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- ; ANY line beginning with a semi-colon is a comment and is ignored by the
- ; logging program.
- ;This is a modified form of a file sent out on usenet.
- ;It is derived from the ARRL countries list.
- ;From: wmb@ulysses.att.com (W M Brelsford)
- ;Date: 3 Sep 91 20:47:20 GMT
- ;Updated 18th Dec-92
- ; Added Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Hercegovina
- ; Started splitting Canadian provinces and Australian states.
- ;
- ;The colon-separated fields are:
- ;
- ; 1. primary amateur prefix ("*" suffix for deleted countries)
- ; Maximum of 7 chars are allowed in this field.
- ; My program ignores any line that has the * suffix.
- ; In my program this field must be a UNIQUE prefix or other identifier
- ; for each country. You can have several lines relating to one country
- ; (for example, to resolve zones) but they MUST immediately follow
- ; each other. However, the list as a whole does not have to be in
- ; alphabetical order. For example, if you look at the VE calls for
- ; Canada, you will see that it has been partially broken down into
- ; provinces where those provinces are completely contained in a CQ zone.
- ; All the entries with the country field "VE" must be consecutive, but
- ; the group as a whole could go at the end of the file if you wish. The
- ; program sorts the prefixes into order.
- ; The program does not use this field to parse callsigns, only to
- ; identify a country by a short mnemonic prefix so this field is
- ; quite arbitrary. For example, the entry for Peru could have OA
- ; here since that is one of Peru's valid prefixes or you could put
- ; the word "Peru". The program doesn't care as long as each country
- ; has the same unique identifier here.
- ; 2. country name
- ; This field need only appear in the first occurrence of the country
- ; and can be left blank on subsequent lines. See the entry for VE in
- ; the table below.
- ; 3. continent Choices are, Af An As Eu Na Oc Sa
- ; If there is more than one zone for a particular entry only the first one
- ; is stored but if an entry for a country falls within two or more zones
- ; then you must enter at least two of them separated by commas. You can
- ; add multiple lines in the file to allow the program
- ; to resolve the zones.
- ; 4. ITU zone(s)
- ; 5. CQ zone(s)
- ; 6. time zone (hours from UTC) This is ignored - not stored.
- ; The latitude and longitude can only be an integral number of degrees.
- ; At the moment they are stored but not used.
- ; 7. latitude
- ; 8. longitude
- ; All the preceding fields must fit on one line. But the two prefix fields
- ; (9 and 10) can easily be much longer than 80 characters. In order to make
- ; the file more readable, from the end of field 8 onwards a colon or a
- ; comma may be immediately followed by a backslash character which
- ; indicates that the prefix information is continued on the next line.
- ; The program ignores leading blanks on continuation lines.
- ; 9. ITU prefix allocation(s)
- ; 10. other amateur prefixes
- ; Each prefix/callsign can be up to 11 characters in length.
- ; The program does not really care whether you put the prefixes in field
- ; 9 or field 10. But to keep things neat it might be best to put the
- ; specific ITU allocations in field 9 and then add any exceptions in
- ; field 10. But there MUST be at least one prefix or callsign in one of the
- ; two fields to allow the program to resolve that prefix.
- ; A sequence of prefixes may be specified such as VA-VG or 3A6-3G6.
- ; When a sequence is found the program the program compares the two and
- ; finds the first pair of corresponding letters that differ and then
- ; generates all the combinations.
- ; There are also five wildcards which can be used when matching
- ; callsigns.
- ; The wildcards are:
- ; ! matches a single alphabetic character
- ; @ matches a string of alphabetic characters
- ; $ matches a single numeric digit
- ; # matches a string of numeric digits
- ; * matches an alphanumeric string.
- ; You should use wildcards if possible because they do not
- ; generate multiple prefixes in the table whereas a sequence such as
- ; VA-VG generates the prefixes VA,VB,VC,VD,VE,VF,VG in the table.
- ; 4u#itu generates one prefix entry but matches ten possible calls.
- ;
- ;The original form of this file is maintained and distributed by:
- ;Bill Brelsford, K2DI
- ;AT&T, Basking Ridge NJ
- ;wmb@joplin.att.com
- ;
- ;But for corrections or additions to this specific logging program file
- ;send them to me:
- ; Pete Hardie
- ; 567 Delaronde Rd.
- ; Saskatoon
- ; SASK S7J 4A7
- ; hardie@herald.usask.ca
- ;
- ;Problems: g0luh/4s7dgg is actually in 4s7 but my algorithm says G.
- ; If only they'd standardize on the QTH designator FIRST.
- ; To get around this, you can enter g0luh/4s7@ under the entry
- ; for 4s. Note that the whole call is 12 characters long and
- ; therefore can't be put in the table.
- ;WARNING: I have currently put the prefix 1g2 in USA because it was used
- ; to signify a U.S. IOTA
- A1:Abu Ail, Jabal at Tair:As:39:21:+2:14N:43E:A1:
- A2:Botswana:Af:57:38:+2:25S:26E:A2,8O:
- A3:Tonga:Oc:62:32:+13:21S:175W:A3:
- A4:Oman:As:39:21:+4:24N:59E:A4:
- A5:Bhutan:As:41:22:+5.5:27N:90E:A5:ac5ty
- A6:United Arab Emirates:As:39:21:+4:24N:54E:A6:
- A7:Qatar:As:39:21:+4:25N:52E:A7:
- A9:Bahrain:As:39:21:+4:26N:51E:A9:
- AC3*:Sikkim:As:41:22:+5.5:27N:89E::
- AC4*:Tibet:As:41:23:+6:30N:92E::
- AP:Pakistan:As:41:21:+5:34N:73E:AP-AS,6P-6S:
- BV:Taiwan:As:44:24:+8:25N:122E:bv:
- ; Partially resolve Chinese prefixes into zones.
- ; As of Dec 22 1992 China has allowed individual amateur radio stations
- ; with the prefixes BA BD and BG. At the moment, I don't know if they
- ; will be alloctaed in the same way as BY. For the moment they'll have to
- ; remain as unknowns.
