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BatManager Copyright (c) 1991 Timothy Clingen
Version 1.2 All rights reserved
About BatManager ................................... Chapter 1
Install and Load Instructions ....................... Chapter 2
User Notes .......................................... Chapter 3
Conflicts over Function Keys ........................ Chapter 4
Utilities ........................................... Chapter 5
Advanced Operations .........
... Non Menu Batch Files, Parameter Passing . Chapter 6
Registration Information ............................ Chapter 7
Compiling Batch Files with ...
... BATCOM, BAT2EXEC, POWERBATCH ........... Chapter 8
Disclaimer of Warranty
This Software and manual are sold "as is" and without warranties.
Because of the variety of hardware and software environments into
which this progrram may be put, no warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose is offered. Good data processing procedure
dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical
data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk
of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited
exclusisvely to product replacement or refund of purchase price.
Chapter - 1
About BatManager
BatManager is a simple batch file manager and menu system. Because
it is simple, BatManager has several distinct advantages over other
menu systems.
First, BatManager allows the user to remain at the DOS command line.
Experienced DOS users are not denied access to the power, flexibility
or functionality of the DOS command line interface. Novice DOS users
are not sheltered from learning DOS. Both experienced and novice users
can benefit from the convenience and ease of a menu interface.
Second, BatManager does not tie up memory (RAM). Access to batch
files is provided by using ANSI's attribute-handling abilities to
configure and redefine the DOS function keys. No memory resident (TSR)
programs are loaded. No program loop is active.
Next, unlike many other menu systems, BatManager does not require the
user to learn a new editor. Any ASCII editor may be included into the
BatManager system.
With BatManager you write "real" batch files. Program specific symbols or
syntax are not required. Files are not limited in length or complexity.
BatManager is not a MACINTOSH emulation. I designed BatManager for
people who need to get the most out of their PC and the DOS operating
system. And for people who will benefit from an organized, systematic
approach to accessing their software.
The simple low overhead strategy used by BatManager allows the program
to run effectively on both high and low end systems. It can be loaded
at boot time without hogging resources. BatManager menu options may
be used to load more sophisticated user interfaces like DOSSHELL or
PCTOOLS. The only system requirements is hard drive, the ANSI driver,
and an ASCII editor.
BatManager currently supports many batch file compilers, including:
* BATCOM -- Wenham Software Co., 5 Burley St., Wenham, Ma. 01984.
Most of BatManager is compiled with BATCOM.
* BAT2EXEC -- Doug Boling -- PC Mag.
Available on many bulletin boards.
* POWERBATCH -- Computing Systems Design, Inc.
Available on many bulletin boards.
Finally, BatManager is a shareware program. You may try before you buy.
All the programs and documentation were written by me, Tim Clingen. If
you have any questions not covered in this documentation (BAT-MAN.DOC)
please call me.
Chapter - 2
Installation Instructions:
BATMGR12.EXE - is a self-extracting file containing programs and data
necessary to INSTALL BatManager. Enter the command BATMGR12 to start
the file extraction procedure. The INSTALL process may then begin.
INSTALL.BAT - will initiate the installation procedure. Read the
following check list before continuing. If possible, use the default
directory name "\BM".
After reading the check list, type the command INSTALL at the DOS
command line and press RETURN.
? What EDITOR do you want to use? _____ (i.e., EDIT)
? Has ANSI.SYS been loaded? _____ (Y/N)
? Has the DOS environment been expanded? _____ (Y/N)
? Which disk drive do you want to use? _____ (DEFAULT IS C:)
? What directory name do you want to use? _____ (DEFAULT IS \BM)
? What DOS version are you using? _____
Editor BatManager allows you to select any ASCII editor.
------ Add one line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to identify
your editor.
i.e., SET ED=<editor name>
The editor must be in the DOS PATH or in the BM directory.
ANSI.SYS This device driver must be identified in the
-------- CONFIG.SYS file.
Environment Increase the DOS environment. Modify the CONFIG.SYS file.
----------- i.e, SHELL=COMMAND.COM /E:800 /P (DOS version 3.2+)
SHELL=COMMAND.COM /E:62 /P (DOS 3.0 and 3.1)
See your DOS manual for more details.
Defaults If possible use the default directory name \BM.
After BatManager has been installed begin the LOAD proceedure.
