17100 Nice going! You've found the control room for the counterweight and pulley mechanism that operates the lift platform.
17101 The counterweight and the lift platform weigh the same amount. Go back to the control panel and reconfigure the counterweight.
17102 Nice work! You've deactivated the upper security lock.
17103 Great! Lower security lock deactivated.
17104 Excellent job! Both security locks deactivated. The security door is now open!
17105 Whooaaa! Going up!
17106 Going down!
17107 Oh no! We're falling!
17108 Here we are, back at the counterweight control room.
17109 This tunnel leads to the counterweight control room.
17111 This is the lift platform.
17112 This is the security door that needs to be unlocked. Find the switches that unlock it. Maybe you should talk to that Jawa by the door to get some help.
17113 This security door is still locked. One more switch still needs to be deactivated.
17114 Hey, there's a crate on the lift platform. That adds a little weight to our problem!
17115 There's a droid on the lift platform. I wonder how much it weighs?
17116 That droid can't talk! It isn't equipped with a vocabulator. You'll need to find out how much it weighs some other way.
17117 Don't you have the parts to make that type of droid back in the workshop?
JFC200 Yay!!
JFC210 Good job! You opened up the security door! Wimateeka will be proud!
JHC000 Pssst. Come over here, droid.
JHC002 Hello again!
JHC003 Anything else?
JHC100 My name is Zwabu. Pleased to meet you. Normally I fix the counterweight when it runs out of sand. But right now I'm on my lunch break. What are you doing here?
JHC201 As I said, I'm on my lunch break.
JHC300 Continue down the hallway until you come to a small lift. Then step onto it. After that, you should have no problem finding the control room again.
JHC210 Hmm. Try going down the hallway until you come to a small lift. Then step onto it.
JHC220 Exploring? Well here's a tip for you. If the counterweight lift platform is not moving fast enough you might be too heavy. The less you weigh the faster your locomotion can move you.
JHC230 Well, you should talk to Teokuk. He knows all about the counterweight and pulley lift platform! He should be able to get you back on track.
JHC240 So you don't know, huh? You look to me like a well-built droid. I suggest you try to finish this training mission! If you succeed, you will be rewarded handsomely with a new droid part. What more could you ask for?
JAC000 Hello droid. My name is Teokuk. What do you want?
JAC001 Oh, back again? What is it this time?
JAC002 Anything else?
JAC101 The security door is around this corner and past the lift platform, but it's locked. If you want to open it, you have to find the switches by using the lift platform.
JAC201 What do you want to know about the lift platform?
JAC202 Anything else you want to know about the lift platform?
JAC205 Press the big red button on the lift platform to release the brake. But remember to set the weight of the counterweight first. The last droid that went through here pushed the brake button before correctly setting the counterweight and, well, let's just say his plans came crashing down.
JAC203 You can go up or down by making the counterweight either heavier or lighter than whatever is on the lift platform. Watch out! Make the counterweight too heavy or too light, and you'll send yourself on quite a ride!
JAC204 Every time you press plus or minus on the control panel, your droid will add or subtract 10 kilograms of sand at a time from the counterweight. The numerical display shows you the weight of the counterweight.
JAC301 Don't you wish you knew! The reason for our glowing eyes has been a well-kept secret for generations! No Jawa would reveal it -- especially not to a nosy droid like you!
JAC401 Do I look like a galactic encyclopedia to you? You'll have to check InDex for that kind of information.
JAC500 Be careful around that lift platform! You might get hit by a sudden gust of gravity. Heh, heh, heh.
PDP100 Hello.
JFP210 Hello.
JAP500 Goodbye.
JHP400 Goodbye.
JAP500 Goodbye.
JFP220 Goodbye.
PDP200 How much do you weigh?
PDP210 Pretty please?
JHP001 Thanks.
JHP002 Oh. Okay
JAP000 All right.
JAP100 Where is the security door?
JAP200 How do I work this lift platform?
JAP300 How do your eyes glow like that?
JAP400 What is a counterweight?
JAP205 How do I release the lift platform brake?
JAP202 How do I operate the lift platform?
JAP204 How do I change the counterweight?
JAP206 That's all I wanted to know. Thank you!
JHP000 Very well.
JHP100 What's your name and what are you doing here?
JHP300 How do I get back to the counterweight control room?