- BY:China:As:33,42,43,44:23,24:+8:40N:116E:BA-BU,BW-BZ,XS,3H-3U:
- BY:China:As:44:24:+8:40N:116E::by1-by2,by3a-by3f,by3m-by3z,by4-by7
- BY:China:As:44:23:+8:40N:116E::by3g-by3l
- BY:China:As:43:24:+8:40N:116E::by8,by9m-by9s
- BY:China:As:43:23:+8:40N:116E::by9a-by9l,by9t-by9z
- BY:China:As:42:23:+8:40N:116E::by0
- C2:Nauru:Oc:65:31:+11.5:0S:167E:C2:
- C3:Andorra:Eu:27:14:+1:43N:2E:C3:
- C5:The Gambia:Af:46:35:+0:13N:17W:C5:
- C6:Bahamas:NA:11:08:-5:25N:77W:C6:
- C9:Mozambique:Af:53:37:+2:26S:33E:C8-C9:
- C9*:Manchuria:As:33:24:+8.5:46N:127E::
- CE:Chile:SA:14,16:12:-4:33S:71W:CA-CE,XQ-XR,3G:
- CE:Chile:SA:14:12:-4:33S:71W::ce1-ce5
- CE:Chile:SA:16:12:-4:33S:71W::ce6-ce8
- CE0E:Easter Is:SA:63:12:-7:27S:109W:ce0:xq0-xr0,ce0y,xq0y-xr0y
- CE0X:San Felix:SA:14:12:-5:26S:80W:ce0x:xq0x-xr0x
- CE0Z:Juan Fernandez:SA:14:12:-4:34S:79W:ce0z:ce0i,ce0ogz,xq0z,xr0z,xq0i,xr0i
- ; The main entry for Antarctica is followed by attempts to resolve it
- ; properly into zones. Note that Antarctica itself is not a valid continent
- ; so the whole lot needs resolving into proper zones and continents.
- ;
- ; KC4AAA is at the South Pole. In the CQWW contests you can CHOOSE that it
- ; be in ONE of zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38, 39. It is in ITU zone 74.
- ;
- ; Can't figure out how to resolve the Argentine ones. They are all of the
- ; form LU$Z@ but they can be in the Antarctic or the South Shetlands,
- ; Orkneys etc. You will have to add each individual operation in its
- ; appropriate country. However, it appears that they will all be in
- ; South America CQ zone 13, ITU zone 73.
- ;
- ; The Australian ones are split over a few zones and 2 continents so leave
- ; them in the main entry.
- ;
- ; Not sure if the old G.D.R. stations (e.g. Y83ANT) are still active
- ; but I've put them in just in case
- ;
- ; If the location of a specific station is not known and it is not covered
- ; by the wildcards, then it must be be put explicitly in the first entry
- ; for Antarctica.
- ;
- ; In any contest, if you get a station whose continent is An then you
- ; MUST resolve which continent/zone it is in because the program will
- ; otherwise score it as Antarctica zone 12 which will lose you points
- ; because Antarctica is not a valid continent, only a valid country.
- ;
- CE9:Antarctica:An:67,69,70,71,72,73,74:12,13,29,30,32,38,39:+0:90S:0W::\
- kc4aaa-kc4aab,kc4aaf-kc4aag,VK0,ZS7,ZX0,4K1,8J1,\
- fb8y,kc4us!,3g9a,\
- 7s8bbb,vp8ssw,vp8hal,vp8gav,vp8far,\
- dl1kvc/p
- CE9:Antarctica:Af:67:38:+0:90S:0W::\
- AT0,dp0,or,y83ant,y88pol,y90ant,zs7ant,3Y,4k1d,7s8aaa
- CE9:Antarctica:Sa:73:13:+0:90S:0W::CE9,kc4aac,4k1j,4k1cr,4k1gdw
- CE9:Antarctica:Oc:70:30:+0:90S:0W::ft$y,4k1g
- CE9:Antarctica:Oc:71:30:+0:90S:0W::\
- ia0ps,kc4usx,kc4usv,kc4usy,zl5,zl0aic,3y9wt
- CE9:Antarctica:Oc:70:29:+0:90S:0W::kc4aae,kc4usl,4k1c
- CE9:Antarctica:Af:69:39:+0:90S:0W::\
- 4k1a,4k1yar,4k1ano,4k1cey,4k1hk,4k1oc,4k1qav,4k1xbp,4k1dv
- CE9:Antarctica:Oc:69:29:+0:90S:0W::\
- 4k1b,4k1ah,4k1zz,4k1k,4k1l
- CE9:Antarctica:Oc:72:32:+0:90S:0W::4k1h,4k1lpk
- CE9:Antarctica:Af:67:39:+0:90S:0W::8j1ry
- CE9:Byrd:Sa:74:12:+0:90S:0W::kc4usb
- CE9:Siple:Sa:72:12:+0:90S:0W::kc4aad
- ;
- CN:Morocco:Af:37:33:+0:34N:7W:CN,5C-5G:
- CN2*:Tangier:Af:37:33:+0:36N:8W::
