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- Hi, Sean.
- No problem. Upkeep of the Mac ham software list has been taken
- over by Terry Stader, KA8SCP. I'll attach the latest version at
- the end of this message. (If by some chance it's too long and
- gets chopped off, let me know and I'll send it in smaller pieces.)
- 73,
- Patty
- p.s. I know that some of the AMPRnet/Internet wormholes serve
- England; have you tried them? Theoretically, we could do direct
- SMTP, FTP, etc. sessions between our AMPRnet stations. That is,
- if I ever take my packet station off the space shuttle frequency
- and put it back on the TCP/IP frequency... :-)
- ===========================================================
- Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 09:01:58 -0700
- From: Terry Stader <p00489@psilink.com>
- Subject: Macintosh Ham Radio Software 1.0.6 - 3/94
- Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc,rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc,rec.radio.shortwave,rec.radio.info,rec.radio.scanner,rec.radio.shortwave
- Macintosh Amateur Radio Software - March 1994
- Version 1.06
- Please feel free to distribute this list as widely as possible. Many
- of you have asked if it is OK to cross-post this list? I don't mind,
- but I would like to know where it is going. If you think it should
- be cross-posted to other USENET groups, please let me know so I can
- try and manage these. We don't want to have any duplication or our
- welcome will be wore out! I will also try and honor individual
- requests for this list... but I do not always catch all of the
- newsgroups postings... so please DO NOT reply/ask there! If I am a
- little slow in getting the list back to you... hang in there!
- Those of you that can tell me about ANY of these programs
- compatibility with System 7 would be appreciated! I am going to be
- adding a System 7 compatability section to EACH description in
- future releases. If the application is KNOWN to execute properly
- under System 7, the System 7 anotation will be placed as the last
- line of the product description. More clarification on levels of
- System 7 compatibility in the future editions... but this is a
- start!
- Some of the information in this list was gleaned from flyers
- supplied by the software vendors, or in some cases from reviews in
- amateur radio publications or the README files included with the
- archive. Some of the information has not been verified for a long
- time; please check with the vendors/authors for the latest product
- specs, pricing, etc.
- NEW/CHANGES: A new group has been added... that of WEFAX. Although
- some of the software currently available supports this mode, RadFax
- is the first to be listed as the only function of receiving waether
- facsimille.
- I've started adding more version numbers so that our users will know
- if they have the most current release. Thanks to those that have
- already sent them in... I'll accept all corrections!
- This list contains info on updated for several applications: updated
- information on Kantronic's Host Master(thanks John-WD1V) and Lar's
- newest release of Morse Trainer 1.1.1. Ivo-ON1XK and Adam-PA2AGA
- both contnue to be busy with new releases of IM/Mac and NET/Mac
- repsectively. I know that Adam made changes to support the multiport
- serial boards... and now we can have up to 16 TNCs connected!
- Thanks Adam, Ivo and Lars for some great products!
- A reminder that The World Software Tool and Dye, is one of the
- newest site carrying the Mac Ham Radio Software. Scott-WY1Z is
- maintaining these file as the Librarian of the Boston Amateur Radio
- Club. Look in the following path at ftp.std.com: /pub/hamradio/mac.
- Check at the bottom of this list for more information on ftp'able
- sites carrying Amateur Radio software.
- The ARRL ListServer is also carrying the latest version of this
- list... in case you loose this one!
- *** Collections ***
- <MacNet v5.31>
- Join MacNet and get included in the latest version of "Macnet
- Roster", a HyperCard 2.x stack that now has > 400 members and is
- the proverbial "Who's Who" of hams using Macs. You'll find "Macnet
- Roster" a great tool for finding out who, what and how other hams
- are using their Macs with their ham stations. It even includes this
- file!
- Send $30.00($40.00 DX) check or money order to: WD1V, John Seney,
- 144 Pepperidge Drive Manchester, NH 03103 USA.
- All disks shipped First Class Mail PPd. Get the COMPLETE Macnet
- Software Collection ppd. on 10 disks!
- Based on your interests, you'll also receive public domain
- shareware received by our members.
