Crawly Crypt Collection 2
Text File
2,239 lines
* ABZ command shell, by Alain Birtz, feb. 89
* These program and assembler source are public domain, can be copied freely
* If your use part of this source, it will be fair to mention the author
* in your header program. You can contact me via Compuserve [72467,2770]
* or write to: 650 Grand St-Charles, St-Paul d'Abbotsford,
* P.Q., Canada J0H-1A0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
BIOS equ 13
XBIOS equ 14
GEMDOS equ 1
TAB equ 9
LF equ 10
CR equ 13
SPACE equ 32
NO_MEM equ -39
NO_PRT equ -993
NO_REN equ -994
NO_BAT equ -995
UNKNOW equ -996
VAR equ -997
FULL equ -998
MISS equ -999
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* release free memory.
move.l a7,a5 ; save stack pointer
lea ustk,a7 ; set local stack (ext data)
move.l (4,a5),a5 ; basepage address
move.l ($C,a5),d0 ; prg length
add.l ($14,a5),d0 ; data area length
add.l ($1C,a5),d0 ; bss area length
add.l #$100,d0 ; reserve $100 long base page
move.l d0,-(sp) ; length of memory to free
move.l a5,-(sp) ; start address of this memory
move d0,-(sp) ; junk word
move #$4A,-(sp) ; function number 'Mshrink'
trap #GEMDOS
adda.w #12,sp ; update stack
lea def_p,a0 ; save current directory
bsr.w get_path
lea title,a0 ; print title
bsr.w prt_str
lea boot,a0 ; execute 'BOOT.BAT'
bsr.w split_arg
bsr.w do_file
bra.w shell ; enter in the main shell loop
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* display the prompt symbol, get some command and execute this command
tst.w err_no ; some error ?
beq.s shell0
bsr.w show_error ; yes -> display error type
shell0: lea wait_1,a0
bsr.w prt_str ; print default pathname
lea def_p,a0
bsr.w prt_str
lea wait_2,a0
bsr.w prt_str
lea cmd,a0
moveq #80-3,d0 ; 80-3 char max
bsr.w get_str ; get user command
tst.w d0
beq.s shell ; at least one char
bsr.w upper ; make command upper case only
bsr.w split_arg ; split command and argument
bsr.w do_keyword
tst.w d0 ; it a keyword ?
bne.s shell ; yes -> do it, wait next command
bsr.w do_drive
tst.w d0 ; it a drive letter ? (type 'B:')
bne.s shell ; yes -> change, wait next command
bsr.w do_file ; it is a filename ?
tst.w d0 ; it a file ?
bne.s shell ; yes -> exec. it, wait next command
move.w #UNKNOW,err_no ; no -> error
bra.s shell ; wait for next command
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* search command in the keyword list. if the keyword is found, execute the
* routine for the keyword and return with d0 set. else return d0 clear
moveq #0,d2 ; keyword counter
lea key_w,a0 ; list of keyword
search: movea.l arg1,a1 ; user command (first argument)
bsr.w compare ; same as current keyword ?
tst.w d0
bne.s doKEYw ; yes -> execute this command
tst.b (a0) ; no -> try next keyword
beq.s noKEYw ; until end of list
addq.w #1,d2
bra.s search
doKEYw: lea call,a0 ; routine address table
lsl.w #2,d2 ; multiply d2 by 4 -> table offset
movea.l 0(a0,d2.w),a0 ; our routine address
jsr (a0) ; execute this routine
moveq #-1,d0
noKEYw: rts
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* if the command is of type 'A:', 'B', ... then set the default drive
* and return with d0 set. else return d0 clear
moveq #0,d0
movea.l arg1,a0 ; user command
tst.b 2(a0) ; null char ?
bne.s do_noD ; yes -> execute this command
cmpi.b #':',1(a0) ; colon ?
bne.s do_noD ; yes -> execute this command
lea def_p,a0
clr.b 3(a0) ; keep only A:\
bsr.w set_path ; to reset (old) drive pathname
movea.l arg1,a0
bsr.w set_path ; do it
lea def_p,a0 ; get complete new pathname
bsr.w get_path
moveq #-1,d0
do_noD: rts
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* search command on the directory. if the filename is found, execute the
* program and return with d0 set. else return d0 clear
movea.l arg1,a0 ; user command (first argument)
lea work,a1 ; work buffer
bsr.w str_copy ; copy the command
* next we must check for a valid filename extension so get a dot.
* if there is no dot in the filename, get any file in the directory
* with valid extension
movea.l a1,a2 ; save end of filename (the copy)
getDOT: move.b -(a1),d0
cmpi.b #'\',d0 ; folder symbol ?
beq.s no_dot
cmpi.b #':',d0 ; disk symbol ?
beq.s no_dot
cmpi.b #'.',d0 ; dot ?
beq.s is_dot
cmpa.l #work,a1
bhi.s getDOT ; until start of command
no_dot: move.b #'.',(a2)+ ; put a dot at the end of filename
movea.l a2,a4 ; the extention start there
move.b #'*',(a2)+ ; and a wildcard in extention area
clr.b (a2) ; null terminated string
bra.s getONE
is_dot: lea 1(a1),a4 ; the extention start there
* now get one filename in the directory. first get dta buffer address
getONE: move.w #$2F,-(sp) ; function number: Fgetdta
trap #GEMDOS ; get disk transfert address
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
move.l d0,dta ; save dta address
* second search for the first matching file in the directory
move.w #1,-(sp) ; file affribute: normal + protect
pea work ; copy of user command
move.w #$4E,-(sp) ; function number: Fsfirst
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.w nofind ; no -> exit
* a matching filename exist. we must check for a valid extension.
valid0: movea.l dta,a3
lea 30(a3),a3 ; filemame in dta
valid1: move.b (a3)+,d0
beq.s next ; no dot -> try next file
cmpi.b #'.',d0
bne.s valid1
lea ext,a0 ; valid extension list
valid2: movea.l a0,a2 ; current extention in the list
movea.l a3,a1 ; extention in dta filename
bsr.w compare ; same as current extension ?
tst.w d0
bne.s repl ; yes -> replace extension
tst.b (a0) ; no -> try next list extention
bne.s valid2 ; until end of list
* no valid extention match, then get next filename
next: move.w #$4F,-(sp) ; function number: Fsnext
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
beq.s valid0 ; yes -> check for valid extension
nofind: moveq #0,d0 ; file not found
repl: movea.l a2,a0 ; current extention in the list
movea.l a4,a1 ; start of extention in filename
bsr.w str_copy ; copy the valid extention
tst.b 1(a0) ; point now to the next list ext.
beq.w batch ; last extention is BAT (batch file)
bne.w program ; other is program file
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* execute program of filename holding in 'work' and command tail pointed
* by 'arg2'. upon return d0 is set
lea blank,a0
bsr.w prt_str ; some blank
movea.l arg2,a0 ; second argument = command tail
movea.l a0,a1
length: tst.b (a1)+ ; compute argument length
bne.s length
move.l a1,d0
sub.l a0,d0 ; the length (including the null)
subq.l #1,a0
move.b d0,(a0) ; length in the string leading byte
clr.l -(sp) ; no enviroment string
move.l a0,-(sp) ; command tail
pea work ; pathname and/or filename
clr.w -(sp) ; load-and-go
move.w #$4B,-(sp) ; 'Pexec' function
trap #GEMDOS
adda.w #16,sp
lea def_p,a0
bsr.w set_path ; reset default pathname
moveq #-1,d0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* load and execute batch file of filename holding in 'work' and command
* tail pointed by 'arg2'. dta buffer is pointed by 'dta'
* upon return do is set
tst.b exeBAT ; already executing batch file now ?
