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│ C A R R I E R D E T E C T │
│ │
│ The PC Communications Journal For Every Modem User! │
│ │
│ Volume 1, November 1991 │
│ │
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Table of Contents:
Welcome ........................................ 2
Product Evaluations ................................ 3
Solar Realms Elite Version 0.0981 .............. 3
Learning Center .................................... 7
Guide to Uploading Files With Batch Protocols ... 7
Introduction to Virus Protection ................ 10
Writing A BBS Door (Part 2) ..................... 16
Protocol Prowl ..................................... 23
Picking the Proper Protocol .................... 23
Writer's Roundup ................................... 29
Reflections 1 .................................. 29
ByteLine ........................................... 33
Feedback ........................................... 40
Product Information .............................. 40
Advertisements ..................................... 41
Carrier Detect is published bimonthly by Michael W.
Crosson. Contents may not be reproduced without written
permission from the publisher. All brand and product
names mentioned in this publication are trademarks and
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
(c) 1991 Michael W. Crosson. All rights reserved.
Another two months has passed, winter is upon us and
the wonderful world of electronic communications has
brought us together again for another GIGANTIC issue of
Carrier Detect. This issue exceeds forty pages for the
second time in row. This journal is starting to get so
large at times I think the pure text content exceeds that
of the computer magazines if we took out all the
Last month I received just two registrations for the
CDR-Door which is not very encouraging. This brings the
grand total to only three paid registrations. If you are
reader or sysop that enjoys Carrier Detect, I urge you to
please consider registering the door, making a small
donation, or send in an advertisment. It takes a quite a
bit of time, effort, and money to bring you this
This issue has a slightly different emphasis than
previous issues. This time out the majority of the
articles are more tutorial oriented instead of emphasizing
product reviews. There are several articles with a strong
learning orientation in this issue: how to uploads files
in batch mode, how to protect your system against virus
infection, a general guide to selecting the best protocol
for the job, and the second installment of Scott Baker's
popular "How to Write a BBS Door" series. In fact there
is only one review this issue and it is of a BBS door. If
you enjoy the reviews in Carrier Detect, don't fret, they
will return in January.
I am very happy to formally introduce the Carrier
Detect Local Reader. The Local Reader is a new windowed
front-end for reading Carrier Detect offline. Like the
CDR-Door it accumulates and indexes all articles from
every issue. This program uses the same .CDX files that
the door does so once you have the program there is
nothing extra that you will need to download. Using the
Local Reader makes information retrevial and product
comparison easy! Plus it allows you to extract any
particular article that you desire. The Local Reader is
available as CDLR100.ZIP and no registration is required
for this release. It is our gift to you for a great year.
Since this is the last issue of 1991, I would like to
take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy
Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas!
Michael Crosson
Publisher and Editor
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 2
Each month Carrier Detect contains several product
evaluations. Most of these will be software reviews but
from time to time hardware will be discussed as well. The
opinions expressed in Carrier Detect are solely my own or
the respective author of the article. Carrier Detect
strives to be as objective as possible when evaluating
software. Judgments to suitability are made with the
typical modem enthusiast in mind and are not geared toward
the complete novice nor the power user. Exceptions to
this are noted as such in the article.
* Solar Realms Elite (SRE), Version 0.098
Reviewed by Scott Baker
Pros: Quick, non time consuming play
Good multiple player interaction
Makes good use of strategy
Cons: No graphics of any form
Quality of play can degrade quickly.
Looking for a nice door game for your bbs system?
Well, this is it. SRE is one of the most enjoyable door
games that I have played in a long while. While most
modern door games are very time consuming (a player could
easily spend a full sixty minutes in a game such as Trade
Wars 2002), SRE is a quick game that your users will only
spend 5-15 minutes on. The best way to describe an online
game is probably to get right to the point - what does the
user do while he's playing? Following is a description of
what an average player can do in a game session.
Each day at logon time, the user is presented with a
diplomatic phase. The diplomatic phase allows players to
enter a variety of treaties with other players. A variety
of treaties are available ranging from a "free trade
agreement" to a full-fledged "armed defense pact." This
capability is very important to SRE. While most other
door games force you to choose between being someone's
ally or their enemy, SRE has several gradations of
treaties. You can enter a simple free trade agreement with
those players you do not fully trust or enter an armed
defense pact with your most trusted friends.
Once you are finished with the diplomatic phase, you
enter a series of five turns. These turns allow you to
play out all the other aspects of the game. The turns
themselves are divided into several different stages.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 3
At the start of each turn, you complete a "resource
allocation" procedure. You have to feed your people and
your troops, spend money on managing your planets, provide
funds for your military and police force, etc. Failure to
complete any of these requests could lead to a revolution
within your empire. It's wise to keep a very close eye on
these resources. If for example, you run out of food and
are not able to feed your troops, they will start
deserting your empire very quickly.
Next, if you have any covert agents, then you are
presented with the covert operations menu. From here you
can perform a multitude of sneaky attacks on your enemy.
You can send an agent in to bomb his food storage, send a
team in to take hostages, "set him up" with another
player, etc. Covert operations can be the key to winning
game. For example, if you could successfully "set up" two
of the larger players, they could possibly start a war and
annihilate each other. This would allowing smaller empires
a chance to bounce back.
Once you have completed the covert operations step,
you are presented with the purchasing menu. You can
purchase more troops, fighters, heavy cruisers, etc to
defend your empire. This is also the place where you get
to colonize other planets.
Colonizing planets is one of the key parts of the
game. There are several different types of planets you can
colonize, including soldier, government, food, urban and
research colonies. Your goal is to find the best mix of
planets to colonize. Sure, you could buy a whole bunch of
Urban planets and tax the people to make lots of money,
but if you don't buy enough food planets to support them,
you'll be in the middle of a revolution before you know
Each of the different planet types have unique
characteristics to them. For example, tourism planets can
earn great sums of money, but only if your empire is
popular and people want to come there. If you have an
underdeveloped, underfed and polluted empire, then you're
not going to get many tourists.
Once you are done purchasing what you desire, you move
on to the attack phase. From here, you can attack one
empire per turn. Attacking is completely optional and if
you wish to stay a peaceful emperor, that is your choice.
Be aware though that planet upkeep is expensive and if you
want a lot of them, then it will soon become easier (and
cheaper!) to attack others than continue colonizing
planets. When you decide to attack, SRE asks you how many
of each of your forces you wish to send. They immediately
go out and attack the enemy. If your attack is successful,
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 4
then you will carve up part of his empire and add it to
yours. If not, then you just sacrificed several very
expensive pieces of military hardware. It's as simple as
The final portion of each turn includes a trading
option where you may trade with any empires that you have
the proper diplomatic relations with. You send a fleet
containing what you wish to give and demands for what you
want in return. If the other player says yes, then you
perform the trade.
That's about it for the actual game play. While these
options may seem somewhat complex, SRE really does present
them in an intelligent, easy to follow manner. Next, I'd
like to talk about some of SRE's unique and helpful
An excellent feature for new players is the protection
period. The new user gets twenty turns of protection to
build his empire. During this time, nobody can attack
him. This gives the new player plenty of time to become
accustomed to the game, contact major players for
treaties, build an army, etc. In some other games, a new
player can get stomped on the very day that he joins the
game. In SRE, the authors thoughtfully prevented this
from happening.
Another interesting feature is SRE's hints." At the
purchasing menu, you can hit "H" and a hint will be
displayed. These hints are keyed to the status of your
empire. If you have too much pollution, the game will
suggest buying an anti-pollution planet. If you are just
starting, the game will suggest ways to build your empire.
The hints are very useful for those who are not familiar
with the subtleties of the game.
If you are a sysop, you may be asking "How easy is
this game to set up?" Well, SRE has one of the best
installation programs that I have seen in a door game. It
is very user friendly and does almost everything for you.
SRE supports many bbs systems and drop file formats so you
most likely will not have to use a separate door
converter. SRE's install will even create a batch file to
execute the door for you automatically.
As a passionate hater of crippleware and annoyware, I
have to admit that although SRE is crippled, the crippling
is minor and acceptable. The crippling consists of a few
features such as the bank and a few exotic attack modes
disabled until the program is registered. This is just
enough incentive to get a sysop to register, but it isn't
too pushy that it gets the sysop angry. Hopefully, some
other shareware authors will take note of this and reduce
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 5
their crippling to an acceptable form like SRE.
Most of what I've said so far about SRE has been good,
but as with all programs, there are a few bad points. SRE
contains no graphics. Those of you who love ANSI
animation, EGA terminal programs, etc will not find them
here. This is both good and bad. The good side is that
SRE really does not require graphics. It plays very well
with just plain text. As a door author, I really don't
know where I would want to put graphics in it. It just
doesn't lend itself to pictures that well. On the
negative side, some users may not want to play a pure text
Another problem about the game concerns it's
enforcement of treaties. Sure, you can set up an armed
defense pact with a player, but you can also cancel that
treaty and go in and waste them if you see an opportunity.
SRE's play also can degrade very fast. If one major
player invades another and devastates him, then all of the
medium and lower level players will jump in and carve up
his empire. The result is that a major player who has
been playing for several weeks can be utterly destroyed in
a single day. Once a major player has died, he may get
discouraged and quit playing the game.
There is also some confusion about the combat portion
of the game. For example, several times I have attacked
people with nearly equal forces as my own and defeated
them with minimal bloodshed. For example, an attack with
20,000 troops, 10,000 fighters, and 8,000 cruisers against
a similarly armed opponent resulted in the loss of about
150 troops, 50 fighters, and 50 cruisers for both me and
my opponent. I for one always enjoy the though of my
forces "fighting to the death."
In conclusion, I found SRE to be a compelling game
with a few flaws. I would suggest that as a sysop, you
put it up and see what your users think of it. They may
become addicted to it or they may ignore it. It's also
important to point out that the authors of SRE have
produced a sequel entitled "Alpha Colony VI." Although I
haven't had time to look into this thoroughly, I did
notice that it does contain some ANSI pictures and a few
more bells and whistles.
Scott Baker is a shareware author and frequent contributer
to Carrier Detect. He can be reached on his BBS system,
The Not Yet Named BBS in Tucson, AZ at (602) 577-3650.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 6
The Learning Center is an area devoted tutorial
articles. It is the "How-To" department of Carrier
Detect. However Articles are not limited to newcomers and
in fact may cover advanced concepts.
