home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * MBFILE.C - 6/20/89
- */
- #include "mb.h"
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- extern char passchr,vhfstream,hfstream;
- extern short debug,interflag;
- extern DIRPATH *setdir();
- #endif
- word filesize;
- char *fm;
- DIRPATH *dphd;
- /*
- * Prepend path given by opt2 to file spec given by p.
- */
- DIRPATH *getdir(p)
- char *p;
- {
- register DIRPATH *dp;
- for (dp = dphd; dp isnt NULL; dp = dp->next) if (dp->id is port->opt2)
- {
- strcpy(port->line, dp->path);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Insert a '/' if sysop didn't specify it in the config file */
- if(*p && (port->line[strlen(port->line)-1] != '/'))
- strcat(port->line,"/");
- #endif
- strcat(port->line, p);
- if (!(port->mode & p_sysop)) for (; *p; p++)
- if ((*p is ':') or (*p is '\\') or (*p is '/'))
- { port->msg = mcant; return NULL; }
- return dp;
- }
- port->msg = mndir;
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Display the directory paths.
- */
- shpaths()
- {
- register DIRPATH *dp;
- int crcount = 1;
- sprintf(port->line, "Use %c and directory ID (i.e. %cA):\n",
- port->opt1, port->opt1);
- outstr(port->line);
- for (dp = dphd; dp isnt NULL; dp = dp->next)
- {
- ++crcount;
- sprintf(port->line, "%c %-36s", dp->id, dp->name);
- outstr(port->line);
- if (crcount % 2) outstr("\n"); else outstr(" ");
- }
- outstr("\n");
- }
- /*
- * Display directory.
- */
- prtdir()
- {
- DIRDEF dirdef;
- DIRENT *dp;
- register short gap, i, k, l, ndir;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- register word totsize;
- #else
- register long totsize;
- #endif
- if (port->mode & ops)
- {
- if (port->opt2 is ' ')
- {
- if (port->flds is 1) { shpaths(); return; }
- strcpy(port->line, port->fld[1]);
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- else if (getdir(port->fld[1]) is NULL) return;
- #else
- else if(setdir(port->fld[1]) is NULL) return;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- if (port->opt2 is ' ') { shpaths(); return; }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (getdir(port->fld[1]) is NULL) return;
- #else
- if(setdir(port->fld[1]) is NULL) return;
- #endif
- }
- ndir = 0;
- dp = (DIRENT *)tmp->scr;
- /*
- * Get first directory entry.
- */
- if (!diropen(port->line, dp, &dirdef)) { port->msg = mfind; return; }
- /*
- * Get the rest of the directory entries.
- */
- while ((ndir < dirmax) and (dp->size >= 0))
- {
- ndir++;
- dirnext(++dp, &dirdef);
- }
- /*
- * Sort 'em.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- sort(tmp->scr, ndir, sizeof(DIRENT), tmp->scr + (sizeof(DIRENT) * ndir));
- #else
- sort(tmp->scr, ndir, (short)sizeof(DIRENT), tmp->scr + (sizeof(DIRENT) * ndir));
- #endif
- /*
- * Print 'em.
- */
- outchar('\n');
- totsize = 0;
- gap = (ndir + 2) / 3;
- for (i = 0; i < gap; i++)
- {
- if (pgck() is 'Q') break;
- for (l = 0, k = i; (l < 4) and (k < ndir); l++, k += gap)
- {
- totsize += tmp->dirent[k].size;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (k isnt i) outstr(" | ");
- #else
- /* The | symbol could be the streamswitch char so check for it and
- pass it if necessary
- */
- if(k isnt i) {
- if(passchr && ((vhfstream == '|') || (hfstream == '|'))) {
- outchar(' ');
- outchar(passchr);
- outstr("| ");
- }
- else {
- outstr(" | ");
- }
- }
- #endif
- sprintf (port->line,
- "%-12s %4uk", tmp->dirent[k].name, tmp->dirent[k].size);
- outstr(port->line);
- }
- outchar('\n');
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- sprintf(port->line, "\n%uk of %uk used, %uk free.\n\n",
- #else
- /* %lu makes no difference in Manx */
- sprintf(port->line, "\n%ldk of %ldk used, %ldk free.\n\n",
- #endif
- totsize, dirdef.size, dirdef.free);
- outstr(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Output a line from the help file.
- */
- helpo()
- {
- if ((*port->line isnt '!') or (port->user->options & u_sysop))
- { if (*port->line is '!') *port->line = ' '; outstr(port->line); }
- }
- /*
- * Find specific subject header in file.
- */
- helps()
- {
- register short found = false;
- while (!found and (fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl) isnt NULL))
- if ((port->line[0] is port->opt1) and
- (port->line[2] is port->opt2)) found = true;
- if (!found)
- {
- sprintf(port->line, "\nNo help for - %c\n\n", port->opt2);
- port->msg = port->line;
- return;
- }
- found = false;
- while (!found and (fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl) isnt NULL))
- {
- found = ((*port->line is '#') or (*port->line is '?'));
- if (!found) helpo();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Dump all the help information.