- System 7
- <Project Mac>
- Contest logging, antenna design, satellite tracking, clip art, etc.
- Microsoft BASIC required for many of the programs. Most of this
- software is now available in the MacNet collection. Send three
- formatted 800K Macintosh disks with stamped, self-addressed disk
- mailer to Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, One Glen Ave., Wolcott, CT
- 06716-1442. Stan can be reached at horzepa@gdc.com
- NOTE: Stan has indicated much of this software is "old" and may not
- work on some newer Macs. Also he notes that most of his collection
- is available in the MacNet collection above. He will send anyone
- what he has if you send him the disks and SAS mailer.
- <Amateur Radio Software for Macintosh>
- Extensive catalog including logging, Morse code, gray line, test
- preparation, satellite tracking, contesting, and packet radio
- programs.
- ZCo Corporation, P.O. Box 3720, Nashua, NH 03061. NOTE: This company has been rumored to be out of business!
- <Amateur Radio #1>
- Contains satellite tracking, Morse code, attenuator design, and
- Ohm's law calculator programs. Kinetic Designs, P.O. Box 1646,
- Orange Park, FL 32067.
- *** Test preparation ***
- <Ham Test Stacks>
- HyperCard stacks containing the entire question pool for each
- license class. Can be used for preparation or generating actual
- tests. The current releases are: Novice v4.1(new questions eff.
- 7/1/93), Technician v4.0(new questions effective 7/1/93), General
- v2.4, Advanced v2.4, Extra v2.4 If you wish to receive these PUBLIC
- DOMAIN stacks, please send a SASE (self addressed STAMPED envelope
- - 2 ounces postage = .52) and 800K diskette to the author: Diana
- L. Carlson, 3 Spruce Street, Hudson, NH 03051. Diana will no longer
- send out the stacks unless the envelope has sufficient postage
- for return mail (in general, that means .52-.98, depending on size
- of envelope) and for those who send a standard business envelope,
- she takes no responsibility for the condition of the diskette
- through US mail. Available via anonymous FTP from various sites,
- including uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (/pub/ham-radio). NOTE: The newest
- releases of Novice and Technician stacks are available at
- uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (5/6/93) Author is available via Internet:
- dls@genrad.com
- System 7 savy with HyperCard 2.1
- <MacHam>
- Test generators and study aids for the Technician, General,
- Advanced, and Extra class written elements. Includes the complete
- question pool for each license. Hypercard based.
- Coyne Co., P.O. Box 2000-200, Mission Viejo, CA 92692.
- System 7 with HyperCard 2.1
- *** Morse code practice ***
- <N6MZV Morse Trainer>
- Lets you practice any combination of letters, numbers, and/or
- punctuation characters. Can send user-created text files.
- RT Martin, N6MZV, 10382 Orange Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. Also
- available via anonymous FTP from ftp.apple.com (/pub/ham-radio).
- Shareware.
- <Morse Code Tutor v1.6> - used to be called Morse Tutor
- Sends random groups of letters, numbers, and/or punctuation
- characters. Available via anonymous FTP from ftp.apple.com
- (/pub/ham-radio). Or send formatted 800K Macintosh disk with
- stamped, self-addressed return disk mailer to Jack Brindle, WA4FIB,
- 726-175th Street SW, Bothell, WA 98012; Compuserve: 73365,606.
- <MorseMania V1.0>
- Designed for those already familiar with Morse code who want to
- improve their speed. Allows code practice at various speeds and
- audio pitches. Can generate random sequences or play the contents
- of user-created text files. Freeware. Available via anonymous
- FTP from whirlwind.stanford.edu (/pub). Contact Edward Plumer,
- KM6IQ, for more information; Internet: plumer@isl.stanford.edu.
- <MacMorse>
- Randomly sends chosen characters. Lets you create your own practice
- files. David A. Kall, 700 Marine Parkway #314, New Port Richey,
- FL 34652.
- <MacMorse v1.3>
- MacMorse is designed to help you learn Morse code and improve your
- receiving speed. It has several ways that it can send letters and
- punctuation. Shareware. Doug Havenhill, Dynamics and Control,
- 7143 West Sunnyside Drive, Peoria, AZ 85345.
