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VIRUS-L Digest Wednesday, 2 Jan 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 1
Today's Topics:
EXE file compression with LZEXE and PKLITE (PC)
Macvirus index? (Mac)
Disk Utilities (PC)
Re: Virus Protection (PC)
more about the conference in Hamburg
ZeroHunt Virus (PC)
Re: Viruses for the holidays & admin note
please stop the requests
Re: (1) GAO Report on Computer Security
Zmodem infected with Violator (PC)
UK Computer Crime Unit
MIBSRV downtime
WP viri and bugs (PC)
Unix and Mainframe Viruses
New virus (PC)
VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
Ken van Wyk
Date: 20 Dec 90 14:22:50 +0000
From: Mark Scase <coa44@seq1.keele.ac.uk>
Subject: EXE file compression with LZEXE and PKLITE (PC)
There has been recent discussion about the use of the EXE compression
program LZEXE and the possibility that viruses could hide within EXE
files that are subsequently LZEXEed. Now some virus scanners can look
within these compressed files to see if something nasty is hiding.
I have recently discovered the shareware program PKLITE by PKWARE that
appears to do much the same thing functionally as LZEXE. Does this
mean now that virus scanners should include a feature to look inside
PKLITEed files?
- --
Mark Scase, | JANET: coa44@uk.ac.keele
Dept of Communication, | BITNET: coa44%keele.ac.uk@ukacrl
University of Keele, Keele, | Internet: coa44%keele.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK. | Other: coa44@keele.ac.uk
(Phone: +44 782 621111) | UUCP: ..!ukc!keele!coa44
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 11:58:36 -0800
From: rrk@planets.risc.com (Richard Killion)
Subject: Macvirus index? (Mac)
Does anyone know where I could down load the macvirus index.
I have heard it is in the form of a self extracting archive and
that it might be in an ftp site with ".fi" somewhere in its name.
Thank you.
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 15:14:00 -0400
Subject: Disk Utilities (PC)
Can anybody recommend a PD/Shareware Disk Utility package
(read "not too expensive 'cuase I gotta buy it myself") that will
allow me to read/modify the boot sectors, FATs, et all on floppies and
hard disks? I will need it to work on all types of disks. Please reply
direct to me at the address below (note: Please try to use the Bitnet
address, our mailer doesn't always let me get Internet mail :) ) and
I'll sumerize to the list if I get any answers.
Thank you all for your time and effort.
Bill Thater
Centro Parking Inc.
Voice: (315) 464-4539
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 22:06:33 -0800
From: sulistio@sutro.SFSU.EDU (Sulistio Muljadi)
Subject: Re: Virus Protection (PC)
Michael_Kessler.Hum@mailgate.sfsu.edu wrote in VIRUS-L volume 205:
> Subject: Virus protection (PC)
> [stuff deleted]...
> The one
> negative comment about F-Prot is that the updates appear to be less
> frequent than one might wish.
One other negative comment about F-Prot is:
F-driver.sys does not check drive A for any possible boot sector virus
when we warm boot the machine. The V-Shield does check drive A for
any possible boot sector virus and will denied the warm boot if there
is any boot sector virus in the floppy drive A. Hopefully frisk will
implement this for his next version of F-PROT. It is a great program.
- --
/\ Merry Christmas
/* \
/ * \ and
/ * \
/ * \ Happy New Year
/ * * \
^^^^^^^^^^^^ sulistio@futon.sfsu.edu
||| sulistio@sutro.sfsu.edu
||| sulistio@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu
||| UUCP mail : mul@wet.UUCP
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 11:00:10 +0000
From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
Subject: more about the conference in Hamburg
I was asked who organized the Hamburg conference, and the answer is
perComp-Verlag Gmbh percomp@infohh.rmi.de
Viren-Service Hamburg
I am posting the reply here, both because the address
ozonebbs!aryehg@apple.com (Aryeh Goretsky)
does not work and beacuse more people might be interested...
- -frisk
Date: 21 Dec 90 13:29:09 +0000
From: patel@mwunix.mitre.org (Anup C. Patel)
Subject: ZeroHunt Virus (PC)
After recently downloading McAfee's VIRUSCAN files, I noticed a
reference to the ZeroHunt virus. Accoring to the DOC file, this virus
was reported by someone in the Washington, D.C. area.
Can anyone tell me exactly where it was reported, and by whom? Also,
are there other ZeroHunt infections around the country?
Thanks for any information you can provide me.
