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- AX.25 Version 2
- Multi-channel
- (version 1.3)
- Copyright 1987, Ronald E. Raikes (WA8DED)
- This firmware supports the full AX.25 link-layer protocol,
- version 2.0 as described in the ARRL specification dated October
- 1984, as well as the pre-existing version 1.x. This
- implementation supports multiple simultaneous link connections
- with either version protocol. This release has been assembled
- for a maximum of four connections, although any reasonable number
- of connections is possible by changing one MAXLNK symbol in the
- source equate file.
- The firmware is contained in two 2764 EPROMs, and is
- intended to be installed in a TAPR TNC-1 (or equivalent, such as
- the AEA PKT-1 or Heath HD-4040) in sockets U11 (C000) and U12
- (E000). This assumes that a 6264 RAM is already installed in
- socket U7, with additional 6264 RAMs optionally installed in
- sockets U8, U9, and U10 in any combination (verify that pin 26 is
- connected to +5v). Additional RAM is highly desirable if multi-
- channel or unattended operation is anticipated. When installing
- the EPROMs (including newer versions), it will be necessary to
- start the tnc with the PARAMETER SOURCE switch set to the PROM
- position. This will cause default parameters to be written into
- NOVRAM memory but not PERMed. The RS-232 port will be
- initialized to 300 baud with xon/xoff handshaking. The tnc
- source call sign will be all blanks, and should be set with the
- 'I' command, as well as any other default parameters that might
- need changing, before issuing a 'PERM' command. At this point,
- the PARAMETER SOURCE switch may be set to NOVRAM for subsequent
- operation. If the terminal baud rate has been changed, the new
- value will take effect following a reset. If the tnc source call
- sign is left blank, the tnc will not activate the transmitter PTT
- line.
- Commands and information are sent to the tnc in the form of
- lines. Lines may be up to 256 characters long, including the
- terminating CARRIAGE RETURN. If the 256th character entered is
- not a CARRIAGE RETURN, it will be discarded and a BELL character
- will be output to the terminal. BACKSPACE and DELETE may be used
- to remove single characters from the line. The entire line may
- be permanently backspaced out by entering a CONTROL-U or CONTROL-
- X. A CONTROL-R will temporarily backspace out any partial line
- to allow incoming frames to be displayed. A second CONTROL-R
- will then restore the line to allow continuation of entry.
- During the time a partial line is saved, only another CONTROL-R
- will be accepted from the keyboard (with the exception of
- xon/xoff, of course). BELL characters are echoed to the terminal
- when entered or removed. Lines which begin with an ESCAPE
- character (echoed as '* ') are interpreted as commands. If a
- command is issued with no parameter, the current value of that
- commands parameter is displayed. An embedded NULL character in a
- command will cause the remainder of the line to be ignored.
- Lines without a leading ESCAPE character are sent as information.
- The firmware provides the operator with five virtual tnc
- channels, numbered 0 to 4. The terminal is logically attached to
- only one of these channels at a time, selected by the 'S'
- command. Information sent on channel 0 is always unproto. The
- unproto path may be set by issuing a 'C' command when channel 0
- is selected. Channels 1 - 4 are also unproto if they are not
- currently connected. Outgoing connect requests may be issued on
- any unconnected channel, while incoming connect requests will use
- the first available channel (provided the maximum number of
- connections set by the 'Y' command will not be exceeded).
- Information received on a connected channel that is not currently
- selected will remain queued there until that channel is selected
- (the 'L' command is useful in determining if there is information
- waiting on other channels). Information for transmission is sent
- only to the currently selected channel. When a connection is
- ended, any information that has not been transmitted or
- acknowledged will be discarded. Received information will remain
- queued, however, until it has been displayed. If a new
- digipeater path is desired while a connection is being
- established or is in progress, it is not necessary to disconnect
- first. Simply re-issuing the 'C' command will re-establish the
- connection via the new path without any loss of information.
- Attempting to connect to the same station on more than one
- channel is not permitted.
- Which protocol version is used to initiate a connection is
- controlled by the 'V' command, but the version will be changed
- automatically, if necessary, to conform to the version of the tnc
- responding. Version 2 protocol is more effecient in terms of
- network throughput and loading, especially under severe
- conditions. Version 2 protocol is the default and should be used
- whenever possible. (NOTE: The existing firmware supplied by
- TAPR for the TNC-1 (v3.x) will NOT digipeat version 2 protocol.
