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* StripANSI Docs v1.2 *
* *
* Program and Documentation Written by Syd L. Bolton *
* *
* ⌐1991,92 Legendary Design Technologies Inc. *
V1.2 includes the following new features/additions:
a) I received a letter from Robert Gould, who asked
if StripANSI could not just strip codes - but convert
them to standard ASCII. Well, there's really only
one that would work, and that's INSERT {N} CHARS. Now,
under the new "SPECIAL" menu, if you have this conversion
turned on, a file that had the code (for example) to
"INSERT 5 CHARACTERS", it would be replaced with 5
spaces in the output file. NOTE this is NOT 100% ANSI
compatible, but should work in many cases (I believe
Robert wanted to line up columns of numbers).
b) While I was at it, I thought I might as well add an
option to convert TABS (ASCII 9) to actual SPACES.
The default is 8 spaces, but I've added a little
requester to let you change that.
c) Perhaps it might even be useful to CONDENSE a file
(go the other way - convert spaces into tabs... just
a thought)
d) The help option now has another page to accomodate
the new features.
I've documented the new features a little
better in case you want to add your own
conversions in the future.
NOTE: Although the CLI version indicates 1.2, it DOES NOT
do the above features. It's a little hard to
implement with so many command line switches. I've
changed the version number in the program only to
be consistent with the rest of the package.
V1.1 includes the following new features/additions:
a) Additional codes now stripped. These include the
bell character (ASCII 7), and many others that
aren't true ANSI codes but can be found in many
b) The Workbench version now contains on-line help.
Here you will find a list of the new codes and
their ASCII values. Press HELP or use the menu.
c) The CLI version includes a new switch called "TRUE".
When this is turned on, only true ANSI codes are
stripped. Things like BELL's, BACKSPACES, and what
not are left alone.
CLI VERSION: i) source changed to make it easier
to add new codes (called extended)
ii) re-compiled with Manx 5.2a
WORKBENCH VERSION: i) gadgets code re-written into an
array (as mentioned in 1.0).
ii) report format changed to allow
for more codes in the future.
iii) re-compiled with Manx 5.2a
There are many times when capturing buffers from terminal
programs that you may find the pretty (but sometimes annoying) use of
ANSI codes to be undesireable. In one case, I wanted to keep my own
list of downloadable files from a certain BBS, but I wanted to weed
out the menus, and other messages. When loading my captured file into
my text editor, I was appalled to see the screen cluttered with ANSI
codes everywhere. Search & replace just won't do here, since there are
so many variations. So, a program needed to be written to remove these
codes for me. Here is that program.
The Two Flavours of StripANSI
StripANSI actually comes in two (2) different versions, each
of which has a particular use for you, depending upon your system.
They are:
This is the smallest version of the program, intended to be used
by people who don't like WIMP interfaces, but prefer command line ones.
The usage of the program is simply:
StripANSI inputname outputname [REPORT,TRUE]
Of course, the 'inputname' is the name of the ANSI-ridden file,
'outputname' is the name of the destination filename for the NEW, stripped
file, and the optional 'REPORT' will generate a report about the number
of ANSI entries, and their appropriate percentages. 'TRUE' is a new
feature to V1.1, and allows you to specify that ONLY ANSI codes are
removed, and NOT things like FORM FEEDS, CARRIAGE RETURNS, BELLS, etc.
This version of StripANSI has a full Intuition interface that allows
more control over the conversion. You have the ability to selectively turn
on and off certain types of conversions. The default is that ALL ANSI codes
listed on the screen are to be stripped. If you DON'T want one (or more) of
these codes stripped, click on its gadget to highlight it. There is also the
ability to selectively generate a report, and all file handling is done
through a file requester which makes the entire program 'point and click'.
In the latest release, V1.1, you have some new codes added that
the program will strip. Most of these are control codes that many dot-
matrix printers support, and I have added their removal at the request
of Robert Bromley from British Columbia. Their codes are listed in the
"OTHER CODES" section of the screen, and their actual ASCII values can
be obtained by selecting HELP (another new feature, accessible by either
selecting help from the menu, or pressing the HELP key on the keyboard).
Another new feature is called "INVERT" which will invert the status
of all of the gadgets on the screen. NOTE: Due to a bug in the operating
system, clicking on this gadget repeatedly will cause the appearance of the
gadgets to be incorrect - they will still function as you would expect and
clicking on it several more times will correct the problem. Coding wise,
there are ways around this but they were too cumbersome to include at this
point in time, and the problem exists both in 1.2/1.3 and 2.0.
Originally, I had planned an ARP version as well. Since the
Workbench version is small enough, I have abolished this idea.
How It Works
StripANSI is a very simple program. A table of code names, and
their equivalent 'ending' indicators was created. When a CSI (Code
Sequence Introducer) character is encountered in the input file, the
program then searches the table to find a match for the 'ending'
indicators. When one is found, normal 'read in, write out' procedures
continue, until another CSI is encountered. By simply not writing the
characters found between (and including) the CSI and ending character,
we eliminate all ANSI codes in a file.
Currently, StripANSI will also eliminate any BACKSPACE (ASCII:8)
characters, which often appear in terminal buffers when a mistake is
made on the keyboard. It will also eliminate FORM FEEDs (ASCII:12) which
is often used to clear the screen. NOTE: In v1.1, it will also strip
various other codes, including the BELL (ASCII:7) and others. For a
complete list, ask for HELP in the program.
True ANSI?
Since I do not actually have a valid ANSI table of codes
(if someone can tell me where I can get a complete table, I would be
most appreciative), I have only filtered the codes that the Amiga
understands, as defined by the latest RKM, 'Libraries & Devices'.
StripANSI will also remove any Amiga-specific (non-ANSI) codes, and
these are preceeded by a '╗' character to indicate they are NON-ANSI.
Please test this program with files you have to make sure
it works as it should, trying the report option as well. Please
realize the '%' indicators is not actually 100% accurate: this is
because I did not want to introduce floating-point numbers (as this
would increase program size unnecessarily) so the % will probably
only add up to 99%, but this is okay, and not really a bug.
Any problems, questions, or concerns should be directed to
me either via E-MAIL, mail, fax, or voice. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME!
Syd Bolton
Legendary Design Technologies Inc.
25 Frontenac Avenue
Brantford, Ontario
N3R 3B7
(519)-753-6120 voicemail/fax - extension 5
(519)-754-1205 Probe BBS: Sysop: A.Antoszewski 24hrs, 2400, 8n1