Crawly Crypt Collection 2
File List
89 lines
** T h e C r a w l y C r y p t C o l l e c t i o n **
* P r e s e n t s *
** NON TOS Files **
** Atari Jaguar Files **
AEO_JAG1 Atari Explorer Online Jaguar Special Edition #1
AEO_JAG2 Atari Explorer Online Jaguar Special Edition #2
ATARI256 "Jaguar Lair" is a beautiful ray traced Jaguar logo/screen by Aaron
L. Elder. The picture is in GIF format.
AVP_MAPS A collection of Alien Vs. Predator maps. These maps are presented in
both GIF and PC3 format.
BRUTAL A basic FAQ (Frequently Asked Question list) about "Brutal Sports
Football for the Atari Jaguar". This is version 0.5 of the FAQ.
Includes lots of information about the game and lots of tips and
DINODUDE "Evolution: Dino Dudes" Level Codes for the Atari Jaguar by Dave
Vantrease (aka Shadow).
DOOM A collection of DOOM cheat codes.
JAGCHEAT Atari Jaguar Game Cheats and Codes compiled by Clay Halliwell [Last
updated January 18, 1995]. Includes "General Jag Tricks" as well as
specific cheats/codes for Alien vs Predator, Brutal Sports Football,
Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tails, Checkered Flag, Club Drive,
Cybermorph, Doom, Evolution: Dino Dudes, Iron Soldier, Raiden,
Tempest 2000, Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy, & Wolfenstein 3D.
JAGUAR3D The file JAGUAR.3D2 in this folder is a 3D object of the Atari Jaguar
home entertainment/videogame system's logo for use with Lexicor's
Chronos keyframe animator, Phoenix Object Renderer, or any other
program that accepts objects in the 3D2 format. Cool logo for a
cool system! Designed by Mick Poche.
JAG_LOGO The famous Atari Jaguar Logo in GIF format.
JAG_RGB A diagram of the Jaguar's A/V port by Bill Faanes.
JFAQ9409 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list) by Robert Jung [Last update:
8/29/1994]. This file is not maintained by, overseen by, endorsed,
or otherwise associated with Atari Corp. or any of its subsidiaries.
It's just a collection of questions and answers, with a few news
tidbits thrown in.
TEMPEST Tempest 2000 cheat codes and hints and tips and tricks.
WOLF_3D Wolfenstein 3D Cheat codes.
** Atari Lynx Files **
** \NON_TOS\LYNX\ **
24MHZHCK Plans to speed up the Lynx I to 24 Mhz. Note: Use this at YOUR OWN
RISK. This hardware hack involves adding a 24Mhz clock to the Lynx's
processor. You will be able to switch between the standard 16Mhz
speed and the new 24Mhz speed via a toggle switch.
BILLTEDS Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure Game Notes by Jaime C. Villacorte
is a rather lengthy ASCII text file that gives all kinds of details,
hints, and tips for Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure.
CHEATS A collection of Lynx Cheats. Includes cheats for A.P.B., Awesome
Golf, BasketBrawl, Batman Returns, Bill & Ted's, Blue Lightning,
California Games, Checkered Flag, Chip's Challenge, Crystal Mines II,
Dracula The Undead, Electrocop, Gates of Zendocon, Gauntlet, Klax,
Ms. Pacman, PacLand, Qix, Rampage, Rampart, Road Blasters, Rygar,
Scrapyard Dog, Shadow of the Beast, Shanghai, Slimeworld, Stun
Runner, Super Skweek, Toki, Tournament Cyberball, Viking Child,
Warbirds, Xenophobe, and Zarlor Mercenary.
CHIPSCHL Chips Challenge Notes version 1.01 in PostScript format. Lots of
hints, tips, and tricks for Chips Challenge.
LYNX The Atari Lynx Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file by Robert A.
Jung. This file is not maintained by, overseen by, endorsed, or
otherwise associated with Atari Corp. or any of its subsidiaries.
It's just a collection of questions and answers. ASCII format.
QIXCODES QIX Codes found by: Patrick and John Hardie.
REVIEWS Lynx Game Reviews. Robert Jung, the maintainer of the Lynx
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list, has reviewed every game
available for the Atari Lynx.
SLIMEWLD Todd's Adventures in Slime World Codes. The codes found in this text
file were compiled by Mr. Kale Swindell. These codes will place your
character (TODD) at one of the restart stations located in the game.
The further along the code is in the list, the further into the level
your character will be restarted.
USELYNX The Lynx FAQ by Robert Jung in PostScript and Rich Text Format.
ZAR_LIFE Instructionas on how to access and use the Life game found in the
Zarlor Mercenary game.
ZENDOCON This file lists all the levels in Gates of Zendocon, and gives some
hints for playing the game. If you enjoy discovering things for
yourself, you should probably NOT read this file.