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263 lines
XORA10B2.ZIP 306195 07-26-92 Orator V1.0 QWK packet mail reader for
| Windows V3.X
123V1_0.ZIP 13679 09-03-91 A simple WIN 3.0 learning tool for kids
21ALM.ZIP 139245 08-05-92 The 21st century almanac
3DBUTN.ZIP 9794 12-06-91 3D button src for WIN
3DICONS.ZIP 48936 01-11-92 A collection of 129 3D icons
3DW.ZIP 11020 04-01-92 3 Dimensional imagery
486.ZIP 1152 04-01-92 Tester for 486 machines
4SHELL14.ZIP 81869 01-12-92 Shell for running 4book 4print under
| WINdows
4WIN.ZIP 34348 04-04-91 Dos shell from windows 3 is faster &
| tailored to windows
8_CURSOR.ZIP 2197 01-23-91 8 cursors for windows chngcrsr program
A-WORD.ZIP 79079 06-27-92 Professional WIN help handy reference for
| business home ETc
ABCV1_0.ZIP 14381 08-25-91 A simple abc learning tool for kids
ACAL.ZIP 26055 08-29-91 Athletes Calculator
ACC29I.ZIP 209529 07-01-92 Accesses WIN 3.X Taskmanager. Sizes all.
| Windows GRPS Etc
ACCE01.ZIP 141716 12-12-91 Task manager for Win 3.0
ACCLITE3.ZIP 16133 01-13-92 V3 of accessory mate for Windows (requires
ACCMATE.ZIP 175518 09-21-91 Accessory mate places all apps under 1
| icon
ACLCK112.ZIP 34794 02-15-92 Different clock for windows
ACTIVATE.ZIP 6974 03-08-92 Keeps a particular APP maiximized and in
| the foreground
ADCK1011.ZIP 16436 07-18-91 App dock NeXT like tool bar for win3.0
ADR11B.ZIP 236868 01-18-92 Address manager for WIndows
ADRSCRD1.ZIP 3241 08-02-92 Creat Name Address & Phone Cards using
ADVNTW3.ZIP 307609 08-02-92 Count down the days to Xmass and see a
| picture every day WIN
ALM30.ZIP 352398 08-05-92 Almanac V3.0 WIN calander program with
| many features
ALW107.ZIP 209957 04-12-92 Astronomy Lab for windows. Very complete
| program
AM-20B.ZIP 365743 08-05-92 Address manager tracks addresses phone #s
| comments + more
ANYBIL31.ZIP 191513 06-05-91 Checkbook & Bill manager for Windows
AOLICONS.ZIP 1219 11-30-91 Icons from America on-line
APBLAS1.ZIP 174896 08-05-92 Run any program quickly *.BAT *.COM
| *.EXE
APDCK400.ZIP 61434 07-27-92 WIN 3.1 Icon Bar program launcher
APICONS.ZIP 40739 01-03-92 Amipro icons. Use on smart icon bar. Some
| common some speci
APPMAN.ZIP 15195 12-28-91 Install WIn APPs from a script
ARCHW1.ZIP 241550 01-27-92 Archiver program for Windows
ARXDIB.ZIP 230517 08-05-92 Image databse tool. Store and view images
| easily & quickly
ASCVIEW1.ZIP 20961 06-05-91 View ASCII files under windows
AT13.ZIP 20754 06-29-91 Application timer. Launches programs at
| set times
ATFMT100.ZIP 36539 06-05-92 versatile AT floppy formatter. Get more
| space!
