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- ARES/Data Search Help File SEARCH.HLP
- Depending on how ARES/Data is configured, you can search
- any of fields 1 through 4, either for an exact match, or
- for a "wildcard" search.
- Syntax:
- /m,value
- or:
- /m,val*
- Where: m may be either 1, 2, 3, or 4.
- Examples: /3,shelter 4
- /3,shel*
- Exact searches:
- If no asterisk is used, then the database will search all entries
- and display any that EXACTLY match "value" in the field you specified.
- (It doesn't matter if you use UPPER or lower case--they're handled as
- if they were always UPPER case).
- A status report listing all information for each match is sent.
- The first line gives the search value and the field number.
- At the end of the report, a line like:
- "ARES/Data Search done at 1534, nn hits."
- is sent, which signifies no more information coming, and
- that "nn" matches (or hits) were found in the database.
- Wildcard searches:
- ...are just like exact searches, except that when you specify a
- "value", you can give just the first few characters.
- /n,val*<cr>
- Wildcard searches are handy ways to save typing, and for cases
- where you don't know the exact spelling of an entry.