O_TEXTBLOCK_TEXT A flat, or plane, mirror <HL Topic=Reflection.tpc>REFLECTS</HL> a reversed image the same size as the original object. A convex mirror curves outward in the middle; it reflects an image smaller than the image seen in a plane mirror. A concave mirror curves inward in the middle. Concave mirrors produce large images that are right side up inside the focal point, small upside-down images outside the focal point, and no image at all at a distance that is two times the focal length.
E_QUEST1 Why are the images reflected in the front and back of a spoon different?
E_QUEST2 What kind of mirror produces an image that looks both stretched out and squeezed up?
E_QUEST3 How does a telescope work?
D_TEXTBLOCK_TEXT Mirrors are flat or curved surfaces that produce images of objects because light <HL Topic=Reflection.tpc>REFLECTS</HL> from their surfaces. There are three kinds of mirrors: plane, concave, and convex.