ATLU11.ZIP 121569 07-07-92 Atlas of the united states
AUTOSAVE.ZIP 7432 01-19-92 Autosave add on for Lotus 123 for Windows
B2-WAVE.ZIP 68015 05-29-92 Windows WAV file B2
B3-WAVE.ZIP 84992 05-29-92 More windows WAV files
BCKDSK.ZIP 103619 07-23-91 Bigdesk for windows 9 virtual screens
BCKMNU21.ZIP 51087 05-20-91 Backmenu definable pop-up windows on
| backround
BDESK234.ZIP 160522 07-09-92 Program to define pop-menus on WIN 3.0
| backround
BF310.ZIP 87853 07-26-92 Big Financial program. Performs many
| Financial tasks
BIBWIN11.ZIP 93443 09-26-91 Bible windos v-1.1 Quotations and quiz
BIGDESK.ZIP 11238 02-22-91 3.0 App makes desktop 6 times larger than
| screen
BILLDRWR.ZIP 344756 02-29-92 Nice Window Bill Payment Program To keep
| you on top of bill
BIORTHM.ZIP 18287 05-03-92 Biorythm generator for windows
BIRDDATA.ZIP 71368 10-23-91 Parrot breeders visual basic Program to
| chart babies
BIZWIZ.ZIP 113226 08-27-91 A financial calculator
BKGFADE.ZIP 6748 10-08-91 backround fade program. Fades color from
| one side to other
BLAUNCH.ZIP 16890 01-21-92 Blaunch V1.1 WIN shell program launcher.
| Run APPS from butt
BLINKY.ZIP 13796 02-03-92 Improve the visibility of your mouse
| cursor..
BLOWIT.ZIP 4079 11-13-91 Win 3 app allows you to capture screen and
| "blow it up"
BMI4WIN.ZIP 18421 04-21-92 Body Mass weighting system. Percentage of
| body fat
BMP2BGI1.ZIP 92714 09-01-91 convert BMP graphics to BGI format
CAL12.ZIP 7558 08-05-92 Simple click on month calander display
| with today hilighted
CAR.ZIP 28860 07-07-92 Keep trak of auto expenses Needs toolbook
CARDFIL1.ZIP 2288 12-01-91 Description of the card file format used
| by Windows
CARDREAD.ZIP 19884 05-12-92 Translate WIN cardfiles to ASCII text
CASELINR.ZIP 22475 08-05-92 Windows program tp print case liners for
| Audio cassettes
CBOOK.ZIP 167833 08-05-92 Convenient way for DTPublishers to store
| and use clip art
CDAUD110.ZIP 102339 06-13-92 Audio CD player for Windows
CHART102.ZIP 137999 08-06-92 Make-Print flow organizational & other
| charts
CHCUR101.ZIP 15068 01-29-91 Hide and unhide the cursor arrow
CHEMIC.ZIP 11607 12-05-91 Chemica Elementum Windows APP
CHOOSE11.ZIP 62420 07-22-92 Quickly choose Windows printer and
| orientation
CLICK13.ZIP 68228 03-08-91 Win 3.0 file manager
CLIPST.ZIP 67267 07-15-92 Eliminates probelm of clipboard only
| holding one clip
CLNR32.ZIP 42193 12-08-91 Print Case liners for audio cassettes
CLOCK120.ZIP 9791 08-05-92 Program to tell you the time over your PC
| speaker
CLP25610.ZIP 15532 12-29-91 Display 1.16256 color BMPs under WIN 3.0
CLPMT105.ZIP 81351 01-22-92 Capture items from the clipboard and save
| them for later
CLYSBAR.ZIP 84375 06-01-92 Vertical ICON bar for windows. Launches
| programs Etc.
