home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * MBINIT.C - 06/28/92 - Read configuration file.
- */
- #include "mb.h"
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- extern char *ser_dev_name;
- extern long unit;
- char dev_name[20];
- extern char tmpstr[];
- extern int numpass,debug;
- extern int ln_jstr;
- extern char *vers;
- /* Current options.
- NOTE: You can't use this to control options in the opening of windows
- or the serial line etc. because they are opened BEFORE the init()
- routine is called, which is where these flags are initially set.
- 0 A Reject unwanted bulletins if there's no bbs.dis file.
- 1 B Replace @bbs field with content of user BBS if they are on file.
- 2 C Prevent use of FBB compression which requires transparent mode.
- 3 D Open the window without borders ... for those, like me, that
- like a full-width 80 column screen
- 4 E Turn off interflag so that users can't abort output (just in case
- there's a bug).
- 5 F Don't show any titles at all in the window.
- 6 G Don't use REXX ... usually for older Kickstarts (1.3) that don't
- have it.
- */
- /* There should be NUMOPTS ones in the initialization of optflags */
- #define NUMOPTS 10
- char optflags[NUMOPTS] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
- extern char hostport;
- #endif
- #define minheap 8192
- #define minscr 4096
- #define maxscr 14336
- /*
- * Read one line from the configuration file.
- * The first field is a number. Return it.
- */
- rdnumb()
- {
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- parse ();
- return atoi (port->fld[0]);
- }
- /*
- * Read one line from the configuration file.
- * The first field is a YES / NO keyword.
- * Return true if Y, false if N.
- */
- kw()
- {
- fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- parse();
- return(*port->fld[0] is 'Y');
- }
- /*
- * Read one line from the configuration file.
- * The first field is a letter.
- * Return the control character corresponding to that letter.
- */
- char cchr()
- {
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- return (*port->line - 64);
- }
- /*
- * Read one line from the configuration file.
- * Squirrel it away in allocated memory.
- * Return a pointer to it.
- */
- char *rdstr()
- {
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- return strdup(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Read a line from the configuration file.
- * Remove the new line at end.
- * Squirrel it away in allocated memory.
- * Return a pointer to it.
- */
- char *rdstrnl()
- {
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- remnl(port->line);
- return strdup(port->line);
- }
- /*
- * Read multiple lines from the configuration file, until "*** EOF".
- * Squirrel them away in allocated memory in MLM structure.
- * Return a pointer to the structure.
- */
- MLM *rdmstr()
- {
- register MLM *h, *m, *t;
- h = NULL;
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- while (!iseof(port->line))
- {
- m = (MLM *) malloc(sizeof(MLM));
- if (h is NULL) h = m; else t->next = m;
- m->next = NULL;
- t = m;
- m->text = strdup(port->line);
- fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- }
- return h;
- }
- /*
- * Read multiple lines from the hold file.
- * Build the message hold list.
- */
- rdhold()
- {
- register HOLD *hp;
- FILE *holdfl;
- hold = NULL;
- if ((holdfl = fopen("HOLD.MB", "r")) is NULL)
- {
- printf("No Hold File\n");
- return;
- }
- printf("Held Calls ");
- while (fgets (port->line, linelen, holdfl))
- {
- hp = (HOLD *)malloc(sizeof(HOLD));
- hp->next = hold; hold = hp;
- parse();
- printf("%s ", port->fld[0]);
- pcall(hp->call, port->fld[0]);
- }
- fclose(holdfl);
- printf("\n");
- }
- /*
- * Read multiple lines from the configuration file, until "*** EOF".
- * Build the @ BBS translation list.
- */
- rdxbbs()
- {
- register XBBS *xp;
- xbbs = NULL;
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- while (!iseof(port->line))
- {
- xp = (XBBS *)malloc(sizeof(XBBS));
- xp->next = xbbs; xbbs = xp;
- parse();
- pcall(xp->from, port->fld[0]);
- if (port->flds is 1) fill(xp->to, ' ', ln_call);
- else pcall(xp->to, port->fld[1]);
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Read the directory path section of the configuration file.