beq.s bat_0
move.w #NO_BAT,err_no ; yes -> error
moveq #-1,d0
bat_0: lea work,a0 ; filemame in dta
bsr.w open ; open source file
tst.w err_no
bpl.s bat_r ; (read)
moveq #-1,d0
rts ; error -> exit
bat_r: moveq #-1,d0 ; get free memory
bsr.w Malloc
subq.l #1,d0
move.l d0,d1
move.l dta,a0
move.l 26(a0),d3 ; file size
move.l d3,d0
addi.l #3*80,d0 ; (for lines buffer)
addq.l #1,d0 ; to null terminate the file
cmp.l d1,d0 ; file to big ?
bcc.w bat_m ; (memory problem)
bsr.w Malloc ; reserve memory
move.l d0,batBUF ; store start address
movea.l d0,a0
move.l d3,d0
bsr.w read ; read the file
move.l d0,d3 ; file size
tst.w err_no
bmi.s bat_er ; close the file
bsr.w close
move.l batBUF,a0 ; start of batch file buffer
move.l a0,batPTR ; current line pointer
adda.l d3,a0
clr.b (a0)+ ; null terminated file
move.l a0,param ; argument parameter (%1, %2, ...)
adda.l #80,a0
move.l a0,bat_LN ; one line batch file
bsr.w get_param ; get parameter address (%1, %2 ...)
tst.w err_no
bmi.s bat_x
st exeBAT ; 'executing batch file now' flag
bat_lp: move.l batPTR,batPRV ; save current line pointer
bsr.w set_line ; set one batch line
tst.w err_no
bmi.s bat_x
bsr.w do_line ; execute this line of command
tst.w err_no
bmi.s bat_x
tst.b exeBAT ; STOP command ?
beq.s bat_x
movea.l batPTR,a0
tst.b (a0) ; last line ?
bne.s bat_lp ; no -> try next
bra.s bat_x
bat_m: move.w #NO_MEM,err_no ; insuficient memory
bat_er: bsr.w close ; close the file
bat_x: movea.l batBUF,a0
bsr.w Mfree ; release used memory
moveq #-1,d0
clr.b exeBAT ; 'executing batch file now' flag
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* get parameter address (of %1, %2, ...) in 'parPTR' table
movea.l arg2,a0
movea.l param,a1 ; copy comand line argument
bsr.w str_copy
movea.l param,a0 ; parameter is there
lea parPTR,a1 ; pointer to parameter in 'param'
moveq #3,d1 ; dbra parameter counter
g_p_lp: bsr.w split_arg ; split argument (pointed by a0)
move.l arg1,(a1)+ ; save pointer
move.l arg2,a0 ; try the remaining
dbra d1,g_p_lp
move.l arg2,(a1) ; fifth parameter
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* replace variable by parameter in the batch line pointed by 'batPTR'
movea.l bat_LN,a1 ; one batch file line buffer
movea.l batPTR,a2 ; current line pointer
clr.b cmd_ch ; 'is command char' flag
sLN_lp: move.b (a2)+,d0 ; get one char
beq.s sLNeof ; exit at end of file
cmpi.b #'%',d0 ; variable ?
beq.s sLNvar
cmpi.b #CR,d0
beq.s sLN_lp ; ignore carriage return
cmpi.b #LF,d0
beq.s sLNeol ; exit at end of line
cmpi.b #$20,d0 ; control char ?
bls.s sLN_20
st cmd_ch ; set 'is command char' flag
sLN_20: move.b d0,(a1)+ ; fill the batch line
bra.s sLN_lp
sLNvar: moveq #0,d0
move.b (a2)+,d0 ; get variable no.
sub.w #'1',d0
bmi.s sLN_er
cmpi.w #4,d0 ; %1 to %5 only
bhi.s sLN_er
lea parPTR,a0 ; parameter pointer table
lsl.w #2,d0 ; offset in table
movea.l 0(a0,d0.w),a0 ; the parameter address in 'param'
tst.b (a0) ; parameter exist?
beq.s sLN_er ; no -> error
bsr.w str_copy ; copy a0 to a1 (replacing %_ by
bra.s sLN_lp ; its value)
sLNeof: subq.l #1,a2
sLNeol: clr.b (a1) ; null terminated string
move.l a2,batPTR ; set pointer for next batch line
sLN_er: move.w #VAR,err_no ; 'undefined variable'
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* execute the batch line pointed by 'bat_LN'
tst.b cmd_ch ; reach one command char ?
beq.s doLN_x ; no -> exit
lea one_ln,a0
bsr.w prt_str ; one line
movea.l bat_LN,a0 ; the batch file line buffer
bsr.w prt_str
bsr.w upper ; make command upper case only
bsr.w split_arg ; split command and argument
bsr.w do_keyword
tst.w d0 ; it a keyword ?
bne.s doLN_x ; yes -> do it, wait next command
bsr.w do_drive
tst.w d0 ; it a drive letter ? (type 'B:')
bne.s doLN_x ; yes -> change, wait next command
bsr.w do_file ; it is a filename ?
bne.s doLN_x ; yes -> exec. it, wait next command
move.w #UNKNOW,err_no ; no -> error
doLN_x: rts
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* display error type to the screen
move.w err_no,d4 ; error no
moveq #0,d0
move.w d4,d0
neg.w d0 ; make it positive
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #2,d2 ; display 2 char
lea io_no,a0 ; there
moveq #SPACE,d3 ; replace leading zero by blank
bsr.w l_to_a
lea io_err,a0 ; display error no.
bsr.w prt_str
lea error,a0 ; error table
subq.l #6,a0
err_lp: addq.l #6,a0 ; room for error no + error type adr.
move.w (a0),d0 ; error no. in the table
beq.s err_x ; not in table -> exit
cmp.w d0,d4 ; our error ?
bne.s err_lp ; no -> try next
movea.l 2(a0),a0 ; error type address
bsr.w prt_str ; show it
err_x: clr.w err_no
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* ----------------------- Keyword Command -------------------------------- *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* ---------------------- QUIT -------------------------------------------- *
clr.w -(sp) ; Pterm0
trap #GEMDOS
* ---------------------- MFREE ------------------------------------------- *
* display number of bytes free
moveq #-1,d0
bsr.w Malloc ; get number of free bytes in d0
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #8,d2 ; display 8 char
lea free_s+2,a0 ; there
moveq #SPACE,d3 ; replace leading zero by blank
bsr.w l_to_a
lea free_s,a0
bra.w prt_str ; show it
* ---------------------- DFREE ------------------------------------------- *
* display number of bytes free in the disk
movea.l arg2,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0 ; drive letter
beq.s do_D_c ; no argument -> current drive
subi.b #'A'-1,d0 ; A -> 1, B -> 2...
do_D_c: bsr.w disk_free ; get free space
tst.w err_no ; error ?
beq.s do_D_0
do_D_0: moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #8,d2 ; display 8 char
lea free_s+2,a0 ; there
moveq #SPACE,d3 ; replace leading zero by blank
bsr.w l_to_a
lea free_s,a0
bra.w prt_str ; show it
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* get disk free space for drive d0.w. upon return d0.l hold free space.
move.w d0,-(sp) ; drive no.