- <MacSamuel>
- Sends random words, random character groups, and user-created text
- files. Can also create simulated QSOs with randomly generated text
- and callsigns. Avant Systems, P.O. Box 5437, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
- <Zihua Morse>
- Designed to teach Morse code to beginners and to improve the
- accuracy and speed of advanced users. Responses can be typed into
- the computer; the program will calculate accuracy and timing
- statistics for each session. Optional speech synthesizer reads
- the characters out loud for an accuracy check. Zihua, P.O. Box
- 51601, Pacific Grove, CA 93950.
- <Sparks-II v2.0.5>
- More Code training program. Available for anonymous ftp at
- rahul.net /pub/davidj/radio
- <Morse Master v1.0>
- The newest of the morse code training programs. MM calculates the
- real speed as follows: Real speed = Number of Words/end time -
- start time. And the lengh of word is generating randomly, so if
- you set even 5WPM, sometimes another value will appear. However
- you should believe the slidebutton's value. If you repeat many
- times, the average speed should be 5WPM (if not... anyway, believe
- the slidebutton's value). Archive is available mac.archive.umich.edu,
- path: mac/util/organization/morsemaster1.0.sit.hqx The author can
- be reached thru the following e-mail addresses:
- h79261a@kyu-cc.cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp. (Eiji AOL account is no longer
- valid - moved back to Japan after his studies.)
- <Morse Trainer-US v1.1.1>
- MorseTrainer is a powerful tool for learning and training Morse
- code. Features: Three different training modes: user text, random
- text, library text; Arbitrary signal pitch and timbre; Arbitrary
- speed and tempo; Multi-alphabet support; Random text generator;
- Text library editor; On-line alphabet; On-line manual; Help
- Balloons; And a lot more. New features in 1.1: Enhanced sound
- generator, volume control and risetime control. The pitch is set
- in steps of 10Hz instead of using MIDI frequencies; Speed and
- tempo limits increased to 80 words/minute as a result of the
- enhanced sound generator; User-selectable font in the Misc settings
- dialog. FREEWARE!
- This version uses TrueType fonts instead on bitmaps fonts so that
- the user can distinguish 0(zero) from O(character). Furthermore
- speed and tempo can be given in either characters/minute or
- words/minute. Archive is available mac.archive.umich.edu, path:
- mac/util/organization/ Author is available via internet:
- sund@tde.lth.se
- System 7 savy
- <CW Speed Builder v3.0>
- This program is for improving Morse Code (CW) reception skill.
- The major difference between this and other Morse Code training
- programs is that this one will not continue sending until you
- provide the correct answer. Major changes which have been suggested
- and implemented since last version include: after three incorrect
- responses the program shows the correct character; the list of
- characters at the end which will show those you know and those
- you need more practice on; the frequency of the tone has been
- changed; volume of the tone has been reduced; the character " - "
- has been added ( dah dit dit dit dah ) Comments can be sent as
- follows: America Online:K7UPJ, Internet:k7upj@aol.com, Packet
- radio:K7UPJ@KA3T, Compu$erv:70521,2356, Mail:Box 84, Cascade, MD
- 21719
- *** Packet and other digital modes ***
- <NET/Mac 2.3.38>
- Allows simultaneous TCP/IP, AX.25, and NET/ROM connections.
- Requires a TNC with KISS mode. Copyright, but free for noncommercial
- use. The latest releases have added the ability to cut and paste
- from the console window and support of multi-port serial boards like
- AE's QuadraLink. It is now possible to have up to 16 TNCs connected
- up to a Nubus Mac!
- Adam van Gaalen, PA2AGA, (Internet: adam@IGG.TNO.NL) has been
- making the modifications to NET/Mac. This version (and others) is
- available via anonymous FTP from ucsd.edu
- (/hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming), mac.archive.umich.edu and
- System 7
- ++##NOTE##++
- Adam recently sent oout a note to the distribution list about
- moving NET/Mac to Systerm 7 Pro. If you are contemplating this
- upgrade, Adam would like to know this... he would like to know about
- any particular features that System 7 Pro supports that you think
- should be added to NET/Mac. Please e-mail him at the address show
- above.