* Beginner's Guide To Uploading Files with Batch
Tutorial by Michael Crosson
A great feature of most newer file transfer protocols
is the ability to send or receive more than one file at a
time. Protocols that have this ability are said to be
"batch" protocols since they can send a batch of files or
even entire directories in one session. Older protocols
such as X Modem do not have this ability. The batch
feature can be a convenience, especially if the steps
leading up to the actual transfer are long or complex.
In practice it is much easier to do a batch download
rather than upload. This is because most of the work is
done for you when you are simply receiving a file. Since
the filenames are automatically passed to the receiver,
most of the time all you must do is invoke the protocol.
Uploading a batch of files presents more difficulties. In
this case, it is your responsibility to tell the protocol
what files you want to transfer. This article will
explain several strategies to can help you to make the
most of this useful feature.
The first method is the simplest but not the most
elegant way batch uploads can be accomplished. It is a
down and dirty method but even a few BBS packages I've
seen use it. It exploits the fact that most batch
protocols accept wildcat specifications on the command
line. The basic idea is to copy all the files you intend
to send into a work directory and then send them using *.*
as the filename.
- Step One
Decide what files you want to send.
- Step Two
Copy those files into an empty work directory. For our
purposes here let's call it C:\TEMP.
- Step Three
When your communications program asks you for a file
name, type in *.*. For example if you are using DSZ,
the desired command line would be:
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 7
DSZ ha both sz c:\temp\*.*
- Step Four
Erase the files you copied into the work directory so you
don't inadvertently send them again next time you go to do
an upload again.
You may want to write a small batch file to start up your
Communications program to do this or include it in the
batch file that calls the external protocol (if you Comm
program uses batch files to do so). One such batch file
that would be called when the protocol was selected is
shown as an example below.
@echo off
cd c:\temp
dsz ha both send *.*
if errorlevel 1 goto XFERFAIL
if errorlevel 0 goto XFEROK
echo Attention! There was a problem during this batch UL!
goto END
echo Transfer Successful! Now deleting work files.
erase *.*
goto END
Note that this batch file will erase the contents of your
upload directory only if the transfer was successful by
checking for the proper errorlevel code when the protocol
exits (usually 0).
Another method to simplify the batch upload process
involves the use of a text file that contains the full
path and file names you want to transfer. This method
works with most batch protocols, although some may require
that the list be named something special. Since many
terms contain built in text editors or have a DOS hook for
one, this method is faster than it sounds. As an example,
if you wanted to use this technique with DSZ, when
prompted for a filename to send the name of the file list
in the form below:
The DSZ command line in its entirety would be similar to
this one where filelist.txt designates the text file that
you created.
DSZ ha both send @c:\telix\filelist.txt
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 8
The protocols that are compatible with this method include
Bimodem, DSZ, HyperProtocol, Lynx, Mpt, rC-Modem, and
Super Zmodem.
A final way to perform efficient batch file uploads
is to use an external protocol shell designed for this
purpose. There are many fine shareware programs that help
facilitate batch file transfers and many work with a wide
assortment of protocols. One of my favorites is Byte
Brother's Powernode. Powernode works with Bimodem, DSZ,
Jmodem, Lynx, Mpt, and SuperK. Powernode is fully menu
driven and batch uploading is as simple as tagging the
files you want to send and picking your protocol!
Powernode installs in a DOS hook (such as the slot for the
external editor) or as an external protocol in some
communications program. Installation is minimal and all
the hard work is done behind the scenes. Using a shell
like Powernode allows a user to avoid confusing command
line parameters and switches like those I discussed above.
This method is the quickest way to get up and running in
batch mode. Other programs that provide a similar
function include Transfer, and HotkeyZ.
Finally, it should be noted that a few terminal
programs have a point and shoot interface built into the
program. This feature can prove to be very useful if you
frequently have to send files from your computer.
Examples of programs that can do batch upload with using
any other additional programs include Boyan
HyperAccess/5, and Telemate.
Taking advantage of batch capabilities saves time and
is a big convenience. It isn't difficult to do once you
know a few tricks and perhaps enlist the help of a
companion program. Here's a concise listing of suggested
programs to look for related to this article.
- Protocols
program name version publisher filename
Bimodem 1.24 Erik Labs BIMOD124.ARJ
DSZ 10/20/91 Omen Tech. DSZ1024.ARJ
HyperProtocol 1.1F Hillgraeve HYPER11F.ARJ
Mpt 1.10 Matt Thomas MPT110.ARJ
rC-Modem 4.40 Lavio Pareschi CMODEM44.ARJ
Super ZModem 1.60 Scott Baker SZMOD160.ARJ
- Protocol Shells
Powernode Revision I Byte Brothers POWERNI.ARJ
Transfer 5.2 Steve Lewis XFER52.ZIP
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 9
* Introduction to Virus Protection
Article by Bill Logan
The trend within the dark world of the Virus
programmer is to write undetectable viruses that not only
replicate but can cause as much damage as possible.
Utilizing stealth techniques the Virus Authors are
attempting to create the ultimate hidden virus, and thus
creating the most dangerous as well. One that is not only
undetectable to the computer user, but undetectable to the
virus scanner. "The game is afoot," Holmes would have
said, between the virus detection authors and the virus
infection authors. It is very much like a game of cat and
mouse in which the victory goes to the author with the
best virus detection or the virus infection.
Just what is a virus? John McAfee described this in
his book, "Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer
Programs, and Other Threats To Your System."
A virus is a computer program created to infect other
programs with copies of itself. It has the ability to
clone itself, so that it can multiply, constantly
seeking new host environments. That may be all it
does - a single mission to replicate and spread from
one system to another. Or the virus program may be
written to damage other programs, alter data, and then
perhaps self-destruct, leaving no evidence of itself
behind, so that defenses cannot be developed against
The growth of viruses shows an exponential spurt this
year. With the present high number of viruses and the
growth cycle pattern of the past, this proves to be
alarming. Recently Geraldo Rivera dedicated a half hour of
his popular program to this dark side of computing. A
recent expert estimated that if this present growth cycle
continues we will see over 100,000 strains of viruses by
the year 1995. Granted, this is an alarming statistic,
especially for the BBS community. But we can rest assured
that as each new virus is constructed, we have experts in
the field creating ways to defeat them.
John McAfee, a leading virus expert and his antivirus
firm, McAfee Associates, are constantly finding new and
improved ways to combat virus infections. His company's
programs, VirusScan, Clean, NetScan, Vcopy, and Vshield
are constantly being updated and released to the computer
community. These program aid thousands in helping to
detect, prevent and eradicate a virus before it can do
damage. John's intelligence network, worldwide contacts
and reporting system often allows him to maintain an edge
over competitors and affords him a unique position in
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 10
providing a line of defense against these menaces.
Many other Software programmers have entered this
silent war and are producing means in which we can protect
ourselves against infection and safeguard our investment.
Central Point and Symantec are but two of the large
software publishers who have entered the war and provide
programs to aid and protect the computer user. There are
many other fine software firms providing the computer
community with protection and others are sure to join the
fight if the present growth cycle continues.
It is alarming for me to talk with computer users who
have become so cautious and concerned with virus infection
that they take extreme measures to insure they do not
become infected. I know of users who refuse to download a
Shareware file from a Bulletin Board, yet feel positively
secure and safe when working with commercial programs.
Many other also feel a false sense of security when they
take their computer to the local computer repair shop for
a new Hard Drive or an upgrade. What they fail to realize
is that they are just as prone to infection from those
sources as they are from Shareware. In fact there are
times when it is safer to obtain Shareware then it is to
have your computer repaired or install a new software
package from a retailer. The Bulletin Board industry has
received such a bad rap over the years there are those who
feel just logging onto one or receiving a text file will
jepordize their computer. The reality of the situation is
much different. In many instances well maintained
Bulletin Boards are safer then the other avenues I pointed
out. Yes, there will always be a possibility of receiving
a virus infected file or a Trojan within a file, but the
precautions the BBS community takes to insure the safety
of their users has grown rapidly over the past few years.
What many users fail to keep in mind is that the
sysop of the typical Bulletin Board has invested a large
amount of time, work, energy and finances into a hobby
that not only provides them with enjoyment but also the
hundreds of users who log on weekly. The last problem a
system operator needs is have their system destroyed by a
virus infection or spread an infection to his callers. If
an infection spread, it would effectively shut that
Bulletin Board down from lack of use and support. As a
result of this the average sysop has installed many lines
of defense against the threat of a virus infection. First
upon receipt, all of the Shareware uploaded are
decompressed and scanned for possible infection. If they
pass, they are moved to the corresponding file area for
the users enjoyment. If a virus is found or the archive
is corrupted, the file is either deleted immediately or
moved to a bad files area hidden to the public. As a
result it is likely the Shareware files which end up in
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 11
the file directories are free of infection. This creates
a safe computing environment for the users as well as the
With commercial software, computer owners are at the
mercy of the OEM's. In many instances it is common
practice when a dissatisfied user returns a program to
repackage, reshrink wrap and distribute the product again
for resale. This is where the problem arises. For
Example, A user purchases a software product at the local
computer outlet. After returning home and installing it
on their computer, they find the product does not perform
as expected. They remove it and return it to the place of
purchase. What this user did not know was that lurking on
their Hard Drive was a virus infection. When they
installed the program the floppy the distribution disks
were not write protected. As a result, the floppy disks
returned to the retailer were infected! That same
computer store returns that opened software package to
their OEM if there was a problem, (who repackages and
resells it), or places it back on the shelve for resale.
Another user eventually enters the store looking for that
exact software and purchases it. This result in another
virus infection.
Let's take a look at a common practice among computer
repair shops. They work inside computers from all over
everyday. They install hard drives, RAM chips, video
cards, and more. In doing so they use a copy of their
favorite Disk Manager, or perhaps Diagonstic Software.
This copy may have been used on one hundred different
machines from one hundred different sources, any of which
could have had a virus infection. In reusing this utility
the repair person is unknowingly passing on an infection
to every machine he services. Then these same customers
bring home work from the office. After arriving at their
office the following day, they take these same newly
infected floppies and use them on their work computers.
