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- /*
- * Center for Information Technology Integration
- * The University of Michigan
- * Ann Arbor
- *
- * Dedicated to the public domain.
- * Send questions to info@citi.umich.edu
- *
- * BOOTP is documented in RFC 951 and RFC 1048
- * Delinted, ANSIfied and reformatted - 5/30/91 P. Karn
- */
- #include <time.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "udp.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "internet.h"
- #include "domain.h"
- #include "rip.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "bootp.h"
- static int bootp_rx __ARGS((struct iface *ifp,struct mbuf *bp));
- static void ntoh_bootp __ARGS((struct mbuf **bpp,struct bootp *bootpp));
- static int mask2width __ARGS((int32 mask));
- #define BOOTP_TIMEOUT 30 /* Time limit for booting */
- #define BOOTP_RETRANS 5 /* The inteval between sendings */
- int WantBootp = 0;
- static int SilentStartup = 0;
- int
- dobootp(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct iface *ifp = NULLIF;
- struct socket lsock, fsock;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- struct udp_cb *bootp_cb;
- register char *cp;
- time_t now, /* The current time (seconds) */
- starttime, /* The start time of sending BOOTP */
- lastsendtime; /* The last time of sending BOOTP */
- int i;
- if(argc < 2) /* default to the first interface */
- ifp = Ifaces;
- else {
- for(i = 1; i != argc; ++i){
- if((ifp = if_lookup(argv[i])) != NULLIF)
- continue;
- else if(strncmp(argv[i], "silent", strlen(argv[i])) == 0)
- SilentStartup = 1;
- else if(strncmp(argv[i], "noisy", strlen(argv[i])) == 0)
- SilentStartup = 0;
- else {
- printf("bootp [net_name] [silent] [noisy]\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(ifp == NULLIF)
- return 0;
- lsock.address = ifp->addr;
- lsock.port = IPPORT_BOOTPC;
- bootp_cb = open_udp(&lsock,NULLVFP);
- fsock.address = ifp->broadcast;
- fsock.port = IPPORT_BOOTPS;
- /* Get boot starting time */
- time(&starttime);
- lastsendtime = 0;
- /* Send the bootp request packet until a response is received or time
- out */
- for(;;){
- /* Allow bootp packets should be passed through iproute. */
- WantBootp = 1;
- /* Get the current time */
- time(&now);
- /* Stop, if time out */
- if(now - starttime >= BOOTP_TIMEOUT){
- printf("bootp: timed out, values not set\n");
- break;
- }
- /* Don't flood the network, send in intervals */
- if(now - lastsendtime > BOOTP_RETRANS){
- if(!SilentStartup) printf("Requesting...\n");
- /* Allocate BOOTP packet and fill it in */
- if((bp = alloc_mbuf(sizeof(struct bootp))) == NULLBUF)
- break;
- cp = bp->data; /* names per the RFC: */
- *cp++ = BOOTREQUEST; /* op */
- *cp++ = ifp->iftype->type; /* htype */
- *cp++ = ifp->iftype->hwalen; /* hlen */
- *cp++ = 0; /* hops */
- cp = put32(cp,(int32) now); /* xid */
- cp = put16(cp, now - starttime);/* secs */
- cp = put16(cp, 0); /* unused */
- cp = put32(cp, ifp->addr); /* ciaddr */
- cp = put32(cp, 0L); /* yiaddr */
- cp = put32(cp, 0L); /* siaddr */
- cp = put32(cp, 0L); /* giaddr */
- memcpy(cp, ifp->hwaddr, ifp->iftype->hwalen);
- cp += 16; /* chaddr */
- memset(cp, 0, 64); /* sname */
- cp += 64;
- memset(cp, 0, 128); /* file */
- cp += 128;
- memset(cp, 0, 64); /* vend */
- cp += 64;
- bp->cnt = cp - bp->data;
- /* assert(bp->cnt == BOOTP_LEN) */
- /* Send out one BOOTP Request packet as a broadcast */
- send_udp(&lsock, &fsock,0,0,bp,bp->cnt,0,0);
- lastsendtime = now;
- }
- /* Give other tasks a chance to run. */
- pwait(NULL);
- /* Test for and process any replies */
- if(recv_udp(bootp_cb, &fsock, &bp) > -1){
- if(bootp_rx(ifp,bp))
- break;
- } else if(Net_error != WOULDBLK){
- printf("bootp: Net_error %d, no values set\n",
- Net_error);
- break;
- }
- }
- WantBootp = 0;
- del_udp(bootp_cb);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Process BOOTP input received from 'interface'. */
- static int
- bootp_rx(ifp,bp)
- struct iface *ifp;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- {
- int ch;
- int count;
- int32 gateway = 0;
- int32 nameserver = 0;
- int32 broadcast, netmask;
- struct route *rp;
- struct bootp reply;
- char *cp;
- if(len_p(bp) != sizeof(struct bootp)){
- free_p(bp);
- return 0;
- }
- ntoh_bootp(&bp, &reply);
- free_p(bp);
- if(reply.op != BOOTREPLY)
