Crawly Crypt Collection 2
File List
491 lines
** T h e C r a w l y C r y p t C o l l e c t i o n **
* P r e s e n t s *
** Programming Files **
** Assembly Language Programming Files **
ABZSHELL Complete assembly source code to ABZ command shell, by Alain Birtz.
ABZ command shell is a command line interpreter (CLI). The assembly
source code is very well commented (in English).
ACCHEAD Assembly source code of a desk accessory (*.ACC) skeleton. This
source code is extremely well commented in English and was designed
to be assembled with DevPac.
ARGUS Assembly source code for Argus & Xargus, a couple of programming
utils that were written to provide an easy way to keep track of what
a program currently running is doing (reading) on the disk. Argus
intercepts the Bios RWABS call and displays the parameters. Xargus
does a similar thing to the XBIOS call Floprd. (Xbios call #8)
FIX_GDOS Assembly source code to "Fix GDOS" by Dieter Fiebelkorn (of GEM-View
fame). Some programs don't run with GDOS, because this programs call
v_opnvwk() or v_opnwk() with handle 0. Also programs compiled with
OMIKRON-basic have this the "Invalid handle" problem. FixGDOS fixes
this problem.
HDW3_S Assembly source code to the third revision of hdwait. Hdwait is a
program that installs on the bootsector of a floppy disk and which,
when booted, will force the computer to wait for the hard drive to
spin up.
MCLOCK2S Assembly source code for MCLOCK by Robert Fischer. MCLOCK is yet
another corner clock which serves two main purposes: It doesn't use
Line-A, and in addition to being able to display the time in 12 and
24 hour formats, MCLOCK can display it in a 100-hour format
(actually, 100-hur format), where each hur is 1/100 of a day.
RAMDISK Complete assembly source code to create and install a RAMDISK as
drive M:. This is a freely distributable offering from Atari Corp
and was designed to be assembled with the MadMac assembler.
RSC_TO_S Assembly source code for Resource to Source by Roy Glover and Gary
Burke. RSC_TO_S takes a standard .RSC file and converts it to a
formatted assembler source text, which can be saved as an .S file,
and printed to screen or printer. The .S file can then be included in
your program source, edited, re-arranged, and reassembled.
SYNC7UP Assembly source code for the "Syncscrolling in 7 scanlines" routine
by New Mode/Delta Force/Union. This source was meant to be assembled
with the DevPac assembler.
TAPE_SRC Assembly source code for TapeBIOS driver software Version 1.5 by Alan
Hourihane. TapeBIOS program allows these Atari machines to talk to a
SCSI tape drive connected through the DMA bus (not the SCSI bus of
the TT).
** Basic Programming Files **
ACNCH_S GFA Basic source code for Auto Crunch version 2.4 by Mark J. Matts.
Auto Crunch is a QuickBBS utility that will automatically join all
your FILES.BBS's as one large file. This file can then be packed
using standard archiving formats, so far it supports LZH, ARC & ZIP.
AF112SRC Complete GFA Basic source code to AutoFile version 1.12. It is a
program that allows you to connect to file echos. It will
automatically check incoming files and place them in the proper
download directory. No longer requires a key! GNU General Public
License applies. Creates/processes standard TIC files.
DEV_SHEL Demo of Dev Shell version 2.0. This folder contains a demo of the
new GFA BASIC 3.5/3.6 programming shell available from MajicSoft. If
you program in GFA BASIC take a look at this shell. The demo requires
medium resolution but the retail version runs in all ST/STe
resolutions. Dev_Shell 2.0 is Falcon030 compatible.
DLTOT_S GFA Basic source code for DL_Total version 1.2 by Mark J. Matts, a
small utility for a QuickBBS Bulletin Board System that automatically
counts any system downloads and adds a total to the FILES.BBS
FMAIL_S GFA Basic source code for QBBS FMail System version 1.73 by Mark J.
Matts. This program is designed to be used as a FILE mailing utility
for users of your own BBS. All FMail sent can be tagged with a short
one line description or message and can only be received by the
person it is meant for.
FST30 GFA Basic source code for FIDOST.PRG version 3.0 by sector99 -
another fidonet bbs utility program.
GBYE_S GFA Basic source code for QBBS Goodbye version 1.0 by Mark J. Matts.
Allows random "goodbye screens" to be displayed when users log off of
a QuickBBS system.