Other employees also work from these computers and that
evening take their floppies home too. What has transpired
here is a far reaching infection as a result of just one
careless repair person. It is worth mentioning here one
final place where extra care might be in order, colleges
and universities. They are another source responsible for
a high number of infections. Here too floppies from many
different people and machines are constantly used and then
go home for extra work.
As you can see from these examples, (which are taken
from actual infections I have tracked down), in relation
to the commercial sector, repair industry, and academic
community, the BBS community can be relatively safe. But
even with precautions infections still occur. As a result,
the best line of defense to practice your own safe
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 12
computing measures. This can be achieved by obtaining a
good virus scanning program and virus eradication program.
It is also a good idea to obtain a Virus Prevention
program. I suggest McAfee's Scan, Clean and Vshield, but
there are others available to get the job done. Which
ever you use, make it a practice to use them. Do not just
purchase Central Point Antivirus, Norton Antivirus, or
McAfee's products, stick the floppies in storage and
forget about them. Set them up. Install virus
prevention, typically a TSR program that will scan the
boot sector, partition table, and root directory on system
power up as well as each program a program is invoked. It
is also a safe practice to decompress and scan each
program that you download from a bulletin board before
using it. Even if the BBS practices AntiViral protection,
it is still a wise precaution to scan it prior to use. It
is wise to use your Virus Scanner to scan EVERY floppy
which is used in your system that comes from another user,
school, work or commercial source. Whether it is write
protected or not, scan it. It is always better safe then
sorry. Now we reach the last line of defense. Make
frequent backups of your clean, virus free system. This
insures that your data is safe in case the worst does
It is always a good idea to watch the goings on with
your computer. Ask yourself these questions. Does the
Hard Drive light come on for no reason? Does the system
run slow than normal? Do you have problems copying your
programs to a floppy? Do you have strange files on your
hard drive you never noticed before? Do your program
files appear to be getting larger when you type DIR? Do
you notice strange messages or comments on your screen
when you power up or warm boot? Does your monitor act
strange at times, displaying odd images or strange
behavior on the part of the characters on the screen?
Does loading a program take longer than normal? Do disk
accesses seem excessive for the simplest of tasks? Do you
have less system memory then usual? Do programs or files
disappear mysteriously? Do you suddenly notice a
reduction in available disk space? Any of these signs can
be indicative of viral infections. Always be aware of
your system. Suspicious behanvior may turn out to be a
glitch, bad code, a power surge, brown out, a defective
Hard Drive controller or even nothing at all! But then
again it just may be a virus too. If you suspect
something is strange, then run your scan program. Practice
safe computing! The best time to start is right now!
What do you do if your computer is infected? First,
do not panic. Immediately power down your computer for 15
seconds. Then cold boot with a clean, write protected
system floppy. Scan and Clean your computer for infection
with a clean write protected floppy which contains your
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 13
AntiViral Utilities. Some Virus scanners must first scan
and obtain the name of the virus to remove prior to
actually removing the infection. Be aware of your
AntiViral Software, and understand how to use it.
Depending on the infection it may be a simple task of
removal or it may be more involved. If it is simple then
the Antiviral software will perform as expected, remove
the virus and your system will be clean again. However,
problems can arise in the depth and scope of the
infection. Some viruses are program infectors, while
others will infect your boot sector and partition table.
Depending on the virus it may totally corrupt the programs
it has infected. It may attach itself to the beginning or
end of a .EXE or .COM file, or may just randomly insert
its code anywhere it can. A Virus Cleaner will overwrite
that code with clean code of its own or it may use 0's or
X's if it is unable to overwrite the code. It will delete
it as a last resort. In any case, it will do what it has
been programed to do to remove the infection. If the
infection was a minor one that file can be used once
again. If it was a more serious one, it may be corrupted
to the point of not functioning. If the Virus Cleaner
wants to delete the file, then it is a good idea to allow
it. Normally it will only delete for two reasons, one,
you have configured it to do so, or two, it cannot remove
the virus safely. In either case this is where the
frequent clean backups come into the picture. Or if the
Virus Cleaner has only deleted a few .EXE, .COM, or .OVL
files it is a simple task of overwriting with the original
program disk.
In the case of a boot sector and partition table
infector the virus cleaner will overwrite the infected
sectors as before. It will use code of its own or 0's. In
any event due to the nature of a computer system this may
cause the Hard Drive to be unusable, otherwise known as a
system crash. Here too there is no need to panic and
reformat the Hard Drive. It is a good practice to keep a
Hard Drive Utility on hand, Norton, PC Tools, etc. With
Norton's you would utilize Disk Doctor to repair the
Sectors and partition table. Another method involves
McAfee's programs; Scan, Clean and Vshield. Clean would be
the program used to remove the infection. In version 82
and above a new switch has been added. Now it will repair
the partition table and boot sector when using DOS version
4.XX and above. This is the /MAINT switch. In most cases
this will repair the damage caused by the virus and you
will not need to use a Disk Utility.
A point here I would like to make. If you do panic
and decide to reformat the Hard Drive, you may still end
up with an empty infected disk. Many boot sector and
partition table infectors are also TSR's. When you
reformat it will simply reinfect the Hard Drive while in
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 14
memory. Here too you must first power down the computer
and cold boot with a clean write protected floppy prior to
the format. But please, there is no reason to do this. If
you do elect to take this route of last resort, then you
have wasted your time and money on your AntiVirus
software. Once your system is clean and you have
reinstalled any programs which were deleted or corrupted,
then cold boot your computer from the hard drive. At this
time your computer is safe to use and you can resume your
normal activities.
There are many types of viruses to watch for, so many
in fact it is impossible to know them all. One virus that
appears to be everywhere is the Stoned Virus. This is a
boot Sector and Partition Table Infector. This is spread
via the sharing of infected floppy diskettes. One common
mistake made is that Stoned and other boot sector
infectors are thought to be passed on though infected
programs. In reality this can not happen. A boot Sector
infector can only be transported via an infected floppy.
There is however one way this type of virus may be passed
on through a program and that is in the case of a program
called a dropper. This is a program specifically written
to infect the boot sector once it is invoked. But in the
case of normal, everyday programs they cannot pass on a
Boot Sector virus. There are many Boot Sector viruses as
there are many program infectors. Also there now exists a
FAT infector which has recently been reported in Europe.
The name of this new virus is "DIR-II" or "FAT" and it is
reaching high levels of infection in Europe. Expect other
breeds of this type of virus to proliferate soon. McAfee
has just released a version of Scan and Clean to combat
this virus and I am sure others will soon follow. This is
just an example to point out that virus authors are
thinking of more creative viruses and attempting to create
as much havoc as possible without being detected.
The virus industry is growing but so are we, the
conscientious computer user. In addition, our knowledge
and arsenal to combat virus' is growing as well. We have
the tools and the ability to defeat the virus authors but
we must use them. Dedicated AntiVirus Authors work
relentlessly to insure that a safe computing can be a
reality for us of us with just an ounce of prevention.
You may go for years without EVER seeing a virus, or
you may NEVER see a virus, but it is always wise to be
safe rather than sorry. Feel comfortable when working
with a BBS, but still scan your programs. Always be aware
of your computer and watch for strange signs, it could be
indication of a virus infection. Be cautious of other
user's floppies. Make it a habit to scan your commercial
software before installation. Always scan after the
computer has returned from the shop. Obtain capable and
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 15
well supported AntiVirus Software. Then learn how to use
it. Maintain a clean write protected system boot disk and
a copy of your AntiVirus software on it. And above all,
make frequent backups of your clean system. If you
practice safe computing you will have no problems, and be
able to enjoy the hobby of BBSing and the business of
computers with a minimium of heartbreak.
Bill Logan is an AntiViral Consultant and a licensed
McAfee Agent. He can be contacted via FidoNet at
* Writing a BBS Door (Part 2)
Tutorial by Scott M. Baker
I am happy to say that response to the first door
tutorial has been very encouraging. We've received
several requests for further continuation of the series,
so here is the second installment. For those joining us
for the first time, this series is about how to write a
door program. We're programming in Turbo Pascal and using
my DoorDriver kit for support. I encourage any of you who
have not yet read part I to review as it contains some
important introductory material.
Last time I said we'd dig deeper into some interactive
communication with the user. The best way to do this is
with a sample program. Our last sample, HLODOOR was
pretty plain, so let's write something that is a bit more
The following is NUMDOOR.PAS, a simple little game
designed to demonstrate some interactive communication
with the user.
{ 1} program numdoor;
{ 2}
{ 3} uses doordriv;
{ 4}
{ 5} procedure DoTheTitle;
{ 6} begin;
{ 7} sclrscr;
{ 8} swriteln('Hello, '+user_first_name+
{ 9} ' '+user_last_name+
{10} '. Welcome to NumDoor!');
{11} swriteln('');
{12} end;
{14} procedure playgame;
{15} var
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 16
{16} thenum: word;
{17} playerguess: word;
{18} guessnum: byte;
{19} done: boolean;
{20} tempstr: string;
{21} begin;
{22} swriteln('I''m thinking of a number.'+
{23} ' Can you guess what it is?');
{24} swriteln('');
{25} guessnum:=0;
{26} randomize;
{27} thenum:=random(100)+1;
{28} done:=false;
{29} while not done do begin;
{30} inc(guessnum);
{31} swrite('Guess #');
{32} str(guessnum,tempstr);
{33} swrite(tempstr);
{34} swrite(': ');
{35} sread_num_word(playerguess);
{36} if playerguess>thenum then swriteln('Lower!') else
{37} if playerguess<thenum then swriteln('Higher!') else
{38} if playerguess=thenum then begin;
{39} swriteln('Correct!');
{40} done:=true;
{41} end;
{42} if guessnum=10 then done:=true;
{43} end; {while}
{44} if thenum<>playerguess then begin;
{45} swriteln('You Lost!');
{46} str(thenum,tempstr);
{47} swriteln('The number was '+tempstr+'.');
{48} end;
{49} end;
{51} procedure waitforkey;
{52} var
{53} ch: char;
{54} begin;
{55} swriteln('');
{56} swriteln('Press any key to continue.');
{57} sread_char(ch);
{58} end;
{60} begin;
{61} initdoordriver('DOORDRIV.CTL');
{62} dothetitle;
{63} playgame;
{64} waitforkey
{65} end.