- return 0;
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf("Network %s configured:\n", ifp->name);
- if(ifp->addr == 0){
- Ip_addr = (int) reply.yiaddr.s_addr; /* yiaddr */
- ifp->addr = reply.yiaddr.s_addr; /* yiaddr */
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf(" IP address: %s\n",
- inet_ntoa(ifp->addr));
- }
- /* now process the vendor-specific block, check for cookie first. */
- cp = reply.vend;
- if(get32(cp) != 0x63825363L){
- printf("Invalid magic cookie.\n");
- return(0);
- }
- cp += 4;
- while(((ch = *cp) != BOOTP_END) && (++cp < (reply.vend + 64)))
- switch(ch){
- case BOOTP_PAD: /* They're just padding */
- continue;
- case BOOTP_SUBNET: /* fixed length, 4 octets */
- cp++; /* moved past length */
- /* Set the netmask */
- /* Remove old entry if it exists */
- netmask = get32(cp);
- cp += 4;
- rp = rt_blookup(ifp->addr & ifp->netmask,mask2width(ifp->netmask));
- if(rp != NULLROUTE)
- rt_drop(rp->target,rp->bits);
- ifp->netmask = netmask;
- rt_add(ifp->addr,mask2width(ifp->netmask),0L,ifp,0L,0L,0);
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf(" Subnet mask: %s\n", inet_ntoa(netmask));
- /* Set the broadcast */
- broadcast = ifp->addr | ~(ifp->netmask);
- rp = rt_blookup(ifp->broadcast,32);
- if(rp != NULLROUTE && rp->iface == ifp)
- rt_drop(ifp->broadcast,32);
- ifp->broadcast = broadcast;
- rt_add(ifp->broadcast,32,0L,ifp,1L,0L,1);
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf(" Broadcast: %s\n", inet_ntoa(broadcast));
- break;
- count = (int) *cp;
- cp++;
- if(Hostname != NULLCHAR)
- free(Hostname);
- Hostname = mallocw(count);
- strncpy(Hostname, cp, count);
- cp += count;
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf(" Hostname: %s\n", Hostname);
- break;
- case BOOTP_DNS:
- count = (int) *cp;
- cp++;
- while(count){
- nameserver = get32(cp);
- add_nameserver(nameserver);
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf(" Nameserver: %s\n", inet_ntoa(nameserver));
- cp += 4;
- count -= 4;
- }
- break;
- count = (int) *cp;
- cp++;
- gateway = get32(cp);
- /* Add the gateway as the default */
- rt_add(0,0,gateway,ifp,1,0,0);
- if(!SilentStartup)
- printf(" Default gateway: %s\n", inet_ntoa(gateway));
- cp += count;
- break;
- default: /* variable field we don't know about */
- count = (int) *cp;
- cp++;
- cp += count;
- break;
- }
- rt_add(ifp->addr,mask2width(ifp->netmask),0L,ifp,1,0,0);
- return(1);
- }
- static void
- ntoh_bootp(bpp, bootpp)
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- struct bootp *bootpp;
- {
- bootpp->op = pullchar(bpp); /* op */
- bootpp->htype = pullchar(bpp); /* htype */
- bootpp->hlen = pullchar(bpp); /* hlen */
- bootpp->hops = pullchar(bpp); /* hops */
- bootpp->xid = pull32(bpp); /* xid */
- bootpp->secs = pull16(bpp); /* secs */
- bootpp->unused = pull16(bpp); /* unused */
- bootpp->ciaddr.s_addr = pull32(bpp); /* ciaddr */
- bootpp->yiaddr.s_addr = pull32(bpp); /* ciaddr */
- bootpp->siaddr.s_addr = pull32(bpp); /* siaddr */
- bootpp->giaddr.s_addr = pull32(bpp); /* giaddr */
- pullup(bpp, bootpp->chaddr, 16); /* chaddr */
- pullup(bpp, bootpp->sname, 64); /* sname */
- pullup(bpp, bootpp->file, 128); /* file name */
- pullup(bpp, bootpp->vend, 64); /* vendor */
- }
- int
- bootp_validPacket(ip, bpp)
- struct ip *ip;
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- {
- struct udp udp;
- struct pseudo_header ph;
- int status;
- /* Must be a udp packet */
- if(ip->protocol != UDP_PTCL)
- return 0;
- /* Invalid if packet is not the right size */
- if(len_p(*bpp) != (sizeof(struct udp) + sizeof(struct bootp)))
- return 0;
- /* Invalid if not a udp bootp packet */
- ntohudp(&udp, bpp);
- status = (udp.dest == IPPORT_BOOTPC) ? 1 : 0;
- /* Restore packet, data hasn't changed */
- /* Create pseudo-header and verify checksum */
- ph.source = ip->source;
- ph.dest = ip->dest;
- ph.protocol = ip->protocol;
- ph.length = ip->length - IPLEN - ip->optlen;
- *bpp = htonudp(&udp, *bpp, &ph);
- return status;
- }
- /* Given a network mask, return the number of contiguous 1-bits starting
- * from the most significant bit.
- */
- static int
- mask2width(mask)
- int32 mask;
- {
- int width,i;
- width = 0;
- for(i = 31;i >= 0;i--){
- if(!(mask & (1L << i)))
- break;
- width++;
- }
- return width;
- }