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- * The program will be referred to as BBS, but you will find it as
- * P1103.ASM (source) or P1103 (runable). P1103 means November 3, 1988.
- This is a program written in Assembly Language for the Amiga computer
- to run PACKET radio as a backround task. It uses the Amiga Serial port
- to interface to a Terminal Node Controller (TNC). The TNC is connected
- to the Amiga thru a RS-232 serial cable, and to a VHF or HF radio thru
- Receive audio, Microphone audio, and PTT lines.
- The terminal part should run on any TNC, but the BBS part will only
- run on a KANTRONICS KPC-1, KPC-2, KAM, or KPC-4. DUAL PORTING works with
- the KAM or KPC-4. See DISP files for parameters.
- NOTE: Stack must be set to 8000 or more. Suggest setting Stack 8000
- and CD RAM:. TNC ECHO must be turned on. This program will do its own
- SERIAL port initialization and runs with HARDWARE RTS/CTS HANDSHAKING.
- SERIAL PORT: (This for A1000. A500 or A2000 may be different !!!)
- DO NOT CONNECT ALL 25 WIRES !!! Some have supply voltages.
- 1 - 1 GND AMIGA 6 (DSR) tied to AMIGA 20 (DTR)
- 2 < 2 TD AMIGA 8 (DCD) tied to AMIGA 21 (+5V) thru 1k resistor
- 3 > 3 RD
- 4 > 4 RTS No other wires are connected.
- 5 < 5 CTS
- 7 - 7 GND
- NOTE: Amiga pin 8 probably can be left blank. I installed the pull up
- resistor years ago and don't remember why(?).
- "RUN PBBS" will will bring up a full, borderless, window in non-
- interlaced or interlaced mode. Works well with overscan WB screen.
- This window can be re-sized under AmigaDos 1.2 or made smaller and
- moved to any part of screen.
- Function Keys: (As appear in window title line)
- HELP Displays current status. ^=BBS active M=monitor mode on, B=BBS
- enabled, Capture filename, I/O baud rate, number of characters
- and lines in capture buffer.
- F1 - Prompts for a file name that will CAPTURE communications to/from
- TNC to the named file. Default is to the current directory, but
- regular file names and paths may be entered, either to disk, RAM,
- or printer. Note that PACKET has an internal 4k buffer that fills
- up first before dumping to capture file.
- - Hit F1 again to toggle closed CAPTURE file.
- F2 - Prompts for a filename for a text file that you want to SEND to
- another station. File SEND will start immediately. TNC ECHO must
- be turned on for this to work.
- - Hit F2 again during SEND to cancel.
- F3 - Sets BAUD to next lower rate. 9600, 2400, 1200, 300 bauds are
- available. Program defaults to 9600 baud. TNC ABAUD parameter
- must be the same as PACKET baud on Amiga.
- F5 - Toggles MON mode. With M=OFF, Amiga looks almost like a dumb
- terminal and does character I/O. M=ON causes line I/O and
- trashes much of the duplicate CALL>CALL,DIGI1,DIGI2 lines, and
- will only display full lines from TNC - TNC must echo a full
- line that you type before it will be displayed. This mode is
- used with Kantronics KPC with HEADERLN=ON in TNC.
- Hello fron Allentown, Pa. Packet text
- F6 - Opens a NEWCLI window. Remember this command when you GURU on
- another task. Click in new window and save files, then re-boot.
- F7 - After connecting to a station, BBS is forced on and forwards msgs
- that are for that BBS. Then a F> is sent for reverse forwards.
- F8 - Supposed to break into BBS connection to talk to user. Code not
- completed yet, so DO NOT USE!!
- F9 - Toggles BBS enable/disable, indicated by 'B' status with HELP key.
- With BBS disabled, you remain in terminal mode when someone connects.
- F10- Same as WINDOWCLOSE gadget in upper left of window. Closes all
- open capture or send files, then quits. NOTE: When BBS is active,
- F10 key will disconnect station (may wait for 4 minute timeout).
- NOTES: This is a borderless window to get the most on a screen.
- You may at times get confused as to where the window starts and stops.
- Suggest a full screen PACKET window, with other tasks running on top.
- The WINDOWCLOSE, FRONT, BACK, RESIZE, and DRAG gadgets are all there,
- but typically invisable - click on BACK gadgets in upper right to make
- things visable again. Note function key help in title line.
- When program is first run, CHARS/LINES will display starting and
- ending addresses of the program in DECIMAL. It will do this until a
- CAPTURE file is opened.
- When SENDing a file, characters are sent to the TNC and program will
- not send more characters until it sees them ECHOed back. This
- program is set up for HARDWARE RTS/CTS handshaking ONLY.
- ------
- ------
- Hey people! The Assembly source code is included. It was written by
- me for me. You will have a hard time with it, but play anyway. Please
- give it away or change it, or anything, but DON'T SELL IT OR THE PROGRAM.
- The source is complete. Nothing else is needed except ASMB and ALINK.
- It assembles fast, but is somewhat inflexible.
- Put a copy of BBS.ASM in RAM: and do following:
- STACK 8000
- RUN RAM:BBS ... then type F3 until baud is correct.
- ------
- BBS operation
- ------
- BBS expects to find 7 files on a disk named B: and these files are
- addressed:
- B:DIR Maintains directory of messages that are sent.
- B:USR Maintains user information.
- B:FWD Used when forwarding messages.
- B:BID Maintains list of $BIDs for bulletin dupe rejection.
- B:0 This is MY plug (N3ET) for AmigaBBS
- B:1 This is a list of BBS commands. Give the user a break and keep
- it short - he needs help, not 20k of bullshit!
- B:2 This is your plug. Tell the user about YOUR system. This will
- eventually be the response to the future 'I' command for INFO.
- SYSOP entry of messages is quite poor at this time, but goes like this:
- Use ED to build a message. Then save as say, B:4. Type "L B:4" and
- note message length. "ED B:DIR" and add new first line, mimic line
- below it:
- " 4 BN 12345 ALL WB3KTW 8712312359 Hello all"
- ---- -- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------- ---------
- I know, you aint got ED, so your gonna have to wing it with your own
- editor. May I suggest that you have someone connect and send a message
- or 2 and then have him KILL them. Then take a look at B:DIR and the
- messages. You, as SYSOP, will have to duplicate what the BBS does if
- you want to put a message in your system.
- In the B:USR file, clean it up every now and then by deleting the older
- lines (one line must remain as a `seed'. Format is:
- WA3MNT 8712312359 0025 3 Randy
- ------ ---------- ---- ---- --------
- Never delete top entry in DIR or new messages will overwrite previous
- messages. If you want to force a BBS message to whoever you are connected
- to, then change B:DIR line to " 4/PN " etc. The slash '/' tells the
- BBS to forward this message when it receives F> (as in reverse forward) or
- when you connect to someone and hit F7 key.
- NEVER CONNECT TO YOURSELF with BBS enabled !! I never did this, but
- expect to re-boot for this act of insanity. The program aint that smart
- to figure out whether you are typing or the TNC is sending something.
- Five WHATS and he is disconnected. If the BBS doesn't understand a
- user's command, it says *** "R 1" so the user should read message 1.
- He is allowed 5 *** ERRORS and the BBS disconnects.
- Drop me a note on Amateur radio packet. N3ET @ N3ET
- Randy Lilly N3ET (215) 791-3774
- 752 S. Carldon St
- Allentown, PA 18103