- <Domain-to-Hosts Converter 1.0r3>
- This application will create a hosts.net file from the domain.txt
- file that PC owners use with NOS. Created by Ken-NS1C is available
- on many TCP/IP packet switches in New England.program.
- System 7
- <IM/Mac 1.0b27y>
- Mailer program for use with the SMTP protocol. Alternative to the
- BM program that comes with NET/Mac. Written by Ivo van Ursel, ON1XK.
- Ivo is continuosly updating his mailer program. His newest release
- supports built-in BinHex support, selectable sound chimes for
- incoming mail, "quoting" of forwarded messages and lots more. If you
- are not using this program... why not? Check for the latest release
- in the directory before "blind" ftp'ing. This software supports
- System 7's Ballon Help and is System 7 savy! Available via
- anonymous FTP from ucsd.edu (/hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming).
- Author is available via internet: on1xk@igg.tno.nl <<-- new
- address for Ivo
- System 7 savy
- <SoftKiss 1.8>
- Control panel device that emulates a TNC running in KISS mode. For
- use with packet-radio modems such as the Baycom kit and PacketMac
- Modem. Version 1.8 July 9 1993 update since 1.6. KD6PAG found a bug
- in quoting recieved escape and end characters is sofktiss 1.6. The
- bug and the fix and patch are all correct, thanks for some great
- detective work. Lots of doc files and drawings included in this
- archive! Requires the Serial Tool from Apple's Communications
- Toolbox! Available on the HAMNET forum of Compuserve, America
- Online and via anonymous FTP from akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu (/aw0g).
- System 7
- <PacketMac Modem>
- PacketMac Modem kits can be obtained from: Sigma Design Associates,
- P.O. Box 49085, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, (719) 260-5513 (after
- 1/94). Dexter Francis can be reached at FRANCIS4@AppleLink.Apple.COM
- <Savant 1.0.1>
- A new packet terminal front-end by the author of Virtuoso. Savant
- has a split window interface, but it's also a multi-window,
- multi-connection interface and will work with almost any TNC, unlike
- MacRatt or HostMaster. Savant also is compatiple with SoftKISS and
- the PacketMac Modem.
- A demo version of the product is available at cpre1.ee.iastate.edu
- (pub/ke0ph) or via US Mail, send a SAS disk mailer and disk to CM
- Technologies, Inc., RR#1, Box 83A, Kelley, IA 50134 (515) 597-2051.
- System 7, 32-bit, '040 cache clean and it supports the required
- AppleEvents.
- <MacRatt with FAX>
- Terminal program for use with AEA's PK-232 multimode controller.
- Supports packet, CW, RTTY, AMTOR, and facsimile. Includes cable.
- Advanced Electronic Applications, P.O. Box C-2160, Lynnwood, WA
- 98036.
- <Host Master 1.2>
- The Kantronics Host Master software provides an easy to use,
- multifunctional terminal program for the TNC. Host Master Mac is a
- simultaneous multi-mode terminal program for the Mac written by
- Kevin Krueger, N0IOS and marketed by Kantronics. It is a commercial
- product available from most of the ham radio stores and supports
- single and multiple packet connects, packet monitoring, and HF
- operation (with KAM) each on a separate window, all at the same
- time. This package retails for $69.95 in the US and is intuitive,
- friendly, and well supported by Kantronics. Current version as of
- 10/20/93 is 1.2. It is hoped that a future version will support FAX
- but currently Hostmaster supports PACKET, AMTOR, RTTY, PACTOR (KAM
- ver. 6.0), CW, and NAVTEX. Features: text and binary file transfer;
- packet conferencing; color or B&W windows; cut, copy, paste between
- windows; call exchange and data/time stamp; auto startup/shutdown
- commands; transmit buffers for each mode; simultaneous dual port,
- multiple connects; supports KPC-2, KPC-2400, KPC-4, KAM and Data
- Engine. Requires: Macintosh Plus w/ System 6.05 or better. Current
- Kantronics firmware.