- This is expected to remedied in v4.0. All other tnc's and
- digipeaters encountered to date digipeat version 2 properly.)
- When version 2 protocol is used, a watch-dog timer is started
- whenever information is not being transmitted. If the tnc
- remains idle for three minutes, it will poll the other tnc to
- determine if the link is still established. If no response is
- received after the number of tries set by the 'N' command, the
- tnc will attempt to re-establish the connection. This procedure
- will also detect the case where someone connects and then leaves
- without disconnecting. Changing the protocol version during a
- connection is not permitted.
- The 'F', 'N', 'O', and 'V' commands maintain individual
- parameters for each channel. The value stored in channel 0 is
- the value that is saved in NOVRAM. This value is used to
- initialize channels 1 - 4 after a reset, and to re-initialize
- channels 1 - 4 after a disconnect. This allows the values to be
- changed independently on each channel, prior to and during a
- connection, and then automatically revert back to the standard
- values when the connection is ended. A 'D' command issued on a
- disconnected channel 1 - 4 will also re-initialize that channel.
- Frame monitoring is controlled by the 'M' command. The
- command parameter determines the types of frames monitored, and
- is a list of desired frames chosen from the letters in the
- following table:
- --- -----
- N None
- I I frames
- U UI frames
- S Supervisory frames
- C Monitor while connected
- R Monitor received frames (addressed to)
- T Monitor transmitted frames (addressed from)
- + Call signs to be included (maximum of 8)
- - Call signs to be excluded (maximum of 8)
- The '+' and '-' parameters may not be used together. If either
- is used, it must be the last parameter (followed by one to eight
- call signs, if applicable). If no list of call signs is
- specified to be included or excluded, all call signs will be
- candidates for monitoring. Entering a '+' or '-' with no call
- signs will empty the list.
- An asterisk displayed after a call sign in the digipeater list
- indicates the frame was transmitted by that station. The control
- field displayed will be one of the following:
- ---- -----------
- RRa - Receive Ready
- RNRa - Receive Not Ready
- REJa - Reject
- UI - Unnumbered Information
- DM - Disconnected Mode
- SABM - Connect Request
- DISC - Disconnect Request
- UA - Unnumbered Acknowledge
- FRMR - Frame Reject
- Iab - Information
- ?ccH - Unknown
- a = Next expected frame number (0 - 7)
- b = Frame number of this frame (0 - 7)
- cc = Hexadecimal value
- In addition, one of the following characters will be displayed,
- reflecting the protocol version, command/response bits, and the
- poll/final bit:
- (blank) = version 1 frame without poll/final bit
- ! = version 1 frame with poll/final bit
- ^ = version 2 command frame without poll bit
- + = version 2 command frame with poll bit
- - = version 2 response frame with final bit
- v = version 2 response frame without final bit
- The protocol identifier field is displayed in hexadecimal, which
- is currently always an F0, signifying that no layer 3 is
- implemented.
- An unattended mode, controlled by the 'U' command, provides
- for sending user supplied text to a connecting station, and then
- allows that station to leave a brief message. This mode can
- operate on all channels simultaneously, but in no way limits the
- operators ability to interact with one of the connected channels
- or the ability to make outgoing connect requests. When
- unattended mode is enabled, link status messages are queued to
- the associated channel and not output to the terminal unless that
- channel is currently selected. Link status messages will
- therefore be displayed in chronological order with the
- information from that channel. In addition, text supplied by the
- user with the 'U' command will be sent to any station that
- connects. If channel 0 is left selected, stations may then
- connect and leave messages on channels 1 - 4 (limited by the 'Y'
- parameter, of course). The 'L' command may be used to determine
- if messages have been left on any channel. Selecting a channel
- containing messages will cause all link status and information
- from that channel to be displayed. If xon/xoff handshaking is
- enabled, CONTROL-S and CONTROL-Q may be used to regulate the
- output to the terminal to allow comfortable reading. Also
- provided, but intended to be used very sparingly, is an
- unattended QST facility. In this mode, user supplied text may be
- automatically transmitted unproto to the path set on channel 0,
- at periodic intervals spaced 1 - 65,535 minutes apart. The
- interval and text must be entered each time QST mode is enabled.
- Use of unattended QST messages is generally degrading to network
- performance and is considered by many to be an annoyance, and
- should only be used when absolutely necessary.
