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386_UTIL.ZIP 34576 09-26-89 EMS utilities for 80386
3COMEMM.ZIP 14880 03-15-90 info and tech specs on 3Comm's memory manager
80386EX.ZIP 4354 02-11-87 Info on EMS simulation on 386 machines
ABOUTEMS.ZIP 11126 09-26-89 Information all about EMS memory
ADJRAM30.ZIP 46077 09-18-86 Create RAM Disk without rebooting
ALLREMMS.ZIP 63379 12-04-89 expanded memory driver
ASQV120.ZIP 175135 03-10-91 ASQ - a memory management tool from Qualitas
ASTATS.ZIP 9560 04-11-90 RAMpage/PC (aka /2) Config. Software
BYTE.ZIP 17634 08-06-89 learn how a computer uses a byte of memory
CHKMEM.ZIP 9260 04-19-90 check your system memory
CK_AT.ZIP 1564 09-18-90 Check AT extended memory
CNTEXTEN.ZIP 41024 01-08-91 Chips aNd Technologies EXTENsion @ 640 mark
CORESCAN.ZIP 4873 02-13-90 Hex display of any portion of your PCs memory
CTMAP092.ZIP 22521 12-26-89 Program to increase usable DOS RAM on 386
CTMAP095.ZIP 48793 02-20-90 Extend DOS Memory Above 640K in 286/386 sys
CTMAP096.ZIP 28940 05-20-90 Expands DOS memory to as much as 928K on 286
CTRL_ALT.ZIP 16508 12-03-90 save memory! Swap TSRs to disk(Biologic)
CV100.ZIP 15224 01-27-91 COREVIEW 1.0 - a window into your PC memory
DMC15.ZIP 26645 10-22-90 Load/Unload Device drivers & TSR's at any
DRAM.ZIP 6105 12-26-89 Monitor and set DRAM Speed
DRAMTEST.ZIP 5711 07-05-90 A good CPU memory tester
DR_CHIPS.ZIP 16140 11-03-89 Doc's, for the HOTest new RAM checker
DVMAM.ZIP 20049 11-11-90 Dynamic Virtual Memory Manager
EEM.ZIP 15087 04-19-90 Expand memory to 720k.
EEMRAM11.ZIP 14160 06-05-90 Use 796k of ram if you have ems memory
EEMRAM20.ZIP 18213 06-15-90 Expand memory increases RAM to 704K
EEMS21.ZIP 19280 08-21-90 Enhanced extended memory tools v2.1
EMM402.ZIP 9231 09-09-90 Expanded Memory Manager
EMMDEMOS.ZIP 65544 03-26-90 Demo Source for accessing LIM SPEC 4.0 memory
EMMFOOL1.ZIP 1830 11-13-90 make your EMM driver claim to be ver 4.0.
EMMSTAT.ZIP 6127 03-14-90 EMM Status View all EMM.SYS settings
EMMTEST.ZIP 10910 01-18-90 expanded memory checker
EMS40.ZIP 24412 02-25-91 emulate expanded memory from extended
EMS4011.ZIP 3202 05-05-90 New EMS.SYS driver
EMS40UPD.ZIP 10834 03-03-90 Technical Specs on Using LIM 4.0 and Turbo P
EMS40_2.ZIP 25985 04-17-90 Converts any extended memory to LIM EMS 4.0
EMSTST.ZIP 5981 04-27-90 Tests EMS memory.
EMS_REPT.ZIP 11883 07-15-90 Gives stats on EMS Memory alloc.,handles, etc
ERAM.ZIP 19749 04-19-90 Emulatates expanded memory for 386 machine
EXTMOVE.ZIP 4702 03-11-90 Access extended memory
EXTRAM.ZIP 5507 02-15-91 A text file explaning extended and
EXT_V130.ZIP 53032 08-28-90 can add up to 384K to your 286, 386, 386SX
FREEM34.ZIP 12314 06-15-90 Freemem v3.4: moveable, pop-up, free memory
HIMOV214.ZIP 118071 03-01-91 HI-MOVE v2.14 Utility to move TSR's into high
HRAM.ZIP 41574 01-06-91 8088/80286 memory manager. 944K DOS memory!
LIM43.ZIP 9742 04-12-90 LIM 4 driver for Everex mem boards v/4.03
LOMEMMAP.ZIP 12102 01-15-91 Comprehensive mapping utility for LOW MEMORY
LTDFRE10.ZIP 14915 11-15-90 FRE 1.0 shows free disk/mem/EMS differently!
LTDFRE21.ZIP 16510 05-25-90 Shows free diskspace/memory/ems - fast-good!
MAPRAM.ZIP 10173 11-26-90 util to let you see how memory is being used
MAPUTILS.ZIP 16102 04-19-90 excellent memory MAP utilities.
MEM2DSK.ZIP 10869 04-19-90 Memory dump to disk file.
MEMCODE.ZIP 4407 05-04-90 text file to help solve memory error problems
MEMDW20.ZIP 5664 05-06-90 Displays info re sys/envir/space/extmem more
MEMLIST.ZIP 24885 10-06-90 lists internal memory usage graphically.