pea d_free ; info about disk
move.w #$36,-(sp) ; function number: Dfree
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bpl.s d_f_0
move.w d0,err_no
d_f_0: lea d_free,a0
move.l 8(a0),d0 ; sector size (in bytes)
move.l 12(a0),d1 ; cluster size (in sector)
mulu d1,d0
move.l (a0),d1 ; free cluster
mulu d1,d0 ; free space in bytes
* ---------------------- DIR --------------------------------------------- *
* build directory and display directory to the screen
movea.l arg2,a0
tst.b (a0) ; pathname in command string ?
bne.s doD_0
lea def_p,a0 ; no -> use default pathname
doD_0: lea work,a1 ; copy pathname
bsr.w str_copy
cmpi.b #'\',-1(a1) ; ended by backslash ?
beq.s doD_do
move.b #'\',(a1)+ ; no -> add backslash
clr.b (a1)
doD_do: lea dir_of,a0 ; 'Directory of '
bsr.w prt_str
lea work,a0 ; pathname -> default or in argument
bsr.w prt_str
lea any,a0
bsr.w str_copy ; add "*.*"
lea two_ln,a0 ; 2 new line
bsr.w prt_str
bra.w directory ; no -> display directory
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* display directory info to the screen. pathname hold in 'work'
* register not affected
movem.l d0-d4/a0-a4,-(sp)
* first get dta buffer address
move.w #$2F,-(sp) ; function number: Fgetdta
trap #GEMDOS ; get disk transfert address
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
move.l d0,a3 ; save dta address
* second search for the first file in the directory
move.w #-1,-(sp) ; file affribute: any kind
pea work ; filemame
move.w #$4E,-(sp) ; function number: Fsfirst
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.w dir_x1 ; no -> exit
lea work,a4 ; one directory entry buffer
bsr.w get_dir ; get first name, size, date, time
dir_lp: move.b #CR,(a4)+ ; end of line
move.b #LF,(a4)+
clr.b (a4)
lea work,a4 ; reset a4
movea.l a4,a0
bsr.w prt_str ; print this line
* now try an other entry in the directory
lea 30(a3),a0 ; filemame in dta
moveq #12-1,d1 ; 12 bytes in the filename
dirERA: clr.b (a0)+ ; erase old filename
dbra d1,dirERA
move.w #$4F,-(sp) ; function number: Fsnext
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.w dir_x2 ; no -> exit
bsr.w get_dir ; get next name, size, date, time
bra.s dir_lp ; loop while end of directory
dir_x1: cmpi.w #-33,d0 ; -33 mean 'file not found'
bne.s dirERR ; other value is error
lea nofile,a0 ; 'No file in this directory'
dir_NO: move.b (a0)+,(a4)+ ; copy
bne.s dir_NO
subq.l #1,a4
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
dir_x2: cmpi.w #-49,d0 ; -49 mean 'no more files'
bne.s dirERR ; other value is error
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
dirERR: move.w d0,err_no ; display error message
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* get filename, size, date and time, and put info into the string pointed
* by a4. upon return a4 point to the last char of info plus one.
* need 44 bytes by file. register affected d0-d4/a0/a4
* file name -------------------------------------------------------------- *
lea 30(a3),a0 ; filemame in dta
moveq #12-1,d1 ; 12 bytes in the filename
g_name: move.b (a0)+,d0 ; copy filename
beq.s g_null ; if null char -> replace by blank
cmpi.b #'.',d0 ; dot ?
beq.s g_dot ; yes -> special case
move.b d0,(a4)+ ; else -> just copy the char
gname2: dbra d1,g_name
bra.s g_dir2
g_null: move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; replace by blank char
dbra d1,g_name
bra.s g_dir2
g_dot: move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; replace dot by blank char and
cmpi.w #3,d1 ; fill will black up to the 3 last
bls.s gname2 ; char of the filename
dbra d1,g_dot
g_dir2: move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; two blanck space
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+
* file size or file type (for subdirectory or volume label) -------------- *
btst #3,21(a3) ; volume label ?
bne.s g_vol
btst #4,21(a3) ; subdirectory ?
bne.s g_sub
move.l 26(a3),d0 ; file size
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #8,d2 ; display 8 char
movea.l a4,a0 ; there
moveq #SPACE,d3 ; replace leading zero by blank
bsr.w l_to_a
addq.l #8,a4
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; two more blanck space
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+
bra.s g_date
g_vol: lea volume,a0
g_vol1: move.b (a0)+,(a4)+ ; copy '<<VOL>> '
bne.s g_vol1
subq.l #1,a4
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; two more blanck space
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+
bra.s g_date
g_sub: lea subdir,a0
g_sub1: move.b (a0)+,(a4)+ ; copy '<<DIR>> '
bne.s g_sub1
subq.l #1,a4
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; two more blanck space
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+
* file date -------------------------------------------------------------- *
g_date: move.w 24(a3),d4 ; date stamp
moveq #0,d0
move.w d4,d0
lsr.w #5,d0 ; month -> bits 5-8
and.w #%1111,d0 ; 4 bits only
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #2,d2 ; display 2 char
movea.l a4,a0 ; there
moveq #'0',d3 ; replace leading zero by zero!
bsr.w l_to_a
addq.l #2,a4
move.b #'-',(a4)+ ; one dash
moveq #0,d0
move.w d4,d0 ; day -> bits 0-4
and.w #%11111,d0 ; 5 bits only
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #2,d2 ; display 2 char
movea.l a4,a0 ; there
moveq #'0',d3 ; replace leading zero by zero!
bsr.w l_to_a
addq.l #2,a4
move.b #'-',(a4)+ ; one dash
moveq #0,d0
move.w d4,d0
moveq #9,d1
lsr.w d1,d0 ; year -> bits 9-15
and.w #%1111111,d0 ; 7 bits only
addi.w #1980,d0 ; plus base year
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #4,d2 ; display 4 char
movea.l a4,a0 ; there
moveq #'0',d3 ; replace leading zero by zero!
bsr.w l_to_a
addq.l #4,a4
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; two more blanck space
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+
* file time -------------------------------------------------------------- *
moveq #0,d4
move.w 22(a3),d4 ; time stamp
moveq #0,d0
move.w d4,d0
moveq #11,d1
lsr.w d1,d0 ; hour -> bits 11-15
and.w #%11111,d0 ; 5 bits only
cmpi.w #12,d0 ; AM or PM ?
bls.s g_hour
subi.w #12,d0 ; here PM
bset #31,d4 ; PM flag
g_hour: moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #2,d2 ; display 2 char
movea.l a4,a0 ; there
moveq #'0',d3 ; replace leading zero by zero!
bsr.w l_to_a
addq.l #2,a4
move.b #':',(a4)+ ; one colon
moveq #0,d0
move.w d4,d0 ; minute -> bits 5-10
lsr.w #5,d0
and.w #%111111,d0 ; 5 bits only
moveq #10,d1 ; base 10
moveq #2,d2 ; display 2 char
movea.l a4,a0 ; there
moveq #'0',d3 ; replace leading zero by zero!
bsr.w l_to_a
addq.l #2,a4
move.b #SPACE,(a4)+ ; one more space
moveq #'A',d0
btst #31,d4 ; AM or PM ?
beq.s g_AMPM
moveq #'P',d0
g_AMPM: move.b d0,(a4)+ ; fill with AM or PM
move.b #'M',(a4)+
*----------------------- COPY ---------------------------------------------*
* copy file (source pointed 'arg2' to destination pointed bu 'arg3')
movea.l arg2,a0
bsr.w split_arg ; split argument in 2 parts
movea.l arg1,a0
tst.b (a0) ; pathname in first argument ?
