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< January 1991 >
ModemNews Magazine
116 Dean Street
Suite B
Stamford, Connecticut 06902
516 679-0674 BBS
203 969-1183 Voice
Jeff Green, Editor
Chris Bird & Bob Olafson, Senior Editors
Roger Bacon, Contributing Editor
Dear Sysops,
[] NOTE: This document is for the use of Sysops who presently distribute
[] ModemNews Magazine, OR for those sysops who may in the future consider
[] doing so. Please direct any questions to the numbers above. If you
[] already have a copy of ModemNews in your file base, or you are offering
[] it for online viewing please note that NO permission is needed for
[] either, however, the magazine may not be altered in any way except for
[] when used for online viewing. (See the note at the end of this
[] document for more information.)
As you may already know, ModemNews Magazine has grown into a
nationwide electronic publication, and has grown this way due to the hard
work of many Sysops and BBS users across this nation and Canada.
ModemNews started out as a local BBS news magazine. As the issues
were uploaded around the BBS circuit it began to spread far from the
original area for which it was intended. All for the better. As of this
writing we are presently in more than seventy major markets, and can be
found on some of the many NetWorks that link BBS's around the country. This
is just the beginning. As we grow, so will the BBS community. The
thousands of BBS users across America will be able to find a common voice
within the pages of ModemNews Magazine.
ModemNews Magazine is not a technically oriented publication.
Rather it is more like a 'Readers Digest' of the electronic medium. In our
pages your users will be able to find all manner of interesting
information. From recipes to jokes, from technical papers to News and
Views about the computer and BBS industry. These pages can be used as a
focal point for BBS users from all over to exchange information and ideas
on just about, well, anything! That's the beauty and intent of ModemNews.
ModemNews Magazine is distributed through a Network of NewsStands
that will make it possible for any reader to obtain a copy of the magazine
on a BBS near to their home. Each week we are adding more NewsStands to
the ranks. This document will tell you how you may join this ever growing
number of ModemNews NewsStands.
Below, we hope to clearly delineate a distribution policy for
ModemNews that will be fair to all Sysops and readers alike. In addition,
you will find out how to be listed in our pages as a ModemNews NewsStand.
The advantages to your board are many and the demands on you are very few.
Just a few minutes of your time to get set up, and a few minutes more once
each month to post the newest issue of the magazine. More about that
Publication Schedule for ModemNews Magazine
ModemNews will be published once each month (except for July and
August). Information from you, your users, or from your board that is
received by the specified date may, if space permits, be published in the
immediate issue. If space is not available, the information will be posted
in the very next issue in turn. Deadline date is the 15th, and release date
of each new issue will be on the first of the month.
You or your users may submit anything you or they feel should be
published in an issue of ModemNews. We are particularly looking for the
NOTE: Numbers in parentheses denote the 'rough' maximum Kilobyte limit.
1) Interesting message threads from your board about most any
topic. (10K)
2) General Purpose technical papers and articles (15K)
3) Ansi ads for your Bulletin Board system (2K)
4) Profile about your BBS (10K)
5) General articles concerning the computer/BBS industries (15K)
6) Editorial comments and replies (5K)
7) Feature articles and stories (15K)
8) ANSI artwork (including movies) (15K)
Do not limit yourself to the above list. We are open to all
suggestions. It must be remembered that this magazine is wholly dependant
upon user submissions for it's content. You are encouraged to submit a
profile of your particular BBS as well as an ANSI ad which will be
displayed in the magazine once your BBS has been approved as a ModemNews
NewsStand. Your ANSI ad will be seen by readers from coast to coast and be
one of only 10 that will be published within each issue! This option is
available ONLY to BBS systems that are FREE to the general public, and are
officially recognized NewsStands.
[] If general access to your system is limited to paying members, you
[] may then purchase commercial ad space in the magazine. (see AD.DOC
[] included with this package)
How to become an Official ModemNews NewsStand.
ModemNews reaches it's readership through 'FREE' distribution. No fee
or penalty may be levied for a download of ModemNews. It is now, and
always will be free for anyone who so desires to obtain a copy. This does
not imply 'free' downloads from your board. Upload/Download ratios on your
board are exempt, though, some boards allow ModemNews to be accessed
without affecting user U/D ratios. If your board has commercial or paid
access lines, ModemNews must be able to be accessed through the public
lines on a callers first or, at the least, his second call. A new user
MUST however be able to see on his FIRST call that he has reached a
In order for you to be an official NewsStand several things must be
[] Sysops requesting NewsStand status from ModemNews Magazine must be
[] at least 18 years of age and be operators of established Bulletin Board
[] Systems. NewsStand status will NOT be granted to BBS's that encourage
[] or engage in the following activities;
[] Hacking
[] Phreaking
[] Pirating
[] Virus development
[] If an existing NewsStand is found to be actively engaged in any of
[] these activities they will be immediately dismissed, and local Law
[] Enforcement Agencies will be notified. There will be NO exceptions.
