Crawly Crypt Collection 2
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Welcome to lesson U1
Still don't know how to touch-type? Let's start from the beginning and
drill you starting with the home row.\T
(1) Try this:\I
has half hag gad gash glass sash ash slash shall flash
had hall gas gaff gall glad dash ask slag shad ah\D
Lesson U2\T
(1) Familiarize yourself with the top row and between the index fingers:\I
juj kik lol ;p; jyj
frf ded sws aqa ftf\D
(2) Some words:\I
jug part ye aqua their hearty dry great why whose youth
kit free use type last lower drug light wheat proper your
lot dear its rear were pretty grip quiet where proud yellow
hear sweep old easy writer fresh group equip who please yes\D
(3) Now for the bottom row:\I
jmj k,k l.l ;/; jnj
fvf dcd sxs aza fbf\D
(4) Some words:\I
man come body vacant many tax ribbon lining believing
name can beam make examine none native baby commission
vain sex not cancel even mention woman brick quicken
become zero cave lazy benzine opening very branch textile\D
Lesson U3\T
Do you live in Scranton, Pennsylvania?\D
Mary Brown and Nancy Smith are in New York City.\D
Violet, Helen, Dora, Jennie, and Elsie are staying at the Hotel Commodore.\D
I have lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, St. Louis, and
Denver; Robert has lived in Boston, Philadelphia, Jersey City, and Utica.\D
j7j k8k l9l ;0; j6j
f4f d3d s2s a1a f4f\D
j&j k*k l(l ;); j^j
f$f d#d s@s a!a f%f\D
Please send me the book "Facts & Figures."
Send us the items (3 dozen coats) right away.
The amount of the bill is $17,563.49; the discount is 2% 10 days, net 30 days.
The cards should be made up in the following sizes: 4 5/16 x 8 3/16 and
3 5/8 x 6 7/8.\P
2's 3's 4's 5's
#' #2 #3 #4 #5\D
Lesson U4\T
;'; ;"; ;/; ;?; ;[; ;{; ;-; ;_;\H
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\D
This is a specimen of the work done on this machine.\D
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.\D
1$ 2$ 3$ 4$ 5$ 6$ 7$ 8$ 9$ 10$
2 coats @ $20.00 5 hats @ $4.00\D
Lesson U5
(Drill on S Combinations)\T
sas ses sis sos sus sc scr sh sk sl sm sn sp spl spr st str sw\D
says sides springs slips snows shops sweets streets
sees souls spreads schools smiles shoots swings strikes
sues speaks splashes screams skates sheets stones stresses\D
She wishes to show us some samples.
The sisters wear the same size dresses.
She says she speaks to Sally in school.
The shipment was shipped by fast express.
Simplicity and sincerity are social assets.\P
Safety first. This slogan is well known. Yet many care-
less people disregard it and so we have accidents. It is pos-
sible to avoid many types of accidents by a little forethought.
Don't be careless. Do your share to avoid mishaps.\P
Lesson U6
(Drill on R Combinations)\T
rar rer rir ror rur br cr dr fr gr pr shr tr thr\D
rare rural proper trader drier freer cracker
rear broker prefer trapper dresser fresher grammar
roar brewer prepare thrower shrewder creamer greater\D
Every promise made should be observed.
The price of the property is really $2,500.
Try to remember to bring your grammar with you.
Proof of your brokerage experience will be required.
The orange grower must have favorable weather conditions.\P
Some people break promises as readily as they make them.
As a result, they acquire a reputation for unreliability. It
is particularly important to be reliable in the business wold.
A person or firm that comes to be regarded as unreliable has a
poor chance of success.\P
Lesson U7
(Drill on L Combinations)\T
lal lel lil lol lul ly bl cl fl gl pl sl\D
loll play blow clear glass flesh slow fully
lisle plow blue class globe fleet sleep silly
label please blood claim gleam flail slight really\D
The mill will close in April.
It is clear to all who will listen.
The clerk sells cloth of fine value.
You will rely on them to supply you.
He held the floor until a relatively late hour.\P
Play is most important to a child. All of us must play
a little. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, the
old saying goes. Play affords relaxation. Some people claim
their work is so entralling that they do not need to play.
Psychologists say that the stress of modern life demands that
all adults have some hobby away from their daily pursuit.\P
Lesson U8
(Drill on D-T Combinations)\T
dad ded did dod dud dr ld nd rd
tat tet tit tot tut th tr ct ft lt nt pt st\D
did bend tot total that last rented mended
deed lend toot tutor this kept melted handed
dude bold tight taught them chest drafted founded
dodo board trait treats there first directed doubted\D
The first shall be last.
Credit the cost to the estate.
Record your thoughts from time to time.
An effort should be made to settle the estate.
Rest assured you will succeed if you try hard.\P
To learn to typewrite is not difficult. The keyboard
of the typewriter may be mastered in a few hours, but to
get speed in typewriting calls for a good deal of practice.