GFASHELL A replacement shell for GFA Basic version 3.0. This fantastic shell
was written by Reiner Rosin. All documentation is in German.
QPUG_S GFA Basic source code for QBBS PUG (Protocol Usage Graph) version 1.2
by Mark J. Matts. PUG will create bar charts showing how much use
each of your transfer protocols has. Each of the charts are also
created in 4 graphic styles, ie ASC, VTC, VTM and ANS.
QWRIT_S GFA Basic source code for Quick-Writer version 0.02beta by Mark J.
Matts. Quick-Writer is a multi topic online conferance editor/reader
which allows your BBS users to add to the topics while they are
SCSBBS02 GFA Basic source code for a complete BBS package. Includes all the
files needed to set up and test this code. Looks ok, but there is
lots of room for improvement.
SKYSCAPE Complete Basic source code for Skyscape Atari ST version by Jeff
SPLITZ_S GFA Basic source code for QBBS SplitZ version 1.7, The ULTIMATE QBBS
Chat program by Mark J. Matts. SplitZ is, as the name suggests, a
split screen chat program for use with QuickBBS.
TOPPER_S GFA Basic source code for QBBS Topper version 1.6 by Mark J. Matts.
Topper is a 'fun' utility for QuickBBS which will create 4 different
charts for the best callers, the best message writers, the best
uploaders and the best downloaders. Each of the chart screens will be
created in four graphic formats, .ASC, .VTC, .VTM and .ANS
WHOWAS_S GFA Basic source code for WhoWasIt version 1.2 by Mark J. Matts.
WhoWasIt is a program for QuickBBS that creates a chart for the last
specified number of callers. The chart is created in all four
flavors used by QuickBBS, that is ASC, VTC, VTM and ANS.
** Books and Reference Files **
A1MIDI MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Specification 1.0 The
ASCII text file in this archive contains the COMPLETE MIDI standard
hardware and data format. If you want to write MIDI programs, you
NEED this file!
CHANNEL An ASCII text file which describes MIDI Channel Voice Messages in
detail. Details Note ON/OFF, Poly Key Pressure, Control Change,
Program change, Channel Pressure, and Pitch Wheel. This document was
written by Michel Poirier.
CHIPS175 Information about ALL the chips in ALL Atari TOS computers from the
original 520 ST up through the Falcon030. Includes info on the STacy
and ST Book. Text is a mix of English and German - but the diagrams,
etc should be equally usuable by either German speaking people or
English speaking people.
CODE1 A complete description of MIDI Status Bytes written by Michel
Poirier. Includes info on Channel Mode Messages (Mono, Poly, Omni),
System Messages (System Exclusive, System Common, System Real Time),
and Channel Voice Messages
CODE3 An ASCII file written by Michel Poirier that details MIDI Channel
Mode Messages. Includes information about Local Control On/Off, All
Notes OFF, Omni Mode OFF, Omni Mode ON, Mono Mode ON, Poly Mode ON.
FAXCLASS Class 1 and Class 2 Fax Commands. This information has been taken
from Rockwell's RC144AC manual. It has not been taken from the CCITT
Class 1 documentation, which is copyrighted by the CCITT. It includes
a short history of Class 1 and Class 2 Fax, the differences between
the classes, and programming information.
GDOS23E More Joy of GDOS version 2.3 by Gerd Castan (English translation by
Stefan Damerau) is a collection of the author's experiences with
various GDOS printer drivers. This document provides the following
information: What GDOS drivers are available, How to distinguish
between them, What (if any) are the problem(s) with them, Which
drivers can be used for certain printers.
JOY_GDOS More Joy of GDOS version 2.2 Gerd Castan [English translation by
Stefan Damerau]. This is an ASCII document that describes the many
different versions of GDOS and the many different drivers. Great
MFF Standard MIDI Files Specification 0.06 [March 1, 1988]. This document
is Dave Oppenheim's (3/1/88) version of the MIDI file specification,
as sent to those who participated in its development. Complete info
on MIDI *FILE* format.
MIDISPEC The USENET MIDI Primer by Bob McQueer. This ASCII document is an
expanded MIDI definition (sort of in-between IMA MIDI 1.0 and the new
$35 booklet) entered into the public domain on USENET net.musi.synth.
NVDIGUID NVDI 3 Programmer's Guide by Wilfried Behne. This document will aid
anyone wanting to write software that takes advantage of NVDI's GDOS.
