home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- domain suffix ampr.org
- #
- amiga command "SetClock Load"
- amiga interval 3600
- amiga externlist on
- #
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Please note that any Arexx script which uses the serial device
- # can only be run when the serial.device is not attached.
- #
- #amiga rexx KISS.rexx
- #
- #KISS.rexx is just used to put the TNC into KISS mode. The same thing
- #can now be done with the included NOS-Dial startup script, the contents
- #of which is obeyed when the 'attach asy ...' statement is encountered.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- hostname G1YYH.ampr.org
- ip address g1yyh.ampr.org
- #
- ax25 mycall g1yyh
- ax25 digipeat off
- ax25 timertype linear
- ax25 bcinterval 3600
- ax25 bctext "AmigaNOS v2.9l"
- ax25 t3 10000
- #
- mbox attend off
- mbox eightbit on
- mbox thirdparty off
- mbox maxmsg 1000
- mbox organisation "Bolton Amateur Radio Club"
- mbox realname "John Heaton"
- mbox rheader "G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU [BARC - NWPUG] Lancashire"
- mbox timer 0
- #
- mbox sysop on
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # When a mailbox user (with sysop status) enters the @ command
- # he/she is presented with a set of 5 numbers, which represent
- # character positions within the string below:
- #
- mbox password "thisisaverylongstringtobeusedasasysoppassword"
- #
- # If the numbers presented were:
- #
- # 13 4 25 17 36
- #
- # then the user would enter the characters from the string as:
- #
- # niurp
- #
- # to gain access to the main console prompt.
- #
- # position: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- # character: t h i s i s a v e r
- #
- # position: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
- # character: y l o n g s t r i n
- #
- # position: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
- # character: g t o b e u s e d a
- #
- # position: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
- # character: s a s y s o p p a s
- #
- # position: 40 41 42 43 44
- # character: s w o r d
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- attach asy serial.device 0 ax25 nos 6000 512 9600
- #
- ifconfig nos description "Standard 1200 baud port on 144.625 MHz"
- #
- source TCPIP:Startup.TRACE
- source TCPIP:Startup.ARP-ROUTE
- source TCPIP:Startup.NETROM
- # source TCPIP:Startup.RSPF
- # source TCPIP:Startup.RIP
- # source TCPIP:Startup.POP
- # source TCPIP:Startup.NNTP
- # source TCPIP:Startup.DUFF
- #
- hop maxttl 25
- hop maxwait 10
- hop queries 5
- hop trace on
- #
- tcp mss 472
- tcp window 472
- tcp timertype linear
- tcp trace off
- #
- ip ttl 12
- #
- mode nos d
- param nos 1 40 # 1 : TXDelay
- param nos 2 80 # 2 : Persistance
- param nos 3 0 # 3 : Slot time
- ## 4 : TX Tail time (not implemented on KAM)
- param nos 5 0 # 5 : Duplex 0 Half 1 Full
- #
- start ax25
- start telnet
- start chatnode
- start finger
- #
- # ftpdown 2108 restricts ftp get/put/user and mbox download
- # to a time window of 21:00 to 08:59
- ftpdown 2108
- timeout ftp 600
- start ftp
- #
- digger on
- #
- start smtp
- smtp trace 0
- smtp mode route
- smtp timer 600
- smtp batch on
- smtp gateway gb7pwy
- #
- icmp trace off
- #
- escape