Anup Patel
The MITRE Corporation
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 06:58:26 -0800
From: malloy@nprdc.navy.mil (Sean Malloy)
Subject: Re: Viruses for the holidays & admin note
<krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu> writes:
>While shopping for holiday gifts for my nephews and niece, I found a
>toy called Virus Warriors (I could be wrong on the exact name, but
>that's the gist of it). I'm not making this up! The box said
>something to the extent of, "A top secret government lab has
>accidentally released evil computer viruses. Their goal is to take
>over all the world's computers...even YOURS!" The toy was this
>sinister looking doll with "computer circuitry" on its back. Again,
I saw them last weekend when I was out Christmas shopping. My first
response was "Some people will sink to _any_ depth to make a buck"; my
second response was "Why didn't _I_ think of that?"
Sean Malloy | I don't blame Congress. If I
Navy Personnel Research & Development Center | had $600 billion at my
San Diego, CA 92152-6800 | disposal, I'd be irresponsible,
malloy@nprdc.navy.mil | too.
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 10:53:34 -0500
From: OU75000 <OU75@PACE.BITNET>
Subject: please stop the requests
hello all:
when i sent that message to you guys asking for help i happened
to mention that i collect strains of different virii for research. i
was not making an advertisement.
please stop sending me requests to give out samples. i have no
intention of doing this because (no offense) i do not want to be a
part of someone spreading any more mischief! i have no way of knowing
who any of you are - not that i am pointing fingers - and its unfair
to be asking me for such sensitive things as virus code.
thank you and i hope i haven't offended you...
- -chris
Date: 21 Dec 90 16:11:37 +0000
From: dittrich@milton.u.washington.edu (Dave Dittrich)
Subject: Re: (1) GAO Report on Computer Security
Kenneth R. van Wyk <krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu> recently informed me that the GAO
report to which I referred in <0008.9012141904.AA27940@ubu.cert.sei.cmu.edu>
already exists on one of CERT's computers. The machine is cert.sei.cmu.edu
( and the file name is pub/virus-l/docs/gao_rpt. Anyone
interested in an electronic copy may get it from there by anonymous ftp.
The part about confirmation of receipt of the report is explained in the
following excerpt from above file:
* This is the first GAO report to be made available over *
* the Internet. GAO wants to know how many people *
* acquire the report this way. If you are reading this, *
* please send mail to me <swolff@nsf.gov> and I'll keep *
* count for them. Your name will not be saved or used. *
Would those of you who received the report from me via email (or who
got a copy from someone who did) please email to swolff@nsf.gov. I
want to encourage the government to do more of this kind of thing.
P.S. Thanks again Ken :-)
- --
Dave Dittrich
Dept. of Chemistry BG-10, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
dittrich@u.washington.edu ...!uw-beaver!u.washington.edu!dittrich
"Teachers are the only profession that teach our children." Dan Quayle
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 90 00:25:51 -0800
From: ozonebbs!aryehg@apple.com (Aryeh Goretsky)
Subject: Zmodem infected with Violator (PC)
1. Christmas Violator Virus (PC)
2. New BBS line
- ----------
There has been a hacked version of Omen Technology's DSZ ZMODEM External
File Protocol Module called DSZ1203.ZIP. The DSZ file inside is infected
with a new variant of the Violator virus known as the Christmas Violator
or Violator-B4 virus. The virus contains a an ASCII message from a group
called RABID and contains a Christmas Greeting. It is not known what else
the virus does.
The following search string can be used by VIRUSCAN with the /EXT switch
to check for the virus:
"51 ba ? ? fc 8b f2 81 c6 9b 11 bf 00 01 b9 03 00" Christmas Violator
If you find this virus on your system, run VIRUSCAN with the /D option to
delete the infected files.
- ----------
A new bbs line has been added to Homebase BBS at (408) 988-5190. This line
has a US Robotics Courier 9600 Dual Standard providing a 9600bps connection
using v.32 and MNP-5. Hopefully, this will make getting the software easier
for International Long Distance callers.