- CO:Cuba:NA:11:08:-5:23N:82W:CL,CM,CO,T4:
- CP:Bolivia:SA:12,14:10:-4:17S:68W:CP:
- CP:Bolivia:SA:12:10:-4:17S:68W::cp1,cp8,cp9
- CP:Bolivia:SA:14:10:-4:17S:68W::cp2-cp7
- CR8*:Damao, Diu:As:41:22:+5.5:21N:71E::
- CR8*:Goa:As:41:22:+5.5:16N:74E::
- CR8*:Portuguese Timor:Oc:54:28:+8:9S:126E::
- CT:Portugal:Eu:37:14:+1:39N:9W:CQ-CT,XX:
- CT3:Madeira Is:Af:36:33:-1:33N:17W::cq3-ct3,cq9-ct9,xx3
- CU:Azores:Eu:36:14:-1:38N:26W:cu:CT2
- CX:Uruguay:SA:14:13:-3:35S:56W:CV-CX:
- CY9:St Paul Is:NA:09:05:-5:47N:60W:cy9:cy0spi
- CY0:Sable Is:NA:09:05:-5:44N:60W:cy0:
- D2:Angola:Af:52:36:+1:9S:13E:D2-D3:
- D4:Cape Verde:Af:46:35:-2:15N:23W:D4:
- D6:Comoros:Af:53:39:+3:12S:43E:D6:
- DL:Germany:Eu:28:14:+1:52N:7E:DA-DR,Y2-Y7,Y9:
- DL*:Germany:Eu:28:14:+1:52N:7E::DA-DM
- DU:Philippines:Oc:50:27:+8:15N:121E:DU-DZ,4D-4I:
- EA:Spain:Eu:37:14:+1:40N:4W:AM-AO,EA-EH:
- EA6:Balearic Is:Eu:37:14:+1:38N:3E::ea6-eh6,am6-ao6
- EA8:Canary Is:Af:36:33:+0:28N:15W::ea8-eh8,am8-ao8
- EA9:Ceuta & Melilla:Af:37:33:+1:36N:5W::ea9-eh9,am9-ao9
- EA9*:Ifni:Af:37:33:+0:29N:10W::
- EI:Ireland:Eu:27:14:+0:53N:6W:EI-EJ:
- EL:Liberia:Af:46:35:-0.75:6N:11W:A8,D5,EL,5L-5M,6Z:
- EP:Iran:As:40:21:+3.5:36N:51E:EP-EQ,9B-9D:
- ES:Estonia:Eu:29:15:+3:59N:25E:es:
- ET:Ethiopia:Af:48:37:+3:9N:39E:ET,9E-9F:
- ; Watch for 9ER1TA 9ER1TB. Operated from Eritrea and trying for new country
- ET2*:Eritrea:Af:48:37:+3:15N:39E::
- ; Apparently station TO5M in ARRL 1993 SSB DX was in Martinique so I have
- ; moved the TO prefix to Martinique and hope that it's not his suffix that
- ; tells where he is!
- F:France:Eu:27:14:+1:49N:2E:f,HW-HY,TH,TM,TP-TQ,TV-TX:
- FF*:French W Africa:Af:46:35:+0:15N:18W::
- FG:Guadeloupe:NA:11:08:-4:16N:62W:fg:
- FH:Mayotte:Af:53:39:+3:13S:45E:fh:
- FH*:Comoros:Af:53:39:+3:12S:43E::FB8
- FI8*:Fr Indo China:As:49:26:+7:11N:107E::
- FK:New Caledonia:Oc:56:32:+11:22S:167E:fk:
- FM:Martinique:NA:11:08:-4:15N:61W:fm:to
- FN8*:French India:As:41:22:+5.5:12N:80E::
- FO_C:Clipperton Is:NA:10:07:-7:10N:109W:fo*/c:
- FO:French Polynesia:Oc:63:32:-10:18S:150W:fo8:to8k
- FP:St Pierre & Miquelon:NA:09:05:-4:47N:56W:fp:
- FQ8*:Fr Equatorial Africa:Af:47,52:36:+1:5N:18E::
- FR_G:Glorioso Is:Af:53:39:+3:12S:47E:fr*/g:
- FR_J:Juan de Nova, Europa:Af:53:39:+3:17N:43E:fr*/j:fr*/b,fr*/e
- FR_R:Reunion:Af:53:39:+4:21S:55E:fr*/r:fr
- FR_T:Tromelin:Af:53:39:+4:16S:54E:fr*/t:
- FS:St Martin:NA:11:08:-4:18N:63W:fs:FJ
- FT_W:Crozet:Af:68:39:+3:46S:52E:ft$w:ft*/w
- FT_X:Kerguelen Is:Af:68:39:+5:50S:70E:ft$x:ft*/x
- FT_Z:Amsterdam & St Paul Is:Af:68:39:+5:38S:78E:ft$z:ft*/z
- FW:Wallis & Futuna Is:Oc:62:32:-10.5:14S:172W:fw:
- FY:French Guiana:SA:12:09:-4:5N:52W:fy:
- G:England:Eu:27:14:+0:52N:0W:g,\
- 2!2,m!2
- GD:Isle of Man:Eu:27:14:+0:54N:4W:gd:gt,m!6,2!6
- GI:N. Ireland:Eu:27:14:+0:55N:6W:gi:gn,m!5,2!5
- GJ:Jersey:Eu:27:14:+0:49N:2W:gj:gh,m!7,2!7,gc45ld
- GM:Scotland:Eu:27:14:+0:57N:2W:gm:gs,m!3,2!3,gb2nts,gb2rb,gb8cc
- GU:Guernsey:Eu:27:14:+0:49N:3W:gu:gp,m!8,2!8
- GW:Wales:Eu:27:14:+0:52N:3W:gw:gc,m!4,2!4
- H4:Solomon Is:Oc:51:28:+11:9S:160E:H4:
- HA:Hungary:Eu:28:15:+1:48N:19E:HA,HG:
- HB:Switzerland:Eu:28:14:+1:47N:7E:HB,HE:
- HB0:Liechtenstein:Eu:28:14:+1:47N:10E:hb0:he0
- HC:Ecuador:SA:12:10:-5:0N:79W:HC-HD:
- HC8:Galapagos Is:SA:12:10:-5:1S:90W:hc8:hd8