- */
- rdpaths()
- {
- register DIRPATH *p, *path;
- register char *st;
- dphd = NULL;
- fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- while (!iseof(port->line))
- {
- path = (DIRPATH *) malloc(sizeof(DIRPATH));
- path->next = NULL;
- if (dphd is NULL) dphd = path; else p->next = path;
- p = path;
- parse();
- st = port->fld[0];
- path->flags = 0;
- path->id = *st++;
- while(*st)
- {
- switch(*st)
- {
- case 'D': path->flags setbit dp_dnload; break;
- case 'U': path->flags setbit dp_upload; break;
- default : ;
- }
- st++;
- }
- path->path = rdstrnl();
- path->name = rdstrnl();
- fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Read the port definition section of the configuration file.
- */
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* NOTE - that this routine is now executed BEFORE the window is opened
- and so any information it prints must be done with printf ... NOT with
- ttputs or ttputc.
- */
- #endif
- rdports()
- {
- register PORTS *p, *pt;
- register char *st;
- short first = true;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- word mask = 0x0000000000000001;
- #else
- word mask = 1;
- #endif
- word pflg;
- p_window = 0;
- pt = porthd;
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- while (!iseof(port->line))
- {
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* If this is 'mb' then only read the console port and the port we are
- going to be connected to.
- If this is sysop, then read all of them so that the A command can work.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- st = port->line;
- if((toupper(*st) != 'Z') && (toupper(*st) != hostport)) {
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- parse();
- if (!first)
- {
- pt = (PORTS *) malloc(sizeof(PORTS));
- pt->cmd = (char *)malloc(cmdlen);
- pt->line = (char *)malloc(linelen);
- p->next = pt;
- }
- first = false;
- p = pt;
- pt->next = NULL;
- p->mode = idle;
- p->lport = NULL;
- pt->user = (USER *)malloc(sizeof(USER));
- pt->user->rn = 0;
- pt->mmhs = (MSG_HDR *)malloc(sizeof(MSG_HDR));
- pt->mmhs->rn = 0;
- pt->cmdcnt = 0;
- pt->msg = NULL;
- st = port->fld[0];
- pt->dev = 0;
- pt->priv = 0;
- pt->flags = p_give | p_dotmr;
- pt->ecmon = false;
- pt->eccmds = false;
- pt->ecuser = false;
- pt->tmode = false;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- pt->id = *st++;
- #else
- pt->id = toupper(*st++);
- #endif
- pt->idn = (int)(pt->id - 'A');
- if (pt->idn < 16) p_window setbit (mask << pt->idn);
- while(*st)
- {
- switch(*st)
- {
- /*
- * Device type.
- */
- case 'C': pt->dev = p_console; cport = pt; break;
- case 'S': pt->dev = p_serial; break;
- case 'T': pt->dev = p_tnc; break;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- case 'N': pt->dev = p_nulmdm; break;
- #endif
- /*
- * Device characteristics.
- */
- case 'E': pt->flags setbit p_echo; break;
- case 'L': pt->flags setbit p_lf; break;
- case '1': pt->ecmon = true; break;
- case '2': pt->ecuser = true; break;
- case '3': pt->eccmds = true; break;
- case 'X': pt->tmode = true; break;
- /*
- * Port priveleges and permissions.