Some of you were asking for a real door; well, there
it is - all 62 lines worth! Those of you using our new
LOCREAD program may wish to load up a second window on the
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 17
screen so you may view both the above source and the rest
of the article at the same time. On with the
First lets look at an overview of the structure of
NUMDOOR. We've got three main procedures: DoTheTitle,
PlayGame, and WaitForKey. These procedures are pretty
self explanatory. DoTheTitle displays a little title
information about NUMDOOR. PlayGame performs the actual
task of playing the game, and WaitForKey waits for the
user to press a key once the game is over.
Let's go through the program section by section. At
the very top, you'll notice lines one and three. Line 1
(Program NumDoor;) is simply us formally telling TP the
name of our program. Line 2 (Uses Doordriv;) is the
all-important "uses" statement which tells TP that we will
be using the DoorDriv TPU.
Procedure DoTheTitle
The first procedure, DoTheTitle displays a little
introduction to the user so he knows where he is. Let's
look inside this procedure and see how it works:
This is a DoorDriver procedure which we have not
introduced before. Sclrscr is DoorDriver's compliment to
the Turbo Pascal clrscr procedure. The clrscr procedure
is provided by TP to allow us to clear the screen. If
you're familiar with basic, then this is equivalent to a
CLS. Obviously, we will need to clear both the remote and
the local screens, so that's why we have to use
DoorDriver's Sclrscr.
LINES 8-10: SWRITELN('Hello, '+user_first_name+ .....
These lines display the introduction. As we learned in
part one of this tutorial, SWRITELN is DoorDriver's
compliment to Turbo Pascal's writeln procedure. You may
notice that I have separated the parameters across three
lines. This is perfectly legal - as long as the
individual components include plus (+) signs in between
them, we can split it up that way.
Another important note about this line: We include the
variables USER_FIRST_NAME and USER_LAST_NAME. These were
discussed in part one. For those who may have missed it,
DoorDriver places the user's first and last names into
those two respective variables. Sticking them in the
SWRITELN allows us to be a bit more personal to the user.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 18
You may be wondering, what is the point of writing
_nothing_ to the screen? The point is, like TP's writeln,
swriteln will output a CR/LF sequence. So even if we do
not write any data, the Carriage Return still goes out.
The effect is a blank line.
Procedure PlayGame
PlayGame is where all of the real work takes place.
Let's take a minute to talk about what exactly the "game"
is that we are playing.
The game is a very common number guessing game. The
computer generates a random number and the user gets ten
shots to guess what it is. If the user guesses incorrect-
ly, the computer will tell whether he needs to go "higher"
or "lower". Now that we know what we want to do, lets see
how we would go about doing it. In pseudocode, here's
what we need to do:
1) Generate a random number
2) Ask the user for a guess
3) Compare the user's guess to our random number.
4) Say "lower", "higher", or "correct" based on the
outcome of #3's comparison.
5) Loop back to 2 until either the user guesses the
number correctly or uses up all ten tries.
6) If the user used up all ten tries, tell him he
That's our strategy. Now, let's go thought the actual
LINES 16-20: Variable Declarations
We need a multitude of variables to store some of our
information in. THENUM is a word variable which will hold
the random number which we generate. PLAYERGUESS is
another word to hold the player's current guess. GUESSNUM
is a counter to hold how many times the user has guessed.
DONE is a boolean to tell us when we are done. And
finally , TEMPSTR is a temporary string which we will
discuss when we come to it.
LINES 22-24: SWRITELN('I''m thinking of .....
These lines comprise a little instruction that we give
the user. They're just simple swriteln statements,
similar to the ones we encountered in DoTheTitle.
Since Turbo Pascal does not initialize our variables,
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 19
we will have to do it ourselves. Guessnum is our counter
of how many guesses the user has made. Since he hasn't
made any yet, we've got to set it to zero.
The Randomize procedure is provided by Turbo Pascal to
randomize TP's random number generator. Without it, the
game would pick the same random number each time it runs.
Here is where we get our random number. The random
function returns a number between zero and it's parameter
minus one, (i.e. Random(100) will include 0..99, not 100)
so we add 1 to it to get numbers between 1 and 100.
Right now, we aren't done yet, (we haven't even hardly
started!) so we'd better set our variable accordingly.
Line 29 sets up our "loop" which will ask the user for
up to ten guesses. We want to keep going as long as DONE
is not true. The loop consists of lines 29-43 which ask
the user for his guess and check it's validity.
We're on the first guess, so set guessnum accordingly.
LINES 31-34: SWRITE('Guess #' .....
These lines prompt the user for his guess. Although
they may seem complicated, they are really nothing more
than the simple SWRITE statements that we have seen
before. We just need to do some "magic" to manipulate our
Let me explain our problem: SWRITE/SWRITELN only
accept string data. But, our variable GUESSNUM is a byte
variable which holds numeric information. So how do we
get this data into something we can use? The answer is
that we use Turbo Pascal's STR procedure. STR is a very
handy procedure which converts a numeric format variable
to a string format variable. So, when we say
STR(GUESSNUM,TEMPSTR), we are telling Pascal to "take the
number in guessnum, convert it to a string, and place it
in tempstr".
Once this has been done, TEMPSTR now contains our
number which we can send out to swrite with no problem.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 20
This line the major new concept that we are trying to
introduce. SREAD_NUM_WORD is a DoorDriver procedure which
will read a word variable from the user. It handles all
the details of waiting for the user to press keys,
converting the data to a word, etc and just gives us a
nice word variable.
This is where the "interaction" takes place. Until
now, we have just been displaying information to the user.
Now, we ask the user for some information back.
Specifically, we ask him for his guess. The guess is
stored in the variable PLAYERGUESS.
LINES 36-41: If playerguess>thenum then ....
This block comprises the code to test the player's
guess and act upon the results. We display "higher" or
"lower" if the number is higher or lower and if the user's
guess is correct, we display "correct" and set DONE to
true to end our loop.
This code is all standard Pascal stuff (with some
swrites thrown) in so I won't go into too much detail
here. We've got to try to stick to the doordriver-related
things or our little tutorial could get very big very
If we're at the tenth guess, then it's time to end our
We could have exited the loop for one of two reasons:
1) The user guessed correctly and DONE was set to true or
2) The user ran out of turns. These lines will check and
see if the user's guess was correct. If it was not, then
we got to break the bad news to him - he lost.
This code also includes our little trick of using STR
to convert the data. In this case, we have THENUM and we
need to convert it to a string so we can tell the user
what the number was. It works identically to the
situation we had in lines 31-34.
Procedure WaitForKey
After we have finished PlayGame, we need to have a
little pause so the user gets to absorb the full impact of
his game playing. We could use a simple DELAY(2000) for a
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 21
20 second delay, but we are out to demonstrate interactive
communication, so let's wait for a keypress.
I'm not going into this line-by-line as it is such a
simple procedure. Rather, I'll describe what it does.
First, we tell the user we want him to hit a key with a
SWRITELN statement.
Then, we use DoorDriver's SREAD_CHAR procedure to read
a single character. SREAD_CHAR will wait for a key and
then return it to us. We used the variable CH to hold
this character.
The Main Procedure
The main procedure, comprising lines 60-65 executes
all of our other procedure. Please note that similar to
HLODOOR, we had to call INITDOORDRIVER() to get DoorDriver
setup and ready for use.
After that, we just called DoTheTitle, PlayGame, and
WaitForKey in order, then we exit.
Interactive Routines
We have introduced two new very important routines:
SREAD_NUM_WORD and SREAD_CHAR. DoorDriver includes a
whole set of similar routines for doing similar things.
Here's a listing of them:
SREAD(s: string); Reads in a string
SREAD_NUM(i: integer); Reads in an integer
SREAD_NUM_WORD(w: word); Reads in a word
SREAD_NUM_LONGINT(l: longint); Reads in a longint
SREAD_CHAR(CH: CHAR); Reads in a char
The first four of these routines will read in data
until the user presses the return key. For example
"1234"<return>. They allow the user to backspace back and
forth to correct his mistakes. These are very similar to
Turbo Pascal's READLN and Basic's INPUT statements.
The fifth procedure (SREAD_CHAR) will wait for a
character and return that character. It's simply for when
you want one character and only one character. The user
can't correct his mistakes with backspace or anything.
This routine also does not echo to the screen.
SREAD_CHAR performs almost identically to Turbo
Pascal's READKEY function. In Turbo Pascal you would use
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 22
ch:=READKEY; With DoorDriver, use SREAD_CHAR(CH).
This installment has turned out a lot longer than I
had anticipated. However, we have gained some very
important knowledge. We now know how to ask the user for
data. If you like, play with DD's other input routines
(SREAD,SREAD_NUM, etc) and see what you can do with them.
They are very important to the operation of a door.
You might also want to try altering the look and feel of
NUMDOOR. You can expand the SWRITELN statements to
provide a more impressive instruction and title section.
Or if you are feeling really adventurous, you may want to
look in the DoorDriver manual and peek into the
SET_FOREGROUND procedure which will let you set the color
of the text. That is one of the key concepts we will
introduce next time.
Please, if you have any questions or suggestions, you
can either send them directly or to Michael Crosson,
Editor and Publisher of Carrier Detect. Right now I am
undecided as to which direction to take this series -
should we work on creating one large program? Or
introduce features with a lot more small programs such as
NUMDOOR and HLODOOR. You tell me!
Scott Baker is a shareware author and frequent contributer
to Carrier Detect. He can be reached on his BBS system,
The Not Yet Named BBS in Tucson, AZ at (602) 577-3650.
Protocol Prowl is the place to look to keep up with the
latest protocols that hit the streets.
* Picking The Proper Protocol
Article by Michael Crosson
You're on your favorite BBS system and you have
finally found that elusive file. What's more, you manage
to enter its name correctly when prompted and it appears
as if the transfer will begin momentarily. But wait,
what's this? The system is presenting something that
resembles alphabet soup! It's the dreaded protocol
selection menu, a constant source of confusion for many
users, even those that have called bulletin board systems
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 23
for a long time. You're not sure which one to use. So,
you look for a safe choice and one that you know you have.
