Crawly Crypt Collection 2
File List
57 lines
** T h e C r a w l y C r y p t C o l l e c t i o n **
* P r e s e n t s *
** Pascal Programming Files **
FOREST2 A program that will analyze Pascal source code. It will list
variables and your code's modularity (or lack of). Should work
equally well with Pure/Turbo source code and OSS/ICD source code.
NOWWHAT5 { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } A tutorial by David Meile detailing the
use of GEM menus with Personal Pascal. Source code examples are
inbedded within the documentation.
P2CBIN p2c -- Dave Gillespie's Pascal-to-C convertor for the Atari ST
(Ported by Steven Ourada sourada@iastate.edu) Compiled with GCC
2.4.5, MiNTlibs 34. This program is supposed to convert Pascal
source code to C source code.
PASCALM { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } A replacement version of PASCAL.PRG, the
Pascal environment manager for Personal Pascal. Contains the shell
program and it's pascal source code as well as documentation.
PASDOX { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } Pascal goodies 1 - A set of text files
that show how to do numerous things with Personal Pascal. Covers
topics too numerous to mention. Originally from the OSS support BBS.
PASSRC { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } Pascal goodies 2 - Several SOURCE
listings for Personal Pascal programs. Again, topics covered are too
numerous to list. Originally from the OSS support BBS.
PAS_LINA { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } Line-A routines written by Devin Cook for
use with Personal Pascal. Includes source code , documentation, and
PAS_XREF Pascal source code variable cross referencer. Analyzes any Pascal
source code and creates a detailed list of variabless, etc.
PDIAL { Pure/Turbo Pascal } PDIAL provides "flying dialogs" for the Pure/
Turbo Pascal programmer. The docs are in German.
SGEM122P { Pure/Turbo Pascal } An alternative GEMlibrary for use with
Application Systems Heidelberg's Pure Pascal
SORTS { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Complete source code for various sort routines.
You can see how different sorts work and how they perform compared to
each other.
SWE_05 { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Keyword Repair - will search through any Pure
Pascal source code and capitalize all the keywords the same way (for
example, if you have "WRITELN" and "writeln" in your code and want
them both to be "WriteLn", this program will do it). Has a user
definable "spelling" format file for keyword capitalizations.
TTUTOR1 { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Turbo Pascal Tutorial version 1.01, Set #1 - a
group of 10 lessons designed to teach how to program using Turbo
Pascal. Although originally designed for the IBM Turbo Pascal, it is
virtually 100% applicable to the ST version of Turbo/Pure Pascal.
TTUTOR2 { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Turbo Pascal Tutorial version 1.01, Set #2 - a
second set of lessons designed to teach how to program using Turbo
Pascal. Although originally designed for the IBM Turbo Pascal, it is
virtually 100% applicable to the ST version of Turbo/Pure Pascal.
TURBOREF { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Turbo Pascal quick reference guide - an ASCII
file that presents all instructions and key words. Originally for
the PC version of Turbo but is almost 100% applicable to the ST
version of Pure.Turbo Pascal.
T_BUBSRT { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Complete source code for a bubble sort routine.
You can see how a bubble sort works and how fast it is.