bne.s doC_1
move.w #MISS,err_no
bra.w doC_er ; no -> error -> exit
doC_1: lea work,a1 ; copy first argument
bsr.w str_copy
* next get last colon/backslack symbol to set the source pathname
doC_p: move.b -(a1),d0
cmpi.b #'\',d0 ; folder symbol ?
beq.s doC_s
cmpi.b #':',d0 ; disk symbol ?
beq.s doC_s
cmpa.l #work,a1
bhi.s doC_p ; until start of first argument
bra.s doC_2 ; no source pathname -> use default
doC_s: addq.l #1,a1
clr.b (a1)
lea work,a0 ; pathname
suba.l a0,a1
move.l a1,d0
add.l d0,arg1 ; keep only filename for future use
bsr.w set_path ; set source pathname
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.s doC_er ; yes -> exit right now
* if second argument is empty use default pathname
* else if the drive is not specified use default drive
doC_2: lea work,a1 ; destination to copy second arg.
movea.l arg2,a0
movea.l a0,a2
tst.b (a0) ; empty ?
beq.s doC_e
cmpi.b #':',1(a0) ; drive specified ?
beq.s doC_ok
move.b def_p,(a1)+ ; default drive letter
move.b #':',(a1)+ ; plus colon
bra.s doC_ok
doC_e: lea def_p,a0 ; default pathname
doC_ok: bsr.w str_copy
moveq #0,d4 ; 'need add filename to dest.' flag
movea.l a1,a4 ; save end of argument
move.b -1(a1),d0
cmpi.b #'\',d0 ; last char is folder symbol ?
beq.s doCadd ; yes -> need add filename to dest.
cmpi.b #':',d0 ; last char is disk symbol ?
bne.s doC_3 ; no -> no need add anything
doCadd: moveq #-1,d4 ; need add filename to dest.
doC_3: lea one_ln,a0 ; 1 new line
bsr.w prt_str
bsr.w copy ; copy and display copied file
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.s doC_er
lea one_ln,a0 ; 1 new line
bsr.w prt_str
doC_er: lea def_p,a0 ; restore old current directory
bra.w set_path ; set current path
copy: bsr.w mem_all ; reserve all free memory
* first get dta buffer address
move.w #$2F,-(sp) ; function number: Fgetdta
trap #GEMDOS ; get disk transfert address
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
move.l d0,a3 ; save dta address
* now get a first file in the source directory
movea.l arg1,a0 ; if no filename i.e. type A:
tst.b (a0) ; or A:\NNN\ then get any file
bne.s c_1st
move.l #any,arg1
c_1st: clr.w -(sp) ; file affribute: normal
move.l arg1,-(sp) ; source filemame
move.w #$4E,-(sp) ; function number: Fsfirst
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.s c_x1 ; no -> error
* next search for another file in the source directory
c_next: bsr.w copy_file ; copy previous one
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.s c_x3 ; yes -> release used memory, exit
move.w #$4F,-(sp) ; function number: Fsnext
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.w c_x2 ; no -> exit
bra.s c_next ; loop while end of directory
c_x1: move.w d0,err_no
movea.l m_free,a0
bra.w Mfree ; release used memory
c_x2: cmpi.w #-49,d0 ; -49 mean 'no more files'
bne.s c_x1 ; other value is error
c_x3: movea.l m_free,a0
bra.w Mfree ; release used memory
* copy one file from source in dta (pointed by a3) to destination
* (pointed arg2).
lea copy_s,a0
bsr.w prt_str
lea 30(a3),a0 ; filemame in dta
bsr.w prt_str ; display filename
bsr.w open ; open source file
tst.w err_no
bpl.s c_f_r ; (read)
rts ; error -> exit
c_f_r: move.l 26(a3),d0 ; file size
cmp.l amount,d0 ; file to big ?
bcc.w c_f_m ; (memory problem)
movea.l m_free,a0 ; buffer
bsr.w read ; read the file
move.l d0,d6 ; save file size
tst.w err_no
bmi.s c_f_x
bsr.w close ; close the file
tst.w err_no
bpl.s c_f_d ; (destination)
c_f_d: tst.w d4 ; need add filename to dest. ?
beq.s c_f_c ; no -> just create
lea 30(a3),a0 ; filemame in dta
movea.l a4,a1 ; add filename there
bsr.w str_copy
c_f_c: lea work,a0
bsr.w create ; create destination file
tst.w err_no
bpl.s c_f_w ; (write)
c_f_w: move.l d6,d0 ; file size
movea.l m_free,a0 ; buffer
bsr.w write ; write the file
cmp.l d0,d6 ; room for the file ?
beq.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
move.w #FULL,err_no ; no -> disk full
c_f_m: move.w #NO_MEM,err_no
c_f_x: bra.w close ; close the file and exit
* ---------------------- DEL --------------------------------------------- *
* delete file
movea.l arg2,a0
tst.b (a0) ; pathname in command string ?
bne.s do_D_1
do_D_m: move.w #MISS,err_no ; no -> error -> exit
do_D_1: movea.l arg2,a0
lea work,a1 ; copy first argument
bsr.w str_copy
* get last colon/backslack symbol
do_D_p: move.b -(a1),d0
cmpi.b #'\',d0 ; folder symbol ?
beq.s do_D_s
cmpi.b #':',d0 ; disk symbol ?
beq.s do_D_s
cmpa.l #work,a1
bhi.s do_D_p ; until start of first argument
bra.s do_D_2 ; no source pathname -> use default
do_D_s: addq.l #1,a1
clr.b (a1)
lea work,a0 ; pathname
suba.l a0,a1
move.l a1,d0
add.l d0,arg2 ; keep only filename for future use
movea.l arg2,a1
tst.b (a1) ; nothing in filename ?
beq.s do_D_m
bsr.w set_path ; set pathname
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.s do_Der ; yes -> exit right now
do_D_2: bsr.w del_file ; delete files
do_Der: lea def_p,a0 ; restore old current directory
bra.w set_path ; set current path
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* delete file
clr.b alldel ; clear 'delete all flag'
clr.b cancel ; clear 'cancel delete' flag
* first get dta buffer address
move.w #$2F,-(sp) ; function number: Fgetdta
trap #GEMDOS ; get disk transfert address
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
move.l d0,a3 ; save dta address
* second search for the first file in the directory
clr.w -(sp) ; file affribute: normal
move.l arg2,-(sp) ; filename
move.w #$4E,-(sp) ; function number: Fsfirst
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.s delERR ; no -> exit
bsr.w one_delete ; delete one file
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.s delERR
tst.b cancel ; cancel ?
bne.s del_c
* now try an other entry in the directory
del_lp: move.w #$4F,-(sp) ; function number: Fsnext
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.w del_x ; no -> exit
bsr.w one_delete ; get next name, size, date, time
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.s delERR
tst.b cancel ; cancel ?
bne.s del_c
bra.s del_lp ; loop while end of directory
del_x: cmpi.w #-49,d0 ; -49 mean 'no more files'
bne.s delERR ; other value is error
delERR: move.w d0,err_no ; display error message
del_c: rts
* ask to delete the file in dta (pointed by a3) and delete all file,
* the current file or exit according to the answer
lea del_s1,a0 ; 'Delete '
bsr.w prt_str
lea 30(a3),a0 ; filemame in dta
bsr.w prt_str
tst.b alldel ; delete all file ?