Ahh, there it is, trusty old Xmodem!
If the above scenario sounds familiar to you this
article is for you. The BBS caller above, blindly chose
Xmodem just because it was familiar. Unfortunately it is
also one of the least desirable protocols to use. After
reading this article, you should have a general under-
standing of protocols and be able to select an appropriate
one next time you want to transfer files. By selecting
the right protocol for the job, your transfer will go
faster and smoother.
There are many factors to consider when selecting a
protocol. Speed and reliability are usually regarded as
the most important, but other factors may influence your
decision as well. These include the ability to resume
aborted files, compress files, special considerations such
as desire to chat or perform bi-directional transfers, and
personal preference. A final factor is imposed by the
remote system's choice of installed protocols. After all,
you can't perform a transfer with a particular protocol
unless it is an available option! What follows are short
subjective descriptions of most popular protocols and
general guidelines on when to use and when to avoid them.
They are listed in rough of sophistication.
Please note that this article is not intended to be
the last word on protocol performance, reliability, or
features. It is simply a quick critique of what each has
to offer and tips on when the protocol should work well
based on my extensive experience. Protocols are treated
in more detail when they are reviewed individually. This
article may be updated occasionally reflect new informa-
tion or add additional protocols not yet discussed.
- The Best of the Bunch -
The most desirable protocols to choose when offered a
ZMODEM - Chuck Foresberg
Zmodem is now regarded as the protocol of choice by most.
It features stringent 16 or 32 bit CRC error checking,
crash recovery, and file resume options. Packet size is
variable and ranges from 64 bytes to 1024K depending on
the number of errors encountered. It was originally
developed by Chuck Foresberg but many others have created
their own implementations of this excellent protocol and
it is often built into communication programs and some BBS
systems now. There are some enhanced versions of the
protocol available as well including Omen Technology's
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 24
Zmodem 90 - Mobyturbo and Scott Baker's Super Z Modem.
Both of these improve upon the original Z Modem
specifications for even faster transfers. Another popular
new Zmodem derivative is Omen's GSZ, simply DSZ (with the
Zmodem-90 Mobyturbo) but with a graphical interface to
make it easier to monitor the progress of the transfer
When To Use Zmodem
Zmodem offers excellent performance in most situations.
The protocol is intelligent and will optimize itself even
in the poorest conditions. Use Zmodem in cases where
reliability and speed are most important. This protocol
is also highly recommended for use over outdial services,
long distance calling, and noisy phone lines. You can't
go wrong using Zmodem.
MPT (formerly Puma) - Matthew Thomas
MPt is a new, full featured protocol written by Matthew
Thomas. It features many bells and whistles much as
Zmodem does. These include batch transfers, RLE
compression, file resume, and error recovery. Block size
is dynamic and again behaves similar to Zmodem. In
addition MPt makes use of a very informative (abet busy)
graphical status display screen while performing the
transfer. It is not found as an internal protocol in
communications programs, but is a worthwhile external
protocol addition. MPt is relatively common on BBS
systems. Unfortunately future development of the protocol
is questionable and it has been reported that the author
is no longer supporting it. (Note - some systems may
still be running the older Lynx protocol by the same
author. Since Lynx offers only a subset of MPt's
features, it is now obsolete).
When To Use MPt
As you might expect from a protocol sporting as many
features as does MPt, it is very speedy and accurate.
MPt's performance and reliability approach the Zmodem
standard and it is appropriate to use this protocol in
most situations.
HyperProtocol is a new offering from Hilgraeve, makers of
the HyperAccess/5 communications package. HyperProtocol
can transfer in batch mode and compress files as they are
sent, but does not offer allow files to be resumed.
Hilgraeve claims that HyperProtocol is 99% efficient and
its speed is unaffected by propagation delays. It is
found internal to HyperAccess/5 but can be added as an
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 25
external protocol via a free DOS module. It is available
on a moderate number of BBS systems, (if Hilgraeve made
some design changes in the DOS module that would make it
more friendly for BBS installation it's popularity would
When To Use HyperProtocol
As the name implies, HyperProtocol is super fast and its
reliability is high. HyperProtocol really shines during
the transfer of uncompressed files. When HyperProtocol is
sending files not already compressed with the likes of
PKZIP or LHA it can blast the data through at several
times the highest baud rate of your modem. Large text
files can easily be send at speeds approaching 38,000 baud
with a 9600 modem. This fact combined with the fact that
HyperProtocol accepts wildcards on the command line, make
it especially suitable for transferring entire directories
at a time. HyperProtocol is also a good choice when
calling long distance and over packet switching networks.
- Good but Flawed -
Protocols that are fast and reliable but have limitations
or omissions that make them unsuitable at times.
JMODEM - Richard B. Johnson
This protocol was introduced in 1988 by its author Richard
Johnson and generously released into the Public Domain.
Under some conditions it can be extremely fast but it is
limited to transferring one file at a time. Jmodem also
requires that you tell it the name of the file you are
receiving during a download which is a minor annoyance.
It does not support resume but does incorporate code to
compress files whenever possible.. This protocol
transmits files in blocks ranging from 64 bytes all the
way up to 8K! The fist block sent is 512K bytes and if it
is sent without error, the size of the next one doubles.
As an established and free protocol, Jmodem is frequently
found on BBS systems across the nation although most
communication software does not support it directly.
When to Use Jmodem
The biggest advantage of using Jmodem results from the
ability to send blocks as large as 8K. When the blocks
approach the maximum, Jmodem becomes very efficient and
thus speedy. The downside becomes clear when an error is
encountered. If the error took place during the
transmission of a large block, the entire block must be
resent. Of course it takes much longer to resend a block
that is eight times a large as the 1024K block that most
protocols utilize. It follows then that Jmodem might not
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 26
be the best choice on lines that are frequently noisy.
The lack of a batch mode and inability to pass a file name
when downloading also makes it unsuitable for many
unattended sessions. On the other hand, if you are
calling a local number or one that rarely experiences
interference, it can be on the fastest protocols of all.
BIMODEM - Erik Labs
Erik Labs has created a truly impressive protocol engine
with BiModem. BiModem is a unique protocol because of its
ability to send and receive files at the same time. It is
one of just a few so-called bidirectional protocols. It
also includes a long list of other desirable features
including batch mode, resume, 32-bit CRC error checking,
file verification, file compression and the ability to
chat with the remote user. Unfortunately, most BBS
software is not designed for simultaneous file transfers
and as a result every BBS package requires its own special
interface program to handle the session properly. This
fact, and the inherent higher level of complexity has
dampened the enthusiasm for what otherwise is an excellent
When to Use BiModem
Since BiModem is a bi-directional protocol, it is a
natural selection whenever there are a large number of
files to both send and receive. If the call is a long
distance one, the advantages of BiModem become even
greater. BiModem is very fast and goes to great lengths
to verify that files were sent correctly. It is not the
easiest protocol to use however and takes some time to
master. If you are not willing to spend some time
becoming familiar with BiModem, it probably is not for
you. Also, because of the delicate times of bidirectional
transfers, BiModem may not be a good choice for
packet-switching networks, or noisy connections.
RC-MODEM - Lavio Pareschi
rC-Modem is a Brazilian protocol that boasts many advanced
features. Among the most important are batch transfers,
resume of aborted downloads, and intelligent optimization
of packet size. The status screen is graphical
informative. It must be added as an external protocol to
your communications program. To date, rC-Modem has not
yet come into widespread use among BBS systems in the
United States.
When to use rC-Modem
rC-Modem is a fast and dependable program when configured
properly. It offers everything in terms of features that
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 27
Zmodem does and then some. Furthermore, it is highly
suited to noisy lines and will perform statistical
analysis to determine the best block size based on time,
errors, and history. However, there are some problems
with the protocol that prevent a full blown recommen-
dation. Most importantly, as of version 4.40 rC-Modem
does not support locked baud rates. The fastest allowable
speed is 9600 baud. Also, at times the protocol requires
the use of strange conventions to take advantage of the
more advanced features. Read the documentation closely on
rC-Modem before use.
- Middle of the Road -
The protocols in this grouping are not barn burners. They
function acceptable, but are outdated in terms of
performance and/or features.
XMODEM - Ward Christansen
This was the first error checking protocol to gain
widespread use. Xmodem sends in tiny 128 byte blocks and
waits for the remote to acknowledge every packet. It is
included internally with most communication and found on
the vast majority of online services and BBS systems.
When to Use Xmodem
Use Xmodem only when there are no alternatives (besides
ASCII). It is slow, sensitive to timing, and provides
only simple error checking compared to other offerings
today. Avoid Xmodem at all costs on packet switching
networks, (Telenet, PC Pursuit, GEnie and Compuserve), and
when using MNP error correction. Just about any other
protocol will be more efficient than Xmodem today.
YMODEM - Chuck Foresberg
Ymodem delivers acceptable performance under most
conditions. It is much faster than Xmodem but not as
efficient as the newer protocols. It is identical to 1K
Xmodem but adds a header with the filename and size.
There are variants of this protocol that support batch
transfers but it lacks features such as resume and
compression. Ymodem is one of the most common protocols
found in communication packages and online services.
When to Use Ymodem
Ymodem is a good all around performer and it works OK in
most situations. There are no times when it's use would
be entirely off the mark. In general, avoid Ymodem when
more efficient protocols are available or when noisy lines
will cause the protocol to have to frequently resend its
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 28
1024K packets.
YMODEM-G - Chuck Foresburg
Ymodem G is the functional equivalent of Ymodem but
without error checking. It relies on the modem for all
error control. Most communication packages and remote
systems offer this protocol.
When to Use Ymodem-G
Ymodem-G is designed to be used in conjunction with a
modem that supports hardware error checking. If your
modem supports V.42 or MNP error correction, you can use
this protocol. If you do not have a modem with an error
correction scheme, you absolutely should not try to use
Ymodem-G. Ymodem-G is very fast because of the lack of
software based error-checking overhead. However, if even
one error occurs, the entire transfer must be scrapped.
The file cannot be resumed at the point where it left off.
