP SCSI tape backup for DOS & OS/2 and Adaptec host adapters
HPFS.ZIP Official fix for the 'cps extent not found' and chkdsk
HPFSBACK.ZIP A REXX .cmd to backup an HPFS partition to a
HPLJW.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch Fixes problems with HP LaserJet and Windows A
IBM1FLP1.ZIP OS/2 fix for CSD level 02000
IBM1S506.ZIP OS/2 fix for troubles with FDISK or installing RLL or MFM
INFOGUID.ZIP INF version of the OS/2 2.0 Information and P
IPFCMP.ZIP IPFCOMP is a shell for IPFC.EXE IBM presentation Man. Comp.
KERNREV.ZIP REXX file to determine Kernal REV number
KILLEM.ZIP Kill process by name
KLOCK100.ZIP Turns on/off keylocks key either in DOS or OS/2
KRNL0617.ZIP OS/2 2.0 kernal fix dated 6/17/92; expands on PJ03686.
M2Z211.ZIP Version 2.11 of the venerable M2Zmodem for OS
MAGCOM2.ZIP MAGCOM communications program for OS/2
MAP57.ZIP Map configuration and state information. for OS/2
MAXCOMM3.ZIP 1/11/92 version of MAXCOMM.DLL for use with B
MAXLG132.ZIP Version 1.32 of Maxlog Pete Norloff's Maxim
MAZE32.ZIP OS/2 2.0 PM program displays mazes in 3D. This version
MCAD20.ZIP MicroCAD - a very nice program for drawing and manipulating
MEM202.ZIP Presentation manager memory status utility
MEM428.ZIP Two utilities - one (run from DOS) reports how much memory
MEMSTA.ZIP Presentation manager memory status utility
MEMSZ130.ZIP Displays available memory, swap space, free space on all
MFMP110A.ZIP MFM ported to OS/2 for TESTING ONLY
MIKON211.ZIP Nikon II screen capture utility for OS/2
MINE.ZIP A really well-done PM Mine game. Addictive.
MR2_100.ZIP MR/2 1.0 Text based .qwk message reader for OS/2
MR2_104.ZIP Mail Reader v1.04. for QWK files...
MR2_110.ZIP A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2 character mode. Now
MSGV100B.ZIP Minimal sample of a PM *.msg reader for comme
MSQ21AP.ZIP MSGED/Sq for OS/2 version 2.1a. A Maximus-compatible
MS_SH200.ZIP A Unix shell ported to both OS/2 and MSDOS; usable under
NE2000LS.ZIP LAN Server 2.0 with NE2000 cards. Drivers and a description
NETGET.ZIP REXX script that extracts AND optionally formats a given net
NETWLSRV.ZIP Netware Lite patch to allow running under OS/2 2.0. Not an
NEW_COMM.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch - Replacements for COM.SYS & VCOM.SYS
NUMASST.ZIP OS/2 V2.0 Professional Scientific Calculator with trig, log,
OS20FIXA.BBX List of OS/2 2.0 patches available from IBM NSC BBS as of
OS2BOOT.ZIP Information for creating a boot disk for OS/2
OS2DVOR.ZIP OS/2 Dvorak keyboard driver. Convert QWERTY - Dvorak
OS2FAQ.ZIP OS/2 frequently asked questions
OS2IC1.ZIP The largest collection of OS/2 Icons available Disk 1 of 3
OS2IC2.ZIP Disk 2 of 3
OS2IC3.ZIP Disk 3 of 3
OS2ICONS.ZIP 490+ icons for OS/2 2.0
OS2INSTL.ZIP Installing the OS/2 upgrade version. TXT files
OS2KILL.ZIP Will kill hidden and non DOS files when removing OS/2
OS2LNC.ZIP 2 utilities to toggle lines per screen and screen colors
OS2PATCH.ZIP Allows PCBoard to be used under OS/2
OS2PCTBL.ZIP Personal Computer Manufacturers Compatibility
OS2PROII.ZIP Drivers for the ProDesigner II
OS2SHUTD.ZIP Shut down OS/2 2.0 from the command line.
OS2TNT.ZIP INF version of the OS/2 2.0 Tips and Techniqu
OS2TNT06.ZIP OS/2 v2.0 Tips and Traps Database... 6/22/92 Edition. File
OS2TSL.ZIP OS/2 2.0 drivers for Trantor T128, T228, T338 and T130B SCSI
OS2_ASPI.ZIP ASPI manager for Adaptec SCSI Host Adapters d
PFM2AFM.ZIP Convert Windows PFM files to AFM files for OS/2
PGOS2-20.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Display drivers for STB PowerGraph ET4000 16-Color
PJ03686.ZIP APAR PJ03686 (swapper.dat does not shrink) fi
PKZ102-2.EXE PKZip for OS/2
PMCOMM.ZIP A comm program for OS/2
PMDC110U.ZIP PM-DiskCopy 1.10. Generation of Image-Files now included.
