home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* funcs.c */
- /* Some replacement routines for the amiga */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- /* for Execute call at the end */
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include "mb.h"
- extern short debug;
- extern char l_date[7], l_time[5],tmpstr[];
- extern char optflags[];
- extern char passchr, vhfstream,hfstream;
- extern char *inittnc();
- #define true 1
- #define false 0
- extern char hostport;
- /*
- * Get the audio device for the beep and force some commands at
- * the TNC
- */
- ioinit()
- {
- register char *p;
- char tnc_on[12];
- if(hostport == 'A')strcpy(&tnc_on[0],"tnc.on");
- else sprintf(&tnc_on[0],"tnc.on.%c",hostport);
- initbeep();
- if(p = inittnc(&tnc_on[0],1))ttputs(p);
- }
- /* This is supposed to turn off interrupts but since it is the last
- thing called by done() in mb.c I use it to do any cleanup for the
- amiga
- */
- iooff()
- {
- register char *p;
- char tnc_off[12];
- if(hostport == 'A')strcpy(&tnc_off[0],"tnc.off");
- else sprintf(&tnc_off[0],"tnc.off.%c",hostport);
- if(p = inittnc(&tnc_off[0],1))printf(p);
- donebeep();
- }
- /*
- * Fill the globals "l_date", "l_time", and "dt" with
- * the current date and time by reading the system clock.
- * l_time is HHMM, l_date is YYMMDD.
- * dt has the format of a directory item date/time.
- */
- extern short timezone;
- int cursecs;
- curtim()
- {
- struct tm *ct;
- time_t ltime;
- time(<ime);
- ct = localtime(<ime);
- cursecs = ct->tm_sec;
- sprintf(l_time, "%02d%02d", ct->tm_hour, ct->tm_min);
- sprintf(l_date, "%02d%02d%02d", ct->tm_year, ct->tm_mon + 1, ct->tm_mday);
- /* month returned by localtime is 0-11 */
- /* Change the local time into UTC and generate date/time string for
- initmsg and cremsg which store the date/time in UTC.
- Adjust for daylight savings - dst() returns the number of minutes of
- time required to adjust local time to UTC.
- */
- ltime += dst(timezone)*60L;
- ct = localtime(<ime);
- sprintf(z_time, "%02d%02d", ct->tm_hour, ct->tm_min);
- sprintf(z_date, "%02d%02d%02d", ct->tm_year, ct->tm_mon + 1, ct->tm_mday);
- }
- long gettime()
- {
- long cur[3],now;
- DateStamp((struct DateStamp *)&cur[0]);
- now = cur[0]*24*60*60;
- now += cur[1]*60;
- now += cur[2]/50;
- return(now);
- }
- /*
- * Check a timer.
- */
- chktmr(l)
- long l;
- {
- extern long gettime();
- long cur[3];
- if (gettime() > l) return (false);
- return (true);
- }
- /*
- * Set a timer.
- */
- settmr(l, i)
- long *l;
- int i;
- {
- extern long gettime();
- *l = gettime() + (long)i;
- }
- char port_flag,cmnd_flag;
- putp_flag(c)
- char c;
- {
- port_flag = c;
- }
- getp_flag()
- {
- return(port_flag);
- }
- putc_flag(c)
- char c;
- {
- cmnd_flag = c;
- }
- getc_flag()
- {
- return(cmnd_flag);
- }
- #ifdef NEWPASS
- int numpass,pwdint[MAXPASS];
- pass()
- {
- char tmpnum[MAXPASS];
- register char *p;
- register int i,j;
- int sum;
- /* don't do the thing at all if there's no integers to use
- or there was an error in reading the list in mbinit
- */
- if(numpass == 0)return false;
- sum = 0;
- /* clear tmpnum array
- It is used to ensure that four distinct integers are
- produced.
- */
- for(p = &tmpnum[0];p<&tmpnum[MAXPASS];p++)*p = 0;
- /* get four distinct random integers to generate the password */
- for(i = 0;i < 4;i++) {
- do {
- j = ((rand() & 0x7fff) >> 4) % numpass;
- /* make sure rand produces four distinct numbers otherwise
- it weakens the password scheme
- */
- if(tmpnum[j])continue;
- tmpnum[j] = 1;
- sum += pwdint[j];
- sprintf(tmpstr, " %2d", j+1);
- outstr(tmpstr);
- break;
- }while(1);
- }
- outstr("\n");
- getdat();
- if(atoi(port->line) == sum)return true;
- return false;
- }
- /*
- New and more secure password function called from mbinit to set up
- the password array.
