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- /* version.c */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "mb.h"
- extern char optflags[];
- extern struct Window *mywindow ; /* ptr to applications window */
- extern short od ; /* device is open so it can be closed */
- #define IBM_VERSION "7.20"
- #define AMI_VERSION "j"
- #define DATE_VERSION "28-Aug-1993"
- /* This string is only for the "version" program */
- static char *sys_version =
- /* Original version strings from distribution
- char *ver = "\nC-BBS V7.2, 30 JAN 1992\n\n";
- char *vers = "[CBBS-7.20-H$]\n";
- */
- /* Version strings for Amiga Multi-Port version */
- char *ver = "\nAMIGA Multi-Port C-BBS V" IBM_VERSION AMI_VERSION ", "
- DATE_VERSION " (VE5VA)\n\n";
- /* This string MUST have exactly two hyphens in it so that the code in
- mbinit which removes the B will work if #C is set
- */
- #ifndef MCH_ZOO
- char *vers = "[M_CBBS-" IBM_VERSION AMI_VERSION "-BFMH$]\n";
- #else
- char *vers = "[M_CBBS-" IBM_VERSION AMI_VERSION "-ZBFMH$]\n";
- #endif
- extern char hostport;
- /* Window titles for the various versions (no such thing in the distribution
- version so there's no need to look for MCH_AMIGA
- */
- #ifdef MCH_SYSOP
- /* Title for the SYSOP version */
- #else
- /* Title for multi-port version */
- char *title = " CBBS V" IBM_VERSION AMI_VERSION ;
- #endif
- extern char *fwdfile;
- short gotmail = 0;
- char titlestr[80];
- char conn_call[10];
- char conn_direction = ' ';
- short versions = 0;
- window_title(i,j)
- short i,j;
- {
- register int k,l;
- if(od == 0)return;
- if(!optflags[5])return;
- if((k = i) < 0)k = 0;
- if((l = j) < 0)l = 0;
- sprintf(titlestr,"%c%6s %5d/%-4d %14s #%c %13s %-10s",
- conn_direction,conn_call,
- k,l,
- title,hostport,
- gotmail? "You have mail":"",
- fwdfile?fwdfile:"");
- setwtitles(titlestr);
- }
- user_title(p)
- char *p;
- {
- register int i;
- register char *q,*r;
- q = conn_call;
- r = titlestr;
- if(*p)*r++ = conn_direction;
- else *r++ = ' ';
- for(i=0;i<ln_call && *p;i++,p++) {
- *r++ = *q++ = *p;
- }
- for(;i<ln_call;i++)*r++ = *q++ = ' ';
- setwtitles(titlestr);
- }