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- /* User process for Kantronics Host Mode
- Copyright Peter Hardie VE5VA 1990
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "kiss.h"
- #include "port.h"
- extern long windbit,keybit;
- extern unsigned char ichar;
- extern struct IOStdReq *Con_Read;
- extern char *title;
- short debug;
- extern short interflag;
- extern char tmpstr[];
- ULONG class;
- USHORT code;
- long getbits,portbit,sendbit;
- struct MsgPort *Ctl_Port;
- struct kiss_msg km;
- struct MsgPort *ctl_port,*my_port,*sendport;
- unsigned char inbuf[100];
- short hostport,hoststream;
- /* The window isn't open yet so have to printf in initser but
- ttputs in anything else.
- */
- initser(port,stream)
- short port,stream;
- {
- register short i;
- register struct regd *rp;
- if((port != 1) && (port != 2)) {
- printf("Illegal port number\n");
- return(1);
- }
- if((stream != -1) && ((stream < 1) || (stream > 26))) {
- printf("Illegal stream number\n");
- return(1);
- }
- km.rstream = stream;
- km.rport = port;
- /* Find the host process - don't wait long though */
- for(i=0;i < 6; i++ ) {
- if(ctl_port = FindPort(CTL_NAME))break;
- Delay(250L);
- if((i%6) == 0)
- printf("port %d stream %d waiting for reader\n",port,stream);
- }
- if(ctl_port == 0) {
- printf("Can't find control process\n");
- return(1);
- }
- /* Register as a user on the specified port and stream */
- km.channel = K_REGISTER;
- my_port = km.cm.mn_ReplyPort = CreatePort(0L,0L);
- if(my_port == 0L) {
- printf("Can't create port\n");
- return(2);
- }
- portbit = (1L << my_port->mp_SigBit);
- km.cm.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- Wait(portbit);
- /* Create new port in the message struct to send the message to */
- if(km.channel == -1) {
- printf("Error returned from control process\n");
- DeletePort(my_port);
- DeletePort(sendport);
- return(3);
- }
- GetMsg(my_port);
- /*
- All drivers must return a port and stream in rport and rstream
- when K_REGISTER is called. The program converts them to characters.
- */
- hostport = km.rport +'0';
- hoststream = km.rstream -1 + 'A';
- /* portbit will signal a received message from the TNC
- sendbit will signal that the driver has ReplyMsg to a
- message that we have sent to the driver.
- */
- sendport = km.cm.mn_ReplyPort = CreatePort(0L,0L);
- sendbit = (1L << sendport->mp_SigBit);
- return(0);
- }
- char portname[10];
- struct MsgPort *our_port;
- makeport()
- {
- sprintf(portname,"CBBS-%c%c",hostport,hoststream);
- if(FindPort(portname))return(1);
- if((our_port = CreatePort(portname,0L)) == 0)return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- closeport()
- {
- if(our_port)DeletePort(our_port);
- }
- sendcommand(s)
- unsigned char *s;
- {
- register unsigned char *cp;
- register unsigned char *tp;
- cp = s;
- km.channel = K_WRT_CMND;
- tp = &km.msg[0];
- while(*cp)*tp++ = *cp++;
- /* Do not send a carriage return at the end of a command */
- if((*(tp-1) == '\r') || (*(tp-1) == '\n'))tp--;
- *tp = 0;
- km.msgsize = tp - &km.msg[0];
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- Wait(sendbit);
- GetMsg(sendport);
- }
- senddata(s)
- unsigned char *s;
- {
- register unsigned char *cp;
- register unsigned char *tp;
- cp = s;
- km.channel = K_WRT_DATA;
- tp = &km.msg[0];
- while(*cp)*tp++ = *cp++;
- *tp = 0;
- km.msgsize = tp - &km.msg[0];
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- Wait(sendbit);
- GetMsg(sendport);
- }
- schar(c)
- unsigned char c;
- {
- km.channel = K_WRT_DATA;
- km.msg[0] = c;
- km.msgsize = 1;
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- Wait(sendbit);
- GetMsg(sendport);
- }
- cleanser()
- {
- /* Send shutdown message to control process
- (If it is still there)
- */
- if(FindPort(CTL_NAME)) {
- km.cm.mn_ReplyPort = my_port;
- km.channel = K_SHUTUP;
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- WaitPort(my_port);
- }
- DeletePort(my_port);
- DeletePort(sendport);
- }
- beep()
- {
- km.channel = K_BEEP;
- km.msgsize = 0;
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- Wait(sendbit);
- GetMsg(sendport);
- }
- getstat()
- {
- km.channel = K_GET_STAT;
- km.msgsize = 0;
- PutMsg(ctl_port,&km);
- Wait(sendbit);
- GetMsg(sendport);
- }
- /* Put all the stuff that's not used in here */
- char passchr,hfstream,vhfstream;
- /* Don't need the audio device */
- initbeep()
- {
- }
- donebeep()
- {
- }
- inittnc()
- {
- }
- breakport()
- {
- }
- force_modem()
- {
- }