bne.w delete ; yes -> skip question and answer
tst.b exeBAT ; executing batch file
bne.w delete ; yes -> skip too
lea del_s2,a0 ; ' ? (Yes, No, All, Cancel) '
bsr.w prt_str
bsr.w chr_in ; get answer
cmpi.b #'a',d0
bcs.s oneD_u
sub.b #'a'-'A',d0 ; make it upper case
oneD_u: cmpi.b #'Y',d0
beq.w oneD_Y
cmpi.b #'N',d0
beq.s oneD_N
cmpi.b #'A',d0
beq.s oneD_A
cmpi.b #'C',d0
beq.s oneD_C
bra.s one_delete ; get one clear answer
oneD_A: st alldel ; set 'delete all flag'
oneD_Y: lea 30(a3),a0 ; filemame in dta
bra.w delete
oneD_C: st cancel ; set 'cancel delete' flag
oneD_N: rts
* ---------------------- REN --------------------------------------------- *
* rename file
movea.l arg2,a0
bsr.w split_arg ; split argument in 2 parts
movea.l arg1,a0
tst.b (a0) ; first argument must be a filename
beq.s doRer1
movea.l arg2,a1
tst.b (a1) ; secong argument also
beq.s doRer1
move.l a1,-(sp) ; new filename
move.l a0,-(sp) ; filename to rename
clr.w -(sp) ; dummy
move.w #$56,-(sp) ; 'Frename' function
trap #GEMDOS
adda.w #12,sp
tst.w d0 ; error ?
bne.s doRer2
doRer1: move.w #MISS,err_no ; missing argument
doRer2: move.w #NO_REN,err_no ; cannot rename
* ---------------------- PATH -------------------------------------------- *
* set current pathname
movea.l arg2,a0
tst.b (a0) ; pathname in command string ?
bne.s do_P_1
move.w #MISS,err_no ; no -> error -> exit
do_P_1: lea def_p,a0
clr.b 3(a0) ; keep only A:\
bsr.w set_path ; to reset (old) drive pathname
movea.l arg2,a0
bsr.w set_path ; do it
lea def_p,a0 ; get complete pathname
bra.w get_path
* ---------------------- STOP -------------------------------------------- *
* stop batch file execution
clr.b exeBAT ; 'executing batch file now' flag
* ---------------------- WRITE ------------------------------------------- *
* display message to the screen
movea.l arg2,a0
tst.b (a0) ; pathname in command string ?
bne.s doW_1
move.w #MISS,err_no ; no -> error -> exit
doW_1: lea one_ln,a0
bsr.w prt_str
lea revON,a0
bsr.w prt_str
movea.l arg2,a0
bsr.w prt_str ; do it
lea revOFF,a0
bra.w prt_str
* ---------------------- SHOW/PRINT -------------------------------------- *
* output the file to the screen or printer
* key 'Q', 'q' or UNDO to stop and exit, other key to do a pause
move.w #0,d4 ; printer
bsr.w status ; printer ready ?
tst.w err_no
beq.s doSP_0
rts ; no -> exit
move.w #2,d4 ; screen
doSP_0: moveq #0,d5 ; hold byte to show/print
moveq #0,d6 ; logical column
movea.l arg2,a0
tst.b (a0) ; pathname in command string ?
bne.s doSP_o
move.w #MISS,err_no ; no -> error -> exit
doSP_o: bsr.w open ; open source file
tst.w err_no
bpl.s doSP_r ; (read)
rts ; error -> exit
doSP_r: moveq #80,d0 ; read max. 80 bytes
lea work,a0 ; in the work buffer
bsr.w read ; read the file
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bmi.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
tst.l d0 ; no byte read ?
beq.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
lea work,a3 ; hold the read file segment
move.l d0,d3 ; number of bytes read
subq.l #1,d3
doSPlp: move.b (a3)+,d5 ; byte read
cmpi.b #CR,d5 ; carriage return ?
beq.s doSPcr
cmpi.b #LF,d5 ; line feed ?
beq.s doSPlf
cmpi.b #TAB,d5 ; TAB ?
beq.s doSPtb
doSP_n: bsr.w output ; show/print
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
doSP_u: addq.l #1,d6 ; update logical column
dbra d3,doSPlp
bra.s doSP_r ; loop while end of file
doSPtb: divu #8,d6 ; logical column/8
swap d6 ; remaining in d6
moveq #8,d0
sub.w d6,d0 ; number of blank to output
subq.w #1,d0
move.w d0,d6
doSPsp: moveq #SPACE,d5
bsr.w output ; output the blank
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
bsr.w pause ; get some input from user
tst.w d0 ; exit ?
bne.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
dbra d6,doSPsp
moveq #-1,d6 ; reset logical column
bra.s doSP_u
doSPcr: moveq #-1,d6 ; reset logical column
cmpi.b #LF,(a3) ; next is line feed ?
beq.s doSP_n ; yes -> normal show/print
bsr.w output ; else -> output the CR
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
moveq #LF,d5
bra.s doSP_n ; and output LF too
doSPlf: moveq #-1,d6 ; reset logical column
cmpi.b #CR,-2(a3) ; previous is carriage return ?
beq.s doSP_n ; yes -> normal show/print
moveq #CR,d5
bsr.w output ; else -> output the CR
tst.w err_no ; error ?
bne.w close ; yes -> close the file and exit
moveq #LF,d5
bra.s doSP_n ; and output LF too
* output char in d5.w to the device no. d4.w
move.w d5,-(sp) ; byte read
move.w d4,-(sp) ; device
move.w #3,-(sp) ; 'Bconout' functiom
trap #BIOS
addq.l #6,sp
* check printer status.
move.w d4,-(sp) ; device
move.w #8,-(sp) ; 'Bcostat' functiom
trap #BIOS
addq.l #4,sp
tst.w d0 ; printer ready ?
bne.w stat_x
move.w #NO_PRT,err_no ; no -> error
stat_x: rts
* if a user keyboard input is available, then exit for 'Q', 'q' or Undo
* key and wait next iput for other key. In the first case exit with d0.w set
* else d0.w is clear. if no input is available then exit immediately
* with d0.w clear
move.w #$B,-(sp) ; 'Cconis' function
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0
beq.s pauseX ; no char available -> exit
bsr.w do_wait ; get input
cmpi.b #'Q',d0 ; 'Q' ?
beq.s pauseQ
cmpi.b #'q',d0 ; 'q' ?
beq.s pauseQ
swap d0
cmpi.b #$61,d0 ; UNDO ?
beq.s pauseQ
bsr.w do_wait ; wait until a next input
moveq #0,d0
pauseQ: moveq #-1,d0
pauseX: rts
* ---------------------- WAIT -------------------------------------------- *
* wait for next keyboard input in d0.l
move.w #7,-(sp) ; 'Crawcin' function
trap #GEMDOS ; read the char
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
* ---------------------- IF_EXIST and IF_NOT_EXIST ----------------------- *
* execute the next command only if file exist/not_exist and only when
* executing a batch file
do_if: moveq #0,d4
bra.s doI_0
moveq #-1,d4
doI_0: tst.b exeBAT ; executing batch file ?
bne.s doI_1
rts ; no -> exit
doI_1: movea.l arg2,a0
bsr.w split_arg ; split argument in 2 parts
movea.l arg1,a0
tst.b (a0) ; first argument must be a filename
beq.s doI_er
movea.l arg2,a1
tst.b (a1) ; secong argument must be command
beq.s doI_er
move.w #-1,-(sp) ; file affribute: all kind
move.l a0,-(sp) ; filemame
move.w #$4E,-(sp) ; function number: Fsfirst
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; file exist ?