- */
- initpwd()
- {
- register int i,j;
- register char *p;
- char *rdstr();
- p = rdstr();
- while(*p == ' ')p++;
- for(i=0;i<MAXPASS;i++) {
- if((pwdint[i] = atoi(p)) <= 0) {
- return(0);
- }
- while(*p && (*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9'))p++;
- if((*p == 0) || (*p == '\n') || (*p == '\r')){
- if(i+1 < MINPASS)return;
- return(i+1);
- }
- while(*p == ' ')p++;
- /* a backslash at the end of a line indicates more integers
- on the next line.
- */
- if(*p == '\\') {
- p = rdstr();
- while(*p == ' ')p++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- return(i+1);
- }
- #endif
- donefunc()
- {
- done(0);
- }
- titles()
- {
- window_title(mfhs->next_msg-1,mfhs->count);
- }
- funlink(file)
- UBYTE *file;
- {
- return(DeleteFile(file));
- }
- replace_bbs()
- {
- int user_num;
- USER ubuf;
- /* the extra tests here try to avoid the expense of the disk I/O
- required if we must look in the user file
- */
- if(!optflags[1])return(1);
- if(!iscall(port->mmhs->to))return(2);
- if((user_num = finduser(port->mmhs->to)) == 0)return(3);
- read_rec(ufl,user_num,&ubuf);
- /* Is there a call in the home_bbs ? */
- if(ubuf.home_bbs[0] == ' ')return(4);
- strncpy(port->mmhs->bbs,&ubuf.home_bbs[0],ln_call);
- /* This new call may have a hierarchical address */
- chkhier();
- return(0);
- }
- do_system(cmd)
- UBYTE *cmd;
- {
- /* Using Open("*",...) to get a handle on the window does not work.
- It gives a handle to the CLI that started up CBBS ... NOT the
- window that CBBS is in ... so the output goes to the wrong window
- anyway
- */
- long Execute(),Open();
- if(Execute(cmd,0L,0L)) {
- return(0);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- /* Clean up a string before it is sent to the TNC or to the screen
- */
- str_search(str)
- unsigned char *str;
- {
- register unsigned char *cp,*tp;
- short in_out;
- /* Is this going to the console or to TNC? */
- in_out = (port->dev != p_console);
- cp = str;
- tp = (unsigned char *) &tmpstr[0];
- while(*cp) {
- /* insert the pass character for stream characters */
- if(in_out && passchr) {
- if((*cp == (unsigned char) vhfstream) ||
- (*cp == (unsigned char) hfstream)) {
- *tp++ = passchr;
- *tp++ = *cp++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if((*cp >= ' ') && (*cp <= 0176)) {
- *tp++ = *cp++;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allow BEL HT CR and ^Z through. All others are omitted
- */
- switch(*cp) {
- case 7: /* BEL */
- case 26: /* Control -Z */
- if(!in_out)break;
- case 9: /* TAB */
- case 13: /* CR */
- case 10: /* LF */
- *tp++ = *cp;
- break;
- }
- cp++;
- }
- *tp = 0;
- outstr(tmpstr);
- }
- /* Replacement command parser. This fixes up the problem with THEBOX
- which sends a command of the form:
- sb amsat @dl <df3ix $bid #7
- where CBBS expects to see
- sb amsat @ dl < df3ix $bid #7
- */
- parse()
- {
- register char *in, *out;
- register short i;
- for(i = 0; i < maxflds;i++) {
- port->fld[i] = nullstr;
- }
- in = port->line;
- out = port->cmd;
- port->flds = 0;
- while(*in && (port->flds < maxflds) && (out < (port->cmd + cmdlen - 1))) {
- /* Process each string
- Start by removing leading blanks, tabs etc.
- Note that when this gets to the end of the line this will
- skip by the linefeed too
- */
- while(*in && (*in <= ' '))in++;
- if(*in == 0)break;
- port->fld[port->flds++] = out;
- /* Now process the field itself.
- If it begins with one of the special characters @ or < then
- treat this as though it has a space after it, even if it
- doesn't.