One of the best methods of getting up speed is to write a
selection over and over again until it can be written easily
and accurately.\D
Lesson U9
(Drill on M-N Combinations)\T
am em im om um mb mp ment
an en in on un ng nk\D
amount damper only singing payment moment
emblem camper enter ringing enrollment judgment
immense hamper under longing engagement excitement
omnibus lumber income banking appointment settlement
umbrella bomber answer thinking entertainment employment\D
We are informed that an increase in anticipated.
Please inform us if you are interested in an engine.
Banks will extend financial aid to the business man.
Unless your invoice is paid, no shipment can be made.
The amount of your investment in common stocks is $800.\P
The employer must consider any increase in cost that
enters into the manufacture of his product. Unless he includes
such cost in his selling price, he is unlikely to show a profit.
The installation of a cost system that enables the employer
to break down his costs to a unit basis is a prime necessity.\P
Lesson U10
(Drill on com-con Combinations)\T
com recom decom discom incom uncom
con recon decon discon incon uncon\D
common commit decompose conduct consign incomplete
comply comment discomfort connect confuse unconvinced
combine compose disconnect consist contrast uncontrolled
commerce compare discontinue control contrary incomparable
commence complete inconvenient contract convince uncomfortable\D
The lawyer consulted the complainant.
Please continue to comply with all recommendations.
Their income is derived from common stock commitments.
The concern communicated its conclusions convincingly.
Under the circumstances, the company will command control.\P
Character shows itself in a man's conduct. Deeds speak
louder than words. Words sometimes confuse as issue where
deeds clarify it. The test of a man's sincerity is not what
he says but what he does. Consider this well and you will
never be confused in estimating a man's worth.\P
Lesson U11
(Drill on sion-tion Combinations)\T
asion esion ision osion usion
ation etion ition otion ution\D
action motion quotation session caution ambition
nation ration invention division exhibition attention
portion station intention possession connection situation
location creation condition impression completion commission\D
Information on the invention has been sent you.
The cancellation of the exhibition was announced.
Your communication of February 16 has been received.
Students are taught addition, subtraction, and division.
Your attention is called to the action of the Commission.\P
Concentration is a valuable faculty. The ability to direct
one's attention exclusively along certain lines accounts for
the success of some people. Diffusion of effort is considered
an enemy of success. We are told that this is an age of
specialization, and specialization demands concentration.\P
Lesson U12
(Drill on ter, ther, tor, ture, ster, der Combinations)\T
ater oter etor utor ider ather other eture uture ister
eter uter itor ader oder ether uther iture aster oster
iter ator otor eder uder ither ature oture ester uster\D
water later actor order father future faster
alter matter motor wider mother nature poster
voter better factor reader rather feature master
writer letter doctor modern either fixture register\D
The voter was required to register.
The reader made a study of the literature.
The actor was better in the theatre than in pictures.
The writer wrote a letter to his future sister-in-law.
The minister received a letter from his father and mother.\P
The best letter writers express themselves simply. They
avoid long words where shorter words will do. They have some-
thing to say and they say it interestingly and to the point.
A business letter should not be a literary masterpiece, but
that is not to say that it should not have style.\P
Lesson U13
(Drill on qu, ch, wh, dw, sw, tw Combinations)
(Drill on de, des, dis, ex, self, tran)
(Drill on cial, cious, ology, ship, tive)\T
quick each white sweet dwell exist desire transfer
quest touch where swell dwarf expose desert transact
quiet cheap whole twist expect degree dislike transmit
queen child wheat twenty express deprive dismiss translate\D
special gracious active biology worship self-regard
official conscious native geology hardship self-respect
financial delicious positive pathology steamship self-defense\D
The squadron marched quickly and quietly.
When will the twenty cars of wheat go forward?
The study of psychology is a "must" in college.
We desire to dispose of our financial interests.
A selfish person has his own self-interest at heart.\P
Raymond Investment Co.
120 Wall Street
Ney York, NY 10005
For many years our medium has been the leading adver-
tising paper used by responsible investment firms who desire
to obtain new accounts.
Our records show that you are not now making use of the
Adviser, and we ask that you consider its use in connection
with your new promotion effort.
Yours truly,\P
Mr. Z. Dexter
250 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Dear Mr. Dexter:
I am enclosing herewith the annual report of our corporation
for the year just ended; also table showing Profit and Loss
Account for the past ten years.
I am placing your name on our mailing list for all future
reports sent out by the company, and if at any time you have
any questions regarding the report or the company, if you
will advise me, I shall be happy to give you any additional
information that I may have.
Very truly yours,\P
Strive for typing accuracy. Speed without accuracy is of little value.
Rhythm is the secret of typing skill. Don't write one part of a word
faster than another. Slow down so that you can maintain a regular rhythm.
Think of the letters before you strike them. Strike the keys evenly, so
that the printing impression does not vary. At the same time, try to
develop your stroking speed and make it a habit to release the keys quickly.
To get up speed, type each exercise three or four times.
To do your best, it is necessary that you be relaxed. You may be trying so
hard that you are all tied up in knots. Relax consciously. If you have a
feeling of tenseness and hurry, you are not properly relaxed.\P