bne.s doI_no ; no -> if 'do_if_not' -> ok
tst.b d4 ; yes -> if 'do_if' -> ok
beq.s doI_x
rts ; else -> do nothing
doI_no: tst.b d4 ; if 'do_if_not' -> ok
bne.s doI_x
rts ; else -> do nothing
* here we must execute the command following the filename
* to do this we must reset the 'batPTR' pointer, actualy pointing to
* the next batch line. 'batPRV' is the pointer the start of the line
* holding the command to be executing
doI_x: movea.l batPRV,a0 ; our batch line
bsr.w split_arg ; split in 2 arguments
movea.l arg2,a0 ; skip first command
bsr.w split_arg ; split again, skip filename
move.l arg2,batPTR ; our command begin there
doI_er: move.w #MISS,err_no
* ---------------------- CLS -------------------------------------------- *
* clear screen
lea cls_s,a0
bra.w prt_str
* ---------------------- ? (question mark -> help) ---------------------- *
* display the list of keyword
lea key_w,a1 ; the list
moveq #4,d2 ; 5 keywords by line
lea one_ln,a0 ; one line
bsr.w prt_str
do_Ilp: tst.b (a1) ; end of list ?
beq.s do_I_x ; yes -> exit
movea.l a1,a0
bsr.w prt_str ; show the keyword
do_I_c: tst.b (a1)+ ; how many char
bne.s do_I_c
move.l a1,d0
sub.l a0,d0 ; number of char including the null
moveq #20,d1
sub.w d0,d1
moveq #SPACE,d0 ; use room of 20 char
do_Isp: bsr.w ch_out ; remainning of room with blank
dbra d1,do_Isp
bra.s do_Ilp ; while end of list
do_I_x: lea one_ln,a0 ; one line
bra.w prt_str
*--------------------------- I/O routine ----------------------------------*
* close file of handle d7.w
* register affected d0-d2/a0-a2
move.w d7,-(sp) ; file handle
move.w #$3E,-(sp) ; function number 'Fclose'
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #4,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s clo_er
clo_er: move.w d0,err_no ; d0 < 0 is error
* read d0.l bytes into the buffer pointed by a0 from the of the file
* of handle d7.w upon return d0.l hold the number of bytes read.
* register affected d0-d2/a0-a2
move.l a0,-(sp) ; buffer
move.l d0,-(sp) ; length of buffer
move.w d7,-(sp) ; file handle
move.w #$3F,-(sp) ; function number 'Fread'
trap #GEMDOS
adda.w #12,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s rd_er
rd_er: move.w d0,err_no ; d0 < 0 is error
* write on file printer. a0 is the pointer to the text buffer
* d0.l the length of the text buffer and d7.w the file handle
* upon return d0.l hold the number of bytes written.
* register affected d0-d2/a0-a2
move.l a0,-(sp) ; buffer
move.l d0,-(sp) ; length of buffer
move.w d7,-(sp) ; file handle
move.w #$40,-(sp) ; function number 'Fwrite'
trap #GEMDOS
adda.w #12,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s wr_er
wr_er: move.w d0,err_no ; d0 < 0 is error
* create (and open) a file on disk, nul terminated filename is pointed by a0
* upon return file handle hold on d7.w
* register affected d0-d2/d7/a0-a2
clr.w -(sp) ; R/W status
move.l a0,-(sp) ; address of pathname or filename
move.w #$3C,-(sp) ; function number 'Fcreate'
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s cr_er
move.w d0,d7
cr_er: move.w d0,err_no ; d0 < 0 is error
* open a file on disk. read or write. upon return d7.w hold the file
* handle. a0 is the pointer to the null terminated filename string
* register affected d0-d2/d7/a0-a2
move.w #2,-(sp) ; can be read or write
move.l a0,-(sp) ; address of pathname or filename
move.w #$3D,-(sp) ; function number 'Fopen'
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s opn_er
move.w d0,d7
opn_er: move.w d0,err_no ; d0 < 0 is error
* delete the file of filename pointed by a0 a null terminated string
* register affected d0-d2/a0-a2
move.l a0,-(sp) ; address of pathname or filename
move.w #$41,-(sp) ; function number 'Fdelete'
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bne.s del_er
del_er: move.w d0,err_no ; d0 <> 0 is error
* read char from keyboard without echo to screen.
* upon return d0 (long) hold the value returned by the keyboard:
* scan code in high word, ascii code in low byte.
* register other than d0 not affected
movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) ; save register
move.w #1,-(sp) ; 'Cconin' function
trap #GEMDOS ; read the char
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a2 ; restore register
* print char in d0.w to screen.
* register other than d0 not affected
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) ; save register
move.w d0,-(sp) ; the char
move.w #2,-(sp) ; 'Cconout' function
trap #GEMDOS ; print the char
addq.l #4,sp ; update stack
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 ; restore register
* print null terminated string pointed by a0
* register not affected
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) ; save register
move.l a0,-(sp) ; string address
move.w #9,-(sp) ; Cconws
trap #GEMDOS ; print
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 ; restore register
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* read a string of max length d0 (d0<256). a0 must point to the string.
* the readed string will be null terminated. a room of d0 + 3 bytes must be
* allowed for a string of length d0. upon return d0 is the number of char
* read and the cursor stay at the end of the string.
* other register not affected.
movem.l d1-d2/a0-a3,-(sp)
move.l a0,a3 ; save buffer address
move.b d0,(a3) ; put the max in the first byte
pea curSAV ; save cursor position
move.w #9,-(sp) ; Cconws
trap #GEMDOS ; print
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
move.l a3,-(sp) ; get string
move.w #$A,-(sp)
trap #GEMDOS ; 'Cconrs' function
addq.l #6,sp
pea curRES ; restore cursor position
move.w #9,-(sp) ; Cconws
trap #GEMDOS ; print
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
moveq #0,d0
move.b 1(a3),d0 ; number of char actually read
beq.s nil
lea 2(a3),a1
lea rgt_s,a0 ; move one char right
move.w d0,d1
subq.w #1,d1
mov_lf: move.b (a1)+,(a3)+ ; move read string 2 char left
bsr.w prt_str ; move cursor one char right
dbra d1,mov_lf
nil: clr.b (a3) ; the null
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a3
* if d0.l = -1, return free memory in d0.l
* else reserve d0.l bytes space, upon return d0.l hold start address
move.l d0,-(sp) ; reserve space
move.w #$48,-(sp) ; function number 'Malloc'
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; <= 0 is error
bpl.s Mal_x
move.w #NO_MEM,err_no
Mal_x: rts
* relase memory reserved by Malloc at address a0
move.l a0,-(sp) ; address of reserved memory
move.w #$49,-(sp) ; function number 'Mfree'
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
tst.w d0 ; error ?
beq.s MfreeX
move.w d0,err_no
MfreeX: rts
* set drive d0.w to be current drive
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w #$E,-(sp) ; function number: Dsetdrv
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #4,sp ; update stack
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* set current drive and subdirectory according the null terminated string
* pointed by a0. WARNING a0 string can be modified
movea.l a0,a3 ; save pointer
s_p_0: tst.b (a0)+
bne.s s_p_0 ; get end of string
cmpi.b #'\',-2(a0) ; string terminate by backslash
beq.s s_p_s
move.b #'\',-1(a0) ; no -> add a backslash
clr.b (a0)
s_p_s: movea.l a3,a0 ; restore pointer
cmpi.b #':',1(a0) ; drive specified ?