- System 7 compatible, with baloon help
- <PacketTracker 1.05>
- PacketTracker ver 1.05 is a program that monitors packet activity
- and keeps track of what is going on. It draws a graphical map
- showing who is talking to who and displays statistics of all current
- stations and keeps a running tally of activity. PacketTracker was
- written for both the casual packet user and the network manager or
- BBS operator. The casual packet user will be able to learn a great
- deal about what is happening in packet around him; which stations
- are generating the most data and what some of them are. he will be
- able to see graphically what stations he can hitdirectly and which
- ones he cannot. For the network manager and BBS operator,
- PacketTracker provides extensive insight to the operation of the
- local network and problems such as excessive retries on a path. It
- also allows for extensive logging of channel utilization and other
- pertinate information.
- NOTE: This application requires the Apple's Serial Tool from the
- Communications Toolbox.
- System 7
- *** RTTY ***
- <MacTTY>
- Decodes Baudot or ASCII transmissions. Can also be used for packet
- radio and other digital modes (including landline data
- communications). Includes split screen, a 15,000-character
- type-ahead buffer, and canned messages. Summit Concepts, Suite
- 102-190, 1840 41st Ave., Capitola, CA 95010.
- <MacMultiCom 1.0>
- MFJ sells MacMultiCom 1.0 for their 1278 multimode controller.
- MacMultiCom supports all of the modes of the 1278: packet, rtty,
- ascii, pactor, amtor, gray scale faxes, and many different formats
- of color sstv. The program requires a minimum of a MacPlus and a
- hard disk. Requires a color Macintosh and System 7 for best results.
- System 7
- *** Logging *** <Ham Radio Station Logbook>
- HyperCard stack that stores and displays radio contact information.
- Automatically stamps entries with time and date. Contacts can be
- sorted by frequency, call sign, or date of contact. Includes report
- formats, a "Q-code" reference list, and on-line help. SanSoft, 892
- E. Quail Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126. (The same program appears
- to be available from Heizer Software, 1941 Oak Park Blvd., Suite 30,
- Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.)
- <FDLog!>
- Contact logging and duping program. Can transmit any of ten
- programmable CW messages. Generates real-time statistics on QSO
- rates. System One Control, 3900 85th Ave N, Suite 200, Brooklyn
- Park, MN 55443.
- <MacContest 4.0>
- The ultimate contest logging program for the Macintosh (System 7
- proof). Covers CW/SSB/RTTY modes and all bands from 1.8 MHz to 5.7
- GHz. Allows real-time or post contest logging for a wide variety of
- contests (30 contest include, new ones can be added). Checks for
- dupes, figures scores instantly. Offers various printouts (sorts per
- band, alpabetically, labels etc.) Interfaces to TNCs (KAM, PK-232)
- for CW, RTTY and packet modes. Built in terminal mode and packet
- DXcluster interface. Interface to Kenwood transceivers for automatic
- band/mode logging. MacinTalk voice output for real-time logging as
- well as to ease post-contest entry. Option to capture log in
- realtime to printer. Option to simultaneously create a save copy of
- the log to a different file/drive. Timetable showing actual grayline
- on a world map.
- MacContest is free but must be personalized to each user (otherwis
- it's limited to 50 contacts). To get a copy send a 3.5" diskette and
- a SASE to Gerald Eberle, HB9CEY, PO Box 13, CH-4417 Ziefen,
- Switzerland.
- Moritz (HB9BLZ) can act as a message forwarder for Gerald. Moritz' e-mail address is: gysslerm@saturn.kau.roche.com
- <LOGic>
- (Macintosh version scheduled.) Lets you define the rules
- determining dupes (such as once per band or once per contest).
- Displays heading, distance, and other information about the country
- being worked. Automatically enters contact time; if interfaced
- directly to a radio, also enters the frequency, band, and mode.
- Shows status toward earning amateur-radio awards. User-definable
- database fields. Exchanges data with other programs. Personal
- Database Applications, 2634 Meadow Bend Court, Duluth, GA 30136.