Since some of the newer protocols are essentially just as
fast as Ymodem-G (due to efficiency gains) and contain
better error handling and crash recovery, it is hard to
recommend the use of this protocol. Opt for Zmodem, MPt
or HyperProtocol instead.
This is the simplest protocol. It is suitable only for
text transfers because it does not perform any error
checking. ASCII is available as a protocol choice on most
terminal packages and online services.
When to use ASCII
ASCII is fast but should not be used except perhaps to
upload messages prepared offline to a remote system. If
you have to transfer large text files a much better choice
is HyperProtocol. If the information you need to transfer
is of real importance, you will not want to use ASCII.
W R I T E R 'S R O U N D U P
Writer's Roundup is a department that features
creative wrtiting submissions from readers. Essays,
fictional stories, and poems are examples of the kind of
reading that you might find here. However, each will
share a common theme of computers and communications.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 29
REFLECTIONS 1 (C) 1986-87 by Steve Schneider
(Reprinted with Permission)
Dateline : The RainForest BBS
Time : 3 AM On a Sunday
This is the peace that I enjoy so well. The kids (well;
mine anyway) are asleep as well as the faithful
wife. And the dog snores gently laying beside me on
the floor chasing rabbits in his mind as I relax in the
chair and gaze into the flickering green phosphors of
the monitor and watch silently as users log on and off the
They sometimes try silly stuff at this hour as they
know deep in their minds that no sane system
operator is awake at three o'clock in the morning.
Here's a user doing the '99E99' and other stuff at the
prompt. It brings a smile to my face as I wonder what
'Pirate' board or file he read that suggested he try
that on a BBS... Things are certainly much more
sophisticated these days and most systems are well
written to the point of being 'crash' proof from such
childish attempts. I make note of the user number on a
pad but will probably not do anything about the attempt,
either privately or publicly. Kids; just trying to have
He disconnects when all attempts fail (without reading
any of the 3,000 plus messages on-line or writing
anything..) and the screen barely darkens before another
user logs on. I can count on activity in the early hours
of the morning now that school is in session during
the week and on this system the prime calling hours of
8-11PM are reserved for donating Members. Ahah; here's
a favored user of the system. He calls twice a day and
his number of messages outnumber his number of calls; a
part of the backbone to my system. He's not a Member but
his 'donations' in the messaging section are just as
welcome on a system such as this that depends on 75-100
new messages a day. He enters quickscan and I leave
for the moment to get a fresh cup of coffee and adjust the
It takes longer than I expected and when I return he is
off the system. I tune to a classical soft rock station
and while keeping the sound down so as to not disturb the
family I softly hum to the song, 'Walk of Life'. As I
relax back into the comfort of the chair my mind
drifts back in time to three years ago when I was but a
computer-ignorant person at work with a major maker of
office copying equipment.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 30
I was 41 years old and although I had grown up making ham
gear and playing in the field of electronics I had only
thought of computers twice before I got the bug about a
year previous. Once as a teenager looking at an article
in Popular Electronics (I believe) that showed how
to build a simple computer with a telephone dialer as
the input device and then again in the half year I managed
to survive in college while inputting card data in the
reader of the IBM for a FORTRAN class in 1962. Then to
the Air Force for eight years and working on fighter
Anyway; several years ago I got the bug again (and my
son was at that age in school that had computer
classes) and after studying the market and reading a ton
of magazines I realize I wanted an IBM, could maybe scrape
up enough for an Apple //e and wound up buying a
TI-99/4A at the close out special of $100. Ha; the
extended basic module cost as much as the whole computer
did. After a year of typing in programs and running
from a cassette recorder and getting bleary eyed from the
color TV monitor I took the =BIG FINANCIAL= plunge.
It was late September, 1984 and a local computer store
made me a deal that I couldn't turn down. I picked up an
Apple //e with 128K and dual drives as well as a modem,
AE Pro, and a printer.... I was hooked! It was a school
day and I played hooky from work so that I might pick
up the system and install it before my son got home
from school. I set it up and waited; I wasn't
disappointed; I wish I could describe the look on his
face... he stood in awe; the words wouldn't leave his
mouth. =THAT= look was worth the price of the system.
He played games on it and programmed and did school
And when he went to bed...... WOW!! The ole man (me)
turned into a BBS junkie calling local boards for six
hours solid every night.... I wrote messages, downloaded
programs, brought life into some BBSes, got my mental
'butt' kicked in others. I did a lot of things...
copied a few programs that I shouldn't have (I don't
believe in piracy.. I made an error or two), stayed up
late every night, and managed to survive with 3 hours of
sleep. I read computer manuals while I was supposed to
be working and even got a Radio Shack M-100 eventually so
that I could call BBSes during the day from work.
After Christmas of 1984 the brown stuff hit the fan.
My son decided he wanted to put his computer up as a BBS.
(I entertained thoughts of killing him but wisely
restrained myself. No computers or BBSing from a jail
cell.) The RainForest went on-line for five hours a
night at 300 baud on two floppies using a unpaid for
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 31
copy of a commercial BBS program with more back doors
than a Fifth Street cat house... Paranoid person that I
was, I stayed at the monitor for the five hours a day it
was up to insure that no one would attempt to crash it.
(Someone did as well as a speedup DOS wiping out the
entire user file every other week. )
This lasted until the early spring and then we took it
down. Not enough time to use the computer for our own
programming. (Once bitten, twice shy?? Wrong!) In June
of 1985 we went back on-line again with a completely
rewritten program without the back doors that riddled
the early BBS and which now contained a multitude of user
friendly features like word replace in the editor (no
retyping the whole line over to correct an error) and
configured quickscan....... only read what interests you,
etc. We gained a loyal following and the space on
two drives was maxed out. A little finagling and I found
the strength (and cash) to order a 10 meg hard drive.
Dead on arrival! Wouldn't format.. Phone calls
yelling; return authorization; UPS; waiting; waiting;
waiting; arrival; wouldn't format again!! Aarrrggghhhh!
(Naturally my troubles lent humor to the lives of the
other local SysOps as I steamed about with red face and
whitish clouds of moisture trailing my every
movement.) To make a long story short the company
showed up at a local trade show and I managed to swap
my second unit for one of the Demo units. (Which has
been knocked off a five foot shelf by a cat, taken
the licking, and kept on ticking... in use
continuously for 15 months with few problems..) I do
wish that CORE International made an Apple hard drive
though... ( I like CORE )
Now we had the storage but as most of you well know, 300
baud is SLOW! More money goes out the door to take
advantage of USRobotic's 2400 (300/1200/2400) baud
SysOp special offering. Naturally no one else in town
has 2400 baud to call us with but we are prepared
for the future.... besides; the sysop deal made the
Courier cheaper than a 300/1200 baud Hayes.. ( I love a
Now the RainForest has the loyal users, the message base,
the storage, the most modern communication's
interface..... what's the problem?? In December of 1985 I
realized that DOS was too slow on the system and I
couldn't find a reliable DOS speedup program; the ones
tried kept screwing up the system. I bit the bullet and
ordered a factory fresh copy of the BBS program we are
now running. The program is compiled and runs like the
dickens! It looks nothing like the original, or course, as
I have modified it to extremes but in buying the program I
also made amends to the same author that I had used an
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 32
earlier version of programming from and not paid for.
(The pleasure was mine....I owe him much more than money
could ever repay)
I enjoy being a system operator almost as much as I did
being a BBS junkie a few years ago. I still call a
couple of favorite BBSes but I don't write the 30 or so
messages I used to write. <sigh> There just aren't enough
hours in the day.....
My son, you ask; the one I bought the computer for??? I'm
buying him an IBM compatible in the next week or so for
his own selfish use. (Er..ah..unless I need to type out
another NEWSLETTER on my system, of course....hehehehehe)
He deserves one for all the help he gave in
programming on the earlier versions (he won't touch the
new language on the current board) and putting up
with a BBS junkie like myself. (And he deserves it
because he's a bright kid and I love him...)
The sound of the CHAT bell (I'm definitely going to
remove that line from the program one of these days!)
nudges me back from that narcotic type dream state and
as my eyes focus on the screen I see that another new user
can't seem to find her way around the message base. Seems
like no one likes to read HELP files these days... the new
literacy?? <snarl...>
I hit CTRL-A and start tapping the keys to talk to her...
the digital clock shows that it's now 4:51 AM.... I have
to find a way to get some sleep one of these days.........
Steve Schneider is the System Operator of RainForest BBS
in Cooper City, Florida. He can be reached at his BBS,
Fast facts, tips, comments and rumors on all kinds of
computer related topics.
By Tom Garcia and Michael Crosson
A FRIEND OF MINE ordered an IVERSON PC for his office
after spending a lot of time studying mail order ads. He
said that he picked the IVERSON because "They are a big
outfit and sell mostly to the government on big contracts
so they must be good." [True]. I saw him out in front of
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 33
the courthouse and asked him if the PC had arrived and how
he liked it. "Oh, it came but I sent it back." How come?
"It was too big, a real monster. It made too much noise.
It was ugly. And it kept locking up when I tried to
run a program. Maybe DOS 4.01 [which came with it] has
some bugs." I am inclined to guess that any avid BBS user
could have fixed the IVERSON so that programs would run.
The computer probably wasn't set up properly by my friend
who is not an experienced computer user. The noise is
often a problem. A number of people have suggested to PC
MAGAZINE that they tell about noise in their equipment
reviews. (They already do for dot matrix printers). The
only noise solution (assuming you already have a computer
and you are going to keep it) is to buy a new power supply
from PC POWER AND COOLING. They are very quiet. There are
a few big name computers such as Tandy however that are
not generic enough to use this fix.
SPEAKING OF TANDY: It's been several years since I have
been in a Tandy Computer Center. Needing a battery for my
DELL clock/calendar I stopped in a local store thinking I
could pick one up. The store has changed a lot. No racks
of software, cables, head cleaning kits, printer ribbons,
etc., as in the olden days - no batteries either. They
suggested that I go to a watch repair store a few doors
away. They didn't suggest the Heath Zenith store, also a
few doors away. I was in a hurry so I opted for a trip the
next day to a huge local electronic parts warehouse. They
seemed to have EVERYTHING.