- The tnc parallel port supplies link status information for
- channel 1 on lines PA0, PA1, and PA2 for use with an external
- status indicator. The following link states are possible:
- 1 = Disconnected
- 2 = Link Setup
- 3 = Frame Reject
- 4 = Disconnect Request
- 5 = Information Transfer
- The firmware source is written in 6809 assembly language.
- Emphasis was placed on using a state table driven design,
- utilizing the state tables provided in the ARRL specification.
- The source was assembled using a 6809 cross assembler from 2500
- AD Software running on a Z-80/8086 TurboDOS development system
- (CP/M & MS-DOS compatable).
- NOTE: A very small number of Western Digital 1933 HDLC
- Controller ICs manufactured in 1981 and 1982 have been found to
- be defective. The symptoms are erratic and unreliable operation
- of the tnc, due to the hdlc controller occasionally failing to
- interrupt upon successful completion of frame transmission.
- These defective parts can be identified by inspecting the mask
- number on the underneath side of the IC. The defective mask
- number begins with the letters 'BA', and should be replaced. The
- current replacement part is called 1935 and requires no changes.
- ===============
- ------- --------- -----------
- A (1) 0 Auto linefeed disabled
- 1 Auto linefeed enabled
- B (6) 1-15 Terminal baud rate
- C Cs1 [Cs2 ... Cs9] Connect path (0=unproto path)
- D Disconnect
- E (1) 0 Echo input disabled
- 1 Echo input enabled
- * F (3) 1-15 Frame acknowledge (seconds)
- G [0] Get information (host mode)
- [1] Get link status (host mode)
- H (1200) 50-9600 HDLC baud rate
- I Cs Tnc source call sign
- JHOST (0) 0 Terminal mode enabled
- 1 Host mode enabled
- K 1-2 Calibrate
- L [0-4] Display channel status
- M (IU) NIUSCRT+- Monitor mode
- * N (10) 0-255 Number of tries (0=forever)
- * O (4) 1-7 Number of outstanding I frames
- PERM Save parameters to NOVRAM
- QRES Re-start firmware
- R (1) 0 Repeater disabled
- 1 Repeater enabled
- S (1) 0-4 Select channel (0=unproto)
- T (30) 0-127 Transmitter delay (10ms)
- U (0) 0 [text] Unattended mode disabled
- 1 [text] Unattended mode enabled
- 2 interval text QST mode enabled
- * V (2) 1 Version 1 protocol initiated
- 2 Version 2 protocol initiated
- W (16) 0-127 Repeater wait (10ms)
- X (1) 0 Transmitter PTT disabled
- 1 Transmitter PTT enabled
- Y (1) 0-4 Maximum connections
- Z (3) 0 Flow disabled, xon/off disabled
- 1 Flow enabled, xon/off disabled
- 2 Flow disabled, xon/off enabled
- 3 Flow enabled, xon/off enabled
- @ B Display number of free buffers
- C (0) 0 Fast clock disabled
- 1 Fast clock enabled
- D (0) 0 Full duplex disabled
- 1 Full duplex enabled
- P (F0) 0-FF Protocol id (hex)
- S Display current link state
- T2 (100) 0-255 Timer T2 interval (10ms)
- T3 (18000) 0-32767 Timer T3 interval (10ms)
- Default values are shown in parenthesis
- * These commands are applicable to each connection channel
- (Values set on channel 0 are used after a reset and
- disconnect to initialize each connection channel)
- ===================
- The 'A' command is used to enable or disable the automatic
- insertion of LINEFEED characters after CARRIAGE RETURN characters
- to the terminal. This parameter is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'B' command is used to set the terminal baud rate, using
- one of the following parameters:
- Parameter Baud rate
- --------- ---------
- 1 50
- 2 75
- 3 110
- 4 135
- 5 150
- 6 300
- 7 600
- 8 1200
- 9 1800
- 10 2400
- 11 3600
- 12 4800
- 13 7200
- 14 9600
- 15 19200
- After setting the baud rate with the 'B' command, the value must
- be PERMed, and will then take effect following a reset. Baud
- rates above 4800 may not be reliable with sustained input
- (commands or information) from a host computer due to the slow
- cpu clock rate and non-vectored interrupt architecture.
- The 'C' command is used to initiate a link connection. Note
- that NO 'v' or 'via' is used between the destination call sign
- and the digipeater call signs. A 'C' command may be issued on a
- channel already in use to change the digipeater call signs, but
- not the destination call sign. A 'C' command issued when channel
- 0 is selected sets the unproto path. Attempting to connect to
- the same station on more than one channel is not permitted.