PMFDU13.ZIP PM file and disk utilities V1.3
PMFINDER.ZIP PM file finder that is capable of looking in DOS archives
PMFRACT2.ZIP OS/2 2.0 PM version of FRACTINT fractal generator
PMFREE.ZIP Shows free memory and disk.
PMFREE.ZIP Shows free memory and disk.
PMGLOBE.ZIP OS/2 presentation manager world globe
PMMEM.ZIP OS/2 program to display Physical memory in use
PMREPAIR.ZIP OS/2 file repairer/changer
PMSEEK43.ZIP A file and text search utility for OS/2
PMSPL110.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Print Manager fix. It fixes some obscure problems
POLOS2.ZIP Text file on how to run Lotus 123 v3.1 in OS/2 2.0
PRIORITY.ZIP Launch Programs At Any Priority w/SRC
PROCALC.ZIP OS/2 professional calculator
PROCS.ZIP List running processes in OS/2 2.0.
PROCS21.ZIP This program will list all processes running in OS/2
PRT11.ZIP A source file printer formatter
PS-UP237.ZIP PS-Up.Zip Ver: 2.37 Postscript Formatting Pgm. Version 2.37
QWIKSW.ZIP Quickly switch to 6 different apps running on OS/2
README20.ZIP INF version of the OS/2 2.0 README file for u
REXEXMPL.ZIP Examples of REXX code
REXX20.ZIP Fixes for REXX dated 6/16/92; not all files in REXX-FIX are
REXX20A.ZIP Renamed with the 'a' to distinguish it from an earlier
REXXTACY.ZIP Rexxtacy - REXX-to-C compiler. Re-written to increase
RUNNING2.ZIP Running/Slay version 2.0. Tabular display of running
RXCALC.ZIP A large collection of REX routines for calculations
SETPRI.ZIP Set the priority of individual programs.
SHREDR11.ZIP Secure erase for OS/2
SHTDOWNB.ZIP MiniApp's for OS/2 - "System Shutdown" This creates a
SHWDLL.ZIP Shows DLLs that an .EXE uses
SQST10A.ZIP SqStat v1.0a SQUISH Log Analyser [DOS and OS/2]
START213.ZIP An alternate START command for OS/2.
SUBSTP.ZIP Provides same function as DOS's SUBST
SYSCL2.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager System Color Configuration
SYSCOLS.ZIP Pm system color configuration program
TE2_120.ZIP Version 1.20 of the TE/2 Terminal Emulator/2
TEDP090.ZIP The TED editor ported to OS/2.
TIKTP12A.ZIP Paul West's Ticket ported to OS/2 for testing
TL2.ZIP An alternate way of getting a task list; will
TRASHI.ZIP Three trashcan icons.
TRSHMN.ZIP A PM game. Push trash around with a broom into the
TURBO.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch - Fixes problems with NEC's using Turbo
UUEXE502.ZIP Code any characters into a standard character set...
UUPC11Q2.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 Reauired OS/2 execs
UUPC11Q3.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 optional OS/2 execs
UUPC11QD.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 Docs
UUPC11QO.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 optional DOS execs
UUPC11QR.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 required DOS execs
UUPC11QS.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 Source codes. USE -D with pkunzip
UUPC11QW.ZIP UUPC/extended V1.11 Docs for viewing in Windows
V2TECH.ZIP Resolutions to several problems with GA; from
VBIOS.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch - Replacement for VBIOS.SYS
VBIOSA.ZIP Renamed with the 'a' to distinguish it from an earlier
VCD10.ZIP A change directory program for OS/2 or DOS
VSVGA103.ZIP Virtual SuperVGA driver for OS/2 2.0 GA Ver
WE15.ZIP Simple text editor for OS/2
WPSBK2.ZIP Work Place Shell backup. Save the WPS configuration to disk.
WPSBK3.ZIP v.3 of Workplace Shell backup program. Shareware, requires
WPSICONS.ZIP 74 OS/2 icons. Many to choose from
WPSOBJ.ZIP Contains WPSOBJ.CMD, a REXX script to create a new object of
X00V149A.ZIP Fix for OS/2 DOS box fossil operations
XLSTO270.ZIP Version 2.70 of XLIST - hard disk management much like CMS
ZAPPEDII.ZIP The latest version of Zapped, contains updated graphics.
ZMOUSE.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch - Fixes problems with a wild mouse