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- CONFIG.DOC Documentation on ARESDATA.CFG for Version 1.5 for SYSOP
- ARES/Data will not run correctly unless you have properly edited
- ARESDATA.CFG! In addition, to set your callsign, you must edit
- STARTUP.xxx for the TNC type that you are using. The call for the G8BPQ
- switch is setup by BPQCFG.TXT. Please read this file carefully, and see
- the example on the distribution disk for a good config file.
- Multiple comment lines starting with a semicolon are allowed anywhere in
- the file. Each non-comment line begins in column 1 with a command
- identifier followed by several optional parameter values that can be in
- the form "value" or "identifier=value". Follow each parameter
- definition with at least one space. Look at the example ARESDATA.CFG
- for illustrations. Below is a description of each configuration
- command. Replace the square brackets and the parameter name inside with
- the value you desire for that parameter. For string values, remove the
- double quotes when you enter the string in the config file.
- journal [journalpath] [jrninterval]
- journalpath is the drive:path for the ARESDATA.JRN file.
- jrninterval is the number of new database transactions
- between updates of the journal file. max=25.
- backup [backuppath] [backupint]
- backuppath is the drive:path for the .BAK files.
- backupint is the backup interval in number of new database
- transactions since the last backup. 0 means
- no backup.
- DBpath [dbpath]
- dbpath is the drive:path for the database files
- Indexpath [ndxpath]
- ndxpath is the drive:path for the index files
- Publicpath [pubpath]
- pubpath is the drive:path for public downloading of your
- choice. Be sure to put the "info" file in
- this subdirectory so users can type "get info".
- printer [printerno]
- printerno is the printer number. Put 1 for lpt1:, etc.
- startup ["auto" or "prompted"]
- "auto" means that the program will attempt to synchronize
- with all interfaces automatically.
- "prompted" means you want to be asked to turn on each TNC
- logall If present, causes all incoming packets to be logged
- to the sysop screen.
- attach [name] type=[xxxx] port=[num] baud=[bnum] users=[nuser]
- autoexec=[filename] ["deleteoff" or "deleteon"]
- name is a three-letter name for this interface that
- you choose, i.e., "ax0", "ax1", for asynch ports,
- "dr0" for the DRSI port, etc.
- xxxx is the interface type: must be "DED" for any TNC
- with WA8DED firmware, "DRSI" if there are
- DRSI boards present, and "BPQ" for a BPQ
- switch. Note no matter how many
- DRSI boards you might have, use only ONE attach
- command! But you must have one attach command
- for each non-DRSI tnc.
- num is the COM port number. Useless for DRSI and BPQ.
- For all others, use the port number you have
- selected with MBBCONFG.EXE. Most often, you
- will use "1" for COM1: with address 3F8 and
- int4, and "2" for COM2: with address 2F8 and
- int3.
- drsivec is the software interrupt number used by the
- DRSI driver TNCTSR-S.EXE, which is usually 255
- (hex FF).
- bpqvec is the software interrupt number used by the
- G8BPQ DED host interface program, DEDHOST. If
- you are using DEDHOSFE, use 254 (hex FE).
- bnum is the baud rate. Not used for DRSI or BPQ.
- See example in ARESDATA.CFG).
- For serial ports, we recommend 4800 or lower.
- nuser is the maximum number of users allowed on this
- interface at one time. Set this to be equal
- to or less than the maximum number of connects
- allowed on this particular TNC. For DRSI,
- this should be less than or equal to the maximum
- number of connects allowed by the TNCTSR you are
- using, with all "sub-ports" taken together.
- Max value on any interface: 10.
- filename is the filename of a startup file that contains
- DED commands to be sent to this interface
- when ARES/Data starts. NOTE! THIS IS WHERE THE
- files on the distribution disk for examples.
- Note that every command in the startup file
- must END with a semicolon ";". Meaningless
- for BPQ switch.
- "deleteoff" if this parameter is present, this interface
- starts with remote delete disabled. (see
- SYSOP.DOC for an explanation)
- "deleteon" if this parameter is present, this interface
- starts with remote delete enabled.
- retry [ntimes]
- ntimes is the serial port retry count. Adjust this
- upward if you are having TNC timeout errors.
- pcparetry [ntimes]
- ntimes is the DRSI PC*PA adapter retry count. Adjust this
- upward if you are having DRSIin timeout errors.
- bpqretry [ntimes]
- ntimes is the BPQ switch retry count. Adjust this
- upward if you are having BPQin timeout errors.
- beacon [interval] [beacontext]
- interval is the beacon (unproto) interval in MINUTES.
- Please do not beacon with a short interval!!!!!!
- Zero ("0") disables beacon function.
- beacontext is the beacon text
- labels = [label1],[label2],[label3],[label4],[msglabel]
- label1 is the label for field 1 (20 chars max)
- label2 is the label for field 2
- label3 similar
- label4 similar
- msglabel similar
- widths = [wid1],[wid2],[wid3],[wid4]
- wid1 is the printing width for field 1
- wid2 is the width for field 2
- wid3 similar
- wid4 similar