This icon is an indication for you that you can type in this window.
This icon is an indication for you that you cannot type in this window.
Click this button to decode the contents of the active document.
Click this button to print the contents of the active document. You can specify printing options (such as the number of copies you want) in the dialog box that appears.
Click this button to print the contents of the active document. Not available now because there is any message on your screen.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select the addresses where the text of the current message should be sent to.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select the addresses where the text of the current message should be sent to. Not available now because there is any message on your screen.
Creates a new document in which you can enter your reply for this message. The name of the document will be the same as the one to which you reply except the prefix 'Re: '.
This icon is an indication for you that this message was sent.
Size box
To change the height and width of the window, drag the size box.
Scroll bar
To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
Scroll bar
Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains any items above or below the window's borders.
Scroll bar
Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains any items to the left or right of the window's borders.
Creates a new document in which you can enter your reply for a previous read message. Not available now because an entry window is already open or the sender of the message is unknown.
An arrow placed in this column points to a currently open message.
A hollow symbol placed in this column indicates a non-read message. A grayed symbol indicates a read message, while a black symbol indicates a message that is selected for deletion.
This column contains the address of the sender of the message.
This column contains the date at which the message was sent.
This column contains the time at which the message was sent.
This column contains the size of the message in number of characters.
This column contains the subject (or title) of the message.
A lock symbol in this column indicates that the message is being send by NET/Mac.
This column contains the message number (sequence number) of the message.
This column contains the size of the message in number of characters.
This column contains the date at which the message was sent.
This column contains the time at which the message was sent.
This column contains the address of the host were the message will be delivered.
This column contains the address of the host that has sent the message.
This column contains all addresses of the hosts, recipients of the message.
This icon is an indication for you that transliteration is 'ON'.
Click this button to send the reply to the originator of the message.
Click this button to send the reply to the originator of the message. Not available now because there is any message on your screen.