- Change the default to the program directory
- Enter the command BATMAN from the DOS command line
These activities can be done in the Autoexec.bat
i.e., SET ED=<editor name>
Your CONFIG.SYS file should look something like this
Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file should look something like this
SET ED=<your editor name>
Recommendations: Download these two programs from a BBS in your area.
TED.COM (by Ted Kilken) - a very small, fast ASCII editor.
NANSI.SYS (by Daniel Kegel) - an improved ANSI driver.
Chapter - 3
User Notes
Menu options are assigned to function keys. You may redefine the
function keys F1 through F9 and Shift F1 through Shift F9. Adding,
editing and deleting options is done with four Special Function Keys.
The four (4) Special Functions are displayed on the screen whenever
the menu is displayed. The Special Functions all use the F10 key.
- Display the menu - press F10
- Edit an option - Shift F10 + the key to edit
- Delete an option - Ctrl F10 + the key to delete
- Utilities - Alt F10
NOTE: See chapter 4 for more information on function keys.
The default editor may be changed from the DOS command
line by changing the environmental variable ED.
i.e. SET ED=<new editor name>
Chapter - 4
Conflicts over Function Keys
BatManager redefines the function keys using ANSI.SYS. Most programs
using function keys bypass the ANSI redefinition. However, to ensure
compatibility with as many applications as possible, I have developed
three solutions for resolving conflicts.
1. Function keys F1 through F9 have been redefined. If your
application requests one of these keys and does not respond
correctly, press the corresponding ALT-Function Key.
For example: DOS 5.0 users may still access DOSKEY functions.
Use ALT+F3 instead of F3 to display the last command entered.
Use ALT+F7 instead of F7 to display the command line history.
2. Optionally, users may force BatManager to reset the unshifted
function keys to there original status. The Utilities option: 'D'
will reset the unshifted function keys. The BatManager menu will
now use the alternate function keys in place of the unshifted keys.
I refer to this option as DOSKEY compatibility mode. This option
may be selected from the command line by entering D + F10.
3. All function keys may be reset by selecting the Utilities option: 'U'
or, from the command enter U + F10 to unload BatManager. To restore
BatManager, enter the command BATMAN from the command line.
BatManager can be unloaded from within a batch file by including the
command $U in the batch file. The program $U.EXE will restore the
function keys to normal. Likewise, BatManager can be reloaded from
the same batch file by including the command BATMAN in the batch file.
Hopefully you will never need to use this option. If you do, please
write to me and complain and I will try to resolve the conflict.
Chapter - 5
Utilities Option.
The Special Function - ALT + F10 will display the Utilities Menu.
NOTE: Most utility options may be accessed from the DOS command line
without invoking the Utilities Menu.
C - Change Sort Order. The menu may be sorted three ways. Try
all three and select your preference. From the DOS command
line, enter C + F10.
K. By Function Key
A. Alpha Sort by Title
B. Alpha Sort by Title and by Function Key
D - DOSKEY Compatability Mode. See chapter - 4.
From the DOS command line, enter D + F10.
F - Switch Screen Format. Some users may prefer the alternate
screen format. Try both formats and select your preference.
From the DOS command line, enter F + F10.
I - Import a Batch File. Previously written batch files may be
imported into the BatManager system without retyping. After
selecting the Import option the system will prompt for the
file name and corresponding function key for assignment. From
the DOS command line, enter C + F10.
K - The option, List Available Keys, will display the status of
each function key. From the DOS command line, enter K + F10.
M - Press M to switch between the Main Menu and the Alternate
Menu. From the DOS command line, enter M + F10.
R - Press R to enter your registration number.
S - Swap Function Key Assignments. You may switch two function
key assignments. From the DOS command line enter S + F10.
U - Option U restores function keys to the original DOS state.
From the DOS command line, enter, U + F10. (To return to the
menu enter BATMAN).
H - Enter the Help Menu. From DOS command line, enter H + F10.
T - Tutorial. From the DOS command line, enter T + F10.
Note: The tutorial may be modified by the user.
It will then be a second Alternate Menu.
Chapter - 6
Advanced Operation
* Managing "Non Menu" Batch Files
BatManager is more than a menu program. It is a Batch File Manager.
By using the Special Function Keys you may create, modify, delete, and
compile batch files not assigned to function keys.
Press the Add/Edit key - Shft+F10 - followed by a batch file name. If
the batch file is in the \BM directory you may modify it. If it is not
one will be created in the \BM directory.
