home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- background: 2742 from stack: in
- -- bmap block id: 3539
- -- flags: 0000
- -- background id: 0
- -- name:
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on idle
- put the time into background field "time"
- end idle
- on handleTheirSigButtons
- global TheirReport
- set the hilite of button "5/9 their" to TheirReport = "59"
- set the hilite of button "5/8 their" to TheirReport = "58"
- set the hilite of button "5/7 their" to TheirReport = "57"
- end handleTheirSigButtons
- on handleMySigButtons
- global MyReport
- set the hilite of button "5/9" to MyReport = "59"
- set the hilite of button "5/8" to MyReport = "58"
- set the hilite of button "5/7" to MyReport = "57"
- end handleMySigButtons
- on HandleBandButtons
- global TheBand
- set the hilite of button "10M" to TheBand = "10"
- set the hilite of button "15M" to TheBand = "15"
- set the hilite of button "20M" to TheBand = "20"
- set the hilite of button "40M" to TheBand = "40"
- set the hilite of button "80M" to TheBand = "80"
- end HandleBandButtons
- On GiveSignal
- Global TheirReport
- If TheirReport = "59" then
- play "alfa5"
- play "alfa9"
- end if
- If TheirReport = "58" then
- play "alfa5"
- play "alfa8"
- end if
- If TheirReport = "57" then
- play "alfa5"
- play "alfa7"
- end if
- end GiveSignal
- on GiveNumber
- put length of card field theirnumber into Ncount
- repeat with count = 1 to Ncount
- get character count of card field theirnumber
- put it into temp
- play "alfa" & temp
- end repeat
- end GiveNumber
- on GiveTheirCall
- put length of card field TheirCall into Ncount
- repeat with count = 1 to Ncount
- get character count of card field TheirCall
- put it into temp
- if temp = "/" then
- play "portable"
- else
- play "alfa" & temp
- end if
- end repeat
- end GiveTheirCall
- on UpdateCardFields
- get item 1 of card field theirnumber
- add 1 to it
- if it < 99 then
- put "0" & it into it
- end if
- put it into card field theirNumber
- put " " into card field theircall
- beep 1
- end UpdateCardFields
- on LogData0
- global TheBand
- global TheirReport
- global MyReport
- put item 1 of card field theirnumber into TheirNumber
- put item 1 of card field TheirCall into CallSign
- put item 1 of card field myNumber into theCount
- put return & TheirNumber after last word of card field logdata
- put space & CallSign after last word of card field logdata
- put space & The Time after last word of card field logdata
- put space & TheBand after last word of card field logdata
- put space & TheirReport after last word of card field logdata
- put space & MyReport after last word of card field logdata
- put space & theCount after last word of card field logdata
- end LogData0
- on LogData
- global TheBand
- global TheirReport
- global MyReport
- put item 1 of card field theirnumber into TheirNumber
- put item 1 of card field TheirCall into CallSign
- put item 1 of card field myNumber into theCount
- put return & TheirNumber & space & CallSign & Space into temp1
- put The Time & Space & TheBand & Space & TheirReport into Temp2
- put Space & MyReport & Space & theCount into Temp3
- put temp1 & temp2 & temp3 after last word of card field logData
- end LogData
- -- part 1 (field)
- -- low flags: 01
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=74 top=265 right=292 bottom=185
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 3
- -- text size: 18
- -- style flags: 256
- -- line height: 24
- -- part name: time