- <HF Logger 1.2>
- A real fine HyperCard logging program! (hey... thats all I got!)
- <Simple Log .2b>
- This little utility is a handy way to create a logging file that
- you can later import into any data base for analysis, etc. It also
- shows you that just about anyone can use Think C and create
- something on the Mac! Let me know if you'd like the source code.
- WD1V @ WA1WOK.NH.USA.NA Author is John Seney - WD1V, e-mail address
- is jseney@aol.com. For a copy of this program, mail a SASE disk
- mailer and 800K disk to: John D. Seney, WD1V, 144 Pepperidge Dr.,
- Manchester, NH 03103
- System 7
- <Marathon>
- Contesting/logging- Have seen references to (March 92 CQ magazine)
- and heard good things about MARATHON by N 0 IOS. I believe a demo
- was available for $8. Last address known is: Kevin Krueger, N0IOS,
- 1780 Ruth St., St.Paul, MN 551O9
- *** Propagation, gray line, DX headings *** <DX Map v1.1>
- Displays a map of the world with the terminator. Gives location,
- prefixes, zone numbers, distance, and heading for any country you
- select. Freeware. Requires HyperCard 2.0. Available via anonymous
- FTP from joker.optics.rochester.edu (in the /ham/dxmap directory).
- Or send a formatted 800K Macintosh disk with a stamped,
- self-addressed disk mailer to Len Saaf, NV2Z, 52 Raleigh Street,
- Rochester, NY 14620 (Internet: saaf@joker.optics.rochester.edu).
- <SatTrak>
- Primarily a satellite tracking program, but also calculates beam
- headings, Maidenhead grid locations, MUF plots, and band openings.
- Shareware. Available via anonymous FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- (/info-mac/app). Or send a formatted 800K or 14.MB Macintosh disk
- with stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Mike Pflueger, WD8KPZ,
- 6207 W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, AZ 85306.
- <Sun Clock>
- Desk accessory. Displays a color map of the world, including the
- terminator. Indicates current time for any location. MLT Software,
- Inc., P.O. Box 368, Portland, OR 97207.
- <DX Window>
- Draws a great-circle world map centered on your QTH, with day/night
- terminator indicated. Displays over 400 DX locations with prefixes
- and beam headings. Engineering Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 939, Vienna,
- VA 22183.
- <Skycom 1.1>
- Enter solar flux and get propagation predictions to desired areas
- of the world. Engineering Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 939, Vienna, VA
- 22183.
- <Skycom 1.5>
- Provides sunlight status at both ends of a path; MUF, F0F2, and FOT
- frequencies; S/N ratio of the link; and other information.
- Engineering Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 939, Vienna, VA 22183.
- <DX Helper v1.57B>
- Displays beam heading, distance, gray line, and propagation
- information. Generates great-circle maps. Identifies prefixes,
- zones, and oblasts. Includes code practice. MacTrak Software, P.O.
- Box 1590, Port Orchard, WA 98336.
- <Mac MiniMUF v5.1>
- A greyline and propagation predictor based on the PC version of
- MiniMUF by K4CFV. It is available directly from him for the price of
- a formatted disk and SASE (disk mailer). His address in callbook
- or: Bob Stamper K4CFV, 12510 Shadowrun Blvd., Riverview, FL 33569
- <Mac ShortWave v1.2>
- A program called Mac Shortwave that figures MUF and LUF. BXA
- Research in Plano, Texas
- *** WEFAX ***
- <RadFax 0.9>
- RadFax 0.9 is somewhat incomplete and may have bugs, it is capable
- of receive weather faximile messages via the sound input port of
- Macintosh computers. Basically you connect your Mac to a shortwave
- radio and tune in to weather fax station. You set the reception
- speed and desired resolution and start receiving.
- I'm not sure if I'm going to add the features that I still feel are
- missing, but if I get enough shareware payments, I will do so. In
- any case, anyone who send me a shareware payment of $25 (cash
- prefered, but I guess there might be a way for me to cash checks
- too) will receive a disk with the full source code for the program.
- You will need at least Think C 5.0 and TCL to compile the program.