A notice MUST be placed on the front end of your system notifying callers
that you are indeed a ModemNews NewsStand. This is a MUST and will be
strictly enforced.
1) Create and maintain a FILE area for ModemNews that will contain
at least the immediate issue, as well as the past two issues of the
magazine. There is no need to keep the entire collection of magazines in
your database. This file area may be "shared" with other 'magazines' so
long as the file menu clearly states the words ModemNews.
2) Try to get your users involved. This is for THEM and BY them.
Advertise the magazine, request your users to upload their works, and
contribute yourselves by sending us a Profile of your BBS and an ANSI ad
(roughly 2-3K in size). You may also send us interesting message threads
from your system. Anything that may allow other readers to get a feel for
your particular BBS system and inform readers across America.
3) You MUST contact ModemNews OnLine (516) 679-0674 and request
listing in the magazine and leave a message to the Sysop requesting such be
done. (You might also upload at this time any ads or BBS profiles.) Notify
the Sysop what action has been taken on your part and be sure to include
your boards name and number.
BBS WILL BE CHECKED BY ONE OF OUR STAFF. (usually within 7 days, yet often
within 24 hours)
Also, you should fill out questionnaire #3 at ModemNews OnLine. If you
do not answer honestly, your request will be disregarded. There will be no
exceptions and you will not be able to reapply with us for at least one
calendar year. Your system will be checked and screened BEFORE you are
granted NewsStand status. If your System has not been set up properly to
receive ModemNews when one of our staff calls to check, your request for
NewsStand status will not be granted.
4) You MUST pick up your NEXT issue of ModemNews from the ModemNews
Central Library at ModemNews OnLine. Thereafter we will find an alternate
method for you to obtain your newest issues.
[] We will try to make it possible for you to obtain your copies from
[] another NewsStand in your area or through a NET system in your area. If
[] you CAN already do this, please phone us and let us know. This will
[] help speed up the distribution of the magazine and keep a good deal of
[] your money out of the pockets of our favorite phone companies.
5) In MOST cases submissions from your readers or from yourselves
should be sent to ModemNews OnLine as soon as they are received.
[] 6) The magazine may NOT be altered in anyway when posted in your
[] ModemNews file area. It must be posted EXACTLY as received. This also
[] holds true for the archived version.
7) Your system will be checked by our staff from time to time. If it
has been found that you have violated our agreement, you will be deleted
from our NewsStand listing, and a note will be posted in the magazine
stating why this was done.
8) We REQUIRE that you contact ModemNews OnLine at least once in
every 30 (thirty) day period so that we know you are still with us, and
operating in accordance with our requests. A call like this need only last
one or two minutes. At ModemNews OnLine you will find important
information for you updated frequently, as well as the current issues. (You
need not get your issues from us after the first, you may get them at your
nearest local BBS if that is available to you. A message left to us in the
ModemNews conference on RIME (RelayNet) will suffice.
If 60 days pass without your logging onto ModemNews OnLine, or if you
should drop more than 2 issues behind, we will have no choice but to drop
your system from our NewsStand list. We trust this will not be necessary.
In these few paragraphs I hope that I have answered the many
questions I am sure you will have. I have tried to make this process as
simple as is possible, and feel confident that this has been done.
If you have any suggestions for us or further questions PLEASE call us
at ModemNews OnLine at anytime. You will usually receive a response within
24 hours. The more exact information you leave us, the better we can
answer your questions, or deal with your requests.
[] NOTE:
[] When ModemNews is offered for online viewing on your system, Sysops are
[] ENCOURAGED to use the /0 <--- that's a ZERO option that will allow a
[] caller to go directly to PageOne, and upon exiting go directly to the
[] last page. It may NOT be altered in any other way without the express
[] permission of the editor. This will be a blessing to those who log
[] onto your boards at 1200B, and a miracle for those who are still
[] crawling along at 300.
My lawyer made me include the following.........
Shareware Notice:
This file is NOT Freeware. It is Shareware in an interesting form.
If you continue to read ModemNews Magazine for any length of time (at least
three issues) we would expect you to register your support with a donation
of your choosing.
The official NewsStand price for a copy of ModemNews Magazine is $3.00
(three dollars), but please note, no SysOp or person, or BBS service of any
kind may charge for a download of this issue, or any issue of the magazine.
This also includes disk copying services and Shareware distribution
Only the officers of ModemNews Magazine may collect your registration fees.
Officers of ModemNews Magazine can be found at ModemNews OnLine ONLY!. If
you should need further information, your local NewsStand SysOp should be
able, and will be more than happy to help you.
You may send your registration fees to:
ModemNews Magazine
116 Dean Street
Suite B
Stamford, CT 06902
Voice (203) 969-1183
BBS (516) 679-0674
Please make your checks payable to: Jeff Green