CODEPRN.ZIP 60039 07-28-92 A windows 3.1 program for printing ASCII
| text files
COLCALC.ZIP 25886 04-03-92 "C" calculator program
COOK.ZIP 80396 09-14-91 A visually beutifull yet freeform database
COPYIT13.ZIP 40898 05-06-91 Diskette copy utility for windows
CPBX20.ZIP 24064 07-13-92 Allows the clipboard to hold more than one
| item
CPUMET.ZIP 19034 07-27-92 CPU meter from MS sample Source included
CPUUSE13.ZIP 6485 07-27-92 CPU usage version 1.3
CRBUTT.ZIP 31723 01-09-91 Configurable push buttons
CRITOC30.ZIP 8675 05-10-92 Crito's clock for windows
CRITOM.ZIP 5134 09-15-91 Display available memory for windows in
| quickbasic
CTSHW103.ZIP 110532 07-28-91 CT-shell instead of-in conjunction with
| program man
CUSTCURS.ZIP 17809 04-28-92 Change the boring mouse cursor to one of
| your choice
CVIEW097.ZIP 204308 05-12-92 Colorview for windows reads JPEG GIF 87
| 89 BMP
DATASV11.ZIP 231007 08-15-91 Dataserver Name addressdatabase with DDL
| links
DBROLO2.ZIP 193555 09-03-91 Computerized computer rolodex
DELTA.ZIP 32524 05-07-92 Program used to identify files that have
| been added-modifie
DESKN252.ZIP 98736 02-24-91 Desktop navigator fast access
| drive-dirs-files
DESKT323.ZIP 95106 02-24-91 Desktop manager Menu system Point and
| shoot file manager
DESKTOPS.ZIP 28150 09-04-91 Save and arrange the windows desktop
DEUS.ZIP 52916 04-24-91 MAC like file manager for windows
DH14A.ZIP 39066 07-28-92 The deskTop helper V1.4A
DIALR223.ZIP 31568 12-01-91 Dialer for Windows with pop-up or
| pull-down menus
DIGITL.ZIP 16917 07-27-92 Win utility to show time-date-free
DP13.ZIP 24071 08-05-92 DISKPOLICE for Windows
DR6WIN.ZIP 120319 04-10-92 DR DOS update for Windws 3.1
DRAGZP11.ZIP 36854 06-10-92 ZIP utilities for WIN 3.1 file manager.
| Lots of good stuff
DRUMCONV.ZIP 3624 07-28-92 CAL approach to remapping drum note
| numbers
DRUMS3.ZIP 93884 01-25-92 Sequencer for drum parts. build your own
| drum patterns
DUMPER.ZIP 13177 07-27-92 Backround file printer under win 3.0
| without print manager
DWORKS.ZIP 199716 06-02-92 Dataworks Xbase file manager for windows
EIW140.ZIP 67786 07-28-92 Encrypt it for windows V1.40
EMAIL221.ZIP 66651 07-28-92 Freeware network email software V2.21
ENGAGE3.ZIP 31837 08-24-91 Win 3.0 file manager with many features
ENOTE.ZIP 474209 03-25-92 Email for windows pops up mail reminder
| vice making you che
ENVELO.ZIP 78941 01-08-92 Print any size envelope-label on Laser DMP
| 9-24 pin printer
ENVELOPE.ZIP 248486 06-13-92 Windows envelope printing program
EXPLO201.ZIP 125950 03-30-92 DOS WIndows graphic screen saver
EZSTRT31.ZIP 204232 07-11-92 Launches all Apps that ship with windows
FACEMKR.ZIP 79644 04-09-92 Font manipulation program for Windows
FARSIDE.ZIP 52202 12-01-91 4 farside BMP files to use as wallpaper or
| whatever
FASPASTE.ZIP 9223 09-26-91 DOS-WIN copy paste assistant
FAXSH120.ZIP 59037 12-02-91 Quick FAX cover sheet for Windows
FBAC12.ZIP 54703 04-29-92 Fileboys Areacodes V1.2 area code database
FBR12A.ZIP 31225 01-05-92 Fileboy runner. Enhanced RUN command.
| REquires VBRUN
FIGNTOE.ZIP 186290 05-04-92 Fingers and toes calculator
FILEZP10.ZIP 48394 07-25-92 File zapper program for Windows V1.0
FINDAP.ZIP 10248 08-10-91 Prevents duplicate Apps to be loaded at
| the same time
FIRE54.ZIP 19440 02-17-91 Fireworks screen saver for windows
FLIPPER2.ZIP 3849 04-26-91 Printer App to change from portrait to
| landscape on Lj prin
FOLDER.ZIP 54985 02-09-91 Allows depth in Windows Groups inside
| other Groups
FOLDER34.ZIP 85205 07-27-92 Group data files w-program files in
| "virtual" folder
FONTER50.ZIP 56031 07-16-92 View fonts on the screen to help choose
| the best one
FREEZE10.ZIP 26260 01-05-92 Windows file compression utility. supports
| preemtive-Multi.