- Shareware payments should be sent to: Juri Munkki, Ehrensv
- 20B8, SF00150 Helsinki, Finland
- <WeFaxWorks>
- Weather facsimile terminal program for use with Kantronics TNCs.
- Kantronics rfconcepts, 1202 E. 23rd Street, Lawrence, KS 66046.
- *** Satellite tracking ***
- <SatTrack v1.02>
- Tracks one satellite across a world map as it moves, displays the
- instantaneous position of several satellites, or generates tables of
- all satellites visible from a certain location at a given time. Also
- calculates beam headings, Maidenhead grid locations, and MUFs.
- Shareware. Available via anonymous FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- (/info-mac/app). Or send a formatted 800K Macintosh disk with
- stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Mike Pflueger, WD8KPZ, 6207
- W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, AZ 85306.
- <MacSat v3.1>
- Tracks up to 21 satellites simultaneously, either in simulation or
- real-time mode. Text screen displays ground-track coordinates,
- range, mean anomaly, visibility (azimuth and elevation) and Doppler
- shift frequency information for all satellites being tracked.
- Graphical screen portrays the satellite ground tracks superimposed
- on a world map. Polar plot displays graphically the precise location
- of each visible satellite above the observer's horizon. Developed
- by the Geodetic Research Laboratory of the University of New
- Brunswick. Available from Richard B. Langley, R.R. 12, Fredericton,
- N.B. E3B 6H7, Canada (Internet: lang@unb.ca). A demo version of
- MacSat may be ftp'ed from directory PUB.CANSPACE on
- unbmvs1.csd.unb.ca.
- System 7
- <OrbiTrack> <OrbiTrackFPU v2.1.4>
- Calculates look angles to selected satellites, plots current
- satellite positions on a world map, and displays the visible passage
- of a satellite against background stars (either within the program
- itself or via a data file that can be read into the Voyager
- astronomy program). Please note that one version requires an FPU to
- operate! BEK Developers, P.O. Box 47114, St. Petersburg, FL 33743.
- (Bill Bard, CompuServe: 75366,2557) (Note: This replaces BEK's
- previous MacSat program, which was not related to the program of the
- same name from UNB.)
- <QuikMac>
- Macintosh version of N4HY's QuikTrak program. Requires Microsoft
- BASIC. AMSAT, P.O. Box 27, Washington, DC 20044.
- <Satellite Orbit Prediction Program>
- Macintosh conversion of W3IWI program. Requires Microsoft BASIC.
- Send formatted 800K Macintosh disk with stamped, self-addressed disk
- mailer to Earl Skelton, N3ES, 6311 29th Place NW, Washington, DC
- 20015. Or send self-addressed stamped envelope for source listing.
- <Satellite Pro>
- Uses world maps and tables to indicate rising and setting
- schedules, current locations, mutual visibility opportunities, and
- footprints. Includes Mercator, polar, and great-circle displays.
- Optional antenna control. MacTrak Software, P.O. Box 1590, Port
- Orchard, WA 98366.
- <Macintosh Spacecraft Personal Orbit Computations (MacSPOC)>
- Software used aboard the Space Shuttle and in Mission Control
- to track the Shuttle. Models engine burns, orbit perturbations,
- and the Shuttle's orientation. Free online data uploads during
- Shuttle missions.
- Commercial v1.5 available from Daniel R. Adamo,
- 4203 Moonlight Shadow Ct., Houston, TX 77059; telephone
- 713-480-9631; AppleLink: D3176; America Online: AdamoD. Test
- drive v1.1 available on AppleLink (path "K-12 Education: Education
- Resources: Science Resources: MacSPOC: Space Shuttle Orbit Software").
- Author is on AOL and can be reached as adamod@aol.com via the internet.
- *** Antenna design ***
- <MacMiniNEC>
- Chris Smolinski, N3JLY, 40 South Lake Way, Reisterstown, MD 21136.
- *** Radio control ***
- <ICOM Radio Control>
- Provides a Macintosh interface for controlling ICOM transceivers
- that use the CI-V remote-control system. Lets you quickly change
- frequencies and modes. Also does logging and duping. Requires a CI-V
- to RS-422 converter (schematic included with program).