Aryeh Goretsky
| Aryeh Goretsky, Tech Support vox (408) 988-3832 |
| McAfee Associates fax (408) 970-9727 |
| 4423 Cheeney Street bbs (408) 988-4004 |
| Santa Clara, California 95054-0253 // |
| Internet: aryehg_ozonebbs.uucp!apple.com // |
| UUCP: apple!netcom!nusjecs!ozonebbs!aryehg \X/ |
| "Opinions expressed are my own and do not neccessarily reflect |
| those of my employer."--universal disclaimer applied herein. |
Aryeh Goretsky
| Aryeh Goretsky, Tech Support vox (408) 988-3832 |
| McAfee Associates fax (408) 970-9727 |
| 4423 Cheeney Street bbs (408) 988-4004 |
| Santa Clara, California 95054-0253 // |
| Internet: aryehg@ozonebbs.uucp // |
| UUCP: apple!netcom!nusjecs!ozonebbs!aryehg \X/ |
| "Opinions expressed are my own and do not neccessarily reflect |
| those of my employer."--universal disclaimer applied herein. |
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 09:57:24 +0000
From: Anthony Appleyard <XPUM04@prime-a.central-services.umist.ac.uk>
Subject: UK Computer Crime Unit
I received this message from 'pandy <pandy@fi.hut.superman>':-
"The UK Computer Crime Unit hasn't got an email-address, nor do they
read these UUCP-news. Pandy
If they aren't in contact with the computing world, how can they operate
effectively? If they can't email, and have to rely on GPO mail and the
phone and personal visits, and can't get email circulars, they are going to
be way behind developments. Can't they afford a microcomputer and a modem?
from {A.Appleyard} (email: APPLEYARD@UK.AC.UMIST), Wed, 19 Dec 90 09:46:20 GMT
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 90 00:11:19 -0600
From: James Ford <JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET>
Subject: MIBSRV downtime
MIBSRV ( has had a hard disk crash. Lucky for me, it was
just the disk with the operating system and user home directories. :-(
I will post another message when the server gets restored.......(sigh)
- ----------
Each day the world turns over on someone who was just sitting on top of it.
- ----------
THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA)
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 90 12:55:39 -0800
From: p1@rlyeh.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
Subject: WP viri and bugs (PC)
GOODWIN@SMCVAX.BITNET (Dave Goodwin) writes:
> I have seen several mentions of possible virii on WordPerfect. Let me
> add my two cents...
Oh, how true.
I remember a submission some time back that asked about files which,
regardless of document length, only stored a few bytes of garbage. I
recently had that happen, and I'm sure it's just a bug.
The problem I encountered was that Word Perfect version 5.0, when
saving to 4.2 format (one of the options under <ctrl>F5) will save an
eight byte file *and erase the previous version, not just rename the
file* if the "backup" options are turned on.
Let me say that, while Word Perfect is *still* currently my editor
(and disk manager:) of choice, the discovery of this bug lost me four
daus work on the reviews of FPROT and Anti-Virus Plus. :(
Date: 23 Dec 90 11:03:55 -0500
From: "Robert McClenon" <76476.337@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Unix and Mainframe Viruses
A point seems to be being overlooked in the recent discussion
of the vulnerability of Unix to viruses. It was overlooked in the
past discussions of the vulnerability of mainframes to viruses.
It isn't necessary for a virus to infect or subvert the
operating system to cause damage. A Unix virus only needs to
infect applications to which the user has the Write privilege. A
VM virus only needs to infect applications on the user's read-write
It is true that most MS-DOS and Macintosh viruses subvert the
operating system or operating system software somehow: the System
file, the boot sector, the Desktop, COMMAND.COM. But that is not an
essential characteristic of viruses or the virus threat. The general
threat is still present even if the threat to the operating system is
absent. And if there are vulnerabilities in various versions of Unix
to a gradual escalation of the privileges of the virus code, as one
correspondent said, the threat is greater.
Robert McClenon
(Neither my employer nor anyone else paid me to write this.)
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 22:33:35 +0200
From: public@alva.tut.fi (Public Domain PC-software)
Subject: New virus (PC)
I've found a new virus on PC at the beginning of December, but it has
been around here at least from the end of June. I've named that virus
as 2480 virus, because its size is that.
2480 Virus spreads only (I think) if the year is set to 1988 or earlier.
If it is later than 1988, infected files will occasionally display
the logo of European Crackin' Crew (Does anyone know anything about that
group??) when user executes an infected program.
2480 Virus adds 2480 bytes to the end of every .COM file it decides to
infect. It doesn't infect files very quickly and it seems that infection
happens only at the certain time. It will also change the last modification
time to the time when infection happened but the files' dates remain
unchanged. 2480 Virus is not memory resident and it can easily be noticed
because the European Crackin' Crew's logo is at the end of every
infected .COM file.
This virus is not detected by the ViruScan V72, but I've sent a copy
of it to Mr. John McAfee and Fridrik Skulason, so hopely the ViruScan V73
and F-Prot 1.14 will find this virus :-)
Tapio Keihanen
Mesiheinankatu 2 B 6
33340 Tampere
PS. I'm sorry for my POOR English...
End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 1]