FRONTW20.ZIP 378202 04-22-92 Program taskmanager replacement from
| England
FROSTY1.ZIP 16594 12-08-91 Xmass wallpaper
GANDER10.ZIP 45865 09-01-91 Gander binary text file viewer for windows
GC0991.ZIP 13122 04-21-92 Garbage can forwindows. Permanently erases
| file
GCD27.ZIP 9907 05-11-91 Choose directory. Word for windows macro
GCDIR212.ZIP 24991 12-08-91 Choose directory. Utility for WORD for
GPMWW1.ZIP 20589 01-05-92 Create prommisary using DDE in WORD for
GRPICON1.ZIP 24205 07-27-92 Group icon 1.01 Replace program man. group
| icons
GRPWRK12.ZIP 22003 08-08-91 GroupWorker multiple program launcher for
| windows
GSF20.ZIP 168548 01-22-92 Word 4 Windows tamplate for working on
| scripts..
GTOOL302.ZIP 52452 12-08-91 Word 4 Windows macros.
GUI_EDIT.ZIP 173948 03-17-92 System editor. Good editor for Windows
GUL.ZIP 101556 09-04-91 Grep unlimited App lets you search files
| for text
GWSWIN08.ZIP 270826 03-12-92 Graphic Workshop v0.8 beta for Windows 3.1
HALSORRY.ZIP 37561 07-13-92 WAV file "I'm sorry dave but I'm afraid I
| can't do that"
HBMS42.ZIP 298284 01-18-91 home budget management system
HCAT.ZIP 21667 06-07-91 Home inventory Prog for WIN. Needs runtime
| toolbook
HISTLINE.ZIP 38146 12-12-91 Goddess timeline. 10000BC-900AD good
| history lesson
HOTWIN12.ZIP 22748 03-11-91 App that allows the setup of hotkeys and
| more
IMOVIE.ZIP 16562 01-27-92 Silly! Tiny movies inside of ICONS
IMP093.ZIP 77979 02-12-92 Command.com imposter for WIN. mimics most
| int-ext commands
IMPOSTER.ZIP 78592 02-19-92 Windows 3.0 command line interface
INCTRL.ZIP 46437 06-23-92 Installation report program. Generates
| list of what was don
INIEDT12.ZIP 37914 09-30-91 Easy to use program for editing you INI
| files
INTELFUN.ZIP 429139 05-14-91 Win 3 wallpaper screensaver from INTEL
INWIN10.ZIP 20817 06-01-92 create error levels in windows when
| running DOS programs
ISWIN.ZIP 959 07-27-92 Batch file to test if windows is running
JACK10.ZIP 89445 07-03-92 Jack of all trades. Printer utility
| Resource monitor
JAXCAM10.ZIP 5204 04-14-91 Handy program to move text-graphice among
| applications
JPGWIN.ZIP 254323 07-13-92 LEADView. DEMO graphics display program
JUMBO246.ZIP 211559 07-23-91 Latest version of Colorado memory systems
| tape backup
KATA-X.ZIP 23847 11-21-91 Japanese writing translator program
KEYMOU20.ZIP 20774 08-01-91 Keyboard mouse emulator for windows
KFREE40.ZIP 128353 03-30-91 K-Free memory and disk monitor for Windows
KFREE501.ZIP 225882 03-12-92 Windows 3.1 upgrade to KFREE configure
| time-date-mem-etc.
KIDPUZ.ZIP 27484 06-07-92 teach children how to use a mouse and
| improve coordination
L4W.ZIP 7407 07-01-91 Loss for words instant access to 3000
| helpfull phrases
LEONARDO.ZIP 279969 03-19-92 CAD style drawing program
LI.ZIP 81928 07-27-92 file viewer
LI12.ZIP 152270 03-16-92 Windows 3.0 file viewer-finder-editor
LNCH-2.ZIP 20573 06-26-91 Launch now hotkeys and plenty more
LNCH12.ZIP 16572 01-20-92 Windows program launcher
LOCK31B.ZIP 80818 03-01-92 Lock the keyboard in WIN 3.1
LOGOGO10.ZIP 50852 03-09-91 Get rid of that pain in the butt windows
| logo