- HH:Haiti:NA:11:08:-5:19N:72W:HH,4V:
- HI:Dominican Rep:NA:11:08:-5:18N:70W:HI:
- HK:Colombia:SA:12:09:-5:5N:74W:HJ-HK,5J-5K:
- HK0_M:Malpelo Is:SA:12:09:-5:4N:82W:hk0m:5j0m,hk0tu
- HK0_A:San Andres & Providencia:NA:11:07:-6:13N:82W:hk0:5j0,hk0bkx,5j0j
- HK0*:Bajo Nuevo:NA:11:08:-5:16N:79W::
- HK0*:Serrana Bnk, Roncador Cay:NA:11:07:-5:14N:80W::KP3,KS4
- HL:South Korea:As:44:25:+9:38N:127E:DS-DT,D7-D9,HL-HM,P6-P9,6K-6N:
- HP:Panama:NA:11:07:-5:9N:80W:HO-HP,H3,H8-H9,3E-3F:
- HR:Honduras:NA:11:07:-6:14N:87W:HQ-HR:
- HS:Thailand:As:49:26:+6:14N:101E:E2,HS:
- HV:Vatican:Eu:28:15:+1:42N:13E:HV:
- HZ:Saudi Arabia:As:39:21:+3:25N:47E:HZ,7Z,8Z:
- I:Italy:Eu:28:15:+1:42N:12E:i:
- I1*:Trieste:Eu:28:15:+1:46N:14E::
- I5*:Ital Somaliland:Af:48:37:+3:2N:46E::
- IS:Sardinia:Eu:28:15:+1:39N:9E:is:im0
- J2:Djibouti:Af:48:37:+3:12N:43E:J2:
- J3:Grenada:NA:11:08:-4:12N:62W:J3:
- J5:Guinea-Bissau:Af:46:35:-1:12N:16W:J5:
- J6:St Lucia:NA:11:08:-4:14N:61W:J6:
- J7:Dominica:NA:11:08:-4:15N:61W:J7:
- J8:St Vincent:NA:11:08:-4:13N:61W:J8:
- JA:Japan:As:45:25:+9:36N:140E:JA-JS,7J-7N,8J-8N:KA1!!,ka2cc,ka2ex
- JD_M:Minami Torishima:Oc:45/90:27:+10:24N:154E::7j1ach,jd1yaa,jh1mao,ja8kvp
- JD_O:Ogasawara:As:45:27:+10:28N:142E::jd1,ka2ij
- JD1*:Okino Tori-shima:As:45:27:+10:30N:140E::7J1
- JT:Mongolia:As:32,33:23:+7.5:48N:107E:JT-JV:
- JW:Svalbard:Eu:18:40:+1:78N:16E:jw:
- JX:Jan Mayen:Eu:18:40:-1:71N:9W:jx:
- JY:Jordan:As:39:20:+2:32N:36E:JY:
- JZ0*:Neth New Guinea:Oc:51:28:+10:10S:147E::
- K:United States:NA:06,07,08:03,04,05:-5:39N:77W:k,n,w,AA-AL:4u1wb,\
- kc4!*,kg6!,1g2
- KC6:Belau:Oc:64:27:+10:7N:134E:kc6:
- KG4:Guantanamo Bay:NA:11:08:-5:20N:75W::kg4
- KH0:Mariana Is:Oc:64:27:+10:15N:146E::kh0,ah0,nh0,wh0
- KH1:Baker & Howland Is:Oc:61:31:-12:0N:176W::kh1,ah1,wh1,nh1
- KH2:Guam:Oc:64:27:+10:13N:145E::kh2,ah2,wh2,nh2,kg6dx,kg6sl
- KH3:Johnston Is:Oc:61:31:-11:17N:170W::kh3,ah3,nh3,wh3
- KH4:Midway Is:Oc:61:31:-11:28N:177W::kh4,ah4,nh4,wh4
- KH5:Palmyra, Jarvis Is:Oc:61,62:31:-11:6N:162W::kh5,wh5,ah5,nh5
- KH5K:Kingman Reef:Oc:61:31:-11:6N:162W::kh5k,wh5k,ah5k,nh5k
- KH6:Hawaii:Oc:61:31:-10:21N:158W:kh6,nh6,wh6,ah6:kg6v
- KH7:Kure Is:Oc:61:31:-11:29N:178W::kh7,ah7,nh7,wh7
- KH8:Am Samoa:Oc:62:32:-11:14S:171W::kh8,ah8,nh8,wh8
- KH9:Wake Is:Oc:65:31:+12:19N:167E::kh9,ah9,nh9,wh9
- KL7:Alaska:NA:01,02:01:-8:58N:134W:kl7,nl7,al7,wl7:
- KP1:Navassa Is:NA:11:08:-5:18N:75W::kp1,np1,wp1
- KP2:Virgin Is:NA:11:08:-4:18N:65W::kp2,kv4,np2,wp2
- KP4:Puerto Rico:NA:11:08:-4:18N:66W::kp4,wp4,np4
- KP5:Desecheo Is:NA:11:08:-4:18N:68W::kp5,wp5,np5
- KR6*:Okinawa (Ryukyu):As:45:25:+8:26N:128E::KR8,JR6,KA6
- KS4*:Swan Is:NA:11:07:-6:17N:84W::
- KZ5*:Canal Zone:NA:11:07:-5:9N:80W::
- LA:Norway:Eu:18:14:+1:60N:11E:LA-LN:
- LU:Argentina:SA:14,16:13:-3:35S:58W:AY-AZ,LO-LW,L2-L9:
- LX:Luxembourg:Eu:27:14:+1:50N:6E:LX:
- LY:Lithuania:Eu:29:15:+3:55N:25E:ly:UP,rp,u2p,r2p,ek2p,em2p,en2p,eo2p,\
- er2p,ex2p,ey2p,ez2p
- LZ:Bulgaria:Eu:28:20:+2:43N:23E:LZ:
- OA:Peru:SA:12:10:-5:12S:78W:OA-OC,4T:
- OD:Lebanon:As:39:20:+2:34N:36E:OD:
- OE:Austria:Eu:28:15:+1:48N:16E:OE:4u1vic
- OH:Finland:Eu:18:15:+2:60N:25E:OF-OJ:
- OH0:Aland Is:Eu:18:15:+2:60N:20E:oh0:of0
- OJ0:Market Reef:Eu:18:15:+2:60N:19E:oj0:
- ; Effective Jan 1 1992 Czechoslovakia split into two countries.
