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- Revised and reprinted from Proceedings of the Seventh ARRL Computer Networking
- Conference (ARRL, Newington, CT, 1988), pp. 141-144, by permission of the
- authors.
- ARES/Data:
- W. E. Moerner, WN6I
- 1003 Belder Drive
- San Jose, California 95120
- David Palmer, N6KL
- 248 Omira Drive
- San Jose, California 95123
- N6KL @ KB6OWT, CIS: 73357,3157
- ARES/Data is a multiple connect, specialized bulletin board system tailored to
- store and retrieve basic information about people, places, or things during an
- emergency. The program is a generalized form of the FINDER program (Family
- Information Database for Emergency Responders), written by David Palmer, N6KL
- and W. E. Moerner, WN6I [See FINDER: The Family Information Database for
- Emergency Responders, Proceedings of the Sixth ARRL Computer Networking
- Conference, 1987, by W. E. Moerner, Sharon Moerner, and David Palmer].
- Although ARES/Data allows access to the database via packet radio, the program
- can also operate stand-alone without the need for packet radio hardware. The
- actual operating mode is chosen by the system operator when the ARES/Data
- program is started.
- ARES/Data is a system designed for management of information during a
- widespread emergency that overloads normal communications channels. The
- program is designed to be flexible, so that it can be used without change for
- both small and large disasters to organize information about victims, evacuees,
- or even ham radio operators. Examples of situations in which ARES/Data could
- be used are:
- - registration of individuals at Red Cross shelters
- - patient/victim tracking in a multiple casualty incident
- - maintaining staffing information about hams assigned to an emergency
- - listings of road closures or damage reports
- - logging reports from SKYWARN observers during periods of severe weather
- With alternate power sources and their own frequencies, Amateur Radio Emergency
- Service (ARES) operators can provide the ARES/Data service without tying up
- critical communications channels or relying on commercial power.
- There are three major elements to the ARES/Data system:
- - ARES/Data software and database
- - Data Concentrators (remotely connected packet operators)
- - Voice operators
- The central element of the ARES/Data system is the computer on which the
- ARES/Data program is running. The ARES/Data program collects and collates
- current information about people or items in the system, according to the needs
- of the incident. The program establishes and maintains the actual database on
- floppy disk or hard disk at this central computer. In general, the operator at
- the computer keyboard can add new records to the database, delete incorrect
- records, perform searches for specific information, and generate database
- summaries. The ARES/Data program will run on any IBM Personal Computer or
- IBM-compatible system running IBM DOS or MS/DOS with at least one floppy disk,
- although a hard disk increases the allowable size of the database and improves
- performance. [IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
- Corporation.]
- If remote access to the database is desired, addition of a serial port, TNC,
- and radio allows the central database computer to become the hub of a packet
- radio network in which up to eight remotely connected stations can
- simultaneously access the information in the ARES/Data database. These packet
- radio stations, called "Data Concentrators," can update or query the shared
- database. This data access occurs by exchanging updates or queries in a
- simple, precise, and well-defined format.
- Data Concentrators extend the coverage of the ARES/Data system. They are the
- input/output ports of the ARES/Data database when remote access is needed. The
- Data Concentrators can also act as local net controls for any participating
- voice operators within their range. If voice operators are not needed, the
- packet operators interact with the public and/or disaster officials directly.
- The Voice Operators enter the ARES/Data system when the points of contact with
- those needing information are numerous and/or spread over a wide area. These
- amateurs are also the public face of the ARES/Data system. They can be the
- 'reporters' live at the scene, sending status updates and requests to the Data
- Concentrators. They also ensure delivery of responses to the persons making
- status requests.
- Emergency responders, their families, evacuees located at a particular shelter,
- and responsible agency officials access the ARES/Data system by contacting a
- participating amateur radio operator.
- The ARES/Data Program
- The ARES/Data software was written by W. E. Moerner, WN6I, and David Palmer,
- N6KL. It may be run in either of two modes: stand-alone with no TNC support
- and no remote access, or by changing the configuration file, the program will
- control a TNC that allows multiple (simultaneous) remote connections. If TNC
- support is chosen, the program requires a TNC with WA8DED firmware, because
- WA8DED host mode is used for communication between the computer and the TNC.
- WA8DED firmware is currently available for the TAPR TNC-1 and TNC-2 as well as
- CONNECTED TO THE ARES/Data DATABASE MACHINE, except that they use AX.25
- link-layer protocol. The ARES/Data program is written in Turbo Pascal Version
- 4, and uses Turbo Database Toolbox for management and indexing of its B-plus
- structured tree. [Turbo Pascal and Turbo Database Toolbox are trademarks of
- Borland International, Inc.] Briefly, ARES/Data may be regarded as a
- specialized multiple connect BBS with a specific command set tailored to the
- handling of STATUS INPUT information and SEARCH REQUESTS.