- */
- helpa()
- {
- register short ok = false;
- while ((fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl) isnt NULL))
- {
- if ((*port->line is '#') or (*port->line is '?'))
- {
- ok = (*port->line is port->opt1);
- }
- else if (ok) helpo();
- }
- }
- /*
- * User wants help.
- */
- help()
- {
- if (port->flds is 1) port->opt2 = '_'; else port->opt2 = *port->fld[1];
- if (port->opt1 is 'H') port->opt1 = '#';
- if ((port->fl = fopen(helpfile, "r")) is NULL) { port->msg = mfind; return; }
- if (port->opt2 is '?') helpa(); else helps();
- fclose(port->fl);
- }
- /*
- * N command, rename a file.
- */
- renfil()
- {
- register int fl;
- if ((fl = open(port->fld[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
- { nofile(port->fld[1]); return; }
- close(fl);
- if ((fl = open(port->fld[2], O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
- { close(fl); port->msg = mexst; }
- else rename (port->fld[1], port->fld[2]);
- }
- /*
- * Z command, delete a file.
- */
- kilfil()
- {
- if (port->opt2 is ' ') strcpy(port->line, port->fld[1]);
- else if (getdir(port->fld[1]) is NULL) return;
- if (!unlink(port->line)) port->msg = mdone; else nofile(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Are the two files in the same directory?
- */
- samedir(t, f)
- char *t, *f;
- {
- register char *te, *fe;
- /*
- * Are they on the same device?
- */
- te = strchr(t, ':');
- fe = strchr(f, ':');
- if ((te isnt NULL) or (fe isnt NULL))
- {
- if ((te - t) isnt (fe - f)) return false;
- if (!matchn(te, fe, (int)(fe - f) + 1)) return false;
- }
- /*
- * Are they in the same subdirectory on the device?
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- te = strrchr(t, '\\');
- fe = strrchr(f, '\\');
- #else
- te = strrchr(t, '/');
- fe = strrchr(f, '/');
- #endif
- if ((te is NULL) and (fe is NULL)) return true;
- if ((te - t) isnt (fe - f)) return false;
- return matchn(t, f, (int)(fe - f) + 1);
- }
- /*
- * Copy a file.
- */
- copy(f, t, h)
- char *f, *t;
- int h;
- {
- register int n, in, out;
- filesize = 0;
- if ((in = open(f, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0) return false;
- out = open(t, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, pmode);
- if (h) lseek(out, (long)RECSIZE, 0);
- while ((n = read(in, tmp->scr, scrmax)) > 0)
- { filesize += n; write (out, tmp->scr, n); }
- close(in);
- close(out);
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * V command: copy a file.
- */
- copfil()
- {
- register int n;
- if ((n = open(port->fld[2], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) >= 0)
- { port->msg = mexst; close(n); return; }
- if ((n = open(port->fld[1], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0)
- { nofile(port->fld[1]); return;}
- close(n);
- copy(port->fld[1], port->fld[2], false);
- }
- /*
- * Upload, common code.
- */
- uload(tname)
- char *tname;
- {
- register char *tp;
- register PORTS *p;
- p = port;
- if ((p->fl = fopen(tname, "w")) is NULL) { p->msg = mcant; return; }
- filesize = 0;
- while (true)
- {
- while(!getdat());
- /*
- * If user disconnected, timed out, or forced off, zap the file.
- */
- if (p->mode & gone)
- {
- fclose(p->fl);
- unlink(tname);
- return;
- }
- if ((tp = strchr(p->line, cpmeof)) is NULL)
- {
- filesize += strlen(p->line);
- fputs(p->line, p->fl);
- }
- else
- {
- if (tp isnt p->line)
- {
- *tp++ = '\n';
- *tp = '\0';
- filesize += strlen(p->line);
- fputs(p->line, p->fl);
- }
- fclose(p->fl);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Upload a file, from local console and remote sysop.
- */
- uloadl()
- {
- if ((port->fl = fopen(port->fld[1], "r")) isnt NULL)
- { port->msg = mexst; fclose(port->fl); return; }
- prtx(fm);
- uload(port->fld[1]);
- }
- /*
- * Upload a file, from logged in user.
- */
- uloadr()
- {
- register DIRPATH *dp;
- if (port->opt2 is ' ') { shpaths(); return; }
- if ((dp = getdir(port->fld[1])) is NULL) return;
- if (!(dp->flags & dp_upload)) { port->msg = mcant; return; }
- if (!(port->priv & p_upload)) { port->msg = mcant; return; }
- if ((port->fl = fopen(port->line, "r")) isnt NULL)
- { port->msg = mexst; fclose(port->fl); return; }
- log('F', 'U', ' ', port->line);
- prtx(fm);
- uload(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Download, common code.