- The 'D' command is used to initiate a link disconnection. A
- 'D' command issued during the establishment or dis-establishment
- of a link will cause an immediate return to the disconnected
- state. A 'D' command issued on a disconnected channel will re-
- initialize the connection dependent parameters to the values
- stored in channel 0.
- The 'E' command is used to enable or disable the echoing of
- input (commands and information) to the terminal. This parameter
- is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'F' command is used to set the frame acknowledgement
- interval. This interval is used to compute the timeout interval
- before a packet is retransmitted, using the formula:
- time (seconds) = frame ack * (2 * number of digipeaters + 1)
- A separate frame acknowlegement interval value is maintained for
- each connection channel. The value stored in channel 0 is used
- to initialize each connection channel after a reset or
- disconnection, and is the value that is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'G' command is used to interrogate virtual tnc channels
- when host mode is enabled. If no parameter is specified, the
- next chronological item (information or link status) will be
- returned, provided there is one. This command is invalid in
- terminal mode. A later section is devoted to host mode
- operation.
- The 'H' command is used to set the HDLC baud rate. Non-
- standard values are rounded down to the next possible baud rate.
- In this case, use an 'H' command with no paramter to display the
- value actually set. This parameter is stored in NOVRAM. HDLC
- rates up to 9600 baud are supported if the fast clock mode is
- enabled.
- The 'I' command is used to set the tnc source call sign.
- The initial value is all blanks. After the source call sign has
- been entered, the 'PERM' command should be used to save it for
- use during subsequent operation. Changing the tnc source call
- sign while connected is not permitted. If the tnc source call
- sign is left blank, the tnc will not activate the transmitter PTT
- line.
- The 'JHOST' command is used to select between terminal and
- host modes. A later section is devoted to host mode operation.
- The 'K' command is used to calibrate the tnc modem. The
- following parameters set the calibration modes listed:
- Parameter Calibration
- --------- -----------
- The frequency counter mode will display the measured frequencies
- on the terminal. When each mode is selected, jumpers settings
- are displayed as well as the appropriate ajustment points. The
- values shown in parenthesis are the normal targets for 1200 baud
- operation.
- The 'L' command is used to display the link status of one or
- all channels. Information displayed includes the connection
- path, number of receive frames not yet displayed, number of send
- frames not yet transmitted, number of transmitted frames not yet
- acknowledged, and the current retry count. A '+' character
- preceeding the channel number indicates the currently selected
- channel. Operation of this command when host mode is enabled is
- somewhat different, and is described in a later section.
- The 'M' command is used to set the frame monitoring mode.
- The command parameter determines the types of frames monitored,
- and is a list of desired frames chosen from the letters in the
- following table:
- --- -----
- N None
- I I frames
- U UI frames
- S Supervisory frames
- C Monitor while connected
- R Monitor received frames (addressed to)
- T Monitor transmitted frames (addressed from)
- + Call signs to be included (maximum of 8)
- - Call signs to be excluded (maximum of 8)
- The '+' and '-' parameters may not be used together. If either
- is used, it must be the last parameter (followed by one to eight
- call signs, if applicable). If no list of call signs is
- specified to be included or excluded, all call signs will be
- candidates for monitoring. Entering a '+' or '-' with no call
- signs will empty the list. This parameter is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'N' command is used to set the maximum number of times a
- frame will be transmitted without receiving an appropriate
- acknowledgement, before a link failure is assumed. A separate
- maximum number of tries value is maintained for each connection
- channel. The value stored in channel 0 is used to initialize
- each connection channel after a reset or disconnection, and is
- the value that is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'O' command is used to set the maximum number of
- unacknowledged I frames that may be outstanding at any one time.
- A separate maximum number of unacknowledged I frames value is
- maintained for each connection channel. The value stored in
- channel 0 is used to initialize each connection channel after a
- reset or disconnection, and is the value that is stored in
- The 'PERM' command is used to change the parameter values
- stored in NOVRAM to those that are currently set.
- The 'QRES' command is used to restart the firmware as if a
- hardware reset had been issued.
- The 'R' command is used to enable or disable the digipeating
- of frames. This parameter is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'S' command is used to select the current channel
- number. This parameter is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'T' command is used to set the transmitter keyup delay
- interval. The parameter is specified in 10ms increments. This
- parameter is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'U' command is used to enable or disable unattended
- modes. If QST mode is not used, previously entered text will be
- retained if new text is not provided. If QST mode is selected,
- the interval and text must be supplied. The QST interval is
- specified in minutes from 1 - 65,535.