bne.s s_p_1
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0 ; drive letter
subi.b #'A',d0 ; A -> 0, B -> 1...
move.b d0,d3 ; save it
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w #$E,-(sp) ; function number: Dsetdrv
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #4,sp ; update stack
btst d3,d0 ; bit set in drive map ?
beq.s s_pE1 ; no -> error
addq.l #2,a3 ; skip drive letter and colon
s_p_1: pea top ; reset pathname
move.w #$3B,-(sp) ; function number: Dsetpath
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s s_pE2
move.l a3,-(sp) ; pathname
move.w #$3B,-(sp) ; function number: Dsetpath
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #6,sp ; update stack
tst.l d0 ; error ?
bmi.s s_pE2
s_pE1: move.w #-46,err_no ; invalid drive specification
s_pE2: move.w d0,err_no ; display error message
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* get current drive and subdirectory in the buffer pointed by a0
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save pointer
move.w #$19,-(sp) ; function number: Dgetdrv
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #2,sp ; update stack
movea.l (sp),a0 ; restore buffer pointer
addi.b #'A',d0 ; A -> 0, B -> 1...
move.b d0,(a0)+ ; put drive letter in the buffer
move.b #':',(a0)+ ; add a colon
clr.w -(sp) ; current drive
move.l a0,-(sp) ; buffer
move.w #$47,-(sp) ; function number: Dgetpath
trap #GEMDOS
addq.l #8,sp ; update stack
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore buffer pointer
g_p_0: tst.b (a0)+
bne.s g_p_0 ; get end of string
cmpi.b #'\',-2(a0) ; string terminate by backslash
beq.s g_p_s
move.b #'\',-1(a0) ; no -> add a backslash
clr.b (a0)
g_p_s: rts
* reserve all free memory. return amount of free memory in 'amount'
* and start of free in 'm_free' (always even address)
* or exit with error message
moveq #-1,d0 ; get free memory
bsr.w Malloc
subq.l #1,d0
move.l d0,amount ; amount of free memory
bsr.w Malloc ; reserve all free memory
move.l d0,m_free ; store...
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* -------------------------- SOME TOOLS ---------------------------------- *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* copy null terminated string pointed by a0 at the address a1.
* null is also copied. upon return both a0, a1 point to the null char.
* register affected d0/a0-a1.
str_c0: move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s str_cx
move.b d0,(a1)+ ; copy while not null
bra.s str_c0
str_cx: subq.l #1,a0 ; to the null
clr.b (a1) ; copy the null
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* make the null terminated string pointed by a0 upper case only
* register not affected
movem.l d0/a0,-(sp)
up_lp: move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s up_x ; exit at last char
cmpi.b #'a',d0
bcs.s up_lp ; forget char lower than 'a'
cmpi.b #'z',d0
bhi.s up_lp ; and char higher than 'z' too
subi.b #'a'-'A',-1(a0) ; make char upper case
bra.s up_lp
up_x: movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* compare null terminated string pointed by a0 and a1.
* upon return a0 is set to the char after the null char of the string a0
* and d0 is set if the two string are same and clear otherwise.
* register affected d0/a0-a1
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s cmpNUL ; exit loop at last char of a0 str
cmp.b (a1)+,d0
beq.s compare ; loop while non-null char are same
cmp_0: tst.b (a0)+ ; get end of a0 string
bne.s cmp_0
cmp_no: moveq #0,d0 ; string are not same
cmpNUL: tst.b (a1) ; last char of a1 str is null too ?
bne.s cmp_no ; no -> not same
moveq #-1,d0 ; yes -> string are same
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* split argument string (pointed by a0 and null terminated) up to 2 parts
* WARNING: each argument must be separate by a blank char, tab or white
* space and must be not contain null char between argument.
* upon return arg1, arg2 hold the pointer for each argument or a pointer
* to a null char if there is no argument. Each argument will be null
* terminated. register affected d0/a0
sub.l #1,a0
sA_1st: addq.l #1,a0 ; update string pointer
move.b (a0),d0 ; get first char of first argument
beq.s sA_No1
cmpi.b #SPACE,d0 ; skip leading blank space
beq.s sA_1st
cmpi.b #TAB,d0
beq.s sA_1st
move.l a0,arg1 ; fill arg1
sAlast: addq.l #1,a0 ; get last char of argument
move.b (a0),d0
beq.s sA_No2
cmpi.b #SPACE,d0
beq.s sAnext ; ready for next argument
cmpi.b #TAB,d0
bne.s sAlast
sAnext: clr.b (a0) ; null terminated argument
sA_sec: addq.l #1,a0 ; update string pointer
move.b (a0),d0 ; get first char of second argument
beq.s sA_No2
cmpi.b #SPACE,d0 ; skip leading blank space
beq.s sA_sec
cmpi.b #TAB,d0
beq.s sA_sec
move.l a0,arg2 ; fill arg1
sA_No1: move.l a0,arg1 ; pointer to a null (no argument)
sA_No2: move.l a0,arg2
* long in d0 is converted to ascii in base d1.l at address a0 up to d2 char
* base in d1.l must be <= 16. leading zero are replace by char in d3
* for d3.l negative, a rotation is do such that the first char is non zero
* and leading zero (d3.b) are pushed right (to the end of the string)
* register not affected
movem.l d0-d5/a0-a1,-(sp)
lea digit(pc),a1 ; digit ascii string
adda.w d2,a0
subq.w #1,d2 ; char counter
move.w d2,d5
move.l d1,d4
move.l d0,d1
ltoa_l: move.l d4,d0 ; restore base
bsr.w div32 ; division by base
move.b (0,a1,d0.w),-(a0) ; digit to ascii
tst.l d1 ; exit for leading zero
beq.s ltoa_j
dbra d2,ltoa_l ; up to d2 char
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5/a0-a1
ltoa_j: tst.l d3 ; left justify ?
bmi.s ltoa_2
bra.s ltoa_0
ltoa_1: move.b d3,-(a0) ; replace leading 0 by char in d3
ltoa_0: dbra d2,ltoa_1 ; up to d2 char
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5/a0-a1
ltoa_2: tst.w d2
beq.s ltoa_x ; no other char to fill -> exit
sub.w d2,d5 ; number of char -1 to move left
movea.l a0,a1 ; last digit address
suba.w d2,a0 ; beginning of the string to fill
ltoa_3: move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ; move digit left
dbra d5,ltoa_3
subq.w #1,d2
ltoa_4: move.b d3,(a0)+ ; fill remainning of string by d3.b
dbra d2,ltoa_4
ltoa_x: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5/a0-a1
digit: dc.b "0123456789ABCDEF"
* (unsigned) divide long in d1 by long in d0. quotient is long in d1.