- */
- dload(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- if ((port->fl = fopen(fname, "r")) is NULL) { nofile(fname); return; }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- interflag = 0;
- #endif
- while(fgets(tmp->scr, scrmax, port->fl) isnt NULL)
- {
- if (chkdis()) break;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- if(interflag && (port != cport)) {
- /* If the serial port was interrupted by the user then stop. */
- fclose(port->fl);
- return;
- }
- /* Remove any offending graphics or control characters before sending
- the string to the screen and do the outstr anyway
- */
- str_search(tmp->scr);
- #else
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- #endif
- }
- fclose (port->fl);
- }
- /*
- * Display the "info" file.
- */
- dloadi()
- {
- dload(infofile);
- }
- /*
- * Download a file, by logged in user.
- */
- dloadr()
- {
- register DIRPATH *dp;
- if (port->opt2 is ' ') { shpaths(); return; }
- if ((dp = getdir(port->fld[1])) is NULL) return;
- if (!(dp->flags & dp_dnload)) { port->msg = mcant; return; }
- if (!(port->priv & p_dnload)) { port->msg = mcant; return; }
- log('F', 'D', ' ', port->line);
- dload(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Download a file, by remote sysop.
- */
- dloads()
- {
- if (port->opt2 is ' ')
- {
- if (port->flds is 1) { shpaths(); return; }
- strcpy(port->line, port->fld[1]);
- }
- else if (getdir(port->fld[1]) is NULL) return;
- log('F', 'D', ' ', port->line);
- dload(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Download a file, by local console.
- */
- dloadl()
- {
- register PORTS *tp;
- if (port->opt2 is ' ') port->opt2 = 'Z';
- if ((tp = findport(port->opt2)) is NULL) { port->msg = mnport; return; }
- if ((cport->fl = fopen(cport->fld[1], "r")) is NULL)
- { nofile(cport->fld[1]); return; }
- ioport(tp);
- pgst(NULL);
- while(fgets(tmp->scr, scrmax, cport->fl) isnt NULL)
- {
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- str_search(tmp->scr);
- #else
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- #endif
- if (pgck() is 'Q') break;
- }
- fclose (cport->fl);
- if (tp isnt cport) term(tp);
- ioport(cport);
- }
- /*
- * Move killed mail over to a subdirectory if it exists. NTS for all
- * type 'T' and 'S' mail. Sysop's call for all to and from the sysop
- * and KILL for non-bbs mail.
- */
- arcmsg()
- {
- register int n, in, out;
- static char bbs[8];
- FILE *index;
- msgfile(port->line, port->mmhs->number);
- strcpy(bbs, "KILL");
- if (*port->mmhs->bbs isnt ' ')
- unbl(bbs, port->mmhs->bbs, ln_call);
- if ((matchn(port->mmhs->to, cport->user->call, ln_call)) or
- (matchn(port->mmhs->from, cport->user->call, ln_call)))
- unbl(bbs, cport->user->call, ln_call);
- if ((port->mmhs->type is 'T') or (port->mmhs->type is 'S'))
- strcpy(bbs, "NTS");
- if (port->mmhs->stat & m_busy) strcpy( bbs, "BUSY");
- if (port->mmhs->stat & m_noarc) strcpy(bbs, "NOARC");
- while (true)
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- sprintf(port->cmd, "%s%s\\%u", msgdir, bbs, port->mmhs->number);
- #else
- sprintf(port->cmd, "%s%s/%u", msgdir, bbs, port->mmhs->number);
- #endif
- if ((out = open(port->cmd, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, pmode)) < 0)
- {
- if((matchn(bbs, "KILL", 4)) or (matchn(bbs, "BUSY", 4))
- or (port->mmhs->stat & m_noarc))
- {
- unlink(port->line);
- outstr(" Deleted\n");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(bbs, "KILL");
- }
- else break;
- }
- makehdr();
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- sprintf(port->cmd, "%s%s\\INDEX", msgdir, bbs);
- #else
- sprintf(port->cmd, "%s%s/INDEX", msgdir, bbs);
- #endif
- if ((index = fopen(port->cmd, "a+")) isnt NULL)
- {
- fprintf( index, "%s", tmp->scr);
- fclose(index);
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- remnl (tmp->scr);
- strcat (tmp->scr, "\r\n");
- #endif
- if (*port->mmhs->bid isnt ' ') {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- sprintf(port->cmd, " BID: -%12.12s\r\n", port->mmhs->bid);
- #else
- sprintf(port->cmd, " BID: -%12.12s\n", port->mmhs->bid);
- #endif
- strcat(tmp->scr, port->cmd);
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- write(out, tmp->scr, strlen(tmp->scr));
- #else
- in = strlen(tmp->scr);
- write(out, tmp->scr, in);
- #endif
- in = open(port->line, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
- lseek(in, (long)RECSIZE, 0);
- while ((n = read(in, tmp->scr, scrmax)) > 0)
- write( out, tmp->scr, n);
- close(out);
- close(in);
- unlink(port->line);
- sprintf(port->line," Copied to %s\n", bbs);
- outstr(port->line);
- }