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- /* Yapp.c YAPP protocol for FBB forwarding in CBBS.
- Copyright Peter Hardie VE5VA 1993
- */
- #include "mb.h"
- #define NUL 0
- #define SOH 1
- #define STX 2
- #define EOT 4
- extern unsigned char rdchar();
- extern short debug;
- /* rflag is in ser.c. It indicates, when on that rdchar should not start
- the next I/O
- */
- extern short rflag;
- /* rdblock reads a block of the specified number of bytes into the buffer.
- If the length is specified as -1 then a null terminated string is read.
- */
- long tempcount; /* Actually only used in debugging */
- extern unsigned long textsize;
- extern char fbb_flag,tmpstr[];
- short buf_index;
- short buf_num;
- short huf_error;
- short yapp_eot;
- short block_cancel = 0; /* Set to one by i/o routine if SYSOP hits ^F */
- short checksum;
- unsigned char *yapp_buf;
- char *out_buf_adr; /* output buffer */
- char *in_buf_adr; /* input buffer */
- short out_index;
- extern FILE *infl;
- FILE *tfl,*ofl;
- snd_yapp()
- {
- register char *q;
- register PORTS *p;
- register FILE *fl;
- register int i;
- block_cancel = 0;
- p = port;
- sprintf(p->line, "%s%u", msgdir, port->mmhs->number);
- if((fl = fopen(p->line, "rb")) is NULL) {
- printf("Can't find input file %s\n",p->line);
- return(1);
- }
- if((infl = fopen("t:fbb.tmp","w+b")) == NULL) {
- printf("Can't create temporary file t:fbb.tmp\n");
- fclose(fl);
- return(2);
- }
- /* Initialize output buffer */
- out_index = 0;
- tempcount = 0;
- /* send the title */
- puthuf(SOH);
- puthuf(0); /* Filled in later as length of data */
- q = p->mmhs->title;
- ttputs("Sending Compressed Msg - title:\n");
- ttputs(q);
- ttputs("\n");
- while(*q && (*q != '\n'))puthuf(*q++);
- puthuf(0);
- puthuf('0'); /* Offset length is always zero */
- puthuf(0);
- closehuf(); /* Force transmission of the header */
- /* Now, while that is being sent, we have a bit of time to create a
- temporary file containing the processed message so that we can find
- its true length with LF replaced by CR/LF and my R: header.
- */
- curtim();
- fbb_flag = 1;
- prtx(mm[4]);
- fbb_flag = 0;
- q = tmpstr;
- fputs(tmpstr,infl);
- fseek(fl, (long)RECSIZE, 0);
- if(debug)tfl = fopen("t:fbb.xmt","wb");
- while(fgets(tmp->scr, scrmax, fl) isnt NULL) {
- if (chkdis()) {
- if(debug)fclose(tfl);
- fclose(fl);
- fclose(infl);
- return(3);
- }
- q = tmp->scr;
- while(*q && (*q != '\n'))q++;
- *q++ = '\r';
- *q++ = '\n';
- *q = 0;
- fputs(tmp->scr,infl);
- }
- fclose(fl);
- rewind(infl);
- checksum = 0;
- if(s_mart & cmpok) {
- i = Encode();
- }
- #ifdef MCH_ZOO
- else {
- i = lzc();
- }
- #endif
- if(i) {
- ttputs("Problem in encode or console abort\n");
- fclose(infl);
- if(debug)fclose(tfl);
- return(4);
- }
- /* Send EOT and checksum */
- out_index = 0;
- i = checksum;
- puthuf(EOT);
- puthuf((-i)&0xff);
- sendblock(out_buf_adr,2);
- fclose(infl);
- /* unlink("t:fbb.tmp"); */
- ttputs("File Sent\n");
- if(debug)fclose(tfl);
- return(0);
- }
- rcv_yapp(infile)
- char *infile;
- {
- register int i;
- register PORTS *p;
- register char *q;
- char *r;
- unsigned char offset[10],c;
- unsigned char intitle[100];
- block_cancel = 0;
- yapp_eot = 0;
- p = port;
- out_index = 0;
- checksum = 0;
- if((p->fl = fopen(infile, "wb")) is NULL) {
- p->msg = mcant;
- return(1);
- }
- fill(tmp->scr, '.', RECSIZE);
- fwrite(tmp->scr,256,1, p->fl);
- /* First, read the header information */