- OK:Czech Republic:Eu:28:15:+1:50N:15E:OK-OL:
- OM:Slovakia:Eu:28:15:+1:50N:15E:OM:
- ON:Belgium:Eu:27:14:+1:51N:4E:ON-OQ:OS-OT
- OX:Greenland:NA:05,75:40:-3:64N:52W:ox:
- OY:Faroe Is:Eu:18:14:+0:62N:7W:oy:
- OZ:Denmark:Eu:18:14:+1:56N:13E:OU-OW,OZ,XP,5P-5Q:
- P2:Papua New Guinea:Oc:51:28:+10:10S:147E:P2:
- P2*:Papua Terr:Oc:51:28:+10:10S:147E::VK9
- P2*:Terr New Guinea:Oc:51:28:+10:10S:147E::VK9
- P4:Aruba:SA:11:09:-4:13N:70W:P4:
- P5:North Korea:As:44:25:+9:39N:126E:p5:
- PA:Netherlands:Eu:27:14:+1:52N:5E:PA-PI:
- PJ9:Neth Antilles:SA:11:09:-4:12N:69W::pj0-PJ4,PJ9
- PJ8:St Maarten, Saba, St Eus:NA:11:08:-4:18N:63W::pj5-pj8,pj0j,pj1f
- PK1*:Java:Oc:54:28:+7.5:6S:107E::PK23
- PK4*:Sumatra:Oc:54:28:+7:1S:100E::
- PK5*:Netherlands Borneo:Oc:54:28:+8:3S:115E::
- PK6*:Celebe & Molucca Is:Oc:54:28:+8:5S:119E::
- PY:Brazil:SA:12,13,15:11:-3:16S:48W:PP-PY,ZV-ZZ:
- PY:Brazil:SA:15:11:-3:16S:48W::py1-py5,py9
- PY:Brazil:SA:13:11:-3:16S:48W::py6-py8
- PY0_F:Fernando de Noronha:SA:13:11:-2:4S:32W:py0f:py0r,pp0-py0,zv0,zw0,\
- zy0,zz0,pu0f
- PY0_P:St Peter & St Paul Rocks:SA:13:11:-2:0N:29W:py0s:
- PY0_T:Trindade & Martin Vaz Is:SA:15:11:-2:21S:29W:py0t:py0m
- PZ:Surinam:SA:12:09:-3.5:6N:55W:PZ:
- S0:Western Sahara:Af:37:33:+0:27N:13W:S0:
- S2:Bangladesh:As:41:22:+6:24N:90E:S2-S3:
- S5:Slovenia:Eu:28:15:+1:45N:16E::S5
- S7:Seychelles:Af:53:39:+4:5S:55E:S7:
- S9:Sao Tome & Principe:Af:47:36:+0:0N:7E:S9:
- SM:Sweden:Eu:18:14:+1:59N:18E:SA-SM,7S,8S:
- SP:Poland:Eu:28:15:+1:52N:21E:HF,SN-SR,3Z:
- ST:Sudan:Af:48:34:+2:16N:33E:ST,6T-6U:
- ST0:Southern Sudan:Af:48:34:+2:5N:32E::st0,6t0-6u0
- SU:Egypt:Af:38:34:+2:31N:31E:SU,6A-6B:
- SV:Greece:Eu:28:20:+2:38N:24E:J4,SV-SZ:
- SV5:Dodecanese:Eu:28:20:+2:36N:28E::sv5-sz5,j45
- SV9:Crete:Eu:28:20:+2:36N:24E::sv9-sz9,j49
- SY:Mt Athos:Eu:28:20:+2:40N:24E::sy1ma,sv2asp
- T2:Tuvalu:Oc:65:31:+12:9S:179E:T2:
- T30:West Kiribati:Oc:65:31:+12:1S:173E:t30:
- T31:Central Kiribati:Oc:62:31:+12:4S:171W:T31:
- T32:East Kiribati:Oc:61,63:31:+12:2N:158W:t32:
- T33:Banaba:Oc:65:31:+11.5:1S:170E:t33:
- T5:Somali:Af:48:37:+3:2N:46E:T5,6O:
- T7:San Marino:Eu:28:15:+1:44N:12E:T7:
- TA:Turkey-Eu:Eu:39:20:+2:40N:33E::TA1-TC1,YM1
- TA:Turkey-As:As:39:20:+2:40N:42E::TA-TC,YM
- TF:Iceland:Eu:17:40:0:64N:22W:TF:
- TG:Guatemala:NA:11:07:-6:16N:92W:TD,TG:
- TI:Costa Rica:NA:11:07:-6:10N:84W:TE,TI:
- TI9:Cocos Is:NA:11:07:-6:6N:87W::te9,ti9
- TJ:Cameroon:Af:47:36:+1:4N:12E:TJ:
- TK:Corsica:Eu:28:15:+1:42N:9E:tk:
- TL:Central African Rep:Af:47:36:+1:5N:19E:TL:
- TN:Congo:Af:52:36:+1:4S:15E:TN:
- TR:Gabon:Af:52:36:+1:1N:10E:TR:
- TT:Chad:Af:47:36:+1:12N:15E:TT:
- TU:Ivory Coast:Af:46:35:+0:5N:4W:TU:
- TY:Benin:Af:46:35:+0:6N:3E:TY:
- TZ:Mali:Af:46:35:+0:13N:8W:TZ:
- UA1:Russia (European):Eu:19,20,29,30:16:+3:56N:37E::\
- 4L,UW3,rw,uz6,us1,uz$a,uz$o
- UA2:Kaliningrad:Eu:29:15:+3:55N:21E:ua2:UZ2,ra2,uw2,rw2,rz2,u2,r2,em2,ek2,\
- ex2,ey2,ez2,en2,eo2,er2
- UA0:Russia (Asiatic):As:20,21,22,23,24,25,26,30,31,32,33,34,35,75:\
- 16,17,18,19,23:+7:52N:104E::\
