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- Amigan Amateur Radio Group Public Domain Disk # 5 12/30/88
- This disk contains files for TA-Term terminal programs written by K2TA -
- Thomas Althoff for the AEA AMT-1 and PK-232 terminal units, and Randy Lilly's
- N3ET Amiga Packet BBS for Kantronics TNCs. The disk that Tom
- sent was a workbench disk with the TA-TERM files added. Since the Amiga
- Operating system is not public domain ( Commodore Copyrighted ), I removed
- all files except PD from this disk. You can run TA-TERM this way, but if you
- want a bootable disk with TA-TERM on it, you will have to make a copy of your
- workbench disk, make space on it by deleting unnecessary files such as
- printer drivers, commands, and fonts that you don't need. Then copy all the
- files from this disk to your Workbench disk. Name the disk "Setup". Here is
- a directory listing of what Tom's disk looked like to run the program from
- a bootable disk:
- c (dir)
- cd copy
- delete dir
- echo endcli
- info loadwb
- more newcli
- stack type
- l (dir)
- .fastdir Disk-Validator
- my-handler Port-Handler
- Ram-Handler vdk-handler
- devs (dir)
- printers (dir)
- Alphacom_Alphapro_101 Brother_HR-15XL
- CBM_MPS1000 Diablo_630
- Diablo_Advantage_D25 Diablo_C-150
- Epson Epson_JX-80
- generic HP_LaserJet
- HP_LaserJet_PLUS ImagewriterII
- Okidata_292 Okidata_92
- Okimate_20 Qume_LetterPro_20
- .fastdir clipboard.device
- mountlist mountlist2
- mountlistBAK narrator.device
- parallel.device printer.device
- scsihd.device serial.device
- system-configuration vdisk.device
- s (dir)
- startup-sequence startup-sequenceBAK
- fonts (dir)
- libs (dir)
- .fastdir conhandler.library
- diskfont.library icon.library
- info.library mathieeedoubbas.library
- mathtrans.library translator.library
- version.library
- .info beacon.txt
- cqdx cqdxBAK
- Disk.info FDrobot.txt
- More readme
- readme.2 Readme.2.info
- readme.info ROBOT.TXT
- SETUP.TXT ta-term
- ta-term.amt-1 ta-term.amt-1.info
- ta-term.amt1 ta-term.pk232
- ta-term.pk232.info ta.readme
- ta.readme.info taterm1
- ------
- AmigaBBS
- Randy Lilly - N3ET has written a packet BBS program which has been
- running at his QTH for over a year. The AmigaBBS will run on a Kantronics
- KPC-1, KPC-2, KAM, or KPC-4. Dual Porting works on the KAM or KPC-4.
- Randy uses CLI, so there are no icons for the program itself. I added icons
- to the readme files so that mouse users could still look around at the
- features. This program is an update to the AmigaBBS which appears on the
- Amateur_Radio_1 PD disk.
- ---
- This disk is the result of Amigan Amateurs sending me their PD radio
- related software. If the software has the authors name somewhere in the
- program or readme file, send comments and questions to the author. If no
- name is found, or you have comments on the disk as a whole, send to me.
- If you've written or use a radio related program, please send it to me for
- possible inclusion on future "ham disks". Chances are that if you find your
- program useful, other hams will too.
- The Amigan Amateur Radio Group is a bunch of Amiga Users who also like
- Amateur ( Ham ) Radio. There is also a newsletter (the "Amigan Beacon"), and
- low band nets. There are no dues. For more info, send me an SASE.
- If you would like to learn more about Amateur Radio, send a letter and
- SASE to the American Radio Relay League, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111
- They sell study materials to help you obtain a license, and can give you the
- name of a local Amateur Radio Club so you can find some local "Hams".
- 73,
- Kathy Wehr - WB3KRN ( WB3KRN @ K3RLI for packet mail)
- RD#1 Box 193
- Watsontown, PA 17777