Also, you may use the $Del function to delete batch files in the \BM
directory. Press - Ctrl+F10 - followed by a batch file name you want
to delete.
If you currently have batch files on your system, copy them into the
\BM directory. Once loaded into the \BM directory you may use Bat-
Manager to maintain them.
Note: Program names reserved by BatManager:
F$M, K$M, I$M, C$M, L$1
Note to POWERBATCH users: You will have to give your batch files a .BAT
extension if you want BatManager to use them.
* Passing parameters to batch files.
Pressing a function key associated with a menu option launches the batch
file without allowing the user to enter command line parameters. There
is one solution. From the command line, type in the name of the batch file
and its parameters without pressing the function key.
By now you may have figured out the names of the batch files BatManager
assigns to function keys. All of the unshifted keys begin with an "!".
The second character is the number of the function key. The shifted keys
begin with an "@".
Therefore: To enter parameters with menu option F5, type !5 p1 p2 p... at
the command line. For options shift F6, type @6 p1 p2 p...
You will have to press return.
Sorry, I am working on a better solution.
Chapter - 7
Registration Information
This is a shareware product. You are granted a 30-day trial license
to test BatManager. If you want to continue using BatManager please
register your copy.
Registered copies will bypass the 'delay' procedure. Once registered
BatManager will stop asking you to register.
You may distribute BatManager to others by giving them a diskette
containing the single file BATMGR12.EXE. The Utilities option: 'X'
will prepare a floppy disk for distribution. When you distribute
BATMGR12.EXE to friends include a copy of your favorite public domain
or shareware editor for them to try.
Thank you for your support.
Single copy - single system - US $20.00 + 3.00 (s/h)
Add $5.00 for each additional system.
Send check or money order to:
Tim Clingen
1017 Cheltenham Road
Santa Barbara CA 93105
Phone orders: (805) 682-5172
CompuServe [70062,1262]
Chapter - 8
Compiling Batch Files.
Currently three batch file compilers are supported by BatManager. Other
compilers may be used. Please contact me for updates and instructions.
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
* BAT2EXEC -- Is distributed by PC Mag. The compiler converts batch
files to .COM files. The program may be found on bulletin boards.
BatManager will invoke BAT2EXEC when the first line of the
batch file is a remark with the name of the compiler on it.
example: REM BAT2EXEC
Entering this line at the top of a batch file instructs BatManager
to compile with BAT2EXEC. BAT2EXEC.COM must be in the path or in the
"\BM" directory.
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
* POWERBATCH -- By Computing Systems Design, Inc.
Converts batch files to .EXE files. Many 'non DOS' commands.
BatManager will invoke POWERBATCH when the first line of the
batch file is a remark with the name of the compiler on it.
example: ; POWERBATCH
; TITLE ?Power Batch Program #9
The POWERBATCH files must be in the path. Please note: BatManager requires
a file extension of .BAT (not .PWR). You may have to rename or copy old
programs to interface with BatManager.
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
* BATCOM -- is a batch file compiler published and supported by:
Wenham Software Co.
5 Burley St.
Wenham, Ma. 01984
(508) 774-7036
Batcom produces .EXE files and includes a library of powerful commands.
To use Batcom with BatManager you must.
1. Identify the path where Batcom.exe and Batcom.lib reside.
example: SET $BC=C:\BATCOM
BatManager does NOT require Batcom to be in the DOS path.
However, both BATCOM.EXE and BATCOM.LIB must be in the
directory identified by the $BC environmental variable.
2. The first line of a BatManager batch file must be a remark
statement with the word BATCOM on the same line.
example REM BATCOM
REM TITLE?Compiled Program #9
3. Batcom qualifiers must be on the same remark line.
example REM BATCOM /A /NL
To reduce the number of files created by the compile process, the object
file is written to the '\BM' directory and is named !!BATMAN.OBJ; The map
file is written to the '\BATCOM' directory and is called !!BATMAN.MAP.
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Order Form
Version 1.2
Copyright (c) 1991 Timothy Clingen
All Rights Reserved
Description Quantity Price
----------- -------- -----
BatManager program 1 US $ 20.00
Extra systems license ____ @$5.00 each = $ ______
Shipping and handling $ 3.00
Total $ ______
Disk size 5 1/4 inch _____
3 1/2 inch _____
Make check payable to: Timothy Clingen
1017 Cheltenham Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93105