- US0,UA8,UA9,UA0,RA8,RA9,RA0,UW8,UW9,UW0,\
- RV8,RV9,RV0,RW8,RW9,RW0,RK8,UZ8,RK9,RK0,\
- UZ9,UZ0,RZ8,RZ9,RZ0,EX8,EX9,EX0,UV8,UV9,\
- UV0,U8,U9,U0,R8,R9,R0,EK8,EK9,EK0,EY8,\
- EY9,EY0,EM8,EM9,EM0,EN8,EN9,EN0,EO8,EO9,\
- EO0,ER8,ER9,ER0,EZ8,EZ9,EZ0,4L9,EU8,\
- EU9,EU0,EV8,EV9,EV0,EW8,EW9,EW0,\
- RX8,RX9,RX0,4K5,4K6,\
- 4K7,UU8,UU9,UU0,UX8,UX9,UX0,UY8,UY9,\
- UY0,R0Y,4K4,\
- UA9S,UA9W,ez9m
- UB:Ukraine:Eu:29:16:+3:50N:30E::\
- EN5,EO5,ER5,EX5,EU5,EW5,EY5,EZ5,RK5,UX5,\
- 4L6,US
- UC:Belarus:Eu:29:16:+3:54N:28E::\
- UD:Azerbaijan:As:29:21:+4:40N:50E:ud:rd
- UF:Georgia:As:29:21:+4:42N:45E:uf:rf
- UG:Armenia:As:29:21:+4:40N:45E:ug:rg
- UH:Turkoman:As:30:17:+5:38N:58E:uh:rh
- UI:Uzbekistan:As:30:17:+6:41N:69E:ui:ri
- UJ:Tadzhikistan:As:30:17:+6:39N:69E:uj:rj
- UL:Kazakhstan:As:29,30,31:17:+5.5:43N:77E:ul:rl
- UM:Kirgistan:As:30,31:17:+6:43N:75E:um:rm
- UN1*:Karelo-Finnish Rep:Eu:19:16:+3:64N:32E::
- UO:Moldova:Eu:29:16:+3:47N:29E:uo:ro
- V2:Antigua, Barbuda:NA:11:08:-4:17N:62W:V2:
- V3:Belize:NA:11:07:-5.5:17N:89W:V3:
- V4:St Kitts, Nevis:NA:11:08:-4:17N:63W:V4:
- V5:Namibia:Af:57:38:+2:22S:17E:V5:ZS3
- V6:Micronesia:Oc:65:27:+11:7N:158E:V6:
- V7:Marshall Is:Oc:65:31:+12:7N:171E:V7:
- V8:Brunei:Oc:54:28:+8:5N:115E:V8:
- VE:Canada:NA:02,03,04,09,75:01,02,03,04,05:-5:45N:76W:\
- VE:Yukon:NA:02:01:-7:61N:135W:\
- vy1:
- VE:BC:NA:02:03:-7:50N:123W:\
- cf7-ck7,cy7-cz7,va7-vg7,vx7-vy7,xj7-xo7:
- VE:Alberta:NA:02:04:-6:54N:113W:\
- cf6-ck6,cy6-cz6,va6-vg6,vx6-vy6,xj6-xo6:
- VE:Saskatchewan:NA:03:04:-6:52N:106W:\
- cf5-ck5,cy5-cz5,va5-vg5,vx5-vy5,xj5-xo5:
- VE:Manitoba:NA:03:04:-5:50N:97W:\
- cf4-ck4,cy4-cz4,va4-vg4,vx4-vy4,xj4-xo4:
- VE:Ontario:NA:04:04:-5:45N:76W:\
- cf3-ck3,cy3-cz3,va3-vg3,vx3-vy3,xj3-xo3:
- VE:PEI:NA:09:05:-7:46N:63W:\
- vy2:
- VE:Newfoundland:NA:09:05:-7:53N:60W:\
- vo1:vo3,vo4,vo6-vo8
- VE:Labrador:NA:09:02:-7:49N:55W:\
- vo2:vo5,vo9
- VK:Australia:Oc:59:30:+10:35S:149E:AX,VH-VN,VZ:
- VK:Australia:Oc:55:30:+10:35S:149E::\
- AX4,VH4-VN4,VZ4
- VK:Australia:Oc:58:29:+10:35S:149E::\
- AX6,VH6-VN6,VZ6
- VK:Australia:Oc:55:29:+10:35S:149E::\
- AX8,VH8-VN8,VZ8
- VK0_H:Heard Is:Af:68:39:+5:53S:73E:vk0*/h:
- VK0_M:Macquarie Is:Oc:60:30:+11:54S:159E:vk0*/m:
- VK9L:Lord Howe Is:Oc:60:30:+10:31S:159E:vk9l:ax9l,vk9ae
- VK9N:Norfolk Is:Oc:60:32:+11.5:29S:168E:vk9n:ax9n
- VK9X:Christmas Is:Oc:54:29:+7:10S:106E:vk9x:ax9x
- VK9Y:Cocos-Keeling Is:Oc:54:29:+6.5:12S:97E:vk9y:ax9y,vk9wb,vk9ew
- VK9Z_M:Mellish Reef:Oc:55:30:+10:17S:156E:vk9z*/m:
- VK9Z_W:Willis Is:Oc:55:30:+10:16S:150E:vk9z*/w:
- VO*:Newfoundland, Labrador:NA:09:02,05:-3.5:48N:53W::
- VP2E:Anguilla:NA:11:08:-4:18N:63W:vp2e:
- VP2M:Montserrat:NA:11:08:-4:17N:62W:vp2m:
- VP2V:Br Virgin Is:NA:11:08:-4:18N:65W:vp2v:
- VP5:Turks & Caicos Is:NA:11:08:-5:22N:72W:vp5:
- VP8_F:Falkland Is:SA:16:13:-4:52S:58W::vp8buo,vp8vn,vp8ml
- VP8_G:So Georgia Is:SA:73:13:-1.5:54S:37W::
- VP8_O:So Orkney Is:SA:73:13:-3:61S:45W::vp8cfm,lu1za
- VP8_Sa:So Sandwich Is:SA:73:13:-3:59S:27W::LU$Z*,vp8ssi
- VP8_Sh:So Shetland Is:SA:73:13:-4:62S:59W::\