- The 'V' command is used to select whether version 1 or 2
- protocol will be used to initiate a link connection. A separate
- protocol version value is maintained for each connection channel.
- The value stored in channel 0 is used to initialize each
- connection channel after a reset or disconnection, and is the
- value that is stored in NOVRAM. Interrogating this parameter
- during a connection will reflect the protocol version currently
- being used on that channel. Changing the protocol version during
- a connection is not permitted.
- The 'W' command is used to set the digipeater wait interval.
- The parameter is specified in 10ms increments. This parameter is
- stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'X' command is used to enable or disable the transmitter
- PTT line. This parameter is stored in NOVRAM.
- The 'Y' command is used to set the maximum number of
- connections that may established by incoming requests. This
- command has no effect on the operators ability to initiate
- outgoing connection requests. This parameter is stored in
- The 'Z' command is used to enable or disable flow control
- and xon/xoff handshaking to the terminal. If flow control is
- enabled, output to the terminal will be inhibited while entering
- commands or information. If flow control is disabled, output to
- the terminal will not be restricted. Flow control and xon/xoff
- handshaking should be disabled during periods in which the tnc is
- operated without a terminal, to avoid suspending output which
- will consume buffers. If xon/xoff handshaking is enabled, crt
- scrolling may be stopped and started using CONTROL-S and CONTROL-
- Q characters. Flow control and xon/xoff handshaking are not
- performed when host mode is enabled. This parameter is stored in
- The '@' command is a software maintenance command. A
- parameter of 'B' will display the number of free buffers. A
- parameter of 'C0' will select timing parameters for the slower
- cpu clock rate. A parameter of 'C1' will select timing
- parameters for the faster cpu clock rate. A parameter of 'D0'
- will select simplex operation for the HDLC port. A parameter of
- 'D1' will select full duplex operation for the HDLC port. Both
- the 'C' and 'D' parameters are stored in NOVRAM and must be
- PERMed if the change is to stay in effect following a reset. The
- 'P' parameter is used to set the protocol id byte for each
- channel and is supplied and displayed in hexadecimal. A
- parameter of 'S' will display the current link state. The 'T2'
- parameter is used to set the timer T2 interval, just as the 'T3'
- parameter is used to set the timer T3 interval. The timer
- intervals are specified in 10ms increments, and both are stored
- in NOVRAM. Timer T2 controls the amount of delay between the
- time an information frame is received and the time the resulting
- response frame is sent. This delay allows multiple frames to be
- acknowledged with a single response. Timer T3 is used maintain
- link integrity. If there is no activity during the T3 interval,
- the tnc will poll to verify the distant station is still
- connected.
- ===================
- Host mode is intended to provide a user interface suitable
- for operation under control of a host processor. Commands and
- information to the tnc, as well as status and information from
- the tnc, are clearly identified to allow orderly and unambiguous
- communication. To alleviate any need for hardware or software
- handshaking, the tnc will not send to the host processor
- unsolicited, and all exchanges are limited to 256 bytes.
- Information transfers are fully transparent.
- When host mode is enabled, the first byte sent to the tnc
- must be a channel number. If information is being sent, the
- second byte must be a binary 0. If a command is being sent, the
- second byte must be a binary 1. The third byte must be the
- binary length of the actual information or command, decremented
- by 1 (vacuous information or commands are not permitted). The
- actual information or command bytes must follow last.
- Information sent to channel 0 will be sent unproto. Information
- sent to an unconnected channel 1 - 4 will be discarded. The tnc
- will respond to both information and commands with a channel
- number first, followed by a binary code of 0, 1, or 2, signalling
- success or failure. Codes of 1 or 2 will be followed by a null
- terminated message. Channels may be interrogated for incoming
- information or link status by using the 'G' command. Monitor
- headers and monitor information will always be sent to channel 0,
- along with connect request link status messages. All other link
- status messages will be sent to the appropriate channel, along
- with that channels connected information. In response to a 'G'
- command, the tnc will respond with a channel number first,
- followed by a binary code of 0 if nothing is available, or a
- binary code of 3 - 7, identifying the bytes that follow. A code
- of 4 indicates the monitored frame does not contain an
- information field. A code of 5 indicates the monitored frame
- does contain an information field, and the next 'G' command on
- channel 0 will return that information field, preceeded by a code
- of 6.
