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Portable Network Graphic  |  1999-03-01  |  14KB  |  625x518  |  4-bit (14 colors)
Labels: text | screenshot | games | square | chess | board game | indoor games and sports
OCR: @ Dam - O X Game Move Time Board Options Window Help S Game × 8 28x17 11x22 9 38-33 13-18 10 33-28 22×33 11 39×28 18-22 12 28x17 6-11 13 17x 6 10-14 14 31-27 5-10 15 27-21 16x27 16 36-31 27x36 17 42-38 9-13 18 44-39 4- 9 19 50-44 14-19 20 45-40 Clock × 00:03:17 00:03:31 00.00.25 00.00.0 Player to move with Black