- The ARES/Data database is simply a collection of records. Each record consists
- of four main items or "fields" plus a message item. The information in the
- four main fields can be sorted or searched as required. The rest of this
- section provides examples and a condensed user manual for the ARES/Data system.
- General Rules for Current Information Input / Search Requests
- All basic commands can be entered either at the main ARES/Data keyboard or at
- any one of the remotely connected packet stations. In addition, the operator
- at the main ARES/Data keyboard (the "sysop") has an additional set of commands
- that allow direct communication with the TNC, the printing of a log, backups,
- and disk report files.
- Syntax for Current Information Input:
- To add a record to the database, the operator simply enters the four fields and
- any message, in order, with separators between the fields. The only valid
- separator is the comma. Within a field, leading and trailing blanks are
- ignored, but imbedded blanks ARE significant. If no value is desired for a
- particular field, just skip the field by adding an extra comma. The database
- will fill that field with ten blank characters. For example,
- field1,field2,field3,field4,message<cr>
- (<cr> means carriage return)
- Fields 1 through 4
- The four fields are very general. Each can have up to 20 characters, with
- imbedded blanks. The meaning of each field is defined at the beginning of the
- event by the ARES officials, depending upon the nature of the event and what
- type of information needs to be tracked. The sysop can issue a "labels"
- command that will give specific names to each of the four fields to help the
- operators remember the purpose of each field for a particular event.
- Message
- MESSAGE is an optional, free-form field that can be up to 80 characters in
- length. It could contain a message, a phone number, an address, or other
- information deemed useful for the incident.
- Examples of Data Input with Sample Responses from ARES/Data
- 85553195,joe,12,sj34<cr>
- response-> 1040: data input accepted, #234.
- Johnson,Mary,93445,sj13, home 2333 Alsace Ln SJ 617-555-2368<cr>
- response-> 2134: data input accepted, #114.
- All of the input information is stored in the database as a record of the
- status and location of a particular person at a particular time and date. The
- time and date are added automatically by ARES/Data. The number at the end of
- the response is the actual "record number" associated with the input
- information assigned by ARES/Data. Further data input packets for the same
- person will also be saved in the database under a new record number. The time
- and date identifies which information is most recent.
- Syntax for Search Requests
- The search commands instruct the database to look for ALL entries with the same
- value for field 1, 2, 3, or 4. For example:
- /1,value<cr> Searches for "value" in field 1
- /2,value<cr> Searches for "value" in field 2
- /3,value<cr> Searches for "value" in field 3
- /4,value<cr> Searches for "value" in field 4
- (For convenience in typing, the character question mark "?" may be used instead
- of the diagonal bar "/"--both are treated identically). A status report
- listing all information for each match in the field specified is sent back to
- the requesting packet station. The first line gives the search value and the
- field number. VALUE must exactly match what was originally typed in for the
- selected field, with leading and trailing blanks removed, and without regard
- for case. At the end of the report, the line
- ARES/Data Search done at HHMM, nn hits.
- is sent, which signifies no more information coming, and that "nn" matches (or
- hits) were found in the database at time "HHMM".
- Examples of Search Requests:
- /1,5553195<cr>
- /2,w1aw<cr>
- /3,mercyhosp<cr>
- /4,85563<cr>
- Example Response from ARES/Data for the last case:
- Search for value "85563" in Field4
- Recno DT/Time: Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Msg
- 59 13/1257: DOE JANE,F23,SH05,85563, 2 CHILDREN
- ARES/Data search done at 1259, 2 hits.
- Syntax for Summary Requests
- A Summary command is provided that prints a breakdown of the number of
- like-named items for any particular field. For example, if ARES/Data were
- being used to maintain a list of evacuees, and field 3 was designated for
- "shelter location", then the command "$3" would print a list of all distinct
- shelter names in use, and adjacent to each, the number of records (people) in
- the database at each shelter would be printed.
- $1<cr> Produces a summary on field 1
- $2<cr> Produces a summary on field 2
- $3<cr> Produces a summary on field 3
- $4<cr> Produces a summary on field 4
- Sample Output from a Summary Request:
- Database summary for Field3 at 1455 on 23
- SHLTR5 37
- ARES/Data done at 1456, found 4 distinct values, entire DB has 153 records.
- Listing Specific Entries (Records) in the Database
- Each record is automatically assigned a unique record number for identification
- purposes.