- HF0,ed0bae,hl5bds,zx0ecf,4k1f,4k1gag
- VP9:Bermuda:NA:11:05:-4:32N:65W:vp9:
- VQ1*:Zanzibar:Af:53:37:+3:7S:39E::5H1
- VQ6*:British Somaliland:Af:48:37:+3:2N:46E::
- VQ9:Chagos:Af:41:39:+5:7S:72E:vq9:
- VQ9*:Aldabra:Af:53:39:+4:9S:46E::
- VQ9*:Desroches:Af:53:39:+4:6S:55E::
- VQ9*:Farquhar:Af:53:39:+4:10S:51E::
- VR6:Pitcairn Is:Oc:63:32:-8.5:25S:130W:vr6:
- VS2*:Malaya:As:54:28:+7.5:3N:102E::9M2
- VS4*:Sarawak:Oc:54:28:+8:2N:110E::
- VS6:Hong Kong:As:44:24:+8:22N:114E:vs6:
- VS9H*:Kuria Muria Is:As:39:21:+4:18N:56E::
- VU:India:As:41:22:+5.5:29N:77E:AT-AW,VT-VW,8T-8Y:
- VU4:Andaman & Nicobar Is:As:49:26:+5.5:12N:93E:vu4:
- VU7:Laccadive Is:As:41:22:+5.5:11N:73E:vu7:
- XE:Mexico:NA:10:06:-6:20N:99W:XA-XI,4A-4C,6D-6J:
- XF4:Revilla Gigedo:NA:10:06:-7:18N:113W::xa4-xi4,4a4-4c4,6d4-6j4
- XT:Burkina Faso:Af:46:35:+0:12N:2W:XT:
- XU:Kampuchea:As:49:26:+8:12N:105E:XU:
- XW:Laos:As:49:26:+7:20N:102E:XW:
- XX9:Macao:As:44:24:+8:22N:114E:xx9:
- XZ:Myanmar (Burma):As:49:26:+6.5:17N:96E:XY-XZ:1z
- Y2*:East Germany:Eu:28:14:+1:53N:13E::
- YA:Afghanistan:As:40:21:+4.5:35N:69E:T6,YA:
- YB:Indonesia:Oc:51,54:28:+7.5:6S:107E:JZ,PK-PO,YB-YH,7A-7I,8A-8I:
- YI:Iraq:As:39:21:+3:32N:45E:HN,YI:
- YJ:Vanuatu:Oc:56:32:+11:18S:168E:YJ:
- YK:Syria:As:39:20:+2:34N:36E:YK,6C:4u1yk
- YL:Latvia:Eu:29:15:+3:57N:24E:yl:UQ
- YN:Nicaragua:NA:11:07:-6:12N:87W:HT,H6-H7,YN:
- YO:Romania:Eu:28:20:+2:45N:26E:YO-YR:
- YS:El Salvador:NA:11:07:-6:14N:89W:HU,YS:
- ; The former Yugoslavia now counts as several independent countries.
- ; See S5, 9A and YU4
- ; The remaining Yugoslav prefixes are currently:
- ; Serbia (YU1), Macedonia (YU5), Montenegro (YU6), Vojvodina (YU7) and
- ; Kosovo (YU8).
- YU:Yugoslavia:Eu:28:15:+1:45N:20E::YT1-YU1,YZ1,4N1-4O1,\
- YT5-YU5,YZ5,4N5-4O5,\
- YT6-YU6,YZ6,4N6-4O6,\
- YT7-YU7,YZ7,4N7-4O7,\
- YT8-YU8,YZ8,4N8-4O8
- YU4:Bosnia-herz:Eu:28:15:+1:43N:18E::yu4,4n4,4o4
- YV:Venezuela:SA:12:09:-4:10N:67W:YV-YY,4M:
- YV0:Aves Is:NA:11:08:-4:16N:64W::yv0-yy0,4m0
- Z2:Zimbabwe:Af:53:38:+2:18S:31E:Z2:
- ZA:Albania:Eu:28:15:+1:41N:20E:ZA:
- ZB:Gibraltar:Eu:37:14:+1:37N:5W:zb:
- ZC:Cyprus SBA:As:39:20:+2:36N:33E:zc:
- ZC5*:Br North Borneo:Oc:54:28:+8:6N:116E::
- ZC6*:Palestine:As:39:20:+2:32N:35E::4X1
- ZD4*:Gold Coast, Togoland:Af:46:35:+0:5N:0W::
- ZD7:St Helena:Af:66:36:+0:16S:6W:zd7:
- ZD8:Ascension Is:Af:66:36:0:8S:14W:zd8:
- ZD9:Tristan da Cunha & Gough Is:Af:66:38:0:37S:12W:zd9:
- ZF:Cayman Is:NA:11:08:-5:19N:81W:zf:
- ZK1_N:No Cook Is:Oc:62:32:-10.5:10S:161W:\
- zk1cq,zk1rs,zk1by,zk1wl,zk1xp,zk1xy:
- ZK1_S:So Cook Is:Oc:63:32:-10.5:22S:158W:zk1:
- ZK2:Niue:Oc:62:32:-11:19S:170W:zk2:
- ZK3:Tokelau Is:Oc:62:31:-11:9S:171W:zk3:
- ZL:New Zealand:Oc:60:32:+12:41S:175E:ZK-ZM:
- ZL7:Chatham Is:Oc:60:32:+12.75:44S:177W:zl7:zm7
- ZL8:Kermadec Is:Oc:60:32:+12:29S:178W:zl8:zm8
- ZL9:Auckland, Campbell Is:Oc:60:32:+12:51S:166E:zl9:zm9
- ZP:Paraguay:SA:14:11:-4:26S:57W:ZP:
- ZS:So Africa:Af:57:38:+2:26S:28E:H5,S4,S8,V9,ZR-ZU:
- ZS1:Penguin Is:Af:57:38:+2:27S:15E:zs1:zs0
