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INI File
186 lines
EmmSize = <KB Value>
This is used to set the amount of Expanded Memory. Leaving the value
blank, will allocate as much available memory to expanded.
If you are using a machine with a REV B ROM you could run into problems
using expanded memory.
With EMM enabled, you will hang when you ALT-TAB from a full-screen or
exclusive mode VM, or when exiting Windows/386. Any such ROM is
defective and should be replaced. A temporary work-around is to disable
EMM by setting emmsize=0 in your win.ini.
WindowMemSize = <KB Value>
The message "This application's display cannot be seen right
now" when running an MSDOS application in a window indicates
that Windows has run out of memory utilized for displaying
the application. If you are not using EMM, try increasing
the "windowmemsize=" value. If you are using EMM then use
the "/n" switch when starting WIN386. This makes more
memory available for displaying MSDOS applications in a
window(and less available for Windows applications).
For adjustments to the windowmemsize= setting in your win.ini
to be effective, the emmsize= entry must be set to 0.
If you want to set the windowmemsize= setting to a value other than 640,
you must set your emmsize= setting to 0. For example, if you want to
allocate 448 kilobytes for running Windows and Windows applications, put
the following lines in your WIN.INI file:
Page 25 in "Using Microsoft Windows/386" lists the minimum value for the
windowmemsize= setting as 384. Generally this is true; however, if you
have a large number of device drivers or a network installed on your
system, you will need to set this value higher. If, when you start
Windows/386, you receive the message "Not enough memory to run Windows,"
try setting windowmemsize= to higher values in increments of 20K.
EMMPageFrame = <Address>
This is set to the starting address where the 64K pageframe will begin.
This will look for an available range of memory above A000h to load
the expanded memory page frame.
There is a configuration issue with IBM Token Ring adapters which cause
problems with Windows/386. The IBM Token Ring adapter uses a RAM buffer in
the option ROM address range (C000:0000 - E000:0000). The default location
for this RAM buffer is at DC00:0 - DE00:0. Unfortunately, this buffer is
normally not addressable and RAM/ROM search algorithms won't detect it.
The Token Ring software only enables the buffer at interrupt time. Thus,
the Windows/386 EMM page frame selection logic does not detect this RAM
when searching for option ROMs/RAM in the option ROM range and Windows/386
will put its EMM page frame over the Token Ring Adapter's RAM buffer.
The problem is complicated by the Token Ring's ROM, which is located at
CC00:0 - CE00:0. There are two options for configuring Token Ring and
Windows/386 together: turn off EMM in Windows/386; or move the Token Ring
ROM/RAM and specify the Windows/386 EMM Page Frame in the win.ini file.
To allow EMM in Windows/386, try the following configuration. Leave the
Token Ring ROM at CC00:0, set the Token Ring RAM to C400:0, and set the
Windows/386 EMM Page Frame to 0D000:0. For the tokreui.com Token Ring
driver use the following command to set the RAM to C400:0; "tokreui ,c400".
For the IBM PC LAN 1.2 support drivers use the following config.sys line;
"driver=DXMC0MOD.SYS ,C400". To set the Windows/386 EMM Page Frame to
D000:0 use the following win.ini entry; "emmpageframe=0D000".
Be warned that these statements take away from memory reserved for
hardware devices. Therefor, they can have side effects such as
disabling the network. If the statements above cause the system to
fail, then enter a page-frame setting other than 0C400, or start
windows without using the network.
[2.03: A new fix has been incorporated: put the line lastemmseg=<addr>
into your win.ini, where <addr> is the segment address of the Token
Ring network's RAM buffer. The default address is DC00, so you would
enter the line "lastemmseg=0DC00" into the [win386] section of your win.ini.]
LastEMMSeg = <Address>
This sets the last address win386 will look for in establishing the 64K
pageframe. The default is set at E000h.
VirtualHdIrq = 0 (Turn Off)
1 (Default)
This is used mainly for systems using a non-standard disk controller.
With the default, the ROM routine which performs the disk access is
bypassed to allow Windows/286 to perrform it's own handling of the disk.
By setting the VirtualHDIrq to 0, you allow the ROM routine to perform
the access.
There has been a problem on some configurations running WIN386 regarding
use of the memory from C000:0 to EFFF:F. WIN386 does a ROM RAM scan in this
area to try to find "holes" it can fill with EMM memory. This causes problems
with some adaptors which don't like their memory getting "touched", or with
adaptors that only map the memory in when they are using it, and leave it
unmapped at other times. There are now two WIN.INI entries for the [WIN386] section which will allow
the user to override the default action of WIN386 and force WIN386 to treat
a memory address range in a user specified way regardless of what may be
occupying that address range.
<range> is startseg-endseg where startseg and endseg are segment
values in the range C000 - EFFF. This field is identical to the
range given on the /X and /I switches for most EMM drivers.
To include or exclude multiple ranges, use multiple lines:
EMMEXCLUDE specifies a range which is to be excluded from consideration for
use as an EMM page. This has the side effect of turning off the ROM RAM
search code for the range.
EMMINCLUDE specifies a range which is to be considered for use as an EMM page
regardless of what may be there.
NOTES on range:
o Ranges specify addresses between C000 and EFFF. Segment values
less than C000 are changed to C000. Segment values greater
than EFFF are changed to EFFF.
B800-F3FF is changed to become C000-EFFF
o Ranges specify 16K pages, so the startseg is rounded DOWN to the
nearest 16K page boundary, and the endseg is rounded UP to
the nearest 16K page boundary - 1.
D300-D4FF is rounded to become D000-D7FF
The 16K boundaries are at:
o endseg must be greater than startseg (after above noted adjustments).
Ranges that do not satisfy this are ignored.
o Ranges are INCLUSIVE. thus:
C000-D000 is rounded to C000-D3FF.
To stop at D000, the correct range specification is:
o EMMINCLUDE must be used very carefully.
o Remember that you are specifying a range that will be
considered for EMM use REGARDLESS of whether there is any
ROM or RAM there.
o Remember also about the rounding to 16K boundaries that
will be done on the range!!!!!!!!!
o Failure to consider things carefully will crash the system, or
defeat the ability to use a particular adaptor under WIN386.
o EMMINCLUDE takes precedence over EMMEXCLUDE if you specify ranges
which overlap. It is VERY STRONGLY recommended that you do not
rely on overlapping range behavior as it may be changed in a
future release.
o EMMINCLUDE of a range does not guarantee that it will be used for
EMM by WIN386. EMMEXCLUDE of a range does guarantee that it will
not be used for EMM by WIN386.
o The DEFAULT end of EMM consideration is not actually F000, it is
E000. This is controled by the LASTEMMSEG win.ini entry. The
default LASTEMMSEG value is 0E000. Users should be careful about
putting in "LASTEMMSEG=0F000" because the behavior of the
E000-F000 region is unpredictable on some machines.
The AltEscape, AltEnter, and similar entries allow you to disable
Windows/386's use of these special alt-key sequences. Normally they
should all be enabled (set to "on"), in which case these sequences are
used by Windows/386 and are not seen by other applications. If you need
to run an application which relies on one of these sequences, you may
set that entry to "off", then Windows/386 will ignore that key sequence,
and it will be passed on to applications.