- */
- case 'B': pt->priv setbit p_bbs; break;
- case 'D': pt->priv setbit p_dnload; break;
- case 'G': pt->priv setbit p_gate; break;
- case 'I': pt->priv setbit p_ilcal; break;
- case 'M': pt->priv setbit p_mon; break;
- case 'R': pt->priv setbit p_sysop; break;
- case 'U': pt->priv setbit p_upload; break;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Turn off one of my optional fixes */
- case '#':
- st++;
- if((toupper(*st) >= 'A') && (toupper(*st) <= ('A' + NUMOPTS-1))){
- optflags[toupper(*st) - 'A'] = 0;
- }
- break;
- #endif
- }
- st++;
- }
- pt->mode = idle;
- pt->ctime = atoi(port->fld[1]);
- pt->dtime = atoi(port->fld[2]);
- pt->mtime = atoi(port->fld[3]);
- pt->mcount = atoi(port->fld[4]);
- pt->maxhrd = atoi(port->fld[5]);
- pt->ndigi = atoi(port->fld[6]);
- pt->fwdmin = atoi(port->fld[7]);
- pt->errmax = atoi(port->fld[8]);
- pt->ftime = atoi(port->fld[9]);
- pt->nhrd = 0;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- pt->heard = (char *) malloc(17 * pt->maxhrd);
- #else
- pt->heard = (char *) malloc(ln_jstr * pt->maxhrd);
- #endif
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* If this is 'mb' then read the optional device name and unit number.
- If it is already set then don't override it.
- sysop ignores it because it can't address the devices anyway
- */
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- if(!ser_dev_name && (pt->id != 'Z')) {
- if(*port->fld[10])unit = atol(port->fld[10]);
- /* If unit number still not set then make it zero here so that when I
- print out the unit number it won't be -1.
- */
- if(unit == -1)unit = 0;
- if(*port->fld[11]) {
- strcpy(dev_name,port->fld[11]);
- strlwr(dev_name);
- ser_dev_name = &dev_name[0];
- }
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- pt->name = rdstrnl();
- pt->ec = pt->ecmon;
- fgets(port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- pflg = getp_flag();
- putp_flag (pflg setbit p_window);
- printf ("Window %X port flag %X\n", p_window, pflg);
- ioinit();
- /*
- * Drain any garbage from the port.
- */
- for (p = porthd; p isnt NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- ioport(p);
- switch(p->dev)
- {
- case p_tnc :
- while(instat()) inchar();
- p->mode = remote;
- if (p->tmode) p->flags setbit p_trans;
- distnc();
- p->mode = idle;
- break;
- case p_serial :
- case p_console:
- while(instat()) inchar();
- default : ;
- }
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- /* If option C is turned off then remove the 'B', if it is there, in
- the version string to prevent FBB compression.
- */
- if(!optflags[2]) {
- st = vers;
- while(*st != '-')st++;
- st++;
- while(*st != '-')st++;
- st++;
- while((*st != 'B') && (*st != ']'))st++;
- if(*st == 'B') {
- do {
- *st = *(st+1);
- st++;
- } while(*st);
- }
- }
- ioport(porthd);
- #else
- cport->fl = port->fl;
- ioport(cport);
- #endif
- printf("\n");
- }
- /*
- * Do the initialization. Called from mainline.
- */
- init(file)
- char *file;
- {
- word avl;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- word fast;
- char tstr[100];
- #endif
- /*
- * Set default system params.
- */
- s_param = s_page;
- s_prompt = 0;
- /*
- * Need structure for parse, so allocate a port.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- porthd = (PORTS *) malloc(sizeof(PORTS));
- porthd->cmd = (char *) malloc(cmdlen);
- porthd->line = (char *) malloc(linelen);
- ioport(porthd);
- /*
- * Open the configuration file.
- */
- if ((port->fl = fopen(file, "r")) is NULL)
- {
- printf("Cannot open %s\n", file); exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Read the configuration file, set everything up.
- */
- rdports();
- #else
- ioinit(); /* This was done in rdports but must be done here */
- #endif
- rdpaths();
- rdxbbs();
- rdhold();
- rdcnf();
- fclose(port->fl);
- ioport(cport);
- opnmon();
- opnmsg();
- opnusr();
- opnbid();
- rduser(tcall, cport->user);
- /*
- * If owners user record did not exist, make him one of the right kind.
- */
- if (!cport->user->rn)
- {
- cport->user->options = u_bbs | u_sysop | u_local;
- strncpy(cport->user->home_bbs, tcall, ln_call);
- upduser(cport->user);
- }
- opnlog();
- log ('C','I',' ',nullstr);
- logdat();
- /*
- * Grab a mess of memory.