- Host to Tnc
- -----------
- ------- ---- -----------
- n 0 Information (preceeded by length-1)
- n 1 Command (preceeded by length-1)
- Tnc to Host
- -----------
- ------- ---- -----------
- n 0 Success (nothing follows)
- n 1 Success (message follows, null terminated)
- n 2 Failure (message follows, null terminated)
- n 3 Link Status (null terminated)
- n 4 Monitor Header (null terminated)
- n 5 Monitor Header (null terminated)
- n 6 Monitor Information (preceeded by length-1)
- n 7 Connect Information (preceeded by length-1)
- Success messages
- ----------------
- {channel status}
- {parameter value}
- Failure messages
- ----------------
- Link Status messages
- --------------------
- BUSY fm {call} via {digipeaters}
- CONNECTED to {call} via {digipeaters}
- LINK RESET fm {call} via {digipeaters}
- LINK RESET to {call} via {digipeaters}
- DISCONNECTED fm {call} via {digipeaters}
- LINK FAILURE with {call} via {digipeaters}
- CONNECT REQUEST fm {call} via {digipeaters}
- FRAME REJECT (x y z) fm {call} via {digipeaters}
- FRAME REJECT (x y z) to {call} via {digipeaters}
- x y z = FRMR information bytes
- Monitor Header format
- ---------------------
- fm {call} to {call} via {digipeaters} ctl {name} pid {hex}
- Channel Status format
- ---------------------
- a b c d e f
- a = Number of link status messages not yet displayed
- b = Number of receive frames not yet displayed
- c = Number of send frames not yet transmitted
- d = Number of transmitted frames not yet acknowledged
- e = Number of tries on current operation
- f = Link state
- Possible link states are:
- 0 = Disconnected
- 1 = Link Setup
- 2 = Frame Reject
- 3 = Disconnect Request
- 4 = Information Transfer
- 5 = Reject Frame Sent
- 6 = Waiting Acknowledgement
- 7 = Device Busy
- 8 = Remote Device Busy
- 9 = Both Devices Busy
- 10 = Waiting Acknowledgement and Device Busy
- 11 = Waiting Acknowledgement and Remote Busy
- 12 = Waiting Acknowledgement and Both Devices Busy
- 13 = Reject Frame Sent and Device Busy
- 14 = Reject Frame Sent and Remote Busy
- 15 = Reject Frame Sent and Both Devices Busy
- NOTE 1: Only items a and b are displayed for channel 0.
- NOTE 2: Only states 0 - 4 are possible if version 1 is in use.
- ==================
- In some instances, it may be desirable to have default
- parameters which differ from the standard values. To allow easy
- access, all default parameters have been placed at the beginning
- of the EPROM. The following listing defines the layout of this
- area:
- ---- ----- -----------
- DISABLE = 00H / ENABLE = 01H
- NOTE 1: The secondary station id must be shifted left one bit
- and or'ed with 60H.
- NOTE 2: The HDLC baud rate divisor is computed using the
- formula:
- SLOW CLOCK: divisor = (14400 / buad rate) - 2
- FAST CLOCK: divisor = (28800 / buad rate) - 2
- The HDLC baud rate divisor is stored most significant byte first.
- NOTE 3: The monitor mode is composed from the following bits:
- --- -----
- 0 I frames
- 1 UI frames
- 2 Supervisory frames
- 3 Monitor while connected
- 4 Monitor received frames (addressed to)
- 5 Monitor transmitted frames (addressed from)
- NOTE 4: Stop bit and word length is controlled by the following
- bit assignments:
- ----- --------
- 0 1 stop bit
- 1 2 stop bits
- 1 1.5 stop bits (word length=5/parity disabled)
- 1 1 stop bit (word length=8/parity enabled)
- ------- -----------
- 0 0 8 bits
- 0 1 7 bits
- 1 0 6 bits
- 1 1 5 bits
- Bits 4-0 MUST be set to 0.
- NOTE 5: Parity is controlled by the following bit assignments:
- ------- --------------
- 0 0 Odd parity transmitted/received
- 0 1 Even parity transmitted/received
- 1 0 Mark parity transmitted/parity check disabled
- 1 1 Space parity transmitted/parity check disabled
- ----- -------------
- 0 Parity disabled
- 1 Parity enabled
- Bits 4-0 MUST be set to 0.