The text is in German but there are plenty of C source code examples
that will aid ANYONE in developing new programs.
QWKLAY10 QWK File Layout 1.0 [23 Feb 92] by Patrick Lee. This is one of the
most comprehensive files on the QWK-format. It covers everything from
the format itself, implementation notes, to known mail doors,
readers, & utilities that support the QWK format. It also includes
contact information for many QWK authors.
RS232_2 This directory contains thorough instructions by Kari Alakuijala
detailing how to install a COMPLETE SECOND RS-232 PORT into your ST.
And it is made cheap; all parts you need cost LESS THAN $3.00! Use
at your own risk.
RSVE_E1 RSVE is a hardware project that makes it possible to use baud rates
higher than 19200 on Modem 1 (standard modem port on unmodified STs).
The supported baud rates are 38400, 57600, and 115200. Includes
complete documentation in English and German. Use at your own risk.
SYSTEM MIDI System Messages. This ASCII text file written by Michel Poirier
gives extensive details on MIDI System Exclusive (also known as
SysEx) commands. All information is organized into an easy to read
TRANSFER Information about the X and YMODEM transfer protocols including some
information written by Ward Christensen. Also includes information
on CRC error checking.
YMODEM Complete documentation of the X and YMODEM transfer protocol written
by Chuck Forsberg. Dated 3-11-88, it details the protocols and how
to implement them.
ZMODEM Complete documentation of the ZMODEM transfer protocol written by
Chuck Forsberg of Omen Technologies. Dated 3-11-88, it describes the
protocol and how to implement it in DETAIL. Since Chuck Forsberg is
the person who invented ZMODEM, these docs should be considered to be
the official standard.
** C Programming Files **
** \PROGRAM\C\ **
ARC521S Complete C source code for ARC version 5.21 for the Atari ST. This
code was ported from the IBM PC by Howard Chu.
BERM122S Complete Pure/Turbo C source code for Bermuda version 1.22 by Jac
Kersing. Bermuda is a set of programs for processing Fidonet style
messages. It uses a message base format known as the "QuickBBS ST"
format to store messages. Bermuda was developed for tht The Box
mailer. But can be used with other mailers too (e.g. Binkley ST).
BLF081B Complete C source code to BloufGate, a public domain buggy Fidonet/
Usenet gateway software which acts as an interface beetwen a Fidonet
node producing packets to a point system (the gateway). BloufGate
converts these packets from the Fidonet node to news and batchsmtp
batches. It converts news batches and incoming emails from the RFC
setup to Fidonet packets imported by the fidonet node's tosser.
BM_SRC C source code for the ST version of BM. BM is a fast pattern
matching utility, intended to be almost identical in functionality to
fgrep (ugh!) but much faster. It uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
BTS310B5 Complete Pure/Turbo C source code for BinkleyTerm ST 3.10a <beta 5> -
the premier Fidonet compatible front end mailer. This version of the
source is included due to the fact that many people report it as
being more reliable than newer version of BinkleyTerm.
BTS314B4 Complete Pure/Turbo C source code for BinkleyTerm ST version 3.14A
<beta 4>! This is the latest available source code but some people
have reported having trouble with this version of BinkleyTerm. If
you have problems with it, refer to the 3.10a <beta 5> source
included on this disk.
C2LATEX C++2latex version 1.00 - a C/C++ to LaTeX converter. C++2latex is a
tool for generating LaTeX source from ANSI-C or C++ programs. It
recogizes all keywords, strings, and comments. This folder includes
the complete C source code for the C++2Latex converter.
C68K_SRC This archive contains the source code to a modified version of
Matthew Brandt's C68K compiler. Where Brandt's compiler generated
UNIX assembler code, this version generates code compatible with
MASM, Motorola's resident Assembler.
CDBIND01 Pure/Turbo C bindings for MetaDOS functions by Julian F. Reschke.
Now you can access CD ROMs from Pure C without the hassle of writing
a low level driver.
CDPLAY2 Complete Pure/Turbo C source code to a program by Brian J. Grier
that allows you to play CD's with audio tracks on a Chinon 431 CD ROM
drive. The program will locate the drive on your system. If no drive
is found the program will just exit, with no message.
COOKIE C Binding and source code for reading cookies - Everything you need
for accessing the cookie jar on Atari ST/TT computers. Source code
written by Arnd Beissner
DETEX Complete C source code to a program that strips La(TeX) codes from
TeX files.