- If it begins with " then look for the trailing " and store it
- all as one string. This fix allows a tweak to the 'L' command.
- */
- switch(*in) {
- case '@':
- case '<':
- *out++ = *in++;
- break;
- case '"':
- /*
- Allow a quoted string as an argument.
- The quotes are stored in the output argument string.
- If the trailing quote is missing then just store a
- null and don't try to copy the linefeed
- */
- *out++ = *in++;
- while(*in && (*in != '"') && (*in != '\n')
- && (out < (port->cmd + cmdlen - 1)))
- *out++ = toupper(*in++);
- if(*in == '"')
- *out++ = *in++;
- break;
- default:
- while(*in && (*in > ' ') && (out < (port->cmd + cmdlen - 1))) {
- /*
- If the user types ve5va@n8gtc then split it up.
- */
- if((port->flds == 2) && (*in == '@'))break;
- *out++ = toupper(*in++);
- }
- break;
- }
- *out++ = 0;
- }
- *out = '\0';
- port->opt1 = *port->fld[0];
- port->opt2 = *(port->fld[0] + 1);
- if(!port->opt2)
- port->opt2 = ' ';
- }
- /* Send Reply command */
- int srcmd_flag = 0;
- srpmsg()
- {
- /* Until this command works properly send out a 'Sorry' message */
- outstr("Sorry - this command has been removed until it works properly\n");
- srcmd_flag = 0;
- last_msg.type = 0;
- return;
- /* Comment out this code until it works properly.
- if((last_msg.type == 0) || (port->flds != 1)) {
- port->msg = mwhat;
- return;
- }
- sprintf(port->line,"SP %s %s%s",last_msg.from,(last_msg.bbs[0] ? "@":""),
- last_msg.bbs);
- outstr(port->line);
- outstr("\n");
- srcmd_flag = 1;
- parse();
- sndmsg();
- last_msg.type = 0;
- srcmd_flag = 0;
- */
- }
- /* This next routine must not use tmpstr */
- prt_subj()
- {
- if(toupper(last_msg.title[0]) != 'R' ||
- toupper(last_msg.title[1]) != 'E' ||
- last_msg.title[2] != ':') {
- /* Prefix the title with "Re:" if there isn't already one there */
- strncpy(port->mmhs->title,"Re: ",4);
- strncpy(&port->mmhs->title[4],last_msg.title,mhtitl-4);
- }
- else strncpy(port->mmhs->title,last_msg.title,mhtitl);
- outstr("Subject: \n");
- outstr(port->mmhs->title);
- outstr("\n");
- }
- /* Create file names based on the port name */
- portfile()
- {
- if(hostport == 'A')return;
- fchange(hrdfile);
- fchange(monfile);
- fchange(lgfile);
- /* fchange(fwdfile); */
- }
- fchange(s)
- char *s;
- {
- register char *p;
- p = s;
- /* Find the null character at the end of the string */
- while(*p)p++;
- /* There's nothing in the string!! */
- if(p == s)return;
- /* Then backup until we find a period */
- while((p!=s) && (*p != '.'))p--;
- /* If there's no period, then add one */
- if(*p != '.') {
- while(*p)p++;
- *p = '.';
- }
- p++;
- *p++ = hostport;
- *p = 0;
- }
- test_bbs()
- {
- FILE *fpi;
- char tmp_call[8];
- /* Check for unknown @BBS field - make sure tmpstr is non-null to start*/
- strcpy(tmpstr,msgdir);
- if((port->mmhs->bbs[0] != ' ') && !iscall(port->mmhs->bbs)) {
- unbl(tmp_call,port->mmhs->bbs,ln_call);
- strcat(tmpstr,tmp_call);
- strcat(tmpstr,".dis");
- if((fpi = fopen(tmpstr,"r")) == NULL) {
- unbl(tmpstr,port->mmhs->bbs,ln_call);
- return(1);
- }
- fclose(fpi);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- opchange()
- {
- register char c;
- c = toupper(*port->fld[1]);
- if((c < 'A') || (c > 'J')) {
- port->msg = mwhat;
- return;
- }
- optflags[c-'A'] ^= 1;
- sprintf(tmpstr,"Option %c now %s\n",c,optflags[c-'A']?"ON":"OFF");
- ttputs(tmpstr);
- }