MEMSIM32.ZIP 30816 08-19-89 Simulates EMS extentended memory on hard disk
MEMUTL11.ZIP 40825 01-22-91 Memory Utilities v1.1 Memory usage debug
MEMXD.ZIP 130634 02-09-91 expanded/extended memory manager for 286, 386
N_1.ZIP 15779 11-07-90 Reduce Norton Commander RAM overhead
OWNER152.ZIP 8836 12-01-89 Show owner of a disk cluster
PKII_127.ZIP 67213 04-26-90 Modular EMS improved version of PowerK
PMAP203.ZIP 31496 08-05-90 Program Map v2.03 Displays how RAM is being
QEMM511F.ZIP 8319 11-17-90 Fix for QEMM 5.1
QEMMFIX.ZIP 8183 12-30-90 Minor fixes for QEMM 5.X.
QEMMMENU.ZIP 29828 09-14-90 Menu shell for QEMM 5.0 & Manifest
QEMM_1.ZIP 1309 11-09-90 get extra RAM by mapping ROM to RAM
QMAP140.ZIP 20785 02-11-90 Detailed memory map utility
QMENU.ZIP 29200 05-29-90 Front end for QEMM
QTEST.ZIP 13843 07-28-90 Checks to see if QRAM would work on your
QTEST10.ZIP 17758 08-24-90 Will your EMS 4.0 board work with QRAM ?
QUADRAM.ZIP 36834 05-26-90 Utilities for several Quadram multi cards
RAMCLEAR.ZIP 1797 04-19-90 Ramclear memory res pgms
RAMIT155.ZIP 18940 03-28-90 Move HD Rom Bios to Fast Ram
RAMMAP.ZIP 10173 12-02-90 shows graph and list of all things in memory
RAMTEST2.ZIP 23109 04-19-90 test ram and video card DATA DESTRUCTIVE
RAMTS203.ZIP 35545 10-05-90 Brown Bag's Ram Test v2.03
RAMVIEW.ZIP 19465 08-01-90 pc-mag ram-resident ram snooping utility
READMEEM.ZIP 7273 03-23-90 Expanded/Extended Memory use w/Microsft Excel
REMM40.ZIP 11069 05-21-90 AST REMM 4.0 LIM 4.0 expanded Mem Mang
REMM408.ZIP 42000 03-17-90 ASTEMM v4.08 for 386-based AST Computers
REMM441.ZIP 11970 11-26-90 REMM.SYS v4.41 for Premium/286
REMM450.ZIP 12114 03-16-90 AST's REMM.sys v4.5 expanded memory Manager
REMMS.ZIP 52719 03-17-90 All remm.sys for AST Computers
REMMX.ZIP 3597 11-26-90 Bravo/286 Expanded Memory Emulatator
REMTSR.ZIP 1986 01-06-90 Remove TSRs from memory easily!
SEMS4.ZIP 5213 04-23-90 Lim 4.0 Driver For Extended Memory
SNUTIL.ZIP 4613 11-03-90 Move HD table out of high mem-needs 386 max
SPEED200.ZIP 21793 11-19-89 Hard disk speed test/compare-to-AT utility
SPOOLER_.ZIP 5913 06-29-90 EMMS print spooler. Well done!
SSTAT100.ZIP 3473 07-21-90 Shows memory used:conventional, expanded, and
SWARPS.ZIP 38532 09-26-90 Swap Programs Into Ems
SWMM17.ZIP 18896 12-11-90 swap utility for MemoryMate
TESTMEM.ZIP 9938 02-25-91 TestMem V1.0 Tests and enhances EXP/EXT Mem
TESTXT31.ZIP 6694 10-26-90 Extended Memory test for 80286/386/486.
TLB_V114.ZIP 147969 02-25-91 Memory Manager for 286, 386, 386sx machines
VGARAM.ZIP 6926 10-24-90 uses VGA RAM for applications that are text
VIEWEXT.ZIP 34483 05-26-90 Access extended memory without Protected mode
VRAM20.ZIP 17102 02-03-90 Expand RAM using HardDrive
VRAM38.ZIP 56256 01-05-91 QEMM clone for high memory management
VRAM386.ZIP 62648 01-06-91 Shareware 386 memory manager like QEMM,386MAX
VRAM420.ZIP 22870 02-21-91 a memory management program
WDPAT102.ZIP 3436 07-21-90 Include WD1006v-SR2 bios area with Qemm
WHATCHIP.ZIP 4675 04-19-90 ck for C&T chips to see if shadow RAM works
XEQ11.ZIP 8441 12-13-89 Saves space on hd by librarying .Com
XMEM1.ZIP 7777 10-07-90 Extended Memory Usage utility
XMS.ZIP 18213 11-25-90 public domain program to display information
XMSCHK.ZIP 2817 12-16-90 XMS Memory diagnotsic utility.
XMSTXT.ZIP 9361 06-22-90 Text file for Ext Mem Specs (20 pages)
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