E_GEM140 EnhancedGEM version 1.40 - alternate C library routines for use with
Pure/Turbo C.
FLDLIB93 Floating dialogue library version 0.93 beta by M.J.Maisey for Lattice
C. FLDLIB was designed to be a very easy to use windowed dialog
library which would integrate into existing programs with the minimum
of hassle, and which would make writing simple applications which
only use dialogs very quick.
FPUPATCH This folder contains some files (by Dieter Fiebelkorn of GEM-View
fame) for patching the TurboC libraries to add support for the
floating point coprocessor (MC68881 or MC68882). This libraries were
tested on an Atari TT with TurboC 2.03 and 2.05.
GEMFSC18 GemFast version 1.8 PD GEM programming libraries, source code. This
folder contains the complete source code for GemFast version 1.8.
GEMFST18 GemFast version 1.8 by Ian Lepore is a collection of public domain
GEM bindings and programming library. The libraries have more high-
level functions in them, and they pave the way for interesting things
to come in the next couple of versions.
GEMTRIS Complete C source code for a GEM based clone of the popular Tetris
game. The game compiles into a desk accessory. This code should be
a good illustration of how to write a GEM desk accessory in C.
GPR140S GDOS-Print version 1.40 r1 by Steffan Kaminski contains complete
source code that illustrate how to print via GDOS.
IOS_SRC This is the complete C source code for IOSmail by Rinaldo Visscher.
IOS is a fidonet compatible mail tossing system similar in function
to Bermuda or Jetmail.
ITF_SRC Complete C source code to InfoTaskForce's Infocom Interpreter version
4.01 patch-level 2 compiled for Atari ST by Lars Joedal. This program
will let you play ANY Infocom game as long as you can supply the data
files. That means you can buy an IBM version of an Infocom game and
use this program to play it on your Atari ST.
LBBS07 Complete C source code for LazyBBS - The Ultimate BBS for Lazy People
by Franck Arnaud. LazyBBS is a very simple BBS program for a Pandora
Fidonet message base (used by Led, Qbbs, Bermuda, IOS, etc on the
Atari ST). Supports FILES.BBS-like download areas.
LSRC310 Complete Pure/Turbo C Source code for the ST/TT/Falcon030 LHarc
version 3.10 by Christian Grunenberg.
LTICK03 Complete C source code for LazyTick version 0.3 by Franck Arnaud.
LazyTick is a public domain Tick utility (file mailer) for Fidonet
systems using a Pandora message base and a TheBox or Binkley outbound
LTMFPRG2 "The Programmer's Guide to Let'em Fly" is a comprehensive (German)
document that helps the C programmer make use of the Let'em Fly
flying dialog routines. The Pure/Turbo C and GNU C flydial libraries
are included in this folder.
LZHSOURC Source code for Thomas Quester's LZH201L (lharc/lha). The data
compression schemes used by this program are commonly referred to as
LH1 and LH5.
MEMDEBUG Complete C source code for MEMDEBUG version 1.5 by Rene Schmit.
MEMDEBUG is a free utility for C programmers that provides, among
others, the following features: Memory management error detection,
Memory usage error detection, Memory usage profiling, and Error
P2CSRC This folder contains the complete C source code to "p2c" version
1.20, a Pascal to C translator. Program written and maintained by:
Dave Gillespie
PC_217D An alternate Pure C-Shell version 2.17 by Frank Schramm. An
excellent replacement for the shell that comes with Pure C. It was
written in Pure and is a sharware offering (20 DM to register). All
documentation is in German.
PLSTSRC Complete Pure/Turbo C source code to the Atari ST/TT/Falcon030
version of Parselist. Parselist is a nodelist compiler that
BinkleyTerm ST requires to run properly.
POF11 Complete C source code for POF! - Plenty Of Files (Yet Another File
Listing Utility) by Franck Arnaud. POF! is a filelister for LazyBBS,
it produces the master list of files of your board. It was written
for use with LazyBBS, but can be used with for any board using
FILES.BBS like download areas.
RSCTOCS Complete Pure/Turbo C source code to a program by Dieter Fiebelkorn
(of GEM-View fame) that converts RSC files to C source code. All
documentation for this code is in German.
SEALINK Full documentation of the SEAlink transfer protocol written by System
Enhanced Associates. Contains documentation on the transfer protocol
and sample C source code.