BCS has the new 3.5 inch ED disks in stock (Verbatim) at
$79.90 a box, two box minimum. Their catalog looks so much
like the MEI/MICRO catalog that I thought it was MEI with
a new name. They (like MEI) have a $3 "handling" charge
but they (unlike MEI) encourage mail-in orders by giving
you a $2 discount on such orders. Prices are just about
the same as MEI as is selection of goods. They have a 3.5
double disk converter for $29.95. Simple arithmetic shows
that you have to convert 150 DD disks to break even. After
that you are making money. Their toll free number should
you want a catalog is 1-800-544-3472.
THE NEW EPSON LQ-570 printer has become available via mail
order. Best price seen is $259.
SPOTTED A GOOD BUY (I thought) at the Price Club. A 286
with color VGA at $699. Then I noticed that the monitor
was one of those "I wouldn't take it for free" .51 dot
pitch jobs. You can tell the dot pitch of a Packard Bell
monitor from the last two digits of the model number....
But I did get a few excellent buys in books such as MS-DOS
QuickStart from QUE for about $12 (list is $19.95). Also,
PC Magazine's Guide to 1-2-3 Ver. 2.3 for $14.49 (list is
$27.95). The first thing I tried to find in the index was
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 34
"Protection" but it wasn't there. How about "Cell
Protection"? Nope.....The north side Price Club has two
DOS books. The other one being the Microsoft Press book
at $13.49 (list $24.95). Decided to look up DOSKEY in the
lower priced book. What I wanted to know wasn't there but
I read, "DOSKEY has other features which are outside the
scope of this book," (I found the missing dope on DOSKEY
in PC Magazine, Sept 10th issue).
The COMPUTER SELECT computer product data base is updated
monthly on CD-ROM disk. You can get a free demo disk (they
didn't say if the demo was floppy or CD) by calling
IT'S TOO BAD that DOSKEY (DOS 5.0) macros won't work when
macros with an "Bad command or file name" error message.
MY INFORMANT at the U of A Law School tells me that Word
Perfect is "it." "Nothing else is used" she tells me."
And, "I still can't afford a computer but I use the ones
at the law library for $25 a semester... Maybe it's a year
'cause I haven't had a bill this semester. They have Word
Perfect and laser printers. We don't even have to pay for
paper." That has to be the bargain of the year at $25....
She gets to use LEXIS and WESTLAW for free, too. She ended
up by saying, "When you get really stressed out [on the
Law School computer] you can switch from Word Perfect to
NOTEBOOKS - All the rage. You could buy a TOSHIBA for
about $800 (no hard drive) or $1,200 with a HD. Trouble
is, they don't have VGA screens and are slow 80C88 CPU
machines... As recently as last March TANDON was
advertising their LT/386sx laptop in PC Magazine. List
price was $2,499. 1MB, VGA, 1.44 drive, 40MB IDE hard
drive. But, it weighed in at almost 14 pounds. A notebook
it wasn't. TANDON told me, "The demand wasn't there for
that size machine. We slimmed it down to 6.5 pounds and
kicked it up to 20 Mhz. It's now the SX20 Notebook and
though we still support the LT we don't market it anymore.
List price on the new notebook is $3,495." .... Well, the
old big & sturdy computer is still available at
"discontinued model pricing" of $999 plus $19 shipping
from DANMARK at 1-800-729-9000. Use it as a desktop
machine and still have some desktop space leftover.
QUATTRO PRO has a $49 "slim & trim" version out. If you
are a registered user of any Borland software you no doubt
have received the offer.
The new FOX PRO Ver. 2.0 sports a retrieval time for data
in a 100,000 record table (a numeric field) of .55
seconds. That's <point> 55, not fifty five seconds.
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 35
DBase IV took 252 seconds. Paradox took 134 seconds, (PC
Magazine Oct 15, 1991).
PKLITE does a good "scrunching" job, transparent to you.
It won't compress everything. For example, it thinks that
WORD.EXE (5.5) is a WINDOWS program and refuses to process
it... DIET is a lot of fun to use. It compresses WORD but
WORD has to expand to its original size to run and that
takes A LOT of time. DIET will compress all your .WK1 and
.DOC files and they (being small) expand fast via a small
TSR so it's a disk capacity saving to you but then the
files can't be browsed straight off the disk via NORTON
COMMANDER's view utility, etc. ... Not being able to view
files quickly via NORTON is one of the reasons I quit
using SQZ! in QUATTRO PRO.
COMPUTER ASSOCIATES still offers a free working model of
CA-Complete!, a multi-dimensional spreadsheet. I asked
for one but it never arrived. You can try at
Free DataPerfect demo disk and VHS video. 1-800-526-5156.
Free AMI PRO working model - 1-800-TRADEUP, ext. 6026.
SAW AN AD for DR DOS 6.0 ($65) but not much publicity
GATEWAY COMPUTERS come with something I dreamed up several
years ago but never told anyone about (they stole my idea
by reading my mind - those rascals). It's their AnyKey
keyboard. F-keys along the left side and along the top
too. You can re-program either set to run macros (that
you write). If it works like my idea you could, for
example, program F-1 as /FS~R to save a 1-2-3 file with
one key stroke.... OK, so I already have <Alt> <S> in my
macro library to do it, but I like the idea anyhow. They
say in their ad, "Any key can be programmed to perform any
HP's LX95 11 oz. palmtop ($695) is selling very well but
now has some competition in the new PSION 8 oz. "Series
3" at $425 list. The HP is numbers oriented with 1-2-3
built-in. The PSION is text oriented with a word
processor that is compatible with MS WORD. Runs on 2 AA
cells and has a NEC V-30 chip as its CPU. You can imagine
how tiny the keyboard has to be on an 8 oz. "computer."
LAPTOP LIGHTNING lets you leave your spare battery at
home, so the hype sez. It's a disk cache program from
LUCID CORPORATION. They claim that "much of your PC's
battery power is used up accessing hard drives and
floppies. But, Lap op Lightning lets you access RAM
instead." I suppose PC-CACHE etc., would work just
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 36
as well. Laptop Lightning's "introductory price" is
A COMPUTER STORE in Burbank (Wall Street Journal ad on
Sept. 23) offers the TO TRAVELMATE 2000 (20 MB HD) at
DR DOS UPGRADE notices went out from Digital Research on
Sept. 20th. The upgrade cost is $24.95.
IN THE MARKET for a real cheap XT backup computer or one
for a student in the family? EPSON makes good stuff. Left
over XT compatibles are available from MIMBRO at $299 for
an Equity 1+ mono system. Extra drive is $50. UNITED
COMPUTER EXPRESS has the Equity 1E mono system at $298.
That has a single 720K drive. Telephone numbers are:
1-800-451-9780 & 1-800-448-3738. Both outfits are in NYC.
MS WORD demo disk (Ver. 5.5) is available at
1-800-541-1261, Dept. R90.
QUICKEN VER 5.0 is out. I sent off my $19.95 plus $5 the
day I got the upgrade notice. Why don't they make it $5
plus $19.95 shipping & handling? .... QUICKEN for WINDOWS
is also supposed to be available. It's like DOS Ver. 4.0
with "some" of DOS 5.0's features. .... The new DOS
version has new "user defined QuicKeys" which I suppose is
some sort of macro capability. Also some built-in loan
amortization features which will (providing you have set
it up right) track principle & interest payments
separately by dividing up the loan payment according to
what it knows about the loan amount, interest rate and
loan length. It will also print out a complete loan
schedule for any loan. Will be interesting to see if it
does that right. Most loan amortization programs don't do
it right because they can't round cents properly. I use
$7,000 at 7% for 7 years (12 payments a year) as a test
and at about the third payment the principle and
interest DON'T add up to the total payment ($105.65) for
most of the programs and spreadsheet templates.
DANMARK RECENTLY had an ad for a 286 laptop billed as a
"well known name" which we can't mention but call us if
you want to know. At $799 the price wasn't too bad except
for the CGA screen, 640x400. (I thought LCD CGA was
640x200?) I could tell that the name [blocked out] had
seven letters. Not being able to think of any seven
letter well known names except TOSHIBA and it didn't look
like a TOSHIBA I called Danmark. How's this for a well
known name? CHAPLET. Well known where? At Danmark where
they are stuck with a load of them.
WORDSTAR INTERNATIONAL has released Wordstar for Windows.
Should be interesting since Wordstar folks like to keep
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 37
their fingers on the keyboard! Wordstar users can upgrade
for $99. Call 1-800-227-5609.
DOES EVERYONE FANTASIZE over the computer mail order ads
or am I the only one? This month two computers caught my
eye. A "low ball" starter system (20 Mhz 386SX) and a
speed demon 486-33 system. "System" usually means: Some
kind of a monitor and hard drive included. The low ball
comes from ZEOS at $1,195 though you probably couldn't
live with the 512K memory. Have them yank the 512K chips
(which you would have to throw away if you did the upgrade
yourself) and put in a meg. You can add more later. The
upgrade costs $50. I talked to Leo, a very friendly
salesman at extension 1069.... The 486-33 also comes from
ZEOS. Just $1,795. You can add VGA, a bigger drive and
more memory later. Standard memory is a meg and the drive
is a 42meg IDE. You might want to add a second floppy
later as well. 1-800-423-5891.
THEN THERE IS the 386-33 from Treasure Chest. 64K cache,
4 megs, 130 meg HD, 2 floppies, .28 VGA, VGA controller
with a meg, mouse, WINDOWS, LOTUS WORKS, FAX/MODEM....
$1,895. Buy one for the wife or the kids for Christmas.
IBM pays Microsoft about $35 for a WINDOWS package.
INTEL announces a V.32BIS MODEM called the 14.4EX. This
also means the prices have been slashed on their excellent
9600EX models. Nice stainless steel cases and a 5 year
warranty to boot. 9600EX owners can upgrade for $200.
INTEL also offers special pricing for sysops.
THIS COULD HAPPEN to you: The computer boots then crashes
while trying to load the last TSR in AUTOEXEC.BAT which
happens to be CAROUSEL. The crash consists of PrtScrn
happening all by itself and pushing many pages of paper
thru the printer ('till I reach over and turn the printer
off.) Later, without CAROUSEL I have no PATH and can't
get a path set up. Programs in SUB DIRS will run but
can't find their overlays, even when in the same SUB DIR.