- rflag = 1;
- if((i = rdchar()) != SOH) {
- printf("No SOH at start of compressed forward - %02x\n",i);
- fclose(p->fl);
- unlink(infile);
- restart();
- return(1);
- }
- /* Get the message header length */
- if(rdblock(&c,1))return(1);
- if(debug) {
- sprintf(tmpstr,"Length = %d\n",c);
- ttputs(tmpstr);
- }
- /* if(rdblock(p->mmhs->title,-80))return(1);*/
- /* FBB can blow up and send a title longer than 80 characters
- So this code reads a long title into a temporary string and then
- copies only, at most, 79 characters into the title string
- */
- if(rdblock(intitle,-95))return(1);
- strncpy(p->mmhs->title,(char *)intitle,79);
- ttputs("Receiving compressed message - title:\n");
- ttputs(p->mmhs->title);
- ttputs("\n");
- /* At the moment this is ignored even by FBB */
- if(rdblock(&offset[0],-8))return(1);
- if(debug)ofl = fopen("t:fbb.rcv","wb");
- huf_error = 0;
- buf_index = 257;
- buf_num = 0;
- filesize = 0;
- tempcount = 0;
- if(s_mart & cmpok) {
- i = Decode();
- }
- #ifdef MCH_ZOO
- else {
- i = lzd();
- }
- #endif
- if(i) {
- fclose(port->fl);
- unlink(infile);
- ttputs("Decoding error or console abort\n");
- restart();
- return(1);
- }
- fclose(p->fl);
- if(!yapp_eot) {
- if(debug)fclose(ofl);
- if(rdblock(&c,1))return(1);
- restart();
- if(c != EOT) {
- printf("EOT not found - %02x\n",c);
- /* unlink(infile);*/
- return(1);
- }
- if(debug)printf("OTHER_EOT\n");
- }
- checksum += rdchar();
- if(checksum & 0xFF) {
- printf("Checksum error in FBB compressed forward\n");
- unlink(infile);
- return(1);
- }
- ttputs("Done\n");
- return(0);
- }
- unsigned char gethuf()
- {
- register int i;
- register unsigned char *q;
- unsigned char c;
- if(yapp_eot)return(0);
- if(buf_index >= buf_num) {
- rdblock(&c,1);
- if(c == EOT) {
- restart();
- if(debug) {
- printf("YAPP-EOT\n");
- fclose(ofl);
- }
- yapp_eot = 1;
- return(0);
- }
- if(c != STX) {
- huf_error = 1;
- printf("Missing STX in compressed forward - %02x\n",c);
- return(0);
- }
- buf_index = 0;
- rdblock(&c,1);
- buf_num = c;
- if(buf_num == 0)buf_num = 256;
- rdblock(yapp_buf,buf_num);
- if(debug) {
- fwrite(yapp_buf,buf_num,1,ofl);
- tempcount++;
- printf("Got %3ld length = %d\n",tempcount,buf_num);
- }
- q = yapp_buf;
- i = buf_num;
- do {
- checksum += *q++;
- } while(--i);
- }
- if(s_mart & zoook)putc(*(yapp_buf+buf_index),stdout);
- return(*(yapp_buf+buf_index++));
- }
- putdec(cc)
- int cc;
- {
- register unsigned char c;
- c = cc&0xff;
- if(c != '\r') {
- *(out_buf_adr + out_index++) = c;
- filesize++;
- if(out_index == 256) {
- fwrite(out_buf_adr,256,1,port->fl);
- out_index = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- closedec()
- {
- if(out_index) {
- fwrite(out_buf_adr,out_index,1,port->fl);
- out_index = 0;
- }
- }
- puthuf(cc)
- int cc;
- {
- register unsigned char c;
- c = cc & 0xff;
- checksum += c;
- *(out_buf_adr + out_index++) = c;
- if(out_index == 251) {
- *(out_buf_adr + 1) = out_index - 2;
- out_index = 2;
- if(debug) {
- fwrite(out_buf_adr+2,249,1,tfl);
- printf("Put %3ld length = 249\n",tempcount++);
- }
- return(sendblock(out_buf_adr,251));
- }
- return(0);
- }
- closehuf()
- {
- register int i;
- if(out_index > 2) {
- *(out_buf_adr + 1) = out_index - 2;
- sendblock(out_buf_adr,out_index);
- if(debug) {
- fwrite(out_buf_adr+2,out_index-2,1,tfl);
- printf("Put %3ld length = %d\n",tempcount++,out_index-2);
- }
- out_index = 2;
- *out_buf_adr = STX;
- }
- }