SGEM120C SysGEM version 1.20, a replacement GEM library for use with
Pure/Turbo C. Supposed to be much better than the libraries
distributed with Pure/Turbo C.
SMLAES12 Small AES version 1.2 by Oliver Scheel. A Compact and portable
AES-Binding for C Compilers. All documentation is in German.
SPDSRC Lattice C 5.6 Source code (and binaries) to demonstrate the use of
various Speedo GDOS/MultiTOS features.
UUCOSR10 Complete source code for UUCODER version 1.0by Steve Yelvington.
UUCODER is a GEM based, mouse driven program that encodes and decodes
files. It supports the uuencode format commonly used on Usenet
VAFUNC VA-PROTOCOL Support Functions. The functions in vafunc.c support the
calling and receiving of the VA-Protocol messages that Gemini and
Ease etc support. Also a couple of functions for calling ST-Guide
and 1STGuide have been added.
VBI Complete C source code for a vertical blank handler package written
by Bill Dorsey & John Iarocci. VBI is a vertical blank handler
package designed to allow easy access to the Atari STs vertical blank
interrupt system. It allows programmers to incorporate many features
which would otherwise require a multitasking operating system into
their programs with a minimum of difficulty.
VMEM11 Complete C source code and docs for a virtual memory utility. All
the documentation is in German.
V_BIT v_bit by Craig W. Daymon. This program requires GDOS and a GDOS
printer driver as device #21 to be present. It will display a file
selector, allowing the user to select an .IMG file for printing. The
image will be scaled to fit in a 8"x10" area, preserving the proper
aspect ratio and centered within the 8x10 area. Includes the program
and complete C source code.
WINCVT Complete C source code to WinCvt by Wayne E. Wright. WinCvt is a
utility program that converts Atari ST resource files (.RSC) into
Windows resource files (.RC).
XAES_NEW Complete C source code for XAES: The Extended Application Environment
Systems version 1.10 by Ken Hollis, GNU C Extensions by Sascha Blank.
YACCSRC2 Complete C source code to "Yet Another C Compiler" - which is,
naturally, a C compiler.
ZOO21SRC Complete source code to the Atari ST/TT/Falcon030 ZOO archiver
(version 2.1). The source code is in Turbo (Pure) C.
** Compilers, Assemblers, Disassemblers, Resource Editors, Etc. **
C68_445B This archive contains a modified version of Matthew Brandt's C68K
compiler. Where Brandt's compiler generated UNIX assembler code,
this version generates code compatible with MASM, Motorola's
resident Assembler.
CLIPS CLIPS is a type of computer language designed for writing
applications in Expert Systems devloped by NASA at Johnson Space
Flight Center. It was ported to the Atari ST by Luke Hoffman. The
basic elements of CLIPS are: 1) fact-list: global memory for data, 2)
production memory: contains all the rules or productions, 3)
inference engine: controls overall production execution.
GNHSH22 GNUShell version 2.2 by Roland Schäuble is a shareware shell for GNU
GSHEL113 GFA GEM Shell version 1.13 by Lonny L. Pursell and ENCOM is a GEM
shell specifically designed for GFA-Basic 3.x programmers. Unlike
the MENUX program distributed with GFA-Basic this shell contains some
very special features to speed up program developement. If you
install it as an application you can click on your source code from
the GEM Desktop and have the shell load with your source code already
selected. All the settings for a particular source file are retained
and reloaded the next time the same source file is selected
JEDI JEDI version 0.30 by Ralf Zimmermann is an assembler (and
re-assembler) for GALs (GAL16V8 and GAL20V8). It is syntax
compatible with the Maxon GAL Assembler and includes extensive online
help via Holger Weets' ST Guide hypertext reader. All documentation
is in German.
PBUG1_130 Peace Debug version 1.30 - a low level debugger from Germany -
includes English documentation for most of the package.
PCSHE221 PureC-Shell version 2.21 by Frank Schramm is a shareware replacement
shell for use with Application Systems Heidelberg's Pure C
programming package. All docs are in German.
** Miscellaneous Programming Files **
BOOTE17S Modula-2 source code for BOOTEDIT by Remo Hofer which is yet another
auto folder program and accessory selector.
ISAM Modula-2 source code for the Isam File Management system.