* remainder is long in d0. other register not affected.
tst.l d0
beq.s d32_er ; division by zero
cmp.l d0,d1 ; d1 < d0 ?
bcs.s d32_NO
cmpi.l #$FFFF,d0 ; if d0 < $FFFF, need only word division
bhi.s l_div ; otherwise long division
* here word division ------------------------------------------------------*
movem.l d2-d3,-(sp)
moveq #0,d3
divu d0,d1 ; let d1 = $FFFF*y + x, d0 = x here y.z/x
bvc.s w_d_ok ; simple division d1 = r2.q2; q2 quotient
move.l d1,d2 ; d2 = y.z (if overflow d1 = y.z again)
clr.w d1 ; d1 = y.0
swap d1 ; d1 = 0.y
divu d0,d1 ; d1 = y/x = r1.q1; r1 remainder q1 quotient
move.w d1,d3 ; d3 = 0.q1
move.w d2,d1 ; d1 = r1.z
divu d0,d1 ; d1 = r1.z/x = r0.q0 ; q1 quotient
w_d_ok: move.l d1,d0 ; d0 = r2.q2 or r0.q0
swap d1 ; d0 = q2.r2 or q0.r0
move.w d3,d1 ; d1 = q2.0 or q0.q1
swap d1 ; d1 = 0.q2 or q1.q0 real quotient
clr.w d0 ; d0 = r2.0 or 0.0
swap d0 ; d0 = 0.r2 or 0.r0 real remainder
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3
* here long division ------------------------------------------------------*
l_div: movem.l d2-d4,-(sp)
moveq #0,d2 ; d2 hold quotient
moveq #0,d3 ; shift and bit number
move.l d0,d4 ; d4 is unmodified divisor
bmi.s l_d ; if bit 31 is set skip next (note d1 >= d0)
l_d_1: addq.b #1,d3 ; else shift left d0 while bit 31 is not set
lsl.l #1,d0 ; (and update quotient bit no.)
bpl.s l_d_1
cmp.l d0,d1 ; if d1 >= d0 skip next
bcc.s l_d
l_d_2: lsr.l #1,d0 ; divide d0 by 2 while d0 > d1
subq.b #1,d3 ; update quotient bit no.
cmp.l d0,d1
bcs.s l_d_2
l_d: bset d3,d2 ; set bit no. in the quotient
sub.l d0,d1 ; new dividend
cmp.l d4,d1 ; loop while dividend >= divisor
bcc.s l_d_2
move.l d1,d0 ; remainder
move.l d2,d1 ; quotient
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4
d32_NO: move.l d1,d0 ; remainder d1 when d0 > d1
moveq #0,d1 ; quotient = 0
d32_er: rts
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* ----------------------------- DATA and BSS ----------------------------- *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
call: dc.l do_mem_free
dc.l do_disk_free
dc.l do_quit
dc.l do_dir
dc.l do_copy
dc.l do_del
dc.l do_ren
dc.l do_path
dc.l do_stop
dc.l do_write
dc.l do_show
dc.l do_print
dc.l do_wait
dc.l do_if
dc.l do_if_not
dc.l do_cls
dc.l do_inf
error: dc.w -2
dc.l readyN
dc.w -6
dc.l seekER
dc.w -8
dc.l sec_nf
dc.w -10
dc.l writeE
dc.w -11
dc.l readE
dc.w -13
dc.l protec
dc.w -16
dc.l secBAD
dc.w -17
dc.l insert
dc.w -32
dc.l funcNB
dc.w -33
dc.l f_n_f
dc.w -34
dc.l p_n_f
dc.w -35
dc.l access
dc.w -39
dc.l insuf
dc.w -46
dc.l driveI
dc.w -66
dc.l format
dc.w -993
dc.l prt_er
dc.w -994
dc.l ren_er
dc.w -995
dc.l noBAT
dc.w -996
dc.l unk_er
dc.w -997
dc.l var_er
dc.w -998
dc.l dkfull
dc.w -999
dc.l missng
dc.w 0
title: dc.b 13,10,"ABZ command shell, by Alain Birtz, feb. 89",10,0
wait_1: dc.b 27,'v',27,'e',13,10,27,'p',0
wait_2: dc.b 27,"q ",0
boot: dc.b "BOOT.BAT",0
free_s: dc.b 13,10,"________ bytes free",0
dir_of: dc.b 13,10,10,"Directory of ",0
nofile: dc.b "No file in this directory",0
volume: dc.b "<<VOL>> ",0
subdir: dc.b "<<DIR>> ",0
any: dc.b "*.*",0
top: dc.b "\",0
two_ln: dc.b 10
one_ln: dc.b 13,10,0
revON: dc.b 27,'p',0
revOFF: dc.b 27,'q',0
curSAV: dc.b 27,'j',0
curRES: dc.b 27,'k',0
cls_s: dc.b 27,'E',0
rgt_s: dc.b 27,'C',0
blank: dc.b 9,9,9,0
copy_s: dc.b 13,10,"Copying ",0
del_s1: dc.b 13,10,"Delete ",0
del_s2: dc.b " ? (Yes, No, All, Cancel) ",0
io_err: dc.b 13,10,10,"I/O error no "
io_no: dc.b "-- ",0
readyN: dc.b "Drive not ready",0
seekER: dc.b "Seek error, track not found",0
sec_nf: dc.b "Sector not found",0
writeE: dc.b "Write error",0
readE: dc.b "Read error",0
protec: dc.b "Disquette write protected",0
secBAD: dc.b "Bad sector",0
insert: dc.b "Disquette not inserted",0
funcNB: dc.b "Invalid function number",0
f_n_f: dc.b "File not found",0
p_n_f: dc.b "Path not found",0
access: dc.b "Acces denied",0
insuf: dc.b "Insufficient memory",0
driveI: dc.b "Invalid drive specification",0
format: dc.b "Invalid file format",0
noBAT: dc.b "No embedded batch file",0
unk_er: dc.b "Unknow command",0
var_er: dc.b "Undefined variable (type %1, %2, ...)",0
dkfull: dc.b "Probably disk full",0
missng: dc.b "Missing argument",0
ren_er: dc.b "Cannot rename file",0
prt_er: dc.b "Printer not ready",0
key_w: dc.b "MFREE",0
dc.b "DFREE",0
dc.b "QUIT",0
dc.b "DIR",0
dc.b "COPY",0
dc.b "DEL",0
dc.b "REN",0
dc.b "PATH",0
dc.b "STOP",0
dc.b "WRITE",0
dc.b "SHOW",0
dc.b "PRINT",0
dc.b "WAIT",0
dc.b "IF_EXIST",0
dc.b "IF_NOT_EXIST",0
dc.b "CLS",0
dc.b "?",0
dc.b 0
ext: dc.b "PRG",0
dc.b "TOS",0
dc.b "TTP",0
dc.b "IMG",0
dc.b "BAT",0
dc.b 0
bpcl: ds.l 1 ; base page command line pointer
ds.l 100
ustk: ds.l 1
amount: ds.l 1 ; how much free memory
m_free: ds.l 1 ; start of free memory
d_free: ds.l 4 ; used in disk free calculation
dta: ds.l 1 ; disk transfert address
arg1: ds.l 1 ; argument pointer
arg2: ds.l 1
parPTR: ds.l 5 ; parameter pointer table
batBUF: ds.l 1 ; start of batch file buffer
batPTR: ds.l 1 ; pointer to current line in batch
batPRV: ds.l 1 ; pointer to previous line in batch
bat_LN ds.l 1 ; one batch line
param: ds.l 1 ; parameter buffer
err_no: ds.w 1 ; error no.
cancel: ds.b 1 ; 'Cancel' flag
alldel: ds.b 1 ; 'delete all file' flag
cmd_ch: ds.b 1 ; 'is command char' flag
exeBAT: ds.b 1 ; 'executing batch file now' flag
def_p: ds.b 80 ; pathname buffer
cmd: ds.b 80 ; user command buffer
work: ds.b 80 ; general purpose work buffer