What's wrong? I was out of environment space. Fixed that
by bumping the environment up to 1,024 in CONFIG.SYS and
all has been well since. Now I see why I didn't (before
going to 1,024) have a cursor in any CAROUSEL partition
except number one.
BizMart really does sell the TOSHIBA 1000SE for $499. How
do they do that? Way below mail order price.
HEADLINE In The Wall Street Journal on Oct. 2nd, said,
"IBM to Unveil Plan to Build Macintosh Clone." The
sub-head was, "Once Unthinkable Move Comes as part of
Links With Apple, Motorola." Don't hold your breath on
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 38
this one.
DANMARK TOLD ME when I ordered the TANDON LAPTOP that they
had quickly sold out but were trying to get more and would
put me on backorder if that was OK with me. It was. This
was in the middle of September. If I were to get one it
would be "about the middle of October." ..... After a
while I got to thinking that a $499 TOSHIBA at half the
weight (or better) not to mention half the price might be
a better deal. I started hoping that the TANDON deal
would fall through. Of course, the TOSHIBA didn't have a
VGA screen or a 40 meg hard drive, or any hard drive for
that matter. And, it wasn't a 386 either. ...Naturally,
on Oct. 9th the office manager called to say U.P.S. had
delivered two boxes for me... The TANDON. It's really
BIG. Alongside a TOSHIBA T-1000SE anyhow. You sure
wouldn't want to carry it on an airliner. It's bigger
than the seat tray and so heavy it might break the tray.
But, I mostly wanted it for the office (on my desk,) so
it's working out OK (Box number two has some kind of a
carrying case but I haven't opened it to see what it might
be). The computer came with three manuals and DOS 4.01.
WALMART is selling BASF 5 1/4 HD floppy disks for only
$6.39 a box. This price is close to mail order mega
houses like MEI but you don't have to order a million or
worry about sleeves and labels. Lifetime Warranty too.
CAN'T HARDLY BELIEVE it but ten years have past and I once
again have a chance to by a mail order SANYO computer
(well, it's sort of a computer) called the SANYO 550.
What a deal, 128K (expandable to 256k) and complete with
DOS 1.0 and a 12" composite monitor. Only $175 from
American Design at 1-800 776-3700. This SANYO should work
well 'cause it's a "factory refurb" and "like new."
DELL has recently lowered their prices and the result are
some pretty attractive looking deals. The DELL System
325P with a 25mhz 386DX, 80MB HD, VGA monitor, and 2MB of
RAM is now only $1999. That's a savings of $600 buckaroos
over the Summer Catalog! Call DELL at 1-800-727-4279.
A RECENT ISSUE of the WRIT has an excellent article about
computing in general and using computers in the office in
particular titled Law Office Computing. It's by Winton D.
Woods who not only knows his stuff computer wise but is
also a darn good writer, (As an aside, I'm sitting here
writing this in the middle of a big thunder storm on Oct.
21st, at 4:45 pm. Am I turning my equipment off 'cause I'm
worried about lightning strikes, power surges, etc.? Heck
no, because I'm using a laptop on a battery!) ...Back to
Woods: He sez "Wordperfect 5.1 on a 386/25 machine with a
great VGA monitor is like driving a big Mercedes the back
way to San Francisco in the old days when Nevada didn't
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 39
have a speed limit." But, he has a lot of good things to
say about the Mac too. It big interest lately has been
sharing files on a PC and a Mac. After having tested a
number of programs he came up with this: "MacLinkPlus/PC
has everything you need to integrate a Mac into your
office PC system."
I am interested in getting as much feedback as
possible regarding Carrier Detect and welcome suggestions
or any other comments you may have. If you are a software
publisher or shareware author and want to submit your
program for possible inclusion in future issues you are
welcome to do so. Finally, if you are interested in
writing an article or review, please let me know!
To make it as easy as possible to reach me, I have set
up a new Bulletin Board System that is based in my home.
Since last issue I have switched software and am now
running Wildcat! 3. In addition I have purchased an Intel
9600EX V.32/V.42 modem and a 2nd 40 Meg Hard Drive
dedicated to the BBS. I would like to offer callers 100
megs of files but have exhausted my BBS budget. If anyone
who finds this Journal valuable would like to send in a
donation to help support and expand the BBS it would be
greatly appreciated.
Symmetry - The Home of Carrier Detect
Call today and download the Carrier Detect Reader Door!
(602) 296-2248
1200/2400/9600 V.32/V.42 supported
Fidonet node # 1:300/28
24 hours a day (unless I am programming!)
First call access to Carrier Detect Related Files and
programs reviewed in the current issue.
Home Mailing Address:
640 Avenida Princesa, Tucson, AZ 85748
I also can be reached on GEnie as (M.CROSSON) - since
Electronic Mail on GEnie is a part of the flat rate *Basic
Services this may be the cheapest way to contact me
(provided you have a GEnie account)!
Following is product information for the products
reviewed in this issue of Carrier Detect. If you are
interested in purchasing or evaluating any of the products
Carrier Detect - November 1991 - page 40
please note the publisher's address listed below. In
addition, all current shareware programs featured in
Carrier Detect will be made available to first time
callers on the Carrier Detect Support BBS:
Symmetry BBS - Tucson, Arizona, (602) 296-2248
1200/2400/9600 V.32/.42 supported, 24 hours a day.
Fidonet Node 1:300/28
distributed as shareware
version 0.098
registration - $15
published by - Amit Patel
4851 Cairnsean
Houston, TX 77084-2541
Solar Realms BBS (713) 855-1665
SRE can also be FREQed as SRE at 1:106/900
│ New *** New │ CD-ROM For Adults Only! │ New *** New │
Now Available!! The FAO (For Adults Only) CD-ROM Disc Vol.1
270 Megs With Over 3000 Files of the Best Adult Graphics,
Animation, Movies, Gifs, Games, and Fantasy Text Files
All Ugly BBS Logos Have Been Removed From The Files
With The FAO CD-ROM Disc We Also Include Our Support Disk Which
Contains The Files.bbs Complete With File Discriptions For Easy
Setup On Your BBS. We Have Also Included File Viewers For DOS,
And Windows, As Well As A Very Special Viewing Program To Use
With The Larger SVGA Images So That Even They Are Also Viewable
On Yes! A Standard 256K VGA System.
This Is The Perfect Way To Increase Your $ubscription Base And Help
Pay Your BBS Expenses. The List Price Is $189.+ $6. S&H The Sysop
Price Is $99.00 + $6 S&H (within the US) US funds only on US banks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* However For ALL Readers Of Carrier Detect We Are Going To Allow For *
* A Limited Time Only A Very Special Super Discount Price Of Only *
* $69.00 Plus $6.00 S&H (within the US) US Funds Only On US Banks *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now For Those Of You That Purchase FAO Vol.1 Under
The Carrier Detect Readers Only Special Of $69.00 Before
January 1st We Have An Equally Special Price For FAO GOLD
FAO GOLD Will Contain Over 700 Megs And Again There Will Be
The Best Quality Files That Are Available In Each Category
From Our Massive Library Of Over 3 Gigabytes Will Be
Included In FAO GOLD. We Will Also Include Our Special
ThumbNail Catalogs In Gif Format Each One Containing 30
ThumbNail Preview Pictures For Easy Selection By Your
BBS $ubscribers Just Download A Catalog File And
PreView 30 Gifs With Their File Names
And Resolutions At One Time
If You Purchase FAO Vol.1 Today You Will Be Qualified
To Also Purchase FAO GOLD For Only $69.00 + $6.00 S&H
********************* FAO CD-ROM Vol.1 Order Form *********************
1) Signed Age Certificate
2) This Completed Order Form
3) A Check (must clear!) Money Order (faster!)
4) All Incomplete Orders Will Be Returned !
Name: ________________________________________________________
Company: ________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________Apt #__________
City: ___________________ State: ____ Zip:_______-_____
Phone: Voice (_____) _____-________ BBS (_____) _____-________
Please Send The Additional Floppy Based Support Disk On:
[ ] DOS 5.25" [ ] DOS 3.5"
Please Send Me The Following
Number Of The FAO CD-ROM Vol.1: _____X $69.00 = $_____.___
Regular shipping & handling charges are for products
shipped ground to an address within the 50 US states. S&H $_____.___
C.O.D Via Fed X Next Day is available for an additional
$15.00 charge and can only be arranged by a voice call
& must be paid for with a Money Order Only NO CASH
Also Available Is Our Demo Disk On HD Floppy Disk
List Of All Files On Vol.1, + Their Discriptions,
7 Sample XXX Rated Gifs, A 256K Movie, And File
Viewers. The Cost For The Demo Disk Is Only $2.00 DEMO $_____.___
You Must Sign The Age Certificate Below For The Demo
Make Checks, and M.O. Payable To PROFIT PUBLISHING
Send Check or Money Order, This Form, And The TOTAL $_____.___
Signed Age Certificate To:
Carrier Detect Offer
2956 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
The FAO CD-ROM Disc Vol.1 Contains Computer Images Of Material That
Is Of An Adult Nature. Because Of This PROFIT PUBLISHING Is Making
This Product Available Only To Those Persons Certifying That They
Are Of At Least 18 Years Of Age.
I Certify That I Am At Least 18 Years Of Age
_______________________________ __________________________ __/__/__
signed printed name date
Profit Publishing's Fax and Voice Number is (602) 577-9624
(Voice Only Between 11am and 3pm MST ** FAX 24 Hour)
Or Call The FAO BBS For
_O_/\_ Local and National Adult Echos/Conferences. ~\_O_/~
< >> Over 2 Gigs Of Adult Oriented Files Online. │
~\_/ \ Private Online Chat, Adult Doors, Text / \/~
\_ Files, Movies, GIFs, Viewers And Much More! \
Call For Information On Our Test Drive!
Node #1 1-602-577-6969 (2400 Baud) - New User Number
Node #2 1-602-PRI-VATE (V.32/V.42/V.42bis) - Subscriber Only
Node #3 1-602-PRI-VATE (V.32/V.42/V.42bis) - Subscriber Only
Node #4 1-602-PRI-VATE (14.4 USR DS V.32bis) - Subscriber Only
│ New *** New │ Tucson, Arizona │ New *** New │
Carrier Detect - November 1991