Crawly Crypt Collection 2
File List
27 lines
** T h e C r a w l y C r y p t C o l l e c t i o n **
* P r e s e n t s *
** Atari TT Specific Files **
BINRISV3 Bv3 by Christophe Boyanique and Gilles Bouthenot is a GIF/TGA file
viewer for TT030 (and the Falcon030).
FRACTALS Fractals for the Atari TT med resolution by Uwe Seimet. Pretty slick
fractal generator. Includes complete source code.
NOROACH NOROACH TT/MegaSTE boot delay setup and virus guard by Ken
Badertscher. NOROACH allows you to set the length of time TOS will
wait before trying to boot from the hard disk. It also has the
useful side effect of guarding against floppy disk viruses.
ROMRA11L ROMRAM Version 1.1L by Alexander Herzlinger. Copies TT TOS from ROM
into TT Fastram - dramatically IMPROVES system performance!
TTFAST_R MOVing Inversion Ram-Test for TT-Fast (Alternate) Ram is a quick and
dirty TT Fast RAM tester.
TTHISHOT TT-High-Snapshot version 1.00 by Christoph Zwerschke is a public
domain snapshot program for the TT030. This program will allow you
to save whatever is on the screen to a graphics file.
TT_ASSGN An ASSIGN.SYS file written by Ron Grant that works in all TT
resolutions (yes, even TT LOW, but GDOS applications have a certain
amount of problems with the 40 column screen width).
VGA_SIM VGA Simulator version 1.09 by Christoph Zwerschke is a VGA monitor
simulator for TT030's. All documentation is in German. Shareware!