- KE6FG Software, 9763 Pali Avenue, Tujunga, CA 91042.
- <FreqValet>
- Provides frequencies and DX program info for shortwave radio
- listeners. The program databases update automatically at 15, 30, or
- 60 minute intervals, thus providing a continuous display of
- broadcasts on-the-air at any given time in a spreadsheet like
- format. Features include sorting of data, scanning, and on-screen
- changing of databases. The program will convert Tom Sundstrom's
- dBase shorwave broadcast listing to FreqValet format and will do the
- same for Shorwave Navigator users. Separate cards are provided for
- DX Programs, Ship to Shore, and Utility broadcasts. Computer
- control modules are available at extra cost for the Drake R8,
- Kenwood R-5000, JRC NRD-525, and NRD-535 receivers.
- DX Computing, 232 Squaw Creek Road, Willow Park, TX 76087.
- Telephone (817) 441-9188 or (817) 441-5555 (fax). Author is
- available via internet: dxcomp@aol.com System 7 with HyperCard 2.1
- *** Ham radio BBSs ***
- <Digikron Systems BBS>
- Various ham-related applications, including logging, propagation,
- Morse code, and packet. (408) 253-1309.
- Various ham-related files, including packet, DXing, and contesting
- software; AMSAT bulletins; and several ham newsletters. (614)
- 895-2553. Also available via FTP on AMPRnet at
- Various ham-related software, including packet, contesting, and
- Morse code applications. (410) 661-2475, 661-2598, and 661-2648.
- <ChowdaNet BBS>
- (more info at a later date)
- *** Online Services carrying Ham Radio software ***
- <America Online>
- Supports Macintosh, PC's DOS & Windows versions, PS/1, Apple //s,
- Casio Zoomer. Ham Radio Club (keyword = ham radio) supports all
- computer types. Software for amateur radio, scanners, swl'ers and
- general electronics. For 10 FREE hours of trial time send your snail
- mail address to tstader@aol.com or call 1-800-827-6364 Ext. 6285.
- This site NOT ftb'able (yet). Internet e-mail.
- <CompuServe>
- Supports any communications software on most computers Ham Radio
- area (go hamnet) supports all types of communications formats. Call
- 1-800-848-8199 for information. This site NOT ftb'able.Internet
- e-mail.
- <Delphi>
- (more info at a later date) Internet e-mail
- <GEnie>
- (more info at a later date) Internet e-mail
- <Prodigy>
- Has ham radio message areas, no downloadable software. Limited
- internet e-mail.
- ===================================
- Misc. Internet FTP sites for
- Amateur Radio Macintosh software
- joker.optics.rochester.edu (/ham )
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu (/info-mac/app)
- mac.archive.umich.edu various locations
- vixen.cso.uiuc.edu (/pub/ham-radio)
- ucsd.edu (/hamradio) many different subdirectories
- (/hamradio/packet/tcp/incoming) newest
- files temp holding area
- (/hamradio/packet/tcpip/pa2aga)
- NET/Mac & IM/Mac area
- ftp.apple.com (/pub/ham-radio)
- akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu (/aw0g)
- softkiss-mac nic.switch.ch (/software/mac/ham-radio)
- ftp.std.com (/pub/hamradio/mac)
- If you know of any other sites, please e-mail me info so I may keep
- this list as up to date as possible!
- - Terry
- Thanks for all of the notes and updates! Keep them coming. Did I
- get all of the versions right?
- ===================================
- NOTE: Much of this work was done by Patty-N6BIS as she collected
- information from many vendors. I would like to keep this list as up
- to date as possible. Please feel free to drop me a note if you have
- any additional software to this list.
- DISCLAIMER: The software listed is not endorsed by Apple Computer,
- Inc.(c) nor has it all been tested by the author/providers of this
- information.
- ***************************************************************
- * Recompiled by Terry Stader - KA8SCP (tstader@aol.com) *
- * Original list compiled by Patty Winter - N6BIS *
- * New information last added 1/94 *
- * some information not rechecked since early 1991. *
- ***************************************************************