- * 16k max. Leave at least 8k for heap.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- avl = _memavl();
- if ( (avl - minheap) > maxscr ) scrmax = maxscr;
- else scrmax = avl - minheap;
- if (scrmax < minscr)
- {
- printf("Too little memory available.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- tmp = (TMP *) malloc(scrmax);
- printf("[%u] %u free space, %u used.\n", log_mon, avl, scrmax + minheap);
- #else
- /* get free space in Kb */
- avl = (int)(AvailMem(MEMF_CHIP)>>10);
- fast = (int)(AvailMem(MEMF_FAST)>>10);
- /* Just ask for the whole 16Kb ... If it's not there try scrmin */
- scrmax = maxscr;
- tmp = (TMP *) malloc((size_t)maxscr);
- if(tmp == 0) {
- tmp = (TMP *) malloc((size_t)minscr);
- scrmax = minscr;
- if(tmp == 0) {
- endtimer();
- cleanser();
- freefcb();
- closeterm();
- printf("Not enough memory available.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* amiga doesn't need a 'heap' */
- sprintf(tstr,"%uKb Chip, %uKb Fast Memory. %uKb will be used.\n",
- avl,fast, scrmax >> 10);
- ttputs(tstr);
- #endif
- dirmax = scrmax / sizeof(DIRENT);
- seed();
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- dosinit();
- #endif
- /*
- * Set initial beacon text.
- */
- setfwd();
- clsmsg();
- clsusr();
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Let sysop know which of my options are set from the config.mb file.*/
- printopts();
- #endif
- }
- seed()
- {
- register short curmin;
- curtim(); curmin=10 * (l_time[2]-'0') + (l_time[3]-'0');
- srand(curmin);
- }
- /*
- * Read the rest of the configuration file,
- * after the port and path definitions.
- */
- rdcnf()
- {
- register int i;
- /*
- * Login message.
- */
- motd = rdmstr();
- /*
- * Prompts.
- */
- bbmenu = rdstr(); /* Prompt for connected bbs */
- symenu = rdstr(); /* Local and remote sysop prompt */
- rmenus = rdstr(); /* User prompt */
- /*
- * Who are we?
- */
- fgets (port->line, linelen, port->fl);
- pcall (tcall, port->line);
- /*
- * Where are we?
- */
- qth = rdstrnl();
- /*
- * Who is our name server?
- */
- fgets (port->line, cmdlen, port->fl);
- pcall (wpcall, port->line);
- /*
- * File names and directory paths used by MailBox.
- */
- helpfile = rdstrnl();
- infofile = rdstrnl();
- fwdfile = rdstrnl();
- lgfile = rdstrnl();
- monfile = rdstrnl();
- mbfile = rdstrnl();
- mbbfile = rdstrnl();
- usfile = rdstrnl();
- usbfile = rdstrnl();
- msgdir = rdstrnl();
- bidfile = rdstrnl();
- hrdfile = rdstrnl();
- stfile = rdstrnl();
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Change some of the above filenames so that they include the port id */
- portfile();
- #endif
- hrdmax = rdnumb();
- /*
- * Automatic mail untangle at what hour?
- * NO or YES hh Where hh is the untangle hour 0-23
- */
- if (kw())
- {
- s_param setbit s_unt;
- unt_hr = atoi(port->fld[1]);
- }
- /*
- * Give time slice back to DESQview?
- */
- if (kw()) s_flag setbit s_dv;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* The multi-user version requires this whole locking mechanism OFF
- and multi-user is now the default.
- */
- s_flag clrbit s_dv;
- #endif
- /*
- * Prompt for user info?
- */
- if (kw()) s_prompt setbit s_p_name;
- if (kw()) s_prompt setbit s_p_home;
- if (kw()) s_prompt setbit s_p_zip;
- if (kw()) s_prompt setbit s_p_qth;
- /*
- * Logging
- */
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_log_on;
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_log_gate;
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_log_file;
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_log_msg;
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_log_loc;
- /*
- * Control characters.