LINE_F Optimized LFED 2.0 LineF emulator driver for 68000/68881. Makes your
ST think there is a FPU installed in your machine so that you can
write and test software for that uses an FPU without having to go to
the expense of installing a real one. Comes with sample C, Pascal,
and Assembly code.
M2GEM137 "crystal" is an attempt of a high-portable GEM-library for Modula-2
systems running under GEMDOS on the Atari ST family of computers.
MAS Modula-2 Math system. Contains extensive documentation and help
files. All of the source code is included. A must for Modula-2
PROFILE Program by David Rowley that monitors another program and reports
what percentage of time the monitored programs spends in each
routine. This will let you find areas of your code that need to be
RS2L_V2 RS2L version 2.0 by M. Saro converts .RSC resource files to source
files in C or Assembler. Other programs exist, such as RSC2C or
RSC2ASM, which are capable of this type of conversion. However RS2L
possesses some special features: 1) converts to C or Assembler with
'object fixation' routine. 2) converts to C or Assembler with
multiple strings thus allowing multi-lingual resources. The routines
for changing language are included. 3) while editing a resource,
objects that are not to be translated can be selected by setting a
flag or an extended type.
TIMECODE Timecode, a program intended mainly for the programmer crowd. It
lets you time a series of 68000 instructions (entered as short hex
numbers) which of course should constitute valid (and sensible) code;
the number of clock ticks it takes this instruction to execute is
** Pascal Programming Files **
FOREST2 A program that will analyze Pascal source code. It will list
variables and your code's modularity (or lack of). Should work
equally well with Pure/Turbo source code and OSS/ICD source code.
NOWWHAT5 { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } A tutorial by David Meile detailing the
use of GEM menus with Personal Pascal. Source code examples are
inbedded within the documentation.
P2CBIN p2c -- Dave Gillespie's Pascal-to-C convertor for the Atari ST
(Ported by Steven Ourada sourada@iastate.edu) Compiled with GCC
2.4.5, MiNTlibs 34. This program is supposed to convert Pascal
source code to C source code.
PASCALM { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } A replacement version of PASCAL.PRG, the
Pascal environment manager for Personal Pascal. Contains the shell
program and it's pascal source code as well as documentation.
PASDOX { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } Pascal goodies 1 - A set of text files
that show how to do numerous things with Personal Pascal. Covers
topics too numerous to mention. Originally from the OSS support BBS.
PASSRC { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } Pascal goodies 2 - Several SOURCE
listings for Personal Pascal programs. Again, topics covered are too
numerous to list. Originally from the OSS support BBS.
PAS_LINA { OSS/ICD Personal Pascal } Line-A routines written by Devin Cook for
use with Personal Pascal. Includes source code , documentation, and
PAS_XREF Pascal source code variable cross referencer. Analyzes any Pascal
source code and creates a detailed list of variabless, etc.
PDIAL { Pure/Turbo Pascal } PDIAL provides "flying dialogs" for the Pure/
Turbo Pascal programmer. The docs are in German.
SGEM122P { Pure/Turbo Pascal } An alternative GEMlibrary for use with
Application Systems Heidelberg's Pure Pascal
SORTS { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Complete source code for various sort routines.
You can see how different sorts work and how they perform compared to
each other.
SWE_05 { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Keyword Repair - will search through any Pure
Pascal source code and capitalize all the keywords the same way (for
example, if you have "WRITELN" and "writeln" in your code and want
them both to be "WriteLn", this program will do it). Has a user
definable "spelling" format file for keyword capitalizations.
TTUTOR1 { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Turbo Pascal Tutorial version 1.01, Set #1 - a
group of 10 lessons designed to teach how to program using Turbo
Pascal. Although originally designed for the IBM Turbo Pascal, it is
virtually 100% applicable to the ST version of Turbo/Pure Pascal.
TTUTOR2 { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Turbo Pascal Tutorial version 1.01, Set #2 - a
second set of lessons designed to teach how to program using Turbo
Pascal. Although originally designed for the IBM Turbo Pascal, it is
virtually 100% applicable to the ST version of Turbo/Pure Pascal.
TURBOREF { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Turbo Pascal quick reference guide - an ASCII
file that presents all instructions and key words. Originally for
the PC version of Turbo but is almost 100% applicable to the ST
version of Pure.Turbo Pascal.
T_BUBSRT { Pure/Turbo Pascal } Complete source code for a bubble sort routine.
You can see how a bubble sort works and how fast it is.