- ZS8:Pr Edward & Marion Is:Af:57:38:+3:47S:38E:zs8:zs8mi,zt8m,zu8m,zr8m
- ZS9:Walvis Bay:Af:57:38:+2:23S:15E:zs9:zs1is
- 1A0:SMO Malta:Eu:28:15:+1:42N:13E:1A0:
- 1M*:Minerva Reef:Oc:62:32:-12:24S:179W::
- 1S:Spratly Is:As:50:26:+7:9N:112E:1S:
- 3A:Monaco:Eu:27:14:+1:44N:8E:3A:
- 3B6:Agalega & St Brandon:Af:53:39:+4:10S:57E:3b6:3B7
- 3B8:Mauritius:Af:53:39:+4:20S:58E:3B8:
- 3B9:Rodriguez Is:Af:53:39:+4:20S:63E:3b9:
- 3C:Equatorial Guinea:Af:47:36:-1:4N:9E:3C:
- 3C0:Pagalu:Af:52:36:-1:1S:6E:3c0:
- 3D2_C:Conway Reef:Oc:56:32:+12:22S:175E::3d2cr,3d2wv,3d2hl,3d2vt,3d2am
- 3D2_F:Fiji Is:Oc:56:32:+12:18S:178E:3D2:3d2xo,3d2qd,3d2io
- 3D2_R:Rotuma:Oc:56:32:+12:13S:177E::3d2xx,3d2rj,3d2xv,3d2xr,3d2ap
- 3D6:Swaziland:Af:57:38:+2:26S:31E:3D6:3da
- 3V:Tunisia:Af:37:33:+1:37N:10E:TS,3V:
- 3W:Vietnam:As:49:26:+7:11N:107E:XV,3W:
- 3X:Guinea:Af:46:35:+0:10N:14W:3X:
- 3Y_B:Bouvet:Af:67:38:+0:54S:3E:3y?b:
- 3Y_P:Peter I:An:72:12:-6:69S:91W:3y1ee:3y?p
- ; Watch out! 4J1 will be reallocated to Azerbaidjan as of Jan 1st 1993.
- 4J1:Malyj Vysotskij Is:Eu:29:16:+3:61N:29E:4j1:
- 4K2:Franz Josef Land:Eu:75:40:+3:81N:48E:4k2:Uv1oo,ua1o
- 4S:Sri Lanka:As:41:22:+5.5:7N:80E:4P-4S:g0luh/4s7@
- 4U_I:ITU Geneva:Eu:28:14:+1:46N:6E:4u#itu:
- 4U_U:UN HQ:NA:08:05:-5:41N:74W::4u1u,4u#un
- 4W*:Yemen Arab Rep:As:39:21:+3:15N:44E::
- 4X:Israel:As:39:20:+2:32N:35E:4X,4Z:
- 5A:Libya:Af:38:34:+2:33N:13E:5A:
- 5B:Cyprus:As:39:20:+3:35N:33E:C4,H2,P3,5B:
- 5H:Tanzania:Af:53:37:+3:7S:39E:5H-5I:
- 5N:Nigeria:Af:46:35:+1:6N:3E:5N-5O:
- 5R:Madagascar:Af:53:39:+3:19S:48E:5R-5S,6X:
- 5T:Mauritania:Af:46:35:-1:18N:16W:5T:
- 5U:Niger:Af:46:35:+1:14N:2W:5U:
- 5V:Togo:Af:46:35:+0:6N:1E:5V:
- 5W:Western Samoa:Oc:62:32:-11:14S:172W:5W:
- 5X:Uganda:Af:48:37:+3:0N:33E:5X:
- 5Z:Kenya:Af:48:37:+3:2S:37E:5Y-5Z:
- 6W:Senegal:Af:46:35:+0:15N:18W:6V-6W:
- 6Y:Jamaica:NA:11:08:-5:18N:77W:6Y:
- 7O:Yemen:As:39:21:+3:13N:45E:7O:4W
- 7O*:Kamaran Is:As:39:21:+3:15N:43E::VS9K
- 7O*:PDR Yemen:As:39:21:+3:13N:45E::
- 7P:Lesotho:Af:57:38:+2:29S:27E:7P:
- 7Q:Malawi:Af:53:37:+2:14S:34E:7Q:
- 7X:Algeria:Af:37:33:+0:37N:3E:7R,7T-7Y:
- 8P:Barbados:NA:11:08:-4:13N:60W:8P:
- 8Q:Maldive Is:As,Af:41:22:+5:4N:73E:8Q:
- 8R:Guyana:SA:12:09:-3.75:6N:58W:8R:
- 8Z4*:S Arabia/Iraq NZ:As:39:21:+3:29N:46E::
- 8Z5*:Kuwait/S Arabia NZ:As:39:21:+3:29N:48E::9K3
- 9A:Croatia:Eu:28:15:+1:45N:15E::9a
- 9G:Ghana:Af:46:35:+0:5N:0W:9G:
- 9H:Malta:Eu:28:15:+1:36N:15E:9H:
- 9J:Zambia:Af:53:36:+2:15S:28E:9I-9J:
- 9K:Kuwait:As:39:21:+3:29N:48E:9K:
- 9L:Sierra Leone:Af:46:35:+0:9N:13W:9L:
- 9M2:West Malaysia:As:54:28:+7.5:3N:102E:9m2:9M4,9w2,9w4
- 9M6:East Malaysia:Oc:54:28:+8:2N:110E:9M6:9m8,9w6,9w8
- 9N:Nepal:As:42:22:+5.5:28N:85E:9N:
- 9Q:Zaire:Af:52:36:+1:4S:15E:9O-9T:
- 9S4*:Saar:Eu:28:14:+1:49N:7E::
- 9U:Burundi:Af:52:36:+3:3S:29E:9U:
- 9U5*:Ruanda-Urundi:Af:52:36:+3:3S:30E::
- 9V:Singapore:As:54:28:+7.5:1N:104E:S6,9V:
- 9X:Rwanda:Af:52:36:+3:2S:30E:9X:
- 9Y:Trinidad & Tobago:SA:11:09:-4:11N:62W:9Y-9Z:
- ~~*:Blenheim Reef:Af:41:39:+5:7S:72E::
- ~~*:Geyser Reef:Af:53:39:+3:12S:46E::