- */
- achar = cchr();
- rchar = cchr();
- tchar = cchr();
- wchar = cchr();
- pausemsg = rdstr();
- /* Text for local display of user call. */
- mumsg = rdstr();
- /* Text to send when get connect request. */
- reqmsg = rdstr();
- /* Various "talk to the owner" texts. */
- talkm1 = rdstr();
- talkm2 = rdstr();
- talkm3 = rdstr();
- talkm4 = rdstr();
- /* MailBox messages. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_mm; i++) mm[i] = rdstr();
- /* Max calls in unread mail list. */
- ufwdm = rdnumb();
- bfwdm = rdnumb();
- /* Max days for a bid file record. */
- bidnum = atoi(port->fld[1]);
- /* Kill regular message after forward? */
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_kill;
- /* Kill F message after forward? */
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_fkill;
- /* Generate service msg after KT? */
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_svc;
- /* Enable ET command? */
- if (kw()) s_param setbit s_edtfc;
- if (*port->fld[1] is 'Y') s_param setbit s_ping;
- /* How many days before a message becomes stale */
- tstaleb = rdnumb();
- if(*port->fld[1] is 'Y') s_flag setbit s_bkill;
- tstale1 = atoi (port->fld[2]); /* 1st time period days */
- rstale1 = atoi (port->fld[3]); /* 1st period read count */
- tstale2 = atoi (port->fld[4]); /* 2nd time period days */
- rstale2 = atoi (port->fld[5]); /* 2nd period read count */
- tstale3 = atoi (port->fld[6]); /* 3rd time period days */
- rstale3 = atoi (port->fld[7]); /* 3rd period read count */
- tstalen = rdnumb(); if(*port->fld[1] is 'Y') s_flag setbit s_nkill;
- tstaleu = rdnumb(); if(*port->fld[1] is 'Y') s_flag setbit s_ukill;
- /* Upload/download prompts. */
- fm = rdstr();
- /* User file text. */
- for (i = 0; i < num_um; i++) um[i] = rdstr();
- remnl(um[0]);
- /* Error/status messages. */
- mcant = rdstr();
- mfind = rdstr();
- mprot = rdstr();
- mexst = rdstr();
- mtime = rdstr();
- mwhat = rdstr();
- mdone = rdstr();
- mnport = rdstr();
- mndir = rdstr();
- mnfile = rdstr();
- mnmsg = rdstr();
- minuse = rdstr();
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- #endif
- #ifdef NEWPASS
- numpass = initpwd();
- sprintf(tmpstr,"NUMPASS = %d\n",numpass);
- ttputs(tmpstr);
- #else
- keylst = rdstr();
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- printopts()
- {
- register int i;
- register char flag;
- flag = 0;
- for(i=0;i<NUMOPTS;i++) {
- if(optflags[i] == 0) {
- if(flag == 0) {
- ttputs("\nThe following options are turned OFF - ");
- flag = 1;
- }
- ttputc('A'+i);
- }
- }
- if(flag) {
- ttputc('\n');
- }
- }
- setinit(file)
- char *file;
- {
- /* On the AMIGA opening the config file and doing rdports() are done
- before the window and serial ports are opened to allow the user to
- set configuration options which may affect the opening of the
- window or serial port.
- */
- porthd = (PORTS *) malloc(sizeof(PORTS));
- porthd->cmd = (char *) malloc((size_t)cmdlen);
- porthd->line = (char *) malloc((size_t)linelen);
- ioport(porthd);
- /*
- * Open the configuration file.
- */
- if ((port->fl = fopen(file, "r")) is NULL)
- {
- printf("Missing config file - ");
- printf("Cannot open %s\n", file); return(1);
- }
- /*
- * Read the configuration file, set everything up.
- */
- rdports();
- return(0);
- }
- #endif