- l nnnnn<cr> lists record nnnnn
- Deleting Specific Entries (Records) from the Database
- This function is always enabled at the sysop keyboard. Its use by remotely
- connected packet stations is controlled initially by the configuration file
- during program startup. Thereafter, the sysop can disable or enable this
- function as necessary. Be extremely careful in using this command! Always
- list the record first before deleting to be sure you have the right one.
- d nnnnn<cr> deletes record nnnnn
- Conference Bridge (Roundtable)
- This feature allows any connected station to send messages to other connected
- stations or to the sysop. The conference bridge illustrates how the ARES/Data
- system operates as a hub-oriented network, with all transactions passing
- through the central database station.
- Users Command
- The users command in the form "users<cr>" or "u<cr>" returns a list of the
- callsigns of packet stations currently connected to ARES/Data. The response is
- of the form:
- At WN6I-1: N6KL W6BB-3 AJ6T
- Tell Command
- The Tell command allows connected packet stations to use ARES/Data as a
- conference bridge, or roundtable. The general format is:
- tell callsign message<cr> or t callsign message<cr>
- For example:
- tell w6bb-3 We have lots of people here at SJ12<cr>
- The message "We have lots of people here at SJ12" is sent to the connected
- station W6BB-3 prefaced by a time stamp and the call of the station originating
- the tell command. In this case, if the tell command was sent by AJ6T, W6BB-3
- sees:
- 1230 AJ6T> We have lots of people here at SJ12
- The special callsign "*" or "all" is used to send a message to all connected
- stations. The special callsign "sysop" sends the message to the sysop at the
- ARES/Data database station. It is not necessary to enter the entire callsign--
- just the suffix or some other substring will do. In this case, the message is
- sent to any connected station whose callsign contains this substring. This
- feature can be used to create multiple roundtables. For example, packet
- stations located at, say, hospitals could adopt subĀ¬station identifiers (SSIDs)
- of "-1", while those located at shelters could use SSIDs of "-2". This way,
- broadcast messages of interest to either group can be easily sent without
- disrupting the other group. For example:
- tell -1 Mercy Hospital has 12 beds available.<cr>
- This message would be sent to all stations that were part of the hospital net.
- - In an evacuation of residents in a local area, the Red Cross often maintains
- health and welfare status information about evacuees. In this case, the four
- fields and the comment field might be defined to be:
- Last Name - First Name, Shelter, Number in Family, Last phone, Next of kin
- - In a multiple-casualty event where victim transportation needs to be
- tracked:
- Name, Sex/Age, Ambulance#, Hospital, Injuries
- - In a ham radio staffing situation:
- Call, Name, Location, Shift, phone number for cancellation
- - In a disaster situation where damage assessment and damage reports are
- needed:
- Coded type of damage, Location, Number of injuries, Callsign, comment
- There are many more possibilities, of course. This is why the exact
- definitions of the various fields are not defined in advance. In any given
- situation, more information than will fit into four fields and a comment field
- might be needed. However, on today's 1200 baud packet radio networks, not much
- more information per record can be accommodated without restricting the total
- number of records that can be handled in a reasonable time.
- The ARES/Data program, a relative of and successor to the FINDER program, is in
- the public domain. The current version is 0.1, which operates as described in
- this paper. A copy of the program along with the documentation is available
- for non-commercial, non-profit use from WN6I or N6KL by sending a blank,
- formatted 5 1/4" (360 kB) or 3 1/2" (720 kB) floppy in a mailer with return
- postage stamps. The cost to you is the cost of the diskette and postage. No
- other compensation can or will be accepted - please do not send money. We have
- included a configuration file facility so that you can tailor many parameters
- to your specific system.
- The ARES/Data program is continuously being updated to add additional function
- and flexibility. For example, multiple TNC operation at the main database is
- being added to the program to allow more data concentrators on multiple
- frequencies. Database enhancements include substring searches and the ability
- to update a specific field for a specific record. We encourage your comments
- and suggestions, and will strive to incorporate them in future releases.
- The ARES/Data concept is a generalization of the FINDER system, and the
- deliberations of the FINDER committee have contributed greatly to the present
- form of ARES/Data:
- Sharon Moerner, N6MWD, FINDER Committee Chairperson
- Dick Rawson, N6CMJ
- Randy Miltier, N6HMO
- Weo Moerner, WN6I
- David Palmer, N6KL
- Bill Robinson, WB6OML
- Don De Groot, KA6TGE
- Glenn Thomas, WB6W, SCV Section Manager
- Don Tsusaki, WW6Z, FINDER manual editor
- In addition, we have benefited from all ham radio operators in the Santa Clara
- Valley Section that have participated in the various